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Donald Trump now says abortion laws should not be changed


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Donald Trump now says abortion laws should not be changed

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump now says abortion laws should not be changed.

It's the latest shift for the Republican presidential front-runner on an issue that's caused him grief since he said earlier in the week there should be "some form of punishment" for women who get abortions if the procedure is outlawed.

He backed off that remark under fierce criticism, saying if abortion were no longer legal, those who perform abortions should be penalized, not the women who have them.

Now he's shifted again, in a "Face The Nation" interview being broadcast Sunday.

In an excerpt broadcast Friday on CBS, Trump said about abortion: "The laws are set. And I think we have to leave it that way."

He declined several times to say whether he thinks abortion is murder. Asked if he disagrees with those who consider the procedure to be murder, he said, "No, I don't disagree with it."

His spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, said Trump meant that abortion laws won't change until he's president. "Then he will change the law through his judicial appointments and allow the states to protect the unborn," she said. That's not a distinction he made in the interview.

The abortion-rights group NARAL Pro-Choice America responded partly tongue-in-cheek to Trump's comment that abortion laws should be left alone. "Donald Trump has seen the light," the group said in a statement, quickly adding, "April Fools."

The group's president, Ilyse Hogue, said Trump's grasp of abortion policy has been "all over the place this week" but added, "We know that misogyny would rule in a Trump White House, and that never bodes well for reproductive health care or advancing women's equality."

Trump has hit a rough patch in his campaign as he heads into the Wisconsin primary Tuesday. His campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, this week was charged with simple battery, accused of grabbing a reporter's arm.

"I think I've had many bad weeks and I've had many good weeks," Trump said in the interview Friday. "I don't see this as the worst week in my campaign."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-02

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..".he will change the law through judicial appointments "... ? that is not how it is done, even his handelers are crazy. Ironicly, " liberal activist judges" is one of the talking points of the republican rant. Rather hipocritical but at this point it doesn't matter what he says, it is all about emotion and loathing.... we are doomed... how I wish Hunter S. Thompson were here to make sense of it all.

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Headlines you will never see in TVF:

Hillary Now Says 1994 Crime Bill was Wrong

Bernie Sanders Now Says Immigration Enforcement is Evil

Ted Cruz Now Says Big Bankers Such as His Wife Should be Stopped

John Kasich Now Says No to Fracking in State Parks

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With the week the orange man with a muppet on his head has had, I think we are seeing the death throes.

-his campaign manager hit with assault charges

-renouncing his pledge to back others if nominated

-saying women should be punished for abortions

-his moronic statements regarding nuclear proliferation which told everyone loud and clear he has no clue about international matters

No The Donald is going to continue his egotistical rampage through the GOP to the point of an independent candidacy in November which will hand the election to HRC.

Go Trump ! You dumbass.

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Trump would not be the first person to touch a third rail because he/she did not tread carefully on such topics as abortion. These topics are just pregnant with unseen problems; better to avoid them are steer a steady course. A wise man would have chosen to steer clear rather then look at the primary numbers, and choose to quickly race to the right... ah, back to center, I mean... left. If Trump is so wise (as I hope he is) why on earth would he allow those around him to suggest this would have been a good thing, or not to have advised him specifically on this topic? If they did, and he is so wise, why did he not listen. An 18 y/o could have predicted abortion traps in the working.

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Trump made a mistake which shows he isn't a politician. He answered a hypothetical question and you NEVER do that. The correct answer would have been "but that's not the case now, is it."

However, some of us don't want a politician.

The question was something like "IF abortion was illegal, should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" Trump's reaction was that anyone breaking the law should be punished - again a rookie mistake. He should have said "but it isn't illegal".

He'll learn.

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well he will never learn he is a buffoon. just wonder if his advisors are also brain dead. every time he opens his big gob, he puts his foot in it. wake up America

Edited by mercman24
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I have no problem with any politician who actually changes their mind. The problem with Trump is that he might change his mind after he launches a nuclear bomb.

Credo....don't worry. They have a destruct button.

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Well, one advantage to HRC's winning the General Election will be that everyone can go back to sleep...business as usual....Wall St breathes a sigh of relief and the military/industrial complex submits its ideas for the newest weapons of mass destruction.

Welcome to Clintonland.

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Trump made a mistake which shows he isn't a politician. He answered a hypothetical question and you NEVER do that. The correct answer would have been "but that's not the case now, is it."

However, some of us don't want a politician.

The question was something like "IF abortion was illegal, should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" Trump's reaction was that anyone breaking the law should be punished - again a rookie mistake. He should have said "but it isn't illegal".

He'll learn.

He'll learn. Maybe, but probably only after having pissed off half the planet, having nuked a couple countries and started a couple wars, getting a couple million people killed. But hey, no biggie, the important thing is that he'll learn.

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Trump made a mistake which shows he isn't a politician. He answered a hypothetical question and you NEVER do that. The correct answer would have been "but that's not the case now, is it."

However, some of us don't want a politician.

The question was something like "IF abortion was illegal, should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" Trump's reaction was that anyone breaking the law should be punished - again a rookie mistake. He should have said "but it isn't illegal".

He'll learn.

Well this is just an extraordinary position. So in Trump what we have is a President in waiting with training wheels on. This is exactly why Trump is the worst candidate for President. You simply cannot have an inexperienced buffoon bumbling around the world causing crisis after crisis because he simply does not have the political skills to deal with complex issues.

'He'll learn'? are you kidding me?

Give me strength.

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More to the point which way is the wind blowing today??? gigglem.gif

Forget what he said yesterday, since then he has probably been to sleep, woke up, changed his shirt, trousers, vest, socks, underpants and mind at lest once...

Edited by Basil B
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Trump made a mistake which shows he isn't a politician. He answered a hypothetical question and you NEVER do that. The correct answer would have been "but that's not the case now, is it."

However, some of us don't want a politician.

The question was something like "IF abortion was illegal, should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" Trump's reaction was that anyone breaking the law should be punished - again a rookie mistake. He should have said "but it isn't illegal".

He'll learn.

Well this is just an extraordinary position. So in Trump what we have is a President in waiting with training wheels on. This is exactly why Trump is the worst candidate for President. You simply cannot have an inexperienced buffoon bumbling around the world causing crisis after crisis because he simply does not have the political skills to deal with complex issues.

'He'll learn'? are you kidding me?

Give me strength.

Trump is not a career politician with ready made politically correct answers so he is the disdain of many. To his supporters that's what appeals, anyway they don't really care what he says. He never really thought the question through and he should have a position, that's his political naivety. He like a a chameleon and changes his position on advice the same day and shoots himself in the foot. Hillary however is a chameleon too and changes her position by stealth over the years to what has most appeal. All politicians lie and obfuscate, some are more skilled and seasoned than others and cover their tracks better with a cloak of morality.

I doubt if he makes candidate elect, his political bosses will freeze him out because he might rearrange the furniture in Washington and upset their cosy seats of power. They're nervous. If by some fluke he ends up in the White House, he will end up a pussy castrated by Congress. No fingers on buttons, he's all electioneering bluster which is all liberty compared to reality and demands of the job as POTUS.

Too many enjoy the melodramatic sensationalism and dedicate screes of hype to what they "imagine" will definitely be and without a doubt will come to pass under Trump's management including WW3. How do they know? Well they don't actually but they sure as hell get their jollies from their own alarmist horror show basically because they are anti GOP first and Trump all too obligingly fits their stereotype and they can't believe their luck.

Oh and in case you are wondering, don't try to fit me up as leftwing loony or rightwing nutjob as is usually the case from those who want neat and tidy simplistic solutions on TVF. I am not a supporter of Trump, never was a supporter of GWB, but I am determined to remain objective not being a US citizen. America politics would you believe, and if you think about it, has more important issues to deal with than Trump, but nobody could really give a toss about that because (hey! and wow!) we have Trump and it's great! Who can be the most outrageous and sound the most clever in damning him and counting up their 'likes'? Join the competition. Whoopeedoo

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Trump made a mistake which shows he isn't a politician. He answered a hypothetical question and you NEVER do that. The correct answer would have been "but that's not the case now, is it."

However, some of us don't want a politician.

The question was something like "IF abortion was illegal, should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" Trump's reaction was that anyone breaking the law should be punished - again a rookie mistake. He should have said "but it isn't illegal".

He'll learn.

So much for, "The Donald tells it like it is."


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How come the USA at every election comes up with the choice of clowns, idiots, actors, criminals and dumb asses?

the answer possibly lies in Hollywood.

The US just doesn't have the quality politicians like, Merkel and Junker, & Co. .

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My advice to Donald is to stay away from interviews and keep his mouth shut until after the nomination. He must know every time he makes a statement he puts his foot in it. I speak as someone who really wants him to get through, Cruz is boring but Donald is entertaining and a wonderful buffoon. Let's keep the circus going as long as possible.

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My advice to Donald is to stay away from interviews and keep his mouth shut until after the nomination. He must know every time he makes a statement he puts his foot in it. I speak as someone who really wants him to get through, Cruz is boring but Donald is entertaining and a wonderful buffoon. Let's keep the circus going as long as possible.

He needs to do as Hillary has done and make himself less accessible to the media and control the interview terms when he does appear.. He has been live 24/7 on every network available for months now

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My advice to Donald is to stay away from interviews and keep his mouth shut until after the nomination. He must know every time he makes a statement he puts his foot in it. I speak as someone who really wants him to get through, Cruz is boring but Donald is entertaining and a wonderful buffoon. Let's keep the circus going as long as possible.

He needs to do as Hillary has done and make himself less accessible to the media and control the interview terms when he does appear.. He has been live 24/7 on every network available for months now

But it translates into a couple of billions of dollars for Brand Trump.

I can see another reality show hitting the airwaves in 2017.

I think it will be called "Get him out" or "Believe me".

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Headlines you will never see in TVF:

Hillary Now Says 1994 Crime Bill was Wrong

Bernie Sanders Now Says Immigration Enforcement is Evil

Ted Cruz Now Says Big Bankers Such as His Wife Should be Stopped

John Kasich Now Says No to Fracking in State Parks

Regardless of all the pre-election theatrics, the name of the next Oval Office tenant has already been decided upon anyway, whistling.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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My advice to Donald is to stay away from interviews and keep his mouth shut until after the nomination. He must know every time he makes a statement he puts his foot in it. I speak as someone who really wants him to get through, Cruz is boring but Donald is entertaining and a wonderful buffoon. Let's keep the circus going as long as possible.

He needs to do as Hillary has done and make himself less accessible to the media and control the interview terms when he does appear.. He has been live 24/7 on every network available for months now

But it translates into a couple of billions of dollars for Brand Trump.

I can see another reality show hitting the airwaves in 2017.

I think it will be called "Get him out" or "Believe me".

I actually thought he originally threw his hat in the ring more for the personal PR and maybe another TV show but then got himself boxed into a corner by circumstances he didn't expect.

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They may be the the most powerful nation in the world but they are certainly the most ignorant, uneducated and racist nation of all.

A very very very small minority of Americans have these views. I would never afflict the entire Nation with the views of a small minority of looney far right Republicans. That would be grossly unfair. Americans as a whole are very decent people. The protests against Trump show that they object strongly to his hateful views. The General Election Polls show he doesn't have a chance on Earth of becoming President meaning the vast majority of the American People totally reject his views. In fact the his own Party would like nothing better if Trump spontaneously combusted.

He doesn't have a chance of becoming President in spite of the people's vote.The candidate with the most delegates will not necessarily win. If he doesn't make the first ballot (1237 delegates) then they can vote for whoever they want. If no candidate reaches 1237, the establishment selects the nominee, not the people so your vote is meaningless.Trump will be rejected by his party regardless of whether or not " the vast majority of the American People totally reject his views" whether you like Trump or not is immaterial, it's an undemocratic vote. I agree with you that Americans on the whole are decent people, but the system is not IMHO

Edited by Linzz
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