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Brutal Thai bodybuilder attacked and imprisoned young Bangkok student


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Nearly all body builders I've met would have been better seeing a shrink instead of going to the gym.

Serious issues with self-esteem amongst other things.

What is self esteem, tell me....Make money, great with family....What is it...?

Do l feel you have envy for a guy that has just kept in shape....Many women just pray to stay in shape but it is hard work...

Photos here today show that perhaps some have gone a step to far, for me perhaps they have...But I can tell you that doing 'sensible' weight stuff can prolong your life if your genes are in shape.

Just feeling good about who you are without all the steroids and the like.

Yeah... because hormones have absolutely nothing to do "how good you feel about yourself" right?

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She went back twice because she initially "had gone to his apartment in Ramkhamhaeng to do some cleaning to get money for her studies" and I am assuming that she hoped he would behave like a gentleman and continue to provide her with this much-needed income.

Maybe she hoped that his erratic behaviour was just a temporary thing, and she could continue to work for him, and maybe eventually things might turn into a happy relationship. Her only "mistakes" were wanting to work hard to earn college money from cleaning, and having hope that this big strong man would be a protector.

Obviously the crimes are attempted murder, extreme bodily harm, imprisonment, torture, sexual assault. The sentence should be life in prison with no chance of release.

She is probably the luckiest person of the year, her internal injuries were horrific and left untreated for two days, while the monster kept her chained up. I can't imagine how much she must have suffered in those two days. I am so very happy to read that she survived, and all my thoughts and prayers are with her for a swift and comfortable recovery. The strength she showed by escaping despite her injuries, was truly superhuman, a far greater physical feat than the bodybuilder could ever achieve. I believe that her inner strength will help her in the years to come, as she battles to overcome the post-trauma anxieties.

This is what I think. She also probably thought it would be a thrill working for a sort of celebrity, a known Thai bodybuilder. But I`m guessing he expected more and when the girl did not come across as quickly as he hoped then his sexual desires turned into anger and frustration.

May be the steroids or whatever he`s on have deranged his brain. The sooner this man is caught and taken out of society, the better.

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Very foolish young woman thinking she's found love with this Hulk of a Guy, probably thinking he is financially secure as well.

This may have been the case but the fame ain't worth the gain.

I hope she recovers as well as she can

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I'm a reformed many things to be honest - it's a long list.

There are no smart steroid users. That's like saying "smart heroin addict".

All bodybuilders are abusers. Taking drugs because they feel they are too small. Thing is - they will always feel they are too small because the issue is mental, not physical.

You said it yourself - they take drugs, then they take other drugs to mask the side effects. Real smart.

"All bodybuilders are abusers. Taking drugs because they feel they are too small. Thing is - they will always feel they are too small because the issue is mental, not physical."

Wow, how full of crap are you???

Maybe you should become a reformed bullshitter, and stop talking such garbage...

It is true.

Bodybuilders are mental midgets.

All the steroids in the world can't fix that.

I prefer bodybuilders over alcoholics.. was that not what you were.. I guess that must have damaged your brain. Also alcoholics are in general mental midgets.. escaping reality in a drink. Its quite rich all those comments from you. Id rather be a bodybuilder any day then a junkie like an alcoholic, one that is so weak he can't even handle his drink.

You forget that many bodybuilders don't use steroids and that bodybuilding does not only mean the top but even a Brat pit like body is build with bodybuilding. It all depends where you stop. Nobody wakes up looking like Arnold over night, and weight training / bodybuilding is the fastest way to get a good physique. (big or small).

Many people who comment on bodybuilders are usually people who can't take the time themselves to train their body and / or keep to a good healthy diet. Often either real skinny types or fat slobs.

That does not change that what this idiot has done should be punished and that he is as you say a mental midget (anyone abusing woman is)

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If that is him it explains a few things, he probably has money that is why his face was hidden.

Yeah. If he represents Thailand internationally then he's no recreational lifter. Though, it would be easier to catch him since he probably has a decent size circle of friend/trainers/associates/ppl that follow him. All spec though. Edited by Friendly Stranger
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When we lived in Pattaya,we had an acquaintance (i wont call him a friend) who was a body builder,He has been at it since it became popular for men to want to look like overgrown picnic bars.he is now 63.Of course his appearance attracted the Thai ladies,and he was fully aware of that.But he was nothing but trouble.Everywhere he went he would want to show off in front of his gf and put the fear of Christ into other 'normal' men.He has been find the 500 baht fine on numerous occasions for getting into it with other ferang's.As he has grown older he has developed a fear of losing his 'Adonis' like appearance.This fear has turned him into an insecure,morbid,creature.His present gf of 2 years has suffered all sorts of verbal abuse and assaults due to his temper.But she keeps going back.The steroids are available to him over the counter.But the other one he takes is a Testosterone capsule.It is also available to him in most Pharmacies.He takes these things with abandon and without dosage knowledge.He is also very vain (it goes with the aging problem) He shaved his head and hung around a bar called,The Dog's <deleted>,which also had a number of these monsters as regular's.They are all aging men with the same problem.They even had T shirts made that were easily torn,so that they could give the 'Hulk Hogan" effect,when flying into a rage.You know,ripping the T shirt. His gf used to to regale my then girlfriend (now wife) of continuous verbal and physical abuse.'Him always boxing me and he want sex to mutt' The only time she got any peace,was when he went,daily,to the gym for 5 hours. But she still went back.I had to ban him from our bar, I was terrified,ad i arranged to have a couple of motor bike taxi boys on hand.he never came in again(thank Buddha) It got to the stage where he was upsetting all the bars on our soi.The joke was that he would have to get the Bus to Sattahip to get a drink. I often wonder when i will hear of his demise due to a heart attack or that a woman has actually killed him.

What a life to lead!. just to prove that he's still in the game.If this is the result of the search for eternal youth...You can keep it.

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When we lived in Pattaya,we had an acquaintance (i wont call him a friend) who was a body builder,He has been at it since it became popular for men to want to look like overgrown picnic bars.he is now 63.Of course his appearance attracted the Thai ladies,and he was fully aware of that.But he was nothing but trouble.Everywhere he went he would want to show off in front of his gf and put the fear of Christ into other 'normal' men.He has been find the 500 baht fine on numerous occasions for getting into it with other ferang's.As he has grown older he has developed a fear of losing his 'Adonis' like appearance.This fear has turned him into an insecure,morbid,creature.His present gf of 2 years has suffered all sorts of verbal abuse and assaults due to his temper.But she keeps going back.The steroids are available to him over the counter.But the other one he takes is a Testosterone capsule.It is also available to him in most Pharmacies.He takes these things with abandon and without dosage knowledge.He is also very vain (it goes with the aging problem) He shaved his head and hung around a bar called,The Dog's <deleted>,which also had a number of these monsters as regular's.They are all aging men with the same problem.They even had T shirts made that were easily torn,so that they could give the 'Hulk Hogan" effect,when flying into a rage.You know,ripping the T shirt. His gf used to to regale my then girlfriend (now wife) of continuous verbal and physical abuse.'Him always boxing me and he want sex to mutt' The only time she got any peace,was when he went,daily,to the gym for 5 hours. But she still went back.I had to ban him from our bar, I was terrified,ad i arranged to have a couple of motor bike taxi boys on hand.he never came in again(thank Buddha) It got to the stage where he was upsetting all the bars on our soi.The joke was that he would have to get the Bus to Sattahip to get a drink. I often wonder when i will hear of his demise due to a heart attack or that a woman has actually killed him.

What a life to lead!. just to prove that he's still in the game.If this is the result of the search for eternal youth...You can keep it.

Sounds like a total tool, not the kind of guy I would even associate with. Not the kind of bodybuilders that I know, but I guess we all run in different circles. I hate all violence and avoid violent people, be they bodybuilders or drunks.

5 hours going to the gym.. sounds crazy to me.

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Steroids.....screws up their minds

What if i told you that even you have steroids in your body?

Duh......what if I told you Michael Jackson was still alive....

Nothing wrong with lifting weights and being fit, but pumping yourself

Full of illegal steroids and turning into a giant walnut is a sure sign of a mental problem.

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Animal or what.....

Definitely not a 'what', so I suppose that makes him an animal.

I find it difficult, in a case like this, to argue against an eye for an eye. Find an even bigger guy to knock the $hit out of him, give him a few days to recover, and more of the same, a few broken bones, blood loss and a lot of bruises.

He may learn from that, but if not, send in the big guy again.

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A bit off topic but I do tire of folk running guys down for improving their stature/physique...Below is a photo of my childhood hero, a colossus of a guy, 6'6" tall with a fabulous physique. But he wasn't born to look like that, he did weights to achieve it. He is now 88 years old...Some of you older guys will know who it is and how he became famous..


Looks like Clint Walker

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Animal yes, but she went back 2 times after being assaulted the first time...lack of common sense also.

How do you know. She was not in shock . Was you there. If she went back 100 times does that make physical abuse ok.

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I'm a reformed many things to be honest - it's a long list.

There are no smart steroid users. That's like saying "smart heroin addict".

All bodybuilders are abusers. Taking drugs because they feel they are too small. Thing is - they will always feel they are too small because the issue is mental, not physical.

You said it yourself - they take drugs, then they take other drugs to mask the side effects. Real smart.

"All bodybuilders are abusers. Taking drugs because they feel they are too small. Thing is - they will always feel they are too small because the issue is mental, not physical."

Wow, how full of crap are you???

Maybe you should become a reformed bullshitter, and stop talking such garbage...

It is true.

Bodybuilders are mental midgets.

All the steroids in the world can't fix that.

I prefer bodybuilders over alcoholics.. was that not what you were.. I guess that must have damaged your brain. Also alcoholics are in general mental midgets.. escaping reality in a drink. Its quite rich all those comments from you. Id rather be a bodybuilder any day then a junkie like an alcoholic, one that is so weak he can't even handle his drink.

You forget that many bodybuilders don't use steroids and that bodybuilding does not only mean the top but even a Brat pit like body is build with bodybuilding. It all depends where you stop. Nobody wakes up looking like Arnold over night, and weight training / bodybuilding is the fastest way to get a good physique. (big or small).

Many people who comment on bodybuilders are usually people who can't take the time themselves to train their body and / or keep to a good healthy diet. Often either real skinny types or fat slobs.

That does not change that what this idiot has done should be punished and that he is as you say a mental midget (anyone abusing woman is)

This is one of the most ignorant and insulting posts I've seen for a long time.

An alcoholic is not a junkie and is not weak. Alcoholism is a disease. Most alcoholics are very strong willed people.

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I'm a reformed many things to be honest - it's a long list.

There are no smart steroid users. That's like saying "smart heroin addict".

All bodybuilders are abusers. Taking drugs because they feel they are too small. Thing is - they will always feel they are too small because the issue is mental, not physical.

You said it yourself - they take drugs, then they take other drugs to mask the side effects. Real smart.

"All bodybuilders are abusers. Taking drugs because they feel they are too small. Thing is - they will always feel they are too small because the issue is mental, not physical."

Wow, how full of crap are you???

Maybe you should become a reformed bullshitter, and stop talking such garbage...

It is true.

Bodybuilders are mental midgets.

All the steroids in the world can't fix that.

I prefer bodybuilders over alcoholics.. was that not what you were.. I guess that must have damaged your brain. Also alcoholics are in general mental midgets.. escaping reality in a drink. Its quite rich all those comments from you. Id rather be a bodybuilder any day then a junkie like an alcoholic, one that is so weak he can't even handle his drink.

You forget that many bodybuilders don't use steroids and that bodybuilding does not only mean the top but even a Brat pit like body is build with bodybuilding. It all depends where you stop. Nobody wakes up looking like Arnold over night, and weight training / bodybuilding is the fastest way to get a good physique. (big or small).

Many people who comment on bodybuilders are usually people who can't take the time themselves to train their body and / or keep to a good healthy diet. Often either real skinny types or fat slobs.

That does not change that what this idiot has done should be punished and that he is as you say a mental midget (anyone abusing woman is)

This is one of the most ignorant and insulting posts I've seen for a long time.

An alcoholic is not a junkie and is not weak. Alcoholism is a disease. Most alcoholics are very strong willed people.

"Mental midgets", please explain this bizarre claim about alcoholics.

Edited by Sawan Chan 7
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It is true.

Bodybuilders are mental midgets.

All the steroids in the world can't fix that.

I prefer bodybuilders over alcoholics.. was that not what you were.. I guess that must have damaged your brain. Also alcoholics are in general mental midgets.. escaping reality in a drink. Its quite rich all those comments from you. Id rather be a bodybuilder any day then a junkie like an alcoholic, one that is so weak he can't even handle his drink.

You forget that many bodybuilders don't use steroids and that bodybuilding does not only mean the top but even a Brat pit like body is build with bodybuilding. It all depends where you stop. Nobody wakes up looking like Arnold over night, and weight training / bodybuilding is the fastest way to get a good physique. (big or small).

Many people who comment on bodybuilders are usually people who can't take the time themselves to train their body and / or keep to a good healthy diet. Often either real skinny types or fat slobs.

That does not change that what this idiot has done should be punished and that he is as you say a mental midget (anyone abusing woman is)

This is one of the most ignorant and insulting posts I've seen for a long time.

An alcoholic is not a junkie and is not weak. Alcoholism is a disease. Most alcoholics are very strong willed people.

Strange preference - body builders over alcoholics. In my experience, alcoholics have been more fun people to be friendly with, both active and recovered ones. Body builders are weirdos. Also, I agree what you say about alcoholics is very ignorant.

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Typical Thai (pussy) boy can't handle anyone saying "no" to him...so he resorts to physical abuse...has no ability to think things through and accept he is not wanted

You know what they say about making assumptions!

Rather a racist post ain't it?

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Typical Thai (pussy) boy can't handle anyone saying "no" to him...so he resorts to physical abuse...has no ability to think things through and accept he is not wanted

You know what they say about making assumptions!

Rather a racist post ain't it?

That only applies when ppl post about farangs in a degradatory way. If it's about non farangs like thais, chinese, blacks etc it is perfectly fine to make those assumptions and generalizations.

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Despite some posts being full of baloney the fact remains this guy is a dangerous moron and should be locked up ASAP until he can be tried in a court of law and convicted, with the result him having to spend many years behind bars.

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Sorry for her but article states draining blood from her lungs.

No sign of I.C.D. tubes. It takes days not minutes to drain from the lungs.


The intervention treatment of trauma induced pleural effusion is a relatively quick procedure. The patient was not there for surgery, cancer treatment, or the administration of medication. The fluid in this case was static and was not continuous. Had the poor girl been bleeding out, then yes, continuous drainage may have been needed.

It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to drain fluid from the lungs. This is what respiratory technicians do when they insert a suction tube into a patients lungs and vacuum out the fluid. The tube is an unpleasant experience for patients who feel great discomfort. I know, because I've been in the room many times when the procedure is done. Respiratory technicians pull out the excess mucous and other fluid to keep patients from drowning in their own fluids.

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This is one of the most ignorant and insulting posts I've seen for a long time.

An alcoholic is not a junkie and is not weak. Alcoholism is a disease. Most alcoholics are very strong willed people.

Strange preference - body builders over alcoholics. In my experience, alcoholics have been more fun people to be friendly with, both active and recovered ones. Body builders are weirdos. Also, I agree what you say about alcoholics is very ignorant.

There is a difference between body builders and ppl that exercise constantly and want to be stronger.

The sole purpose of body builders is just to be bigger. Point number 1 .

Once that is accomplished they need to make their body become more defined as in ripped.

I think a bigger person with an unripped body is considered superior to a person that looks smaller but with a more ripped body.

Also strength does not factor into body building at all. It is more about the looks than the performance. If you look like you can press 200 kilos compared to someone that looks like a slob but can actually do it then you are more highly rated in the body building world.

This is just to differentiate bodybuilders from fitness enthusiasts, power lifters etc. It's still a fact of life that you need to lift heavy weights to become and look more muscular but simply lifting heavy weights alone isn't what makes bodybuilders look what they look like.

Also all because you look like you can lift heavy weights does not mean you actually can. There are tons of ppl with less impressive physiques than bodybuilders that can lift more than t

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Sorry folks you do not get small cells with only 8 prisoners here.

One cell 100 prisoners.

Whatever possessed the girl to go back more than once?

Sorry for her but article states draining blood from her lungs.

No sign of I.C.D. tubes. It takes days not minutes to drain from the lungs.

is it possible the tube(s) are under the gown and the pleurivac towards the foot of the bed?

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Sorry for her but article states draining blood from her lungs.

No sign of I.C.D. tubes. It takes days not minutes to drain from the lungs.


The intervention treatment of trauma induced pleural effusion is a relatively quick procedure. The patient was not there for surgery, cancer treatment, or the administration of medication. The fluid in this case was static and was not continuous. Had the poor girl been bleeding out, then yes, continuous drainage may have been needed.

It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to drain fluid from the lungs. This is what respiratory technicians do when they insert a suction tube into a patients lungs and vacuum out the fluid. The tube is an unpleasant experience for patients who feel great discomfort. I know, because I've been in the room many times when the procedure is done. Respiratory technicians pull out the excess mucous and other fluid to keep patients from drowning in their own fluids.

story says blood was drained from lungs. that means traumatic hemothorax that may have also had pneumothorax. in such cases the chest tube is left in and connected to negative pressure to continuously drain blood, air, fluids. serial chest xrays are followed and the tube is removed when stable resolution is seen. a traumatic hemothorax is different from say tapping and draining a known chronic-recurrent pleural effusion such as that associated with cancer in which case it is a one stick and remove procedure.

suctionaing respiratory secretions is a completely different entity

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