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Thailand's new TV rules to check sexual violence


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Thailand's new TV rules to check sexual violence
Ana Salva

Many soap operas are adapted from Thai novels in which rape of female protagonists is commonplace.

BANGKOK: -- Nitipan Wiprawit was watching television with his family when the soap opera plotline that he detests appeared once again on screen: a man bribes a hotel clerk to trick the woman he loves into thinking that there's only one vacant room.

In the hotel room, the man tries to force her to have sex. Comical music plays in the background making light of the situation. By the series' end, they fall in love.

Thailand's prime-time soap operas often depict sexual harassment and rape as a way to seduce or woo a woman, or as punishment for bad behaviour.

Full story: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/03/thailand-tv-rules-check-sexual-violence-160331143331601.html

-- Al Jazeera 2016-04-01

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Its a start.

These soaps often show solving arguments, differences of opinion or financial disputes with guns and knives being depicted as the normal way to behave as well? Might wana address those as well while they're at it.

Edited by Pomthai
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"Many soap operas are adapted from Thai novels in which rape of female protagonists is commonplace."

Great message to be sending out to young people watching the soaps...."Rape is sex, and sex is love".

Is it any wonder why there hasn't been a reduction in sexual violence in Thailand?

And as far as reporting rape to the police and having a fair trial to bring the rapists to justice...What makes anyone think that the police and judges aren't buying into this warped sense of values and don't consider rape as being rape?

Edited by jaltsc
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Rape is accepted here on a day to day basis and unless a story goes BIG on social media for some reason then the victim will get little or no help whatsoever from family or the authorities.

The majority of Soaps on Thai TV depict violence and rape as normal family/friend behavior, so how do they expect 'The People' to act in a civilised way in every day life ?

The Man supposedly 'running' the country has more power than anyone would ever need to stop these programs airing and yet what does he do about it ?

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not just soap operas, the government might also need to see the amount of facebook Youlike videos on teenage girls fighting in their school uniforms thinking its cool to capture it on video n post it. And also teenage girls dancing in sleezy videos to dance music. they r getting influenced by social media in a very wrong way...

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