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Fiancee Visa


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Ok ladies and Gentlemen

This is my first post and I am as nervous as a fish is out of water!

I went to Thailand at the end of January this year for three weeks; I spent 3 nights in Bangkok and then headed down to Pattaya, as I was a rookie I had not yet been with a girl, I was enjoying the vast difference between the UK and Thailand it overwhelmed me.

On my second night in Pattaya I was in a restaurant with the guys I went with to Thailand, when I notice a girl sitting a couple of tables away with a friend.

She and I caught each others eyes and I tell you it was love at first sight for the both of us.

I spoke to her and asked her if she would join us for a drink they both joined us and we had a great evening.

I arranged to meet her the next day and sure enough she arrived where we had arranged to meet.

We spent the next few days in Pattaya renting a motor cycle and just cruising around. Then came the day we had to pack up and go back to Bangkok to pick up a 7 seater car, for we were then driving to Phuket and Koh Samui.

I asked her to join us and to my amazement she replied yes, so we went off and done a lot of touring around falling very much in love with each other.

Then all too soon the time comes, that dark cloud descends the heart break of all heart breaks returning home.

When I returned we phoned every day sent emails two or three times a week outlining our love for each other to be of one heart.

Through work commitments it was not easy to get back out there to see her, but at the beginning of October I went back for a further three weeks, the reason to see her and reconfirm that our relationship. From day one the relationship was confirmed I indeed loved this girl with every cell in my body, and I know that she felt the same there was definitely chemistry between us.

We travelled by plane this time to Phuket, Chang Mai and Tak her home town. I met her Mama, Papa and Brother.

We then went to Pattaya and on the 17th of October I purchased an engagement ring and asked her to marry me, naturally she said yes and I am the happiest man in the world. That is until that cloud came down again and I had to return home on the 20th.

We call each other every day email every day text every day god knows how we find anything to talk about being in contact so often but we do. Our main topic and the reason I am writing this is that I am intending to apply for a fiancée visa with the intention of marriage in late June or early July 2007.

I have a good job where I have been employed by the same company now for just over four years, looking after people with mental illness and drug and alcohol addiction.

I rent a property from a housing association the letting agreement is for two people; I will have no problem in producing a letter to confirm this.

I understand that she will not be entitled to work until we receive a two year visa extension of leave to remain as my wife. I can confirm that I do have the funds and earnings to be able to take care of her.

Things I plan to have in place for her before she arrives

I plan to have met people from the Thai community and make arrangements for her to be able to go speak and get help and advice with Thai people already in the UK.

I have already begun this process I am meeting a representative on Wednesday 4th November.

I will also find out the nearest temples for her to visit, and what traditions and festivals large or small that take place here in England.

I am aware that she is not entitled to national health treatment so I will be taking out a private health care plan for her and me.

I will also take out a life insurance policy just in case anything should happen to me so she will not be left without funds.

I can also arrange for her to go to the adult education agency for the purpose of learning English, written and spoken. She can speak English quite well, so it will be her choice if she wishes to attend. I intend to learn Thai by the same means but I feel I will be more successful at this once she is here.

I intend to be with her at the interview she has for the visa in Bangkok to support her and to show that we are indeed committed to each other.

I love her with all my heart, and my intention is to ensure that I do everything I can in a correct and positive way that reflects our commitment to each other, so that we can be together our future.


I have read in your forum that using a visa company is a waist of money as all my answers can be answered here.

Although she can speak English quite well she does have difficulty reading English, especially when it comes to long words or words that are used in a context she cannot understand, which would mean that form filling would be a problem for her. So for my own piece of mind knowing that there is someone out there taking care of all the legal issues does give me a sense of.

I have not yet instructed the visa company to start, I contacted the British embassy in London for advice and I received a phone call from a man last night who informed me to contact the British consulate in Bangkok as this is where the application would be made. When the time comes for the two year extension visa with her being my wife and she is living in England he can help in this.

I have sent an email to the consulate in Bangkok last night so I do not expect a reply for some time yet.

So that’s it basically I am open to all advice you can throw at me, I am as nervous as hel_l the fear of being turned down is somewhat a nightmare.

We do have a strong relationship we are very much committed to each other, and I can not live without her.

To answer the question should anyone ask I do not have the funds to move out to Thailand, I have savings but not enough that would set us up, we would be poor by the end of a couple of years.



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If you have read this forum extensively you will know that the path your embarking on is fraught with dangers, disappointment and heart break.

I can only advise to proceed with extreme caution, to check out your fiancée’s background, and her family as much as you possibly can - especially her brother - and keep your eyes and ears open, trust your head , not your heart if anything does not completely add up. Don't accept convoluted explanations at face value.

The sad fact is, that if she turns out to be everything you now believe her to be, she is a very rare specimen indeed. It’s possible, but unlikely.

Good luck, and take care. :o

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If you have read this forum extensively you will know that the path your embarking on is fraught with dangers, disappointment and heart break.

I can only advise to proceed with extreme caution, to check out your fiancée’s background, and her family as much as you possibly can - especially her brother - and keep your eyes and ears open, trust your head , not your heart if anything does not completely add up. Don't accept convoluted explanations at face value.

The sad fact is, that if she turns out to be everything you now believe her to be, she is a very rare specimen indeed. It’s possible, but unlikely.

Good luck, and take care. :o

This reply from Mobi is very accurate .. the operative phrase here 'proceed with caution' .. take heed and good luck :D

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You don't mentioned what line of work your fiancee was in/ is in? It must be remarkably flexible for her to up and off on a tour about the country, especially with the relative stranger you were when you first met. How does she support herself in between these outings? If its not in a regular job or is at all related to the bar trade, I wonder why the British Embassy in Bangkok would not think she's playing you along to get to the U.K.? It's a popular and often successful ruse, which is why the visa-issuing process is so tough and why the responses to you so far are so sceptical. Take heed.

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Hi .it aint easy to get a visa as they think that she will not return to thailand,if she has land or money to return to you stand a prety good chance.AS for attending interview at embassy you can't They will want to no the ins and outs of your relationship.Proof i.e phots ,letters.etc

good luck but be prepared for a tense time

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Lots of negative stuff there, have a good read through the visas and migaration for other countrys thread very carefully and do some heavy research into thailand, thai girls and how exceptionally good they are at making us unsuspecting westerners fall in love with them! and sorry to say thats probably why she was where she was in the first place,

however that said they are truly fascinating little lasses!

as i said do your research before you enter the long twisty road of getting her a visa!!

goodluck mate


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Maybe you should qualify exactly what you are asking for here. Do you want Visa advice? In which case you need to ask in the visa forum. Or are you asking us for comments about your whirlwind romance?

If it is the latter, then my advice is as the previous posts - Be very careful. Read some books, read every forum you can find, talk to her about what she really wants, what will be expected of you and what you will expect from her. You sound as if you have the logistics in place and you have a good idea of the realities of the situation so, apart from being blinded by love, you may well be ok.

I wish you well.


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