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Editing By The Mystery Mod.


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"Ms.Wannee (Araminta ) Jitrattanasuk

**edited*** personal details removed"

One of the mods is editing posts without leaving their name and the reason for editing.

Can this be taken up with said mod as the poster may like to contact the mod by PM for whatever reason?

Cheers :o

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I suppose that running a much appreciated website like 'Thaivisadotcom' is not always easy.

Especially with the many 'bashing/attacks' and 'nonsense' comments in/on so many topics.

During the past months it certainly must have been 'walking on eggs' and VERY difficult for the administration and Mods to keep all things streamlined in order not to violate the country rules, so to speak.

It would however be more stylish to 'edit' a certain comment/message by anyone with the reason and name of the Mod/Administration.

It happened before that a topic is closed without any explanation.

In the past it also happened that messages disappeared without telling the poster as of WHY this happened.

That's not real democratic and isn't it just that what we all wish for ?

Just my thoughts.

Thank you for your attention.


Edited by LaoPo
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Udon, please PM me with a link and details of the thread/post and I will look into it for you.

As far as other discussions and/or criticism of moderation on the forum, they are not up for discussion.

From the Forum Rules:

Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum.


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