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Physical Brawl in South Pattaya Parking Lot


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Thais need to learn not to bite the hand that feeds them.

These are parking lot attendants we're talking about here. You seriously think they'd understand and give a damn about tourism and its relation to the economy?

Sigh. Next time I'll shake my head at the toilet attendant for not having stocked up on tissue paper. She's mistreating tourists and "biting the hand that feeds them".

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This was probably a parking lot with no barriers. Why didn't he just give the guy 60 baht through the window

and then drive off?.

These type of situations are easy to get out of without fighting. It only escalates when you start acting aggressively.

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Just recently I went to park my car in Soi Expat, Patong. There is a piece of level ground amongst demolished buildings at the end of the soi. It was about midday and the parking attendant came down on his bike - long hair, dressed like a vagrant. I paid my THB 60 and he told me to move the car from a normal parking spot to the waste ground. I did and went in nose first. He then cycled cycled up and told me to reverse park it in the same spot ...... in the waste ground. That was a bit too much .... getting screwed around by this guy. So I told him to return the THB 60 and shove his parking. He did and went to Jungceylon for free. Scum bags never learn and they shall be forever parking attendants for the rest of their lives.

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That 40 baht overcharge really stings.

Normal person would have paid the extra 40 baht, and not returned again.. Iv been stung in Russia, many a times, parking cost about 20 Euro, they decided 50 was more like it, why argue, you cant win !!

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you didnt bother reading it, did you? he always paid 60bt then they tried 100bt. im sure if they told him upfront he would have told them to shove it.

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One of the first things I learned after arriving Thailand was to never upset a parking attendant, especially the "unofficial" ones. A few scratches on your car could cost you thousands of Baht to fix. Pay the requested fee or go elsewhere.

Absolutely.............60 baht is the parking fee the extra 40 baht is to help the parking attendant maintain his essential equipment in good working order e.g. whistle,without this proper parking becomes a farce cheesy.gif

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Cheap Charlie's. Pay up or park some where free. Then walk a few kilometres to your destination.

It might make you a fitter person.....

I live in Thailand and there are things that I don't like.

but you live with it and except it.

But in England there even more things that I don't like,

that's why I settled for the land smiles

Edited by bluemoonpattaya
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Come on - its fairly easy to make an assumption of what happened here...

(Read 'assumption' - because I really have no idea what happened, but having faced similar situations numerous times I can make a guess)

The Parking Lot has 'acquired' an attendant - someone who's taken it upon himself to charge those parking. He's been doing it for so long that its become the norm, his sense of entitlement kicks in, its become the norm for him, the norm of the owners of the parking lot, the norm for those parking there.....

This sense of entitlement increases, the parking attendant feels he deserves more for his hard work and decides to increase prices.

Most people probably pay the increase to avoid confrontation and / or to avoid damage to their car while they are away.

The parking attendants sense of entitlement is thus vindicated... Until someone objects and he gets upset because someones 'called him out'... of course, lacking the emotional tools to handle this, he becomes aggressive / violent.

Now: I'm not saying that this has happened but I've seen this very example happen many times. I've seen tires slashed (a girl who refused to pay the 'parking attendant on the street').... its extortion, you are not paying to park, you are paying not to have your car damaged.

I've seen how my FIL handles it, he pays the going rate (in BKK its 20 baht), if the Parking attendant complains he tells the attendant that in no uncertain terms he'll have him (my FIL) to deal with should anything happen to the car (it works better when its a Merc with 4 repeated numbers !).

From what I've noticed - the car parks in the day time are marked with signs etc... there is no ambiguity - Its at night time when the 'chancers' come out. Its like begging, under the premise of protecting your car, but the sense of entitlement kicks in and these parking guys start to believe its their right to receive payment for someone else parking on someone else's land, or the side of the road on 'their patch'.....

Unfortunately its the 'way it is' because not enough people do anything about its... path of least resistance is often followed which involves paying 20 baht - however, when the 'increase' kicks in, people will start to complain and we will see more of this.

It now seems the Norm in Pattaya is 60 baht... and its being pushed up to 100 Baht.

Well... Either all of the above - OR it was an Official / Real Car park and the Russian was simply objecting to the increase.

Who or what is a FIL?

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Why do they even talk to the guard ? I park anywhere I want and don't even turn my head if they call me. Cannot stand these greedy lowso anymore.

Perhaps because a car is difficult to drive without wheels, tyres, etc.

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Ripping your tourists off again

Assaulting your tourists again how nice. bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

The story doesn't say who assaulted who.

Thank you for pointing that out maoro. It's refreshing to see that there are still a few people around who believe in presumption of innocence.

You do realize, of course, that you are making this sensible remark of yours on a Forum where a large majority of posters are Western expats who are so busy hating Thai people, Thai customs, Thai ways and Thai just-about-everything (with the notable exception of sex) that they can't possibly find the time to think for one minute that perhaps, just perhaps, the 100 baht charge was normal and theThai guy was not the one who started the violence.

I have personnally, and so often, seen Western expats barking insults at Thai people and assuming that they are all a bunch of idiots that I have this nagging feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, this Russian family are not exactly polite, educated, and respectful of the country they live in (or visit).

Ok, fair point. But, you have to admit that Thai's do not exactly help themselves regarding their reputation for ripping people off.

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Come on - its fairly easy to make an assumption of what happened here...

(Read 'assumption' - because I really have no idea what happened, but having faced similar situations numerous times I can make a guess)

The Parking Lot has 'acquired' an attendant - someone who's taken it upon himself to charge those parking. He's been doing it for so long that its become the norm, his sense of entitlement kicks in, its become the norm for him, the norm of the owners of the parking lot, the norm for those parking there.....

This sense of entitlement increases, the parking attendant feels he deserves more for his hard work and decides to increase prices.

Most people probably pay the increase to avoid confrontation and / or to avoid damage to their car while they are away.

The parking attendants sense of entitlement is thus vindicated... Until someone objects and he gets upset because someones 'called him out'... of course, lacking the emotional tools to handle this, he becomes aggressive / violent.

Now: I'm not saying that this has happened but I've seen this very example happen many times. I've seen tires slashed (a girl who refused to pay the 'parking attendant on the street').... its extortion, you are not paying to park, you are paying not to have your car damaged.

I've seen how my FIL handles it, he pays the going rate (in BKK its 20 baht), if the Parking attendant complains he tells the attendant that in no uncertain terms he'll have him (my FIL) to deal with should anything happen to the car (it works better when its a Merc with 4 repeated numbers !).

From what I've noticed - the car parks in the day time are marked with signs etc... there is no ambiguity - Its at night time when the 'chancers' come out. Its like begging, under the premise of protecting your car, but the sense of entitlement kicks in and these parking guys start to believe its their right to receive payment for someone else parking on someone else's land, or the side of the road on 'their patch'.....

Unfortunately its the 'way it is' because not enough people do anything about its... path of least resistance is often followed which involves paying 20 baht - however, when the 'increase' kicks in, people will start to complain and we will see more of this.

It now seems the Norm in Pattaya is 60 baht... and its being pushed up to 100 Baht.

Well... Either all of the above - OR it was an Official / Real Car park and the Russian was simply objecting to the increase.

Who or what is a FIL?

Father in Law,, I suspect..

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As a tourist in Russia, they will happily rip you off as well ... just saying at least in Thailand being rip off is cheaper - incidents like this are not worth the fight. If you don't agree, than go park somewhere else. Life and injuries isn't worth the 40 baht difference.

And in Australia, and the US, and the UK, etc.

I've been ripped off in a lot of countries, because tourism the world over is a con/scam.

You're right mike324, cheaper to be ripped off in Thailand than a lot of other places.

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Having been a silent witness to many arguments between motorists and parking wardens. I am always struck by the motorists belief they can verbally abuse the warden, who is clearly just trying to do his job.

While I know that may not have been the whole story here. I bet that was a lot to do with it getting more serious than it needed to be.

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Having been a silent witness to many arguments between motorists and parking wardens. I am always struck by the motorists belief they can verbally abuse the warden, who is clearly just trying to do his job.

While I know that may not have been the whole story here. I bet that was a lot to do with it getting more serious than it needed to be.

How is charging someone 40 THB over the going rate (and putting it in his own pocket) "trying to do his job"?

Get real man, this happens all the time in TH and sometimes people just get fed up with it. I suppose this was one of those occasions.

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Would thet have released the Russian man under further investigation. No one should every visit the rip off capital of the world. Just ask the Russian family. The police protect the Thais but not the Farangs!

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The problem with refusing to over-pay...when you know you are being scammed...is that the Thais love using this as an excuse to thump and cut you...

How much is an extra 40 baht...when compared to your health and possible life...

I personally love being scammed...and look forward to participating on a daily basis...

This is Thailand you know...LOS...Land of Scams...

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Ripping your tourists off again

Assaulting your tourists again how nice. bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

The story doesn't say who assaulted who.

What do you think,

I think the Russian, why else stick around and argue about the price? The Russian could have driven elsewhere and not got out of the automobile, they are at fault.

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Come on - its fairly easy to make an assumption of what happened here...

(Read 'assumption' - because I really have no idea what happened, but having faced similar situations numerous times I can make a guess)

The Parking Lot has 'acquired' an attendant - someone who's taken it upon himself to charge those parking. He's been doing it for so long that its become the norm, his sense of entitlement kicks in, its become the norm for him, the norm of the owners of the parking lot, the norm for those parking there.....

This sense of entitlement increases, the parking attendant feels he deserves more for his hard work and decides to increase prices.

Most people probably pay the increase to avoid confrontation and / or to avoid damage to their car while they are away.

The parking attendants sense of entitlement is thus vindicated... Until someone objects and he gets upset because someones 'called him out'... of course, lacking the emotional tools to handle this, he becomes aggressive / violent.

Now: I'm not saying that this has happened but I've seen this very example happen many times. I've seen tires slashed (a girl who refused to pay the 'parking attendant on the street').... its extortion, you are not paying to park, you are paying not to have your car damaged.

I've seen how my FIL handles it, he pays the going rate (in BKK its 20 baht), if the Parking attendant complains he tells the attendant that in no uncertain terms he'll have him (my FIL) to deal with should anything happen to the car (it works better when its a Merc with 4 repeated numbers !).

From what I've noticed - the car parks in the day time are marked with signs etc... there is no ambiguity - Its at night time when the 'chancers' come out. Its like begging, under the premise of protecting your car, but the sense of entitlement kicks in and these parking guys start to believe its their right to receive payment for someone else parking on someone else's land, or the side of the road on 'their patch'.....

Unfortunately its the 'way it is' because not enough people do anything about its... path of least resistance is often followed which involves paying 20 baht - however, when the 'increase' kicks in, people will start to complain and we will see more of this.

It now seems the Norm in Pattaya is 60 baht... and its being pushed up to 100 Baht.

Well... Either all of the above - OR it was an Official / Real Car park and the Russian was simply objecting to the increase.

Who or what is a FIL?

Yes - what is a FIL?

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