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Boy, 12, stood on a pier 'laughing' as two girls he kicked into Bangkok canal drowned

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For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

For goodness sake - he was 12 years old - you can't teach a kid like that that people in water could drown, it's common sense.

In case you haven't noticed, Common Sense is becoming less and less common, no matter where one looks.

I agree with you completely about a general trend of lower basic common sense, worldwide.

However, bullies are famously stupid. My reading of this story is that he was a bully who was just tormenting two girls, push them into the dirty water, and stop them from getting out of the dirty water. I don't think he intended to kill them, he was just a typical violent bully. Bullies are stupid by nature, as there is no real long-term success gained from being a bully, it is all about short term power through tormenting others, which is really stupid when you think about it. But even the most stupid bully would not want to face murder charges, and so I do believe the deaths were not intended, just accidental effects of a very stupid cruel bully's actions.

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Tragic in every sense.

The first thing that sprang to mind when reading this was lack of adult supervision. Just about everyday I see kids playing unsupervised in places they shouldn't be. Thais just don't GET the dangers involved in putting kids on bikes without helmets, letting them play near busy roads, around soi dogs etc etc etc.... My neighbour told us her 14 month old baby loves sitting in the front of the car especially if he's on her lap and if she drives really fast!!!! How the f do you respond to such blatant stupidity?

Yes, maybe a pier should be safe but would I allow my kid, who couldn't swim, to play at the end of it? Nope...


Why do the words of sheriff John Brown come to my mind now.

But then again, in a civilised society that is not done.

Very sad, hope the families will find a way to cope and may the victims rest in peace.


So sad this happened close by me I'm at loss for words for the parents of the girls But have a lot to say to parents of the boy. I would go to jail for what I would say to that boy's parents.


Most Thai people cannot swim. Is this because swimming is only available to the rich? Not as far as I can see, there are many places to take your child swimming and for less that a hundred baht. Lots of schools have swimming classes. I don't understand why the majority can't swim. Is it the 'I don't want a suntan and have dark skin' that puts people off learning to swim?

I can offer two explanations,

Less than 100bht, 2 children, then a ticket for mum, that's a days wages or more for many Thais.

Need I also mention, more people who can swim drown while swimming, than the people who can't swim that fall in and drown.

So sad for the parents of the girls.

more people who can swim drown while swimming,

I am not disagreeing with you, but if someone can swim and is only a few mts from the shore, apart from any health reasons, or cramp, what is the chances of them drowning?


In my mind I do not believe the boy had any intent to kill the girls. He was messing around and thought pushing them into the water was 'funny'. He gave no thought to the consequences. I remember growing up when 2 of my school mates got into fight and when the one boy went down he hit his head on the curb. He was dead. Neither had any intent to kill but the boy who struck the blow went to juvenile detention for years. What separates those who bully, act out and harass from those that don't?

I believe the answer is a combination of things that children learn or do not learn when growing up. Some schools teach children right and wrong and how to act as part of the community; some parents do teach their children right and wrong and social skills; some who have religious leanings use the clergy as role models and attend church or religious school where morality is taught. Unfortunately, some children grow up now with no guidance and get knowledge from television or a smart phone which is all based upon a presentation of societal interactions in a cold and unflattering light because that is what sells. I believe children growing up today are faced with so many risks and challenges that it is a miracle there are not more of these incidents. Children do not understand or see the consequences of their actions. Parents trying to work several jobs in order to survive have no time to teach their children. Schools are underfunded and do not teach ethics and social skills like they once did; and religion has become suspect due to all the unsavory actions of the clergy. Throw in easily obtainable alcohol and drugs and we are now seeing the results .

This young man will never forget what happened and his responsibility for it. I hope he turns out better than my schoolmate who inadvertently killed another boy in the fight- he eventually ended up in a life of crime and a life sentence in prison.


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

I agree, the headline makes it out he stood there sadistically laughing while the girls flailed around and drowned, whereas the article says the drowning actually happened quite quickly. Likely (hopefully?) he was laughing at the fall into the water and the girls slipped under the surface before he even realised the gravity of the situation.

A terribly sad event either way. RIP to the two young girls.

Maybe, or perhaps he's a spiteful little bully who thinks the whole thing is a big laugh. Sadly many children are spoiled brats who think only of themselves these days. Doting parents who never admonish them whatever the behavior, inadequate education that doesn't teach cause and effect, critical thinking, social responsibility and accountability.

At a recent funeral up-country, some local kids were making a real nuisance of themselves. Noisy, running round, throwing soil and small stones at one another, pulling faces and laughing at people. An off duty local cop spoke to them several times but they only stopped when an old lady grabbed a stick and went over and threatened them. She was probably late sixties or seventies but they knew she meant business. Their parents - ignored the little darlings.

Two young girls of drowned. Empathy and sympathy to their families. Focus should be on the victims.


In my mind I do not believe the boy had any intent to kill the girls. He was messing around and thought pushing them into the water was 'funny'. He gave no thought to the consequences. I remember growing up when 2 of my school mates got into fight and when the one boy went down he hit his head on the curb. He was dead. Neither had any intent to kill but the boy who struck the blow went to juvenile detention for years. What separates those who bully, act out and harass from those that don't?

I believe the answer is a combination of things that children learn or do not learn when growing up. Some schools teach children right and wrong and how to act as part of the community; some parents do teach their children right and wrong and social skills; some who have religious leanings use the clergy as role models and attend church or religious school where morality is taught. Unfortunately, some children grow up now with no guidance and get knowledge from television or a smart phone which is all based upon a presentation of societal interactions in a cold and unflattering light because that is what sells. I believe children growing up today are faced with so many risks and challenges that it is a miracle there are not more of these incidents. Children do not understand or see the consequences of their actions. Parents trying to work several jobs in order to survive have no time to teach their children. Schools are underfunded and do not teach ethics and social skills like they once did; and religion has become suspect due to all the unsavory actions of the clergy. Throw in easily obtainable alcohol and drugs and we are now seeing the results .

This young man will never forget what happened and his responsibility for it. I hope he turns out better than my schoolmate who inadvertently killed another boy in the fight- he eventually ended up in a life of crime and a life sentence in prison.

What an inventive imagination.

We have no idea what this boy is like, what he was thinking or what he now feels. 12 years old - should no right from wrong. Everyone does silly things and accidents often happen because of those silly actions.

It may have been a silly prank that went wrong; or it may be he's a spiteful spoiled bully who does lots of hurtful things. Hopefully, the police will determine which.


Yes, children at age 12 should know right from wrong but that is exactly the problem- they do not for a variety of reasons. There are parents who just do not care and let their children run wild with no supervision. I have no idea behind the reason for this tragedy. However, every day I see young kids riding and racing on motorbikes; acting out in malls; drinking and using drugs and generally causing mischief. No police; no school authorities saying anything; parents not knowing or do not want to know. How do we expect children to become responsible adults when they have no exposure to what is right and what is wrong. It would appear to me the World is plagued by way too much irresponsibility and selfishness.


The lad probably had not much awareness as to the ramifications of what he was doing.

What an absolutely tragic case. R.I.P. young souls.

In pushing them in ....maybe not....but in stamping on their hands as they held to the edge and then kicking them away from the edge......

I do not know if the Thai press version is accurate but it puts a different perspective on things compared to the English version of the tragedy.

The two girls managed to grab the bank of the khlong, but the boy stomped on their fingers, causing them to slip under the surface. His youngest son cried when seeing his sisters fight for life and residents...

From another national newspaper.


The two girls managed to grab the bank of the khlong, but the boy stomped on their fingers, causing them to slip under the surface. His youngest son cried when seeing his sisters fight for life and residents...

From another national newspaper.

Irresponsible Thai children or worse in this case?

My 5 year Young is 100% Thai and I sometimes catch her doing irresponsible things, I do scold her when I see such behaviour, even my Thai wife does not understand how she sometimes acts. Bad genes?

I will not tolerate such behaviour and she knows that.

I can confirm I knew what I was doing age 10.

Age 6 I had a fight with a boy wearing glasses, he got hit in the eye when I punched him and I was in big trouble with my father and the boy's family.

Maybe I learned from that incident?


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

You having a laugh !!!!!!

Great theory. When did you become a philosopher for the growing armada of tv armchair enthusiasts? What a loada Bollo !!!! This was just some little psychotic runt who thought it funny to watch his friends die. Simple as that. Many child murderers laugh watching their victims suffer if you look back on cases in the UK for instance. You can't catagorise this as some mere game that went wrong. I think you'll find in days to come a more logic outcome than some accident my friend.

Just saying ......


I think there is nothing worse than losing your child, whatever the age.

My condolences to both families, they must be totally devastated.


Not the 1st time this has happened and won't be the last.

They practice their skills on animals and reptiles and then once their skills are honed, move on to humans, picking the weakest and those of lowest status.


Sounds like a prank gone bad

That would apply to a western kid, but this is ThaiVisa Forum and it's a Thai kid, so he's the Devil Incarnate and his Parents are his evil disciples.


Here's a quote from another paper: The younger brother said that as Piyapat tried to hold on to the pier for her life, the boy stomped on her hand. She was forced to let go and drowned along with Supawadee.

Kicking them into the water can be explained as bullying and not considering the consequences. Stomping on her hand when she was trying to get out is just plain evil.


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

Actually the brain's frontal lobe, where "cause & effect" is processed, is not fully developed until around the age of 20 y.o. Thus, children are literally mentally insufficient when it comes to thinking about the consequences of their actions.


Those who keep-advocating more violence are way out of line. It is violence which caused the problem. Too much of this thinking in the World/


For some reason, it appears that many people around the world do not understand the concept of cause and effect of their actions. I am sure he had no idea the girls were going to drown. He just thought it would be funny to see them in the water. This is the result of a growing trend in "education" around the world, where children are taught what to think and not how to think.

With your over-use of the words "around the world", it sounds like you are a true Thai apologist. Stop defending them!
A true Thai apologist for sure. All us farangs here are cool enough to realize that careless, thoughtless,irresponsible, disrespectful, insensitive, cruel violent and uneducated youngsters exist only in Thailand. Isn't that obvious, with the performance of many of these choirboys when they get old enough to join the infamous tourist sewers they've dug here?

The lad probably had not much awareness as to the ramifications of what he was doing.

What an absolutely tragic case. R.I.P. young souls.

Not good enough, at the very least this is manslaughter. Can you honestly find much mitigation?


Truly horrific story, even more so if the B-Post version is true. May the poor girls rest in peace.

On a different note: the high vertical concrete/iron banks of many of these klongs turns them into death traps for anyone unfortunate enough to fall in, potentially even for good swimmers. Having, at certain intervals and certainly at activity spots like piers, temples, playgrounds etc., stairs leading out of the water or even just simple handrails to hold on to till help arrives, could save lives (although admittedly not protect one from a psychopath trying to kick you back into the water). A (local) government that cares about public safety would not need much incitement to take such measures.

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