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US activists try to calm fears over transgender bathroom access


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People , regardless of their sexual orientation , brake the law all the time, and when they are caught they are punished.

as I understand it now, there are laws concerning the segregation of public bathrooms based on gender. And there are good reasons for it.

So if a perverted heterosexual tries to enter the bathroom of the opposite gender, with or with out disguise , if caught will face legal consequences.

If to accommodate the .3% of transgender population, a provision was made that they could enter the bathroom of their choice , what is to prevent the perverted heterosexual , with or with out disguise, when caught, for claiming that he/she is transgender? Is there going to be a national database of transgender people, and would they be issued ID cards?


I fail to see what Jeeeezzzzzus has to do with any of this?

Please address some of my above concerns, or do I need to ask


Maybe you should ask him, as you do not seem to be familiar with that new science called "psychology"!

You can not just "claim" to be transgender and then be off the hook, for example, because you do not become transgender for 5 minutes and then switch back! To be considered transgender, you would have to have a certain psychological profile and also - I would assume- lead a "transgender- life"!

So Billy- Bob does not get to enter a women's bathroom, rape a woman -which is a crime in itself, no matter who and what you are- and claims to be transgender!

Well, if you enter a bathroom and rape a woman, you have a much more serious crime to worry than entering the wrong bathroom.

So tell me about this,psy·chol·o·gy you are talking about , when did they come up with that?

So let me understand, Billy-Bob is going in the ladies room to cop a peek, and I yell at him

" Hey buddy where are you going, that's the ladies bathroom, my daughter is in there"

and he says to me.

"It's Ok I am transgender"

I dont call the cops on him I use the "psy·chol·o·gy". I open up a can of it, They will probably have couple of cans of "psy·chol·o·gy" by the door of every bathroom, so I throw can of it at him and if it sticks ,,his good to go , but if it does not I call the cops?

Golly Gee, what will they come up with next.w00t.gif



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It's an interesting dynamic. In the old days, there were men and women. Some men wished they were women, but they dressed as men and used the men's room. Some women privately wished they were men, but used the women's room. Now it's diverse. There are men who consider themselves transwomen - some still have dicks, and others have had their johnsons surgically removed. Hormones and the ease of getting/putting on mens' or womens' clothing have further complicated the issue. There could be an added two bathrooms (one for trans-men, another for trans-women) built everywhere in the US, but that would be crazy. It would cost more than all of Trump's Towers times a million.

As for people who leer and/or are sexual predators, I doubt allowing trans-peoples' use of other original-gender bathrooms would change things. Probably the worst that would happen are some fist fights would break out, when angry straights notice one or more people who have alternative plumbing. There was an incident (probably one of many) in Pattaya where a farang woman was in a women's bathroom. She was aghast at seeing a lady boy taking a pee standing up. She probably just laughed and made a comment. Anyhow, a few minutes later, she was beat to a pulp in the nearby parking lot .....by a group of Thai ladyboys (they had lost face).

This is a bit different, but years ago, I drove across the USA with my 2 yr old daughter. We stopped at a large truck stop. I went in the men's bathroom with her, to take her to a stall to go pee/poop. A very big guy saw me with the female child and he commenced to shout at me threateningly. I didn't bother to argue, but it was plain that he was prepared to beat me to a pulp because I had brought a female into the men's room. What was the alternative? I guess I could have stood outside the door of the women's room and asked a woman to escort my daughter inside.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Societies ww are becoming increasingly policed. In the old days, you want to board a plane, you stand in line and then board it. Nowadays, there's 2 hours of security turnstyles, x-rays, check your shoes, throw away all tubes and bottles, don't take nail clippers on-board, frisked, etc.

Perhaps the bathroom issue will be another boon to the security personnel biz. It wouldn't surprise me if bathrooms in most cities will have security guards posted at their doors. They'll check ID (to see gender orientation), maybe look down you pants, maybe even be a questionnaire to fill-out and sign. Photo ID? Well, that sort of happens already, with CCTV everywhere. Speaking of that, are there CCTV in city (shitty) bathrooms now. I've seen a photo of a public restroom with a row of about 10 toilets, none with any screening around them. How would you like to take a dump with nine other people, AND have CCTV chronicling the whole business?

I avoid cities any way I can. I pee on tree trunks and bushes. That's good enough for me, and it fertilizes things.

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It's an interesting dynamic. In the old days, there were men and women. Some men wished they were women, but they dressed as men and used the men's room. Some women privately wished they were men, but used the women's room. Now it's diverse. There are men who consider themselves transwomen - some still have dicks, and others have had their johnsons surgically removed. Hormones and the ease of getting/putting on mens' or womens' clothing have further complicated the issue. There could be an added two bathrooms (one for trans-men, another for trans-women) built everywhere in the US, but that would crazy. It would cost more than all of Trump's Towers times a million.

As for people who leer and/or are sexual predators, I doubt allowing trans-peoples' use of other original-gender bathrooms would change things. Probably the worst that would happen are some fist fights would break out, when angry straights notice one or more people who have alternative plumbing. There was an incident (probably one of many) in Pattaya where a farang woman was in a women's bathroom. She was aghast at seeing a lady boy taking a pee standing up. She probably just laughed and made a comment. Anyhow, a few minutes later, she was beat to a pulp in the nearby parking lot .....by a group of Thai ladyboys (they had lost face).

This is a bit different, but years ago, I drove across the USA with my 2 yr old daughter. We stopped at a large truck stop. I went in the men's bathroom with her, to take her to a stall to go pee/poop. A very big guy saw me with the female child and he commenced to shout at me threateningly. I didn't bother to argue, but it was plain that he was prepared to beat me to a pulp because I had brought a female into the men's room (it could accommodate over a dozen). What was the alternative? I guess I could have stood outside the door of the women's room and asked a woman to escort my daughter inside.

Idiotic right?

I had the same problem when my daughter was a toddler, what do you do. send her in by her self, trust a stranger to take her in?

Not in your life. I remember once in a supermarket I turned around for a second and my daughter was gone, It took me a minute to find her, and my heart was palpitating, only a parent can understand the feeling. And when she got older and started going in by her self. if I see a dude going in with her, well we will have something to talk about.

I have a lot of sympathy for transgender people, and will accommodate as best as I can,

but have we gone insane? How about accommodating the concerns of general population?

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First of all,why are the toilets being called bathrooms,this is an Americanism.I have yet to walk into a public kharsie and see a bath in it.Why are they so afraid to say 'public toilets'? Toilet,bog,head,shit house,for Gods sake,

Second of all,why is this tripe getting so much airing.Its boring,its pointless and people should realise that transgendered people are here to stay.They aint going away boys and girls,so love em or hate em,get used to it.

And stop all this crap(ha ha)

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This is kind of stupid.

The majority of male to female transgender people are attracted to men.

So women in the women's bathroom holds no sexual interest to them.

How does one discern the one's who are still attracted to women or may be bi-sexual?

This is a no brainer...you have a screw-driver between your legs...do not go into the women's toilet...PERIOD!

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First of all,why are the toilets being called bathrooms,this is an Americanism.I have yet to walk into a public kharsie and see a bath in it.Why are they so afraid to say 'public toilets'? Toilet,bog,head,shit house,for Gods sake,

Second of all,why is this tripe getting so much airing.Its boring,its pointless and people should realise that transgendered people are here to stay.They aint going away boys and girls,so love em or hate em,get used to it.

And stop all this crap(ha ha)

Yes it's an Americanism.
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Tell your daughter to grow a pair. What's the big deal? Everyone needs toilets.

Biology my dear fellow. The CD or TG in question already has a pair so why does he not use them in the boys room. I won't mind.

Certainly if you suggest my daughter be exposed to male genitalia - males should not mind the same exposure. Unless you are suggesting TG's get special treatment not available to non TG people?

This is a red herring. Creating a bogeyman to scapegoat a minority. Get real. Women's bathrooms have stalls there is no need to show balls.

To add transgender people have a path of transition unique to them which takes years. Where they're at in that path will determine which gender bathroom they feel makes sense for them and it's not only about their genitals. Many never get that changed.

Next ...

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Well, if you enter a bathroom and rape a woman, you have a much more serious crime to worry than entering the wrong bathroom.

So tell me about this,psy·chol·o·gy you are talking about , when did they come up with that?

So let me understand, Billy-Bob is going in the ladies room to cop a peek, and I yell at him

" Hey buddy where are you going, that's the ladies bathroom, my daughter is in there"

and he says to me.

"It's Ok I am transgender"

I dont call the cops on him I use the "psy·chol·o·gy". I open up a can of it, They will probably have couple of cans of "psy·chol·o·gy" by the door of every bathroom, so I throw can of it at him and if it sticks ,,his good to go , but if it does not I call the cops?

Golly Gee, what will they come up with next.w00t.gif

Trying to be funny?

Try harder!

You seem to be a bit slow, so I will make it easy for you:

just SAYING he is transgender, doesn't MAKE Billy Bob transgender!

Putting on a dress, doesn't make Billy Bob transgender!

Do you get that?

So if Billy Bob sneaks a peak at your daughter, you have my permission to beat the crap out of him, because he is a peeping tom, but NOT transgender!

I s that clear now!

Billy Bob will not be protected by a law, that protects transgenders, because he isn't!

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First of all,why are the toilets being called bathrooms,this is an Americanism.I have yet to walk into a public kharsie and see a bath in it.Why are they so afraid to say 'public toilets'? Toilet,bog,head,shit house,for Gods sake,

Second of all,why is this tripe getting so much airing.Its boring,its pointless and people should realise that transgendered people are here to stay.They aint going away boys and girls,so love em or hate em,get used to it.

And stop all this crap(ha ha)

Yes it's an Americanism.

The answer me this: why to Brits call a pastry a 'spotted dick'? and what's with 'gotta go to the loo' ?

Brit's should go to the US to learn to speak 'mer-kan. wink.png If you don't mind being called a fur'ner

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Tell your daughter to grow a pair. What's the big deal? Everyone needs toilets.

Biology my dear fellow. The CD or TG in question already has a pair so why does he not use them in the boys room. I won't mind.

Certainly if you suggest my daughter be exposed to male genitalia - males should not mind the same exposure. Unless you are suggesting TG's get special treatment not available to non TG people?

This is a red herring. Creating a bogeyman to scapegoat a minority. Get real. Women's bathrooms have stalls there is no need to show balls.

To add transgender people have a path of transition unique to them which takes years. Where they're at in that path will determine which gender bathroom they feel makes sense for them and it's not only about their genitals. Many never get that changed.

Next ...

What's with this dismissive , "next" stuff are you some kind of authority or pseudo mod here? I'm being gentlemanly in my discussion with you and I see no reason to insult me.

Since there will be no toilet ID's issued it becomes a salient question as to the difference between a serious TG and a weekend CD looking for cheap thrills.

You mentioned, "stalls." I believe what men CDs or not, do for fun in stalls is called, "cottaging" and is quiet common in some countries as is the appearance of small mirrors on the floor of toilets. Since I don't believe ants or cockroaches use make up mirrors I think the mirrors are placed on the floor to look at the person in the next stall.

I can see the problem especially here in Thailand with so many tourist women from creepy countries with odd moral codes and who might be aghast if a beach road lady boy walked in the ladies room at the Marriott to poop.

There are at least two malls close to beach road that have ladyboys as customers. Frankly, I've never noticed which restroom they use but I believe it is the ladies as I've never run into one in the men's room.

I also think there is a college in Thailand that has TG toilets.

The issue seems much more topical in Thailand than the US anyway given the current emphasis on Thai ness to solve almost any problem.

If the powers that be are upset about pretty girls dancing at auto shows what on earth would they say about men using Thai women's restrooms at upscale malls and public buildings?

Has anyone thought about referring this thorny problem to the government to get a well thought out answer and plan of action?

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What's with this dismissive , "next" stuff are you some kind of authority or pseudo mod here? I'm being gentlemanly in my discussion with you and I see no reason to insult me.

Since there will be no toilet ID's issued it becomes a salient question as to the difference between a serious TG and a weekend CD looking for cheap thrills.

You mentioned, "stalls." I believe what men CDs or not, do for fun in stalls is called, "cottaging" and is quiet common in some countries as is the appearance of small mirrors on the floor of toilets. Since I don't believe ants or cockroaches use make up mirrors I think the mirrors are placed on the floor to look at the person in the next stall.

I can see the problem especially here in Thailand with so many tourist women from creepy countries with odd moral codes and who might be aghast if a beach road lady boy walked in the ladies room at the Marriott to poop.

There are at least two malls close to beach road that have ladyboys as customers. Frankly, I've never noticed which restroom they use but I believe it is the ladies as I've never run into one in the men's room.

I also think there is a college in Thailand that has TG toilets.

The issue seems much more topical in Thailand than the US anyway given the current emphasis on Thai ness to solve almost any problem.

If the powers that be are upset about pretty girls dancing at auto shows what on earth would they say about men using Thai women's restrooms at upscale malls and public buildings?

Has anyone thought about referring this thorny problem to the government to get a well thought out answer and plan of action?

I'll go further than "Next" dude.

No interest in communicating with a person who trollishly raises "cottaging" as a relevant issue on this topic.

Pure fear mongering, pure homophobic crapola. Shame on you.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Now something on topic for people who are actually interested in the actual topic, as opposed to those just here to spread off topic garbage anti-GLBT hate speech.

Sprigg couldn’t come up with any concrete evidence to contradict Cuomo — the “restroom predator” myth has been widely debunked — but he said women and girls will feel their privacy has been violated if they see someone in their restroom “who is obviously a man.” “It is a privacy issue,” he said. “Even if their safety is never violated in practice.”

Cuomo then pointed out that laws like this would force transgender men into women’s restrooms, saying, “You’re creating the problem. You’re not solving it.”


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This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Who in their right mind would say it is perfectly normal for their eight year old daughter or anyone's young daughter to go into a bathroom where men are openly urinating? If a person supports the activists this is exactly what they are saying.

You, sir, are a damned fool, IMO.

Nobody "openly urinates" in the ladies WC.... all that I have been "privileged" to see, usually due to the men's being closed, have individual stalls if designed for multiple users, or locking doors for the singletons.

Furthermore it is not as though hordes of "men" will be attempting to use the women's toilet... those undertaking this metamorphosis are few in the population generally.

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What's with this dismissive , "next" stuff are you some kind of authority or pseudo mod here? I'm being gentlemanly in my discussion with you and I see no reason to insult me.

Since there will be no toilet ID's issued it becomes a salient question as to the difference between a serious TG and a weekend CD looking for cheap thrills.

You mentioned, "stalls." I believe what men CDs or not, do for fun in stalls is called, "cottaging" and is quiet common in some countries as is the appearance of small mirrors on the floor of toilets. Since I don't believe ants or cockroaches use make up mirrors I think the mirrors are placed on the floor to look at the person in the next stall.

I can see the problem especially here in Thailand with so many tourist women from creepy countries with odd moral codes and who might be aghast if a beach road lady boy walked in the ladies room at the Marriott to poop.

There are at least two malls close to beach road that have ladyboys as customers. Frankly, I've never noticed which restroom they use but I believe it is the ladies as I've never run into one in the men's room.

I also think there is a college in Thailand that has TG toilets.

The issue seems much more topical in Thailand than the US anyway given the current emphasis on Thai ness to solve almost any problem.

If the powers that be are upset about pretty girls dancing at auto shows what on earth would they say about men using Thai women's restrooms at upscale malls and public buildings?

Has anyone thought about referring this thorny problem to the government to get a well thought out answer and plan of action?

I'll go further than "Next" dude.

No interest in communicating with a person who trollishly raises "cottaging" as a relevant issue on this topic.

Pure fear mongering, pure homophobic crapola. Shame on you.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Now something on topic for people who are actually interested in the actual topic, as opposed to those just here to spread off topic garbage anti-GLBT hate speech.

Sprigg couldn’t come up with any concrete evidence to contradict Cuomo — the “restroom predator” myth has been widely debunked — but he said women and girls will feel their privacy has been violated if they see someone in their restroom “who is obviously a man.” “It is a privacy issue,” he said. “Even if their safety is never violated in practice.”

Cuomo then pointed out that laws like this would force transgender men into women’s restrooms, saying, “You’re creating the problem. You’re not solving it.”


You are either incredibly naive or never have the necessity to use a public restroom.

Peephole problem in men's restrooms has college campus on edge


Sorry but men trash toilets. Putting men in women's toilets will do the same thing.

Seems to me there are only two reasonable choices. TG males go to the men's room or build them a separate toilet.


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This is kind of stupid.

The majority of male to female transgender people are attracted to men.

So women in the women's bathroom holds no sexual interest to them.

How does one discern the one's who are still attracted to women or may be bi-sexual?

This is a no brainer...you have a screw-driver between your legs...do not go into the women's toilet...PERIOD!

Don't bring periods into this for gods sake!

Look, when you have to go, you have to go

In Yorkshire, I've seen woman pissing into urinals, forwards, backwards (or what ever you fancied)

And I've certainly used the "Ladies" in emergencies

For me, genderbenders are a bit of a statistical outlier (outside Thailand), but dealing with girl childs can certainly be awkward. However, they have stalls so who cares if you walk in just like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

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Perhaps the bathroom issue will be another boon to the security personnel biz. It wouldn't surprise me if bathrooms in most cities will have security guards posted at their doors. They'll check ID (to see gender orientation), maybe look down you pants, maybe even be a questionnaire to fill-out and sign.

The questionnaire ought to do it.

1. Are you a Republican politician?

2. Are you a former member of a band called Wham! ?


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This is kind of stupid.

The majority of male to female transgender people are attracted to men.

So women in the women's bathroom holds no sexual interest to them.

How does one discern the one's who are still attracted to women or may be bi-sexual?

This is a no brainer...you have a screw-driver between your legs...do not go into the women's toilet...PERIOD!

Don't bring periods into this for gods sake!

Look, when you have to go, you have to go

In Yorkshire, I've seen woman pissing into urinals, forwards, backwards (or what ever you fancied)

And I've certainly used the "Ladies" in emergencies

For me, genderbenders are a bit of a statistical outlier (outside Thailand), but dealing with girl childs can certainly be awkward. However, they have stalls so who cares if you walk in just like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

The ladyboy in this story wants to use the girls locker room at school. It's been a while since I've been in school but we all showered together after football and sports don't they still do that? Or do they have separate showers? The school offered to build the kid a separate changing area but he says in the video above he wants to change clothes with the girls.biggrin.png I can see where he is coming from. Sounds like something I would have liked to do in school.

Edited by Scotwight
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This is kind of stupid.

The majority of male to female transgender people are attracted to men.

So women in the women's bathroom holds no sexual interest to them.

How does one discern the one's who are still attracted to women or may be bi-sexual?

This is a no brainer...you have a screw-driver between your legs...do not go into the women's toilet...PERIOD!

Don't bring periods into this for gods sake!

Look, when you have to go, you have to go

In Yorkshire, I've seen woman pissing into urinals, forwards, backwards (or what ever you fancied)

And I've certainly used the "Ladies" in emergencies

For me, genderbenders are a bit of a statistical outlier (outside Thailand), but dealing with girl childs can certainly be awkward. However, they have stalls so who cares if you walk in just like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

The ladyboy in this story wants to use the girls locker room at school. It's been a while since I've been in school but we all showered together after football and sports don't they still do that? Or do they have separate showers? The school offered to build the kid a separate changing area but he says in the video above he wants to change clothes with the girls.biggrin.png I can see where he is coming from. Sounds like something I would have liked to do in school.

Yes, but she's openly gay!

And recently became a transgender woman. Why can't ppl accept this. In Thailand there's acceptance, but in red neck America, there's racism.

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She's a woman trapped inside a man's body. But due to advancements in medical surgery, she can change her man's body into a woman's body. 100% woman. If you are in any doubt check out my 4 music videos on the Farang Pub forum, thread "What are you listening to..." All 4 recent videos are transgender woman, but if I hadn't told you, you'd be no wiser.

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You mean she's straight right?

Spare us. It's a gay guy wearing a dress.

No, it's an attention seeking gay guy wearing a dress. All he had to do is accept the private bathroom/locker room. But no, that wouldn't have kept him in the spotlight. He would have lost some of the attention he so desperately craves. He wouldn't get to play the victim.

The school needs to suspend this kid if he doesn't stop acting the fool. And if he keeps acting the fool, kick him out altogether.

She's a woman trapped inside a man's body.

If this attention starved xxxxx wants to have the surgery that chops off his genitals, then I'll believe that. Until then it's just some guy wearing a dress who is desperate for attention.

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Yes, but she's openly gay!

And recently became a transgender woman. Why can't ppl accept this. In Thailand there's acceptance, but in red neck America, there's racism.

Racism? "Red neck America"? You think he'd be widely welcomed in non-white neighborhoods?

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Well, if you enter a bathroom and rape a woman, you have a much more serious crime to worry than entering the wrong bathroom.

So tell me about this,psy·chol·o·gy you are talking about , when did they come up with that?

So let me understand, Billy-Bob is going in the ladies room to cop a peek, and I yell at him

" Hey buddy where are you going, that's the ladies bathroom, my daughter is in there"

and he says to me.

"It's Ok I am transgender"

I dont call the cops on him I use the "psy·chol·o·gy". I open up a can of it, They will probably have couple of cans of "psy·chol·o·gy" by the door of every bathroom, so I throw can of it at him and if it sticks ,,his good to go , but if it does not I call the cops?

Golly Gee, what will they come up with next.w00t.gif

Trying to be funny?

Try harder!

You seem to be a bit slow, so I will make it easy for you:

just SAYING he is transgender, doesn't MAKE Billy Bob transgender!

Putting on a dress, doesn't make Billy Bob transgender!

Do you get that?

So if Billy Bob sneaks a peak at your daughter, you have my permission to beat the crap out of him, because he is a peeping tom, but NOT transgender!

I s that clear now!

Billy Bob will not be protected by a law, that protects transgenders, because he isn't!

You really dont seem to get it

I dont want Billy Bob arrested after he sneaks a Peek, I want him stopped before he does!!!

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My youngest daughter is on her exchange year at a North California high school, after being educated in France and Thailand. They have two transgender student, male-to - female and one of the TG girls shares her homeroom with my daughter.

Both of them use teachers's restrooms in the two school buildings. I think that it's a very good arrangements for everybody. I've no idea what the arrangement is regarding the locker rooms and if they ever participate in the sports activities.

I heard that they are being bullied at school and that's sad.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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