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AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively


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This poll is complete B.S. Fox News crap. Mostly it is the low life, liberal, walmart crowd and rabble rousers that spread this horse meat.

Case in Point : Obama is the most unpopular president in recent history...but he got elected twice. Unpopular means success...for some reason. So whether there is any truth (hahaha) to the poll or not....it means absolutely nothing. There are no valid opponents to Trump. Nobody even come close. Hillary is going to trial soon (very soon) and the rest are bigger idiots than Trump.

Trump is still going strong. Watch him Kick butt in NYC. lol

Edited by slipperylobster
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Your rah,rah train for Trump slipperylobster is about all you have.

Fox News "liberal", from there the post even more nonsensical.

Apart from Trump's legal issues (Trump University Fraud case going forward), and a ton of mob connection press about to be released, he'll not get to the convention with the required delegates and then it's game on for his party that does not support him. Doors flung wide open at that point.

I wish there was an emoticon that had cheerleader pom-poms, slipperylobster, rah,rah,rah, but your team doesn't even like their frontrunner, nor does the majority of the nation. Rah,rah dude.

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Here...you have a historical advantage.

Trump has been steadfast in his views for years. Watch the video.

This is exactly what we need to do...and Trump has the motivation.

Screw those other candidates....who needs them? Nothing but white washing.

Here is your video.


no other candidate will get this done.

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Your rah,rah train for Trump slipperylobster is about all you have.

Fox News "liberal", from there the post even more nonsensical.

Apart from Trump's legal issues (Trump University Fraud case going forward), and a ton of mob connection press about to be released, he'll not get to the convention with the required delegates and then it's game on for his party that does not support him. Doors flung wide open at that point.

I wish there was an emoticon that had cheerleader pom-poms, slipperylobster, rah,rah,rah, but your team doesn't even like their frontrunner, nor does the majority of the nation. Rah,rah dude.

I only agree to disagree...

watch and weep. the game is in play. Trump wins the nomination..my bet.

for better or worse.

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Your rah,rah train for Trump slipperylobster is about all you have.

Fox News "liberal", from there the post even more nonsensical.

Apart from Trump's legal issues (Trump University Fraud case going forward), and a ton of mob connection press about to be released, he'll not get to the convention with the required delegates and then it's game on for his party that does not support him. Doors flung wide open at that point.

I wish there was an emoticon that had cheerleader pom-poms, slipperylobster, rah,rah,rah, but your team doesn't even like their frontrunner, nor does the majority of the nation. Rah,rah dude.

I only agree to disagree...

watch and weep. the game is in play. Trump wins the nomination..my bet.

for better or worse.

....and then will get crushed in the GE. This is the reason his party doesn't like him, he has no chance against HRC.

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The hard right does not compromise.

Neither Trump nor Cruz as the nominee would choose John Kasich as a vp running mate. Kasich is unacceptable to the Republican base. Kasich is a poison plant to the extremist right wingers who have powerful influence in over the R party in this election year and who are more out on the socio-political fringe than they'd ever been in previous elections of Potus .

Trump would never consider Kasich as veep because, for one thing, Trump undoubtedly sees Kasich as more namby-pamby than Jeb Bush. Kasich has had only a political career since he was elected to the Ohio legislature at age 26, then for 20 years in Congress and now governor of Ohio where K has enriched his pals with a proliferation of state contracts.

The running mate Trump would choose were he the R nominee is anyone's guess, as it might be anyone from a bomb 'em now retired general to an evangelical favorite nutcase such as Bobby Jindal, the former governor of Louisiana. Trying to figure out a Trump running mate is a true challenge to anyone.

Cruz should he be nominated would be the most conservative R candidate since Sen Barry Goldwater in 1964 so he would not compromise either. Goldwater had chosen a completely obscure rightwing congressman from upstate New York, Bill Miller, which further doomed the already sunk Goldwater candidacy. A nominee Cruz might go with supporter Carly Fiorina to try to reclaim moderate suburban Republican married women, also to try to hold Red states west of the Mississippi River, and so Fiorina could attack HRC 24/7 which Fiorina loves doing.

No one in the R voter base wants Kasich as the nominee and he'd be just be useless as vp to both Trump or Cruz, to include any outlier who might enter the contest once the madhouse convention opens its doors.

I could see Cruz picking Rubio, because they're both Bible-Thumpers. But maybe not, because Rubio couldn't even get many votes in his home state. Cruz will probably pick a woman, so as to appear open-minded. It's hard to say who Trump would pick. I could see T picking Kasich. You'll notice, during the debates, Kasich never wanted to get drawn in to saying anything non-praiseworthy about Trump. Kasich has been eyeing the VP slot for months.

Republicans often pick namby pampy VP candidates. Nixon had Agnew. George Bush Sr had Quayle. A leader-wannabe will often pick a wimp as a running mate for two main reasons: #1 it won't be daily competition, and #2 it makes the top man appear more of a man, more in control. Reagan had Bush Sr., but it was actually Nancy who ran most things. In a real sense, she was the first female president. Reagan's aides wouldn't approach Ronny directly with an issue. They would always pass it by Mrs Reagan first, to see if it would pass muster with the proxy president.

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The lady governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley seems to be a not horrible republican with great potential for the future. She'll be considered as VP by any republican and sadly (as a democrat) would be helpful for any ticket. Not rabidly anti-gay enough for Cruz though who is hateful and obsessive on that issue.

If HRC is not the first woman president, she might be. Who knows, maybe the republicans will "draft" her this time!

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Your rah,rah train for Trump slipperylobster is about all you have.

Fox News "liberal", from there the post even more nonsensical.

Apart from Trump's legal issues (Trump University Fraud case going forward), and a ton of mob connection press about to be released, he'll not get to the convention with the required delegates and then it's game on for his party that does not support him. Doors flung wide open at that point.

I wish there was an emoticon that had cheerleader pom-poms, slipperylobster, rah,rah,rah, but your team doesn't even like their frontrunner, nor does the majority of the nation. Rah,rah dude.

I only agree to disagree...

watch and weep. the game is in play. Trump wins the nomination..my bet.

for better or worse.

Weren't you the one who announced Trump's victory in Utah a short while back? Took a little posting holiday after that embarrassment I see. But now you are back expecting us to take your assessments seriously?

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Your rah,rah train for Trump slipperylobster is about all you have.

Fox News "liberal", from there the post even more nonsensical.

Apart from Trump's legal issues (Trump University Fraud case going forward), and a ton of mob connection press about to be released, he'll not get to the convention with the required delegates and then it's game on for his party that does not support him. Doors flung wide open at that point.

I wish there was an emoticon that had cheerleader pom-poms, slipperylobster, rah,rah,rah, but your team doesn't even like their frontrunner, nor does the majority of the nation. Rah,rah dude.

I only agree to disagree...

watch and weep. the game is in play. Trump wins the nomination..my bet.

for better or worse.

....and then will get crushed in the GE. This is the reason his party doesn't like him, he has no chance against HRC.

HRC...........is this a joke?

She let people (even the ambassador) die in Benghazi..and then lied about it. But her current dilemma is National Security, and her misuse of classified info...again lying about it. Let us see what she has to say to the FBI...

Not many veterans or solid patriots are going to vote for somebody that lied to the families of Embassy staff, after not even attempting to help. That leaves a bunch of whining women. (Her general supporters are uppity class women who could care less about American Foreign Policy)

If that is all you got..then it is time you became a trumpeteer.

Edited by slipperylobster
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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

He really is so bad, but I really *want* him to get the nomination.

Maybe having a "convention campaign" manager will help him play catch up to Cruz, who has been working behind the scenes to steal delegates thanks to a much better campaign infrastructure.

Such is the arrogance of the Donald, he actually believes that repeating mindless soundbites ad nauseam will get him past the post.

I think having his bottom handed to him on a plate in Wisconsin may have convinced him (or at least his campaign) otherwise.

Is NY a winner-takes-all primary?

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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

He really is so bad, but I really *want* him to get the nomination.

Maybe having a "convention campaign" manager will help him play catch up to Cruz, who has been working behind the scenes to steal delegates thanks to a much better campaign infrastructure.

Such is the arrogance of the Donald, he actually believes that repeating mindless soundbites ad nauseam will get him past the post.

I think having his bottom handed to him on a plate in Wisconsin may have convinced him (or at least his campaign) otherwise.

Is NY a winner-takes-all primary?

Wisconsin? How do you figure his bottom was handed to him on a plate there? Barely any delegates.

By the way, some states are won, and some are known write offs. Even Trump knew (in advance) he would not take Wisconsin.

Now...lets talk New York. Big Apple...Big Stakes. Guess who got booed right off the bus? LOL . That's right..little ted cruz ! Dumbfickr insulted the whole state and now his behind is being chicken fried and served up with tater tots.

what a joke.

comparing wisconsin to new york..............lol

Here is something for your plate.... http://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-donald-trump-leads-big-in-new-york-


Edited by slipperylobster
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A post which violates Fair Use policy has been removed. Please do not quote more than the first three sentences of quoted text and then be sure and post a link to the source.

O.K. sorry Scott, I was unaware of that rule.

Chicog, regarding the NY Republican primary, there are three delegates per district. If a candidate gets more than 50% of the votes in the district they get all three. If more than 20% they get two and the second place finisher gets one.

Not a winner take all scenario.

Sure, Trump will win NY that's an easy call but he will continue to fall short delegatewise of what he needs to get to the final tally and nomination. clap2.gif

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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

It's not so sure he won't become the Rep candidate. Currently, as you should know, he has the most delegates.

I just watched a long recent interview with The Donald, interviewed by Anderson Cooper (yes, I know conservatives don't like him because he's gay and he's smart). Even the Trump-loving audience was tepid in their support. They clapped a few times, whereas any other candidate would have gotten enthusiastic support. Even I could have gotten more supportive response from the audience if I'd just said things like, "Americans are good people. We're capable of so much. We need to develop the potential of each American," .....and other such crowd-pleasing stuff.

Trump is really off his game. I seriously doubt if he can even rely on the fringe (20% of Republicans) to stay by him. The man continually interrupted Anderson, usually with his stock-in-trade, "excuse me! excuse me! excuse me!" Trump is incredible with his inability to stay on topic and/or answer a question. He's really losing it ladies and gentlemen. I almost feel sorry for him, as he was continually floundering for responses to easy questions. I actually want Trump to be the Rep candidate because he would be easy to beat. So much so, that a slew of democrats would come in on the coattails of whomever Democrat won by a landslide. I honestly don't see any way that Trump can win the general election. It's not wishful thinking on my part. It's plain deduction. As I said, even his supporters are getting migraines and distancing themselves from him. There's only so long that a significant segment of Americans can continue to follow a complete ding dong. He peaked waaaaaay too early. Later, he'll look back at his failed campaign and wish the election was held in early March of this year. At least then, he'd have had a gnat's chance in hell to win. Come November, he'll be a sad joke.

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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

It's not so sure he won't become the Rep candidate. Currently, as you should know, he has the most delegates.

I just watched a long recent interview with The Donald, interviewed by Anderson Cooper (yes, I know conservatives don't like him because he's gay and he's smart). Even the Trump-loving audience was tepid in their support. They clapped a few times, whereas any other candidate would have gotten enthusiastic support. Even I could have gotten more supportive response from the audience if I'd just said things like, "Americans are good people. We're capable of so much. We need to develop the potential of each American," .....and other such crowd-pleasing stuff.

Trump is really off his game. I seriously doubt if he can even rely on the fringe (20% of Republicans) to stay by him. The man continually interrupted Anderson, usually with his stock-in-trade, "excuse me! excuse me! excuse me!" Trump is incredible with his inability to stay on topic and/or answer a question. He's really losing it ladies and gentlemen. I almost feel sorry for him, as he was continually floundering for responses to easy questions. I actually want Trump to be the Rep candidate because he would be easy to beat. So much so, that a slew of democrats would come in on the coattails of whomever Democrat won by a landslide. I honestly don't see any way that Trump can win the general election. It's not wishful thinking on my part. It's plain deduction. As I said, even his supporters are getting migraines and distancing themselves from him. There's only so long that a significant segment of Americans can continue to follow a complete ding dong. He peaked waaaaaay too early. Later, he'll look back at his failed campaign and wish the election was held in early March of this year. At least then, he'd have had a gnat's chance in hell to win. Come November, he'll be a sad joke.

oh come on...

you sound like you just overdosed all night on fox news.

Where..oh where...is this slump you suggested Don Trump is in? Watch the news on the 18th....I believe it will be a wake up call for everyone. He lost a very few delegates this week...but now comes the good part.

Don't jump on the bandwagon (trump is finished, he lost) just yet.

Write again after the 18th, when all those delegates fall into Trumps pockets....then we will see.

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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

It's not so sure he won't become the Rep candidate. Currently, as you should know, he has the most delegates.

I just watched a long recent interview with The Donald, interviewed by Anderson Cooper (yes, I know conservatives don't like him because he's gay and he's smart). Even the Trump-loving audience was tepid in their support. They clapped a few times, whereas any other candidate would have gotten enthusiastic support. Even I could have gotten more supportive response from the audience if I'd just said things like, "Americans are good people. We're capable of so much. We need to develop the potential of each American," .....and other such crowd-pleasing stuff.

Trump is really off his game. I seriously doubt if he can even rely on the fringe (20% of Republicans) to stay by him. The man continually interrupted Anderson, usually with his stock-in-trade, "excuse me! excuse me! excuse me!" Trump is incredible with his inability to stay on topic and/or answer a question. He's really losing it ladies and gentlemen. I almost feel sorry for him, as he was continually floundering for responses to easy questions. I actually want Trump to be the Rep candidate because he would be easy to beat. So much so, that a slew of democrats would come in on the coattails of whomever Democrat won by a landslide. I honestly don't see any way that Trump can win the general election. It's not wishful thinking on my part. It's plain deduction. As I said, even his supporters are getting migraines and distancing themselves from him. There's only so long that a significant segment of Americans can continue to follow a complete ding dong. He peaked waaaaaay too early. Later, he'll look back at his failed campaign and wish the election was held in early March of this year. At least then, he'd have had a gnat's chance in hell to win. Come November, he'll be a sad joke.

oh come on...

you sound like you just overdosed all night on fox news.

Where..oh where...is this slump you suggested Don Trump is in? Watch the news on the 18th....I believe it will be a wake up call for everyone. He lost a very few delegates this week...but now comes the good part.

Don't jump on the bandwagon (trump is finished, he lost) just yet.

Write again after the 18th, when all those delegates fall into Trumps pockets....then we will see.

slipperylobster you do realize you continue to invalidate anything you post by saying Fox News is liberal media. Maybe it is in Australia but not in the U.S. mate.

Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly have cross promotional agreements, do you know who these guys are? They are not liberals, o.k.?

Fox was a huge backer of the Tea Party movement to the tune of 10 Tea Party programs a month in 2010. Tea Partiers, not liberals mate. Sarah Palin, remember(?) dumb as dogsh*t conservative?

Don't know where you are from but Fox News in the U.S. is not liberal media, you want to post valid arguments you might want to leave that part out.

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I am far more afraid of Cruz than Trump. Trump is basically a wind bag egomaniac but

generally a affable guy with a successful business. He will bring sides together, but be

careful negotiating with Trump. He is going to leave the negotiating table a winner,

whether the deal is going to be a win-win so to speak depends on the deal. whistling.gif

bring sides together ? I don't think so. His way of getting a decision made is by calling everyone who disagrees an idiot or stupid or fat or some other insult until that person as had enough and walks away. There should have been some additional rules during the debates that put people on timeout when they start acting up like a bad kid. Trump would have been on timeout or standing in a corner most of the debates. The guy lacks respect for anyone ... Looser as he would say.
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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

He really is so bad, but I really *want* him to get the nomination.

Maybe having a "convention campaign" manager will help him play catch up to Cruz, who has been working behind the scenes to steal delegates thanks to a much better campaign infrastructure.

Such is the arrogance of the Donald, he actually believes that repeating mindless soundbites ad nauseam will get him past the post.

I think having his bottom handed to him on a plate in Wisconsin may have convinced him (or at least his campaign) otherwise.

Is NY a winner-takes-all primary?

Wisconsin? How do you figure his bottom was handed to him on a plate there? Barely any delegates.

By the way, some states are won, and some are known write offs. Even Trump knew (in advance) he would not take Wisconsin.

Now...lets talk New York. Big Apple...Big Stakes. Guess who got booed right off the bus? LOL . That's right..little ted cruz ! Dumbfickr insulted the whole state and now his behind is being chicken fried and served up with tater tots.

what a joke.

comparing wisconsin to new york..............lol

Here is something for your plate.... http://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-donald-trump-leads-big-in-new-york-


Correct me if I'm wrong but if he doesn't have 1237 delegates by the convention, they are essentially worthless, as those that hold them can essentially vote for anyone after the first ballot.

And using those votes for him would be like (and I'll get it right this time) Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.


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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

It's not so sure he won't become the Rep candidate. Currently, as you should know, he has the most delegates.

I just watched a long recent interview with The Donald, interviewed by Anderson Cooper (yes, I know conservatives don't like him because he's gay and he's smart). Even the Trump-loving audience was tepid in their support. They clapped a few times, whereas any other candidate would have gotten enthusiastic support. Even I could have gotten more supportive response from the audience if I'd just said things like, "Americans are good people. We're capable of so much. We need to develop the potential of each American," .....and other such crowd-pleasing stuff.

Trump is really off his game. I seriously doubt if he can even rely on the fringe (20% of Republicans) to stay by him. The man continually interrupted Anderson, usually with his stock-in-trade, "excuse me! excuse me! excuse me!" Trump is incredible with his inability to stay on topic and/or answer a question. He's really losing it ladies and gentlemen. I almost feel sorry for him, as he was continually floundering for responses to easy questions. I actually want Trump to be the Rep candidate because he would be easy to beat. So much so, that a slew of democrats would come in on the coattails of whomever Democrat won by a landslide. I honestly don't see any way that Trump can win the general election. It's not wishful thinking on my part. It's plain deduction. As I said, even his supporters are getting migraines and distancing themselves from him. There's only so long that a significant segment of Americans can continue to follow a complete ding dong. He peaked waaaaaay too early. Later, he'll look back at his failed campaign and wish the election was held in early March of this year. At least then, he'd have had a gnat's chance in hell to win. Come November, he'll be a sad joke.

oh come on...

you sound like you just overdosed all night on fox news.

Where..oh where...is this slump you suggested Don Trump is in? Watch the news on the 18th....I believe it will be a wake up call for everyone. He lost a very few delegates this week...but now comes the good part.

Don't jump on the bandwagon (trump is finished, he lost) just yet.

Write again after the 18th, when all those delegates fall into Trumps pockets....then we will see.

slipperylobster you do realize you continue to invalidate anything you post by saying Fox News is liberal media. Maybe it is in Australia but not in the U.S. mate.

Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly have cross promotional agreements, do you know who these guys are? They are not liberals, o.k.?

Fox was a huge backer of the Tea Party movement to the tune of 10 Tea Party programs a month in 2010. Tea Partiers, not liberals mate. Sarah Palin, remember(?) dumb as dogsh*t conservative?

Don't know where you are from but Fox News in the U.S. is not liberal media, you want to post valid arguments you might want to leave that part out.

fox news is probably the worst place you could go for info on what is going on in america.

I don't feel the need to justify my indifference to them.

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A post which violates Fair Use policy has been removed. Please do not quote more than the first three sentences of quoted text and then be sure and post a link to the source.

O.K. sorry Scott, I was unaware of that rule.

Chicog, regarding the NY Republican primary, there are three delegates per district. If a candidate gets more than 50% of the votes in the district they get all three. If more than 20% they get two and the second place finisher gets one.

Not a winner take all scenario.

Sure, Trump will win NY that's an easy call but he will continue to fall short delegatewise of what he needs to get to the final tally and nomination. clap2.gif

Yes so allow moi to add that in New York state 81 delegates are awarded by congressional district (constituency), of which there are 27. (Three delegates per congressional district/constituency x 27 = 81)

If we wanna get a picture of what number of the 81 total DISTRICT delegates go to whom, we need 27 individual polls, one in each of the congressional districts. No one has any such number cause polling by congressional district has not been done, nor will it be done.

Then there are an additional 14 statewide delegates, based on the candidate's aggregate vote of the congressional districts. This is the total of New York state's 95 convention delegates. (81 district delegates + 14 at-large delegates)

If a candidate aggregates 50.1% of the vote in all of the state's 27 congressional districts, then he gets all 14 statewide delegates. If no candidate gets better than 50%, then the candidates are assigned the 14 at-large delegates proportionally based on order of finish. (Gotta breach the 20% floor statewide to get any of the 14 at-large delegates).

Polls of New York state Republicans shows nothing per congressional district. A statewide R poll may apply only in the instance of the 14 at-large delegates...maybe.

Trump to stay on track to 1237 needs no fewer than 80 of the total 95 delegates of the state. The party apparatus in the state is almost entirely behind Trump yet, in any one of the 27 districts, if Trump falls below 50%, he'll lose one of the district's three delegates.

Bottom line is that for Trump to get his minimal needed 80 NY delegates he'll have to run the board in almost every one of the 27 districts (50.1%). If Trump wants all the 14 at-large delegates, he'd have to hit 50.1 percent of the 27 districts in the aggregate.

So Trump's gonna have to break some kneecaps.

And Cruz was not so nuts to have been in the Bronx the other day to get yelled at by a couple of guyz off the street. Bronx has a total of 20,725 R party voters. Cruz can win a delegate there just by breaking the 20% threshold. Two delegates if he finishes second.

It's more efficient for Cruz to campaign in the Bronx and in other NYC districts than to put a lot of resources upstate. Campaigning in the upstate District 24 for instance, which has a total of 149,777 registered Republican voters requires reaching and getting many more R voters than in the Bronx. Most upstate districts are in the six digits of registered R's whereas NYC districts have far fewer registered Republicans.

Kasich is going to hurt Trump and Cruz in all 27 of 'em and probably statewide. (Northern Ohio is practically a suburb of western upstate NY.) Buffalo is 10,000 miles from Melbourne but it's 17 miles from Ontario Canada and less than a marathon jog to Cleveland. Most upstate NY Republicans consider their governor to be John Kasich rather than the D Andrew Cuomo.

Edited by Publicus
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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

It's not so sure he won't become the Rep candidate. Currently, as you should know, he has the most delegates.

I just watched a long recent interview with The Donald, interviewed by Anderson Cooper (yes, I know conservatives don't like him because he's gay and he's smart). Even the Trump-loving audience was tepid in their support. They clapped a few times, whereas any other candidate would have gotten enthusiastic support. Even I could have gotten more supportive response from the audience if I'd just said things like, "Americans are good people. We're capable of so much. We need to develop the potential of each American," .....and other such crowd-pleasing stuff.

Trump is really off his game. I seriously doubt if he can even rely on the fringe (20% of Republicans) to stay by him. The man continually interrupted Anderson, usually with his stock-in-trade, "excuse me! excuse me! excuse me!" Trump is incredible with his inability to stay on topic and/or answer a question. He's really losing it ladies and gentlemen. I almost feel sorry for him, as he was continually floundering for responses to easy questions. I actually want Trump to be the Rep candidate because he would be easy to beat. So much so, that a slew of democrats would come in on the coattails of whomever Democrat won by a landslide. I honestly don't see any way that Trump can win the general election. It's not wishful thinking on my part. It's plain deduction. As I said, even his supporters are getting migraines and distancing themselves from him. There's only so long that a significant segment of Americans can continue to follow a complete ding dong. He peaked waaaaaay too early. Later, he'll look back at his failed campaign and wish the election was held in early March of this year. At least then, he'd have had a gnat's chance in hell to win. Come November, he'll be a sad joke.

oh come on... you sound like you just overdosed all night on fox news. Where..oh where...is this slump you suggested Don Trump is in? Watch the news on the 18th....I believe it will be a wake up call for everyone. He lost a very few delegates this week...but now comes the good part.

Don't jump on the bandwagon (trump is finished, he lost) just yet. Write again after the 18th, when all those delegates fall into Trumps pockets....then we will see.

Maybe it wasn't clear: I actually don't mind if Trump wins the Rep nod. I'd actually prefer it to be Trump, because he's easier to beat than Cruz. Cruz is consistent in his views. Trump is like an 11 yr old at his first sock hop - trying hard to do the correct dance moves to the different tunes.

Fox News = conservative right-wing.

Trump = right winger trying to appear conservative, decisive and wise. He fails in the wisdom dept. He's decisive, but so is a hog digging up a turnip.

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If he's so bad why waste so much effort telling everyone seeing as he'll never get the Republican nomination let alone get elected president?

It's not so sure he won't become the Rep candidate. Currently, as you should know, he has the most delegates.

I just watched a long recent interview with The Donald, interviewed by Anderson Cooper (yes, I know conservatives don't like him because he's gay and he's smart). Even the Trump-loving audience was tepid in their support. They clapped a few times, whereas any other candidate would have gotten enthusiastic support. Even I could have gotten more supportive response from the audience if I'd just said things like, "Americans are good people. We're capable of so much. We need to develop the potential of each American," .....and other such crowd-pleasing stuff.

Trump is really off his game. I seriously doubt if he can even rely on the fringe (20% of Republicans) to stay by him. The man continually interrupted Anderson, usually with his stock-in-trade, "excuse me! excuse me! excuse me!" Trump is incredible with his inability to stay on topic and/or answer a question. He's really losing it ladies and gentlemen. I almost feel sorry for him, as he was continually floundering for responses to easy questions. I actually want Trump to be the Rep candidate because he would be easy to beat. So much so, that a slew of democrats would come in on the coattails of whomever Democrat won by a landslide. I honestly don't see any way that Trump can win the general election. It's not wishful thinking on my part. It's plain deduction. As I said, even his supporters are getting migraines and distancing themselves from him. There's only so long that a significant segment of Americans can continue to follow a complete ding dong. He peaked waaaaaay too early. Later, he'll look back at his failed campaign and wish the election was held in early March of this year. At least then, he'd have had a gnat's chance in hell to win. Come November, he'll be a sad joke.

oh come on... you sound like you just overdosed all night on fox news. Where..oh where...is this slump you suggested Don Trump is in? Watch the news on the 18th....I believe it will be a wake up call for everyone. He lost a very few delegates this week...but now comes the good part.

Don't jump on the bandwagon (trump is finished, he lost) just yet. Write again after the 18th, when all those delegates fall into Trumps pockets....then we will see.

Maybe it wasn't clear: I actually don't mind if Trump wins the Rep nod. I'd actually prefer it to be Trump, because he's easier to beat than Cruz. Cruz is consistent in his views. Trump is like an 11 yr old at his first sock hop - trying hard to do the correct dance moves to the different tunes.

Fox News = conservative right-wing.

Trump = right winger trying to appear conservative, decisive and wise. He fails in the wisdom dept. He's decisive, but so is a hog digging up a turnip.

" He's decisive, but so is a hog digging up a turnip. "

you crack me uplaugh.png

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