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Fish with pelvis built for walking discovered in Thailand


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Fish with pelvis built for walking discovered in Thailand
Blind, waterfall climbing cavefish has a pelvis and backbone similar to land vertebrates

It's a fish that swims, but one that can also walk like a land animal and is built like no other fish on Earth.

The blind, waterfall climbing cavefish Cryptotora thamicola is a distant relative of pet goldfish. It lives in fast-flowing streams and waterfalls in caves in Thailand. And its claim to fame is the unusual way it uses two front fins and two back fins to pull itself up steep rocks and waterfalls as the water rushes over them.

"They have fin structures unlike any fish that I have ever seen anywhere," said Brooke Flammang, a biologist at the New Jersey Institute of Technology who led the new discovery, in a YouTube video showing how the fish moves.

Full story: http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/walking-fish-1.3507464

-- CBCnews 2016-03-29

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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

Kinda proves again that most religions are totally false. Science rules, it is strange though that many otherwise smart people still believe in religion. Would probably be a lot less trouble in the world if there was no religion (we would have other things to fight over but at least they were real)

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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

Kinda proves again that most religions are totally false. Science rules, it is strange though that many otherwise smart people still believe in religion. Would probably be a lot less trouble in the world if there was no religion (we would have other things to fight over but at least they were real)

So Adam&Eve were fishes and the garden of eden was the sea?

Strange though how many well known scientists,believed in creation,rather than evoloution.


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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

Kinda proves again that most religions are totally false. Science rules, it is strange though that many otherwise smart people still believe in religion. Would probably be a lot less trouble in the world if there was no religion (we would have other things to fight over but at least they were real)

So Adam&Eve were fishes and the garden of eden was the sea?

Strange though how many well known scientists,believed in creation,rather than evoloution.


Funny page.. just the first scientist.. who was classified a heretic by the church for saying the earth revolved around the sun instead of the sun around the earth. He went for science not god.. plus.. big fact.. he was dead long before the evolution theory ever was created. Same as many others on that page cheesy.gif and you call them against the evolution theory a theory they can't possibly have even known to exists.

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ive seen these in a north west cave along with blind prawns. they can sense light as they moved away from our torches but they didnt have eyes. the cave was also full of biting spiders, 1 bit my face, and fungus spores which gave me a chest infection for 2 months so im in no hurry to return!

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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

Kinda proves again that most religions are totally false. Science rules, it is strange though that many otherwise smart people still believe in religion. Would probably be a lot less trouble in the world if there was no religion (we would have other things to fight over but at least they were real)

So Adam&Eve were fishes and the garden of eden was the sea?

Strange though how many well known scientists,believed in creation,rather than evoloution.


No, Adam & Eve are fictional characters in a book, and the Garden of Eden was a fictional place in the same book.

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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

The Thais knew about it, but hen they ate it.

Edited by klauskunkel
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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

Wow, good old TV, Thai bashing in the first few posts about a fish being discovered - never cease to disapoint

Your new here. Your views do not matter. remember that. The Thai Visa members will attack you if you disagree with their Thai bashing.

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clouds, too sunny, too rainy. Please comment once per day on any of the above. Or you cannot stay in the club.

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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

This evolution story all makes sense now. I've been in many bars in the UK and most men walking in from pub crawls have been accused of drinking like a fish !!!

Just saying .....

Edited by ScotBkk
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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

Kinda proves again that most religions are totally false. Science rules, it is strange though that many otherwise smart people still believe in religion. Would probably be a lot less trouble in the world if there was no religion (we would have other things to fight over but at least they were real)

So Adam&Eve were fishes and the garden of eden was the sea?

Strange though how many well known scientists,believed in creation,rather than evoloution.


Funny page.. just the first scientist.. who was classified a heretic by the church for saying the earth revolved around the sun instead of the sun around the earth. He went for science not god.. plus.. big fact.. he was dead long before the evolution theory ever was created. Same as many others on that page cheesy.gif and you call them against the evolution theory a theory they can't possibly have even known to exists.

Everyone needs a crutch.

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A creature was seen walking and was asked who are you?

the creature replied, i used to be a fish but now there is no

water, so now I am on the road to become a primate,

Wow, !

so you are now a fish out of water,

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Very strange news item. A 26 year old discovery about a walking type fish. Why is this interesting today? There are many known air breathing land travelling fishes. This one is only different by its fin structure. It does not have a pelvis, rather a thickening of bone structure in a similar position to animals with pelvi. It does not advance the evolution theory one jot. The are millions of fish species many of them unique in one way or another. A diversity that has been rapidly shrinking long before modern times. Diversity only seems to go one way.

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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

You haven't really got the grasp of evolution, have you. This is not a new species it's been around for millions of years.

There is no theory that proposes that man crawled out of the sea.

It may strike you as funny that foreigners "discovered" this fish but they didn't, the fish in that location has been documented by the Thais since the 1980s and it's still around as a protected species due to Thais and Thailand preserving the area in which it was found.

Edited by Scouse Twoccer
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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

The Thais knew about it, but hen they ate it.

or voted them into parliament.

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There are plenty of "birds" here in Thailand with a pelvis (real nice ones too!) and they can do lots of stuff with it.

The OP is about fish, not birds but your weak attempt at having a dig at Thai girls and humour falls flat because all birds have a pelvis. They can walk, you know?

Edited by Scouse Twoccer
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ive seen these in a north west cave along with blind prawns. they can sense light as they moved away from our torches but they didnt have eyes. the cave was also full of biting spiders, 1 bit my face, and fungus spores which gave me a chest infection for 2 months so im in no hurry to return!

Havn't grown fins have you?

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So there is a new breed of fish that maybe in a few hundred years will develop into having more than just find to crawl. Kind of proves the theory of evolution if you think about the theory where man originally crawled from the sea. It strikes me as funny though that a foreigner discovered and documented this fish instead of Thais.

Kinda proves again that most religions are totally false. Science rules, it is strange though that many otherwise smart people still believe in religion. Would probably be a lot less trouble in the world if there was no religion (we would have other things to fight over but at least they were real)

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