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Dress inappropriately or dance provocatively and face Songkran arrest, warns PM


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Jail for voicing different opinions, jail for dancing provocatively, jail for owning a red rice bowl, jail for selling overpriced lottery tickets. I must say this "PM" has some rather progressive solutions to Thailand's most pressing problems!

Yes, he has discovered that urging does not work. Time to bring out the big stick...

LOL good one. I'll wait to see the "big stick" used on illegal fishermen, errant farmers, still not transparent govt. workers or more people/institutions who have been "urged" to....

Or maybe this is just another way to insure a "donation" to the police ball? lol Honestly I think that is the only reason Thailand has any laws (on the books)... i.e. to allow for graft...

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Western culture like half-naked lady boys, Walking Street, Pattaya...

Quote.........Thus, the Thai small leap year has 355 days while the Thai great leap year has 384 days.

So the PM is going to make really sure Morals will be observed on each and every day in the above fact !

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Being the one, he can decide...

I am appalled that this is a priority...


Imagine if in France (approx. same size & population), the PM, François Hollande would utter a message like this...

Speechless, that the head of state finds it necessary to Impose behaviour...

Doesn't he have some more important things to do?!


I believe that the French powers that be have just made the act of 'paying for sex' illegal.

Imagine if the little general followed suit, this country would grind to a halt.

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

As he checks his Swiss watch, gets into his German car and makes a call on his American phone. Without the west and it's 'values' they would still be riding around on Elephants and chucking spears at each other,

Why would you call it a total dislike of the west?

Also i didn't know hating on the loose morals, open sexuality and the general debauchery that the west tends to display is equivalent on hating everything in the west.

Sure many of you here like the thai girls, general friendliness, cheaper accomodations and food doesn't mean you love everything about thailand like you hate the driving, random violence, low standards of policing etc.

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The guy really has a dislike of the west and everything western apart from western currency. So anyone in dresses in western clothing and dances to western music like the girls in the photo will be arrested. Has he gone completely mad? What next, is he going to send his goons out to arrest all farangs for harbouring ghosts in thier homes.

Actually, for once i agree with him.western culture like showing tits at festivals and 'Girls Gone Wild' like behavior has no place in a modest, values based religious country. It is a cancer that eats at any cultural fabric. Where i have issue with his statement is the fact that he percieves that provocative dancing, lewdness (going topless or naked in public) is something that all foreigners approve of. He would be shocked to know the vass majority of westerners have the same view of inappropriate behavior. It comes down to what Thais want to teach their children and what they allow them to be subjected to and influenced by. Look at what Sprng Break has become. The hundreds of rapes and assualts because everyone is allowed to to be out of control.What people need to understand is this is a celebration of Thai culture and if you want to participate in it then have respect for the ancient ritual. It really is not about riding around on trucks and drenching each other with ice water. I like Thai culture and i dont want Songkran to become another Spring Break.
This is exactly what TAT shows in its promotional campaigns abroad. Young women dancing in back of pickups, water drenching them and loud western music. Come and see Thailand in all its glory, enjoy the culture. Many first time farang travelers in thier teens and 20's see these advert campaigns and say that looks like fun and book a holiday in Thailand for Songkran. When they arrive they are confronted by hawkers selling a variety of water pistols and other implements and encouraged to join in. It is not the farangs fault. Prayuth should be directing his blame towards thais and TAT who promote Songkran as it is. He should reel TAT in to promote the Junta, the temples and rice farm tours. Show the real Thailand and not go full out after the tourist dollar with western style hotels, nightlife, walking street. Stop showing women who have modified thier looks and bodies to look sexy and western with white skin, pointy noses and the like. Show real thai women in your campaigns. Stop blaming the west for Thailand's ills.
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Typical Thailand! Go after the least of the problems and ignore the really bad things that occur during this festive time! Ban water cannons, throwing water in to songtaos and put police out there to enforce these things. What difference does it make what a person wears during Songkhran? Once wet, pretty much any clothing is revealing! ... and cut this insanity back to 3 days in Pattaya!

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Why would we accept an religious festival to be a decadent bachelor party with drunks and unappropriated behavior

and why hate it if someone wants to restore its value's to the original...

The majority of the Thai people i know, want it as a calm religious event...

I think most of the posters here have never experienced a real songkran...

Every Songkran I've enjoyed here has been real, because each one really happened thumbsup.gif Some days I spent with the grandparents, some days I spent drunk at the beach, some days I went to a water party in Bangkok. All different, all very real, all attended by Thais. Or are you more Thai than Thai? coffee1.gif

The first time I was in Thailand for Songkran I remember being warned that I might see some naughty dancing. That was about forty years ago. New Years festivities are never "calm religious events." True, there are calm displays of respect for elders, and I've experienced them, but I've also had my truck stopped by drunks blocking the highway demanding money so they could buy more booze. It's New Year, it's a party, have fun!

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Being the one, he can decide...

I am appalled that this is a priority...


Imagine if in France (approx. same size & population), the PM, François Hollande would utter a message like this...

Speechless, that the head of state finds it necessary to Impose behaviour...

Doesn't he have some more important things to do?!


I believe that the French powers that be have just made the act of 'paying for sex' illegal.

Imagine if the little general followed suit, this country would grind to a halt.

No, the Thais would draw the line here. They won't be as cheap as the French, expecting free sex...

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yeah, hijab for everybody covering your body from top to toes. In addition with dark shades it's looking perfect.

The danger would be in being mistaken for someone trying to illegally enter Europe.

Oh, don't worry, they are already there.....

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Thai women are some of the sexiest creatures on the planet. Of course they are going to dance and look crazy sexy with their wet clothing. This clown is attempting to rewrite history and is pretending that his country is some sort of fantasy land from seven centuries ago and assuming a lot in the process. Everybody wants to have fun on song kran. This small man is simply getting drunk with his power, and is looking sillier and sillier by the day. All he has to do to look silly is say anything. It means nothing to the people.

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I don't see that the shops around here are heeding the government call for spray mister bottles only. TESCO has a full array of big M-16 looking squirt guns. I doubt much will come of this decree or whatever it is either. He has to say something strict and bossy sounding every once in a while and this will probably do. Thai people cannot be told what to do, they don't care who you are and I am sure he well knows that.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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PM warns drunk drivers and topless dancers


BANGKOK: -- The effort to reduce road mishaps and encourage all Thais to celebrate the Songkran festival properly, Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday reiterated a tough measure to deal with drunk drivers, and to make on the spot arrest topless dancers on streets.

He said authorities must impound their vehicles immediately if drivers are drunk, and passengers must also cooperate by rejecting the rides on their vehicles.

He said “drivers must not drink while driving. Everyone wants to go home quickly but they could be killed travelling on their vehicles.”

He urged passengers to warn these drunk drivers and the police must stop drunk drivers.

As to the inappropriate dancing on the streets by teenagers showing their breasts, the prime minister said these topless dancers, be they real women or transvestites, they be arrested and fined.

“I order soldiers and the police to arrest all these dancers on the trucks.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/158452


-- Thai PBS 2016-04-06

In that case, lets have topless drivers and drunk dancers. Problem solved

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PM warns drunk drivers and topless dancers


BANGKOK: -- The effort to reduce road mishaps and encourage all Thais to celebrate the Songkran festival properly, Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday reiterated a tough measure to deal with drunk drivers, and to make on the spot arrest topless dancers on streets.

He said authorities must impound their vehicles immediately if drivers are drunk, and passengers must also cooperate by rejecting the rides on their vehicles.

He said “drivers must not drink while driving. Everyone wants to go home quickly but they could be killed travelling on their vehicles.”

He urged passengers to warn these drunk drivers and the police must stop drunk drivers.

As to the inappropriate dancing on the streets by teenagers showing their breasts, the prime minister said these topless dancers, be they real women or transvestites, they be arrested and fined.

“I order soldiers and the police to arrest all these dancers on the trucks.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/158452


-- Thai PBS 2016-04-06

In that case, lets have topless drivers and drunk dancers. Problem solved

I can't see any problem with what he is doing,, he is just trying to stop people from waking up the next day to find one of their kids /parents have been killed,

and topless dancers on the back of trucks can definitely distract a driver.. and drunk driving, well everyone with any brain at all, does not want that..

good on him..

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PM warns drunk drivers and topless dancers


BANGKOK: -- The effort to reduce road mishaps and encourage all Thais to celebrate the Songkran festival properly, Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday reiterated a tough measure to deal with drunk drivers, and to make on the spot arrest topless dancers on streets.

He said authorities must impound their vehicles immediately if drivers are drunk, and passengers must also cooperate by rejecting the rides on their vehicles.

He said “drivers must not drink while driving. Everyone wants to go home quickly but they could be killed travelling on their vehicles.”

He urged passengers to warn these drunk drivers and the police must stop drunk drivers.

As to the inappropriate dancing on the streets by teenagers showing their breasts, the prime minister said these topless dancers, be they real women or transvestites, they be arrested and fined.

“I order soldiers and the police to arrest all these dancers on the trucks.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/158452


-- Thai PBS 2016-04-06

In that case, lets have topless drivers and drunk dancers. Problem solved

I can't see any problem with what he is doing,, he is just trying to stop people from waking up the next day to find one of their kids /parents have been killed,

and topless dancers on the back of trucks can definitely distract a driver.. and drunk driving, well everyone with any brain at all, does not want that..

good on him..

Looks like you read the whole article.

Despite the fact the headline is misleading, you could also possibly forgive his lack of *understanding* of Western values based on the type of westerners Thailand is frequented by.

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So, let me get this straight.

Type 1 women are natural, born a female, grew up as a female, thinks herself to be female. Type 2 women are unnatural, born a male, grew up as a female, thinks herself to be a female.

So... I assume there are sub classes here?

Type 1 - natural, as born. Type 1a - Minor surgical enhancement (botox or a nose job or breasts. Type 1b, major surgical enhancement, the nose, breasts, tummy tuck, eyes, botoxed all over.

Type 2 - Despite thought processes, still maintains all natural appendages. Type 2a - minor surgical enhancements,probably breasts. Type 2b - major surgical enhancement, a complete pad, cut and tuck.

Okay, now I understand. (NURSE! More medication!)

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Learning the hard way about what is read, too many words, not enough words, misinterpreted, misunderstanding of reason behind words, there are good reasons for this statement.

Outside influences have both helped and destroyed Thailand [in certain areas] over the last fifteen years, and most certainly, person pride and attitudes of many Thai has got worse.

Provocative/sexual dancing seen by many, such as the f me/f you hip thrusts and backside shake, should be kept behind closed doors, as young children gtry to follow their peers not realising where these actions are from, or may lead too.

Look outside 'your' own desired world and try thinking about those people with a desire for a happy, progressive and high valued society.

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I'd much rather the PM devote all his efforts to the really important problems besetting Thailand:

  1. Unacceptably high death toll and injuries on the roads (and vehicle maintenance in general)
  2. Slavery and people trafficking
  3. Police incompetence and corruption wherever it exists, underfunding and undertraining, and corruption and organized crime in general
  4. Wealthy people getting away with murder or manslaughter caused by gross negligence
  5. The economy, inward investment, encouraging foreign know-how and development
  6. Education
  7. The environment
  8. Democracy and good governance

Worrying about a bit of sexy skin here and there or people behaving outrageously or obscenely (but harmlessly) is a huge distraction and a waste of mental energy.

How do we not know that just maybe his wife has told him that he has to crackdown on all this sexy behaviour.

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As much fun as an ice bucket challenge.

Imagine a western leader saying "Don't let Thai culture come in too much" they'd be all over it.

Didn't some middle class BKK rent a crowd protest outside the US Embassy for something far milder the US Ambassador said?

The 'western' values he refers to were pretty much perfected by Thai entrepreneurs marketing to the west, everything from 1960's GI go go's to the current Full Moon bacchanalia, so I don't see the problem.

And it looks like I won't be seeing wet nom noms either :( best just get a case of beer, and stay home Netflix binging. They've sucked the fun right out of everything good here, and replaced it with nothing of benefit, the roads are still death traps. The law is still abused, nobody here as a 'guest' has even basic rights that our countries afford to Thais who migrate, and their crackdowns are ineffectual and baffling, covering up beer ads? What the... SERIOUSLY?

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PM warns drunk drivers and topless dancers


BANGKOK: -- The effort to reduce road mishaps and encourage all Thais to celebrate the Songkran festival properly, Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday reiterated a tough measure to deal with drunk drivers, and to make on the spot arrest topless dancers on streets.

He said authorities must impound their vehicles immediately if drivers are drunk, and passengers must also cooperate by rejecting the rides on their vehicles.

He said “drivers must not drink while driving. Everyone wants to go home quickly but they could be killed travelling on their vehicles.”

He urged passengers to warn these drunk drivers and the police must stop drunk drivers.

As to the inappropriate dancing on the streets by teenagers showing their breasts, the prime minister said these topless dancers, be they real women or transvestites, they be arrested and fined.

“I order soldiers and the police to arrest all these dancers on the trucks.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/158452


-- Thai PBS 2016-04-06

In that case, lets have topless drivers and drunk dancers. Problem solved

I can't see any problem with what he is doing,, he is just trying to stop people from waking up the next day to find one of their kids /parents have been killed,

and topless dancers on the back of trucks can definitely distract a driver.. and drunk driving, well everyone with any brain at all, does not want that..

good on him..

Looks like you read the whole article.

Despite the fact the headline is misleading, you could also possibly forgive his lack of *understanding* of Western values based on the type of westerners Thailand is frequented by.

So, what type of westerners are Thailand predominantly frequented by??

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Learning the hard way about what is read, too many words, not enough words, misinterpreted, misunderstanding of reason behind words, there are good reasons for this statement.

Outside influences have both helped and destroyed Thailand [in certain areas] over the last fifteen years, and most certainly, person pride and attitudes of many Thai has got worse.

Provocative/sexual dancing seen by many, such as the f me/f you hip thrusts and backside shake, should be kept behind closed doors, as young children gtry to follow their peers not realising where these actions are from, or may lead too.

Look outside 'your' own desired world and try thinking about those people with a desire for a happy, progressive and high valued society.

"happy, progressive and high valued society?"

I've always wanted to learn ass ventriloquism, will you teach us? I'm prepared to pay.

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PM warns drunk drivers and topless dancers


BANGKOK: -- The effort to reduce road mishaps and encourage all Thais to celebrate the Songkran festival properly, Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday reiterated a tough measure to deal with drunk drivers, and to make on the spot arrest topless dancers on streets.

He said authorities must impound their vehicles immediately if drivers are drunk, and passengers must also cooperate by rejecting the rides on their vehicles.

He said “drivers must not drink while driving. Everyone wants to go home quickly but they could be killed travelling on their vehicles.”

He urged passengers to warn these drunk drivers and the police must stop drunk drivers.

As to the inappropriate dancing on the streets by teenagers showing their breasts, the prime minister said these topless dancers, be they real women or transvestites, they be arrested and fined.

“I order soldiers and the police to arrest all these dancers on the trucks.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/158452


-- Thai PBS 2016-04-06

In that case, lets have topless drivers and drunk dancers. Problem solved

I can't see any problem with what he is doing,, he is just trying to stop people from waking up the next day to find one of their kids /parents have been killed,

and topless dancers on the back of trucks can definitely distract a driver.. and drunk driving, well everyone with any brain at all, does not want that..

good on him..

Looks like you read the whole article.

Despite the fact the headline is misleading, you could also possibly forgive his lack of *understanding* of Western values based on the type of westerners Thailand is frequented by.

Looks like you two drank the whole jug of Kool Aid.

When are your "I :love: Tanks R Us" T shirts going on sale?

Edited by dhream
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I think we all know the risks. We are reminded, once again, this is not our country. But it's pretty easy to stay out of trouble. Maybe the demographics will change for the good......it's all perspective.

before you book your ticket, maybe look other places first.....

mai bpen rai

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