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PM expresses concern with U.S. spokesman's remark on Thai politics


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move back to where you came from.

Exactly. Tell that to the ~ 350,000 Thais who've legally emigrated to the U.S.A.

Also, please relay your message to all the elite Thais who send their children to the U.S.A. for school/college. Come back home for a fine, Thai education.

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I am sure the US spokesman agreed on exactly that - the current situation in Thailand is not normal.

I am aware history knowledge is not strong with this regime, but let me provide an example:
With the reinterpretation of "protective custody", police power became independent of judicial controls. Protective custody meant the arrest - without judicial review - of real and potential opponents of the regime. "Protective custody" prisoners were not confined within the normal prison system. Now, can anyone guess which country this quote is concerning?

The regime needs to be very aware of not gently slipping in that direction, as it is so easy to tighten the screws ever so slightly. Before we had AA sessions for political offenders, now camps are being established for that exact purpose. The offenders will now be kept there for 7 days - why not later extended to 14 days, 1 month or more if the offenders appear (to who?) to not readily absorb the enlightened principles of the state?

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This will play out as our life's age , for all to see.

Beginning to end .

The military are not leaving its clear and intend on influence strongly the elected governments ( using a limited brand of democracy ) and calling the shots overriding approaches.

Effectively staying in power with a ""in name only"" political democracy puppet subservient to it.

A master plan for elites to govern permanently .

Their disdain at ""any "" outside challenges can and will eventually cross lines.

And as the wheels of destiny "spin and turn" and the elephant in the room leaves .

The climate will become super charged.

Statements by the PM for now are hoping the US tone down their criticism .

He plays the Russia and China card to achieve some concessions .

Seemingly the biggest challenge will be not killing citizens .

That will trigger much more international outrage than detaining people and jailing a few dozen opponents .

Thaksin is a ruthless billionaire and unlikely to go away anytime soon.

He has said it's a waiting game.

What can he possibly do?

Well until some serious civil strife occurs nothing.

But it's very possible the support for him from within Thailand and his money can influence dynamic s.

People bought and a challenge .

Thailand faces serious times ahead.

And for those who think all guns are strictly controlled by the military think again.

Arming Thais would not be a very hard thing to do for someone who knows how and has connections

Even a western power at the eleventh hour might supply some know how and cover .

Democracy and American interests may one day prefer the Thaksin option also.

But it's going to take years it seems to see the end of this military government.

So think about that long term and what might occur meantime

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Here we go again with the "explaining". Guess the rest of the world is just to daft for "understanding" thainess.

Quite honestly I don't think "the rest of the world" gives a good goddamn about "Thainess".

There are other hings happening in the world of far more significance.

I think that the rest of the world are most remiss at failing to understand the roadmap and the current "special conditions", notwithstanding our leaders patient and continuous explanations.

Intoxicated by the superficial frippery of freedoms of speech, expression, assembly, and consumed by desires to own jam, calenders and red plastic bowls they have failed to grasp the wholly laudable progress made in returning happiness to the people despite an obvious ( as all the group photographs of our leaders reveal) veritable epidemic of chronic constipation.

Shame on The US Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs.

The most noble of all tasks of any government is to respect, guarantee and defend the freedom and human rigjrs of its citizens.

It is easy to understand that military power and military thinking is the worst possible to achieve this goal. Simply because the military are used to command and obey. Not to think, be tolerant and embrace difference.

That's why in a civilized country the military are under the control of the civil and elected government and their only task is to defend the country against the outside enemy.

Am I a dreamer? Maybe but I am not the only one.

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Everyone who posts on this Forum should remember one thing,


Please remember the imo illegal war,... oil grab ... that my country, the UK involved in recently.

Just look at PROJECT FEAR propaganda campaign being used in the UK by multi-nationals, the EU etc,

to try and get the British people to vote to remain in the fraudulent corrupt EU, ON June 23RD.

As I have said before, you can always leave Thailand and move back to where you came from, instead of bitching on the Forum.

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Everyone who posts on this Forum should remember one thing,


Please remember the imo illegal war,... oil grab ... that my country, the UK involved in recently.

Just look at PROJECT FEAR propaganda campaign being used in the UK by multi-nationals, the EU etc,

to try and get the British people to vote to remain in the fraudulent corrupt EU, ON June 23RD.

As I have said before, you can always leave Thailand and move back to where you came from, instead of bitching on the Forum.

A luxury most Thais don't have.

Your narrow mindedness and arrogance are astounding.

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Here we go again with the "explaining". Guess the rest of the world is just to daft for "understanding" thainess.

Fortunately the US and other western countries have never done anything for which an explanation, if they bothered to make one at all, was lame, self-serving and/or transparently false ... especially when it comes to the use of the military or police.

None of the so-called western democracies are in a position to lecture others on how democracy is supposed to work. The US has certainly propped up (or engineered regime changes) governments that were anything but democratic when it suited their purposes.

Western foreign policy, as with all foreign policy, is extremely self centred, and the US, UK etc. ARE more than happy to prop up terrible regimes when it is convenient to do so. Domestically though the Western democracies are clearly vastly superior in a number of ways. There is really no competition. You can pick a hole but Western democracies function relatively well by any reasonable metric. And on top of that I can go to, say, London, and distribute cartoons of David Cameron having sex with a dead pig and nobody is going to stop me. So yes, other countries do have a lot to learn from the West if they are interested in the well-being of their own people.

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Everyone who posts on this Forum should remember one thing,


Please remember the imo illegal war,... oil grab ... that my country, the UK involved in recently.

Just look at PROJECT FEAR propaganda campaign being used in the UK by multi-nationals, the EU etc,

to try and get the British people to vote to remain in the fraudulent corrupt EU, ON June 23RD.

As I have said before, you can always leave Thailand and move back to where you came from, instead of bitching on the Forum.

A luxury most Thais don't have.

Your narrow mindedness and arrogance are astounding.

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I am being truthful, not being narrow minded or arrogant, why don't you have a good look

at the country you were born, raised, and lived in before moving to Thailand.

Was/is it a wonderful, crime and corrupt free country?????, where life is just oh so pretty?????

Please act your age, not your shoe size!!!!

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the Thai government had tried to explain to the U.S. many times and stressed that the current situation in Thailand was not normal.

The U.S. understands perfectly well that the current situation is not normal, it's just that the U.S. is worried the current situation will be the new normal.

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Everyone who posts on this Forum should remember one thing,


Please remember the imo illegal war,... oil grab ... that my country, the UK involved in recently.

Just look at PROJECT FEAR propaganda campaign being used in the UK by multi-nationals, the EU etc,

to try and get the British people to vote to remain in the fraudulent corrupt EU, ON June 23RD.

As I have said before, you can always leave Thailand and move back to where you came from, instead of bitching on the Forum.

Malagateddy, (strange how someone from the UK and so scornful of Europe should identify himself with a Spanish town), how can I put this: the current shenanigans surrounding this (Thai) junta and it's attempts to install this charter have the cubed root of b#gg#r all to do with the Second Gulf War or the UKs pending decision on the EU, or your fears, real or imaginary on that matter.

And no, I will not go back to the UK because you dislike what I may say. If what I say troubles you then ignore it, I'm sure many others do.

Edited by JAG
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Everyone who posts on this Forum should remember one thing,


Please remember the imo illegal war,... oil grab ... that my country, the UK involved in recently.

Just look at PROJECT FEAR propaganda campaign being used in the UK by multi-nationals, the EU etc,

to try and get the British people to vote to remain in the fraudulent corrupt EU, ON June 23RD.

As I have said before, you can always leave Thailand and move back to where you came from, instead of bitching on the Forum.

You seem to not understand the nature of online forums. What are you afraid of?

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I know of no country in the world having found the total solution to their own self inflicted problems. If its out there, I guess

we would all move there and make a large contribution to them screwing up their fantastic, workable government system.

The vast wealth controlled by a very limited number of people in this world ensure they stay out of the public lime light. They

support who / what they want to increase their assets via legal or illegal channels. Many of those wanting to be politicans are

failed business men whose loses were/ are being paid by honest taxpayers. Others are professional crooks who see a much bigger honey pot to get their hands on.

I always remember my grandfather when approached by a half brother for a vote in a upcoming election. His response was ''No I will not vote for you as I know you to be a honest man, if your in politics you will become as crooked as the rest of them"

The honest taxpayer, normal working folk are the only ones to get the crooks out of government and take everything they have in the way of assets, abroad and in home country, and then write up laws, rules, penalities, etc that will scare the hell out of those considering illegal actions.

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Being raised as a Brat and with below standard education, it should be no surprise to anyone that a Thai always demands they are right

Its part of the culture

Then of course there is the ghost menace that influences public opinion and politics in Thailand

Its not to different to the rest of the world... albeit a few hundred years ago, when the western civilization was naive and education and science where below standard...

To understand Thainess, we just need to think like peasants, wallowing in mud, superstitious and afraid the sky will fall at any given moment

So when countries/diplomats finally "get it" then no further explanations are needed

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It's just boring now. Boring and silly. Like or loathe the US, they know perfectly well what is going on - it isn't that bloody complicated.

And we also know what is going on in the US. Those who can't do, teaches others to do...

I take your point, however...Please find another worn out phrase to use. We all know what we know because

Someone took the time to teach us.

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America can not tell the World what is right

If people want get off heads because it is their custom America should keep Quite

If people want to eat other people because it is their custom America should keep Quite

If people want to have a more peaceful then America should keep Quite

But if other people or countries needed money or defense America Should Give it to Them

And be happy they take it

America has to understand their place in the world

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I'm wondering if he had the audacity to explain to the US spokesman that "political offense" is defined as owning a red bowl.

Funny outsiders just refuse to assimilate. I guess the only person that understands Thai politics is the PM himself. He encourages the media to report the junta's "positive" thinking along with negative thinking. The only thing wrong with this is that negative thinking if made public gets a free ticket to the junta governments re-education camp. As Nero fiddles I often wonder if there is not something going on behind the scenes. Surely there must be some wise educated people sifting through all this funny Saturday Night Live daily material that the PM is giving us in his daily gospel readings. SNL has lasted 22 seasons. I think the PM is starting to run out of material and this may be his last season. He seems to be riding a one trick pony.

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Here we go again with the "explaining". Guess the rest of the world is just to daft for "understanding" thainess.

Quite honestly I don't think "the rest of the world" gives a good goddamn about "Thainess".

There are other hings happening in the world of far more significance.

Not to democratic thinking Thais.

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A lot of people on the Forum like to bitch about the current powers that be.

They could always move back to where they came from.

For myself, I left Glasgow as I was sick of the SNP, and the corrupt, fraudulent EU.

I enjoy living here in Thailand, .. I take nothing to do with Thai politics, so my advice to all the moaners is

move back to where you came from.

WOW I was surprised that it took so long for a "move back to where you came fromer" to come out of the woodwork. Not to many left I am afraid. Thanks for telling us that about corruption in your home country but sadly its nothing new its all over the planet. Enjoy Thailand I wonder if you made any converts for the junta.

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It's just boring now. Boring and silly. Like or loathe the US, they know perfectly well what is going on - it isn't that bloody complicated.

And we also know what is going on in the US. Those who can't do, teaches others to do...
The fanboys answer to all criticism of the junta? Point out the minor faults of other countries. I've yet to see one of them give an honest opinion on AA. Edited by jesimps
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Here we go again with the "explaining". Guess the rest of the world is just to daft for "understanding" thainess.

Quite honestly I don't think "the rest of the world" gives a good goddamn about "Thainess".

There are other hings happening in the world of far more significance.

True. Does that not define understanding Thainess?

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If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then its a duck!

No amount of 'explaining thats its not a duck' will change the facts.

but theyre all "quackers" imo

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Here we go again with the "explaining". Guess the rest of the world is just to daft for "understanding" thainess.

Fortunately the US and other western countries have never done anything for which an explanation, if they bothered to make one at all, was lame, self-serving and/or transparently false ... especially when it comes to the use of the military or police.

None of the so-called western democracies are in a position to lecture others on how democracy is supposed to work. The US has certainly propped up (or engineered regime changes) governments that were anything but democratic when it suited their purposes.

What's your take on forced attitude adjustment?

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Everyone who posts on this Forum should remember one thing,


Please remember the imo illegal war,... oil grab ... that my country, the UK involved in recently.

Just look at PROJECT FEAR propaganda campaign being used in the UK by multi-nationals, the EU etc,

to try and get the British people to vote to remain in the fraudulent corrupt EU, ON June 23RD.

As I have said before, you can always leave Thailand and move back to where you came from, instead of bitching on the Forum.

OOOPs another one popped up. Another junior 23 poster telling us in all his wisdom to go back home. A new arrival maybe with stars in his eyes. Another dialogue hater for sure you can tell by all the capital letters he is using or he is into his 4th courage drink for breakfast. Again like the other out of the woodwork guy he reminds us of all the other corruption in the world which I am sure we are all aware of. Project Fear is used by every country in the world its just another way of selling a bad product to sheeple struggling to survive and do to this fact are wide open to be streamrollered over by lies and inuendo's.

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It's just boring now. Boring and silly. Like or loathe the US, they know perfectly well what is going on - it isn't that bloody complicated.

And we also know what is going on in the US. Those who can't do, teaches others to do...
The fanboys answer to all criticism of the junta? Point out the minor faults of other countries. I've yet to see one of them give an honest opinion on AA.

And in the US there is hope in Bernie Sanders to change the system there. You could disagree with me on that and it would be your right. No one is getting locked up or "adjusted" because of it.

Democracy in its current guise has many flaws but military rule is practically medieval. Do these posters ignore what's hqppened in Myanmar these past 60 odd years?

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