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How Bad Is This Water Crisis Going To Get?


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As a foreigner you don't have to stay there.

No water, go away for a month or two.

Europe has plenty of water.

Problem solved!

Great plan.

Will you look after my family for me if I desert them just to look out for myself?

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Plan for rain only towards July. Although the El nino is decreasing in strength it can still delay this years rain. After the rain starts you must consider the fact that the run off may be less than normal and that catchment areas will first soak up water before filling dams. We could see very low dam levels even after this rainfall season. We should onle reach normal dam levels next rainfall season. Then plan for floods by 2017/2018. It never rains it pours the saying goes.

IMHO it will take at least 3 years and probably 4 or 5 to fill all the dams, boreholes and water tables back to a high level. Once the first rain soaks through the surface there will not be much of a run off and possibly this year the dams will fill to above the critical level to a low fill.

One reason is that when the rains DO come the farmers will plant and soak up much of the irrigation water as the farmers NEED to plant and harvest simply to reduce their debts. I have no problem with that at all as they suffer much more than we do.

2017 should refill the dams to a good level and 2018 should fill them.

That gives the current government a good 2 years to amalgamate ALL the water agencies into one with all their ducks nicely lined up and if they don't get it right it may not matter how many soldiers of guns they have because I think the Thai people will unite behind ANY leader who can promise them relief.

Riding the tiger is not too hard. It is getting off and surviving afterwards that is hard.

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Maybe it is time to learn what Israel is doing in the of getting water from the sea.

Look at the size in area and population of Israel and compare it to the size and population of Thailand and you will find that the cost of desalination in Thailand is horrendous.

Think of the size of the water pipe network, it will be thousands of kilometres, the number of pumping stations, the extra power stations, extra manpower and maintenance etc and that is before the actual cost of a desalination plant (s).

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As a foreigner you don't have to stay there.

No water, go away for a month or two.

Europe has plenty of water.

Problem solved!

Great plan.

Will you look after my family for me if I desert them just to look out for myself?

No need, they did alright before you came along, and they'll do alright after you're gone.

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As a foreigner you don't have to stay there.

No water, go away for a month or two.

Europe has plenty of water.

Problem solved!

Great plan.

Will you look after my family for me if I desert them just to look out for myself?

No need, they did alright before you came along, and they'll do alright after you're gone.

And you know this how?

I don't think we have ever met.

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Disappointing to see the government giving little advice on how to conserve water. Little things can add up like turning off the water whilst washing your teeth or whilst lathering up in the shower. Imagine how many flush toilets there are and how many times a day they are flushed. Just putting 3 or 4 red bricks in the cistern would save a hell of a lot of water if everyone did it but so far I have seen no simple advice given. Best solution might be to have a temporary five fold increase in the cost of tap water. That might make people think twice about wasting it for nothing.

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I observed this morning a water truck delivering water to a neighbour, a girl came out from across the street and begged the water truck driver to fill here 1000L tank, which he reluctantly agreed.

Later just before darkness fell, I watched said girl for 20 minutes watering her garden... She was very lucky to get that water in the first place and she may not be so lucky when she runs out again.

Some people never learn.

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As a foreigner you don't have to stay there.

No water, go away for a month or two.

Europe has plenty of water.

Problem solved!

Great plan.

Will you look after my family for me if I desert them just to look out for myself?

No need, they did alright before you came along, and they'll do alright after you're gone.

I am not so sure they have went through a drought like this before.

My inlaws have lived here for over 60 years and they said they have never experienced a critical situation as bad as this one.

They have had dry spells with water rationing, but not to the state that the water board are saying no water till the rains arrive..... In April. This is the second biggest city in Thailand and this is the worst water situation in memory.

Lamtakong reservoir which is the main one for the province has never been this empty since its dam was constructed.

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Disappointing to see the government giving little advice on how to conserve water. Little things can add up like turning off the water whilst washing your teeth or whilst lathering up in the shower. Imagine how many flush toilets there are and how many times a day they are flushed. Just putting 3 or 4 red bricks in the cistern would save a hell of a lot of water if everyone did it but so far I have seen no simple advice given. Best solution might be to have a temporary five fold increase in the cost of tap water. That might make people think twice about wasting it for nothing.

Most rural Thais don't use a western style flush toilet and use a plasic bowl to flush it which uses much less water. They shower the same way using the dip bowl.

That is they way we shower at home in the heat.

If I go for a pee it may be 4 or 5 times before I flush the toilet though if I take a dump it gets flushed .

If it's yellow, let it mellow

If it's brown, then flush it down.

As for putting up the price of water temporarily, out here in rural Khampaeng Phet the government water supply was shut down in mid December 2015 and it may be back in mid August. Meanwhile the 2 fire trucks are out 8 hours a day 5 days a week delivering to all the houses around here.

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Maybe it is time to learn what Israel is doing in the of getting water from the sea.

Most of the more serious Thailand problem areas are somewhat distant from the sea.

In the Middle East and Israel cities are mostly close to seas.

A desalination plant isn't built overnight and requires a lot of power.

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My take on desalination plants, is that you only build that kind of hugely expensive, hugely power intensive piece of infrastructure in places where it just doesn't rain, ie the middle east, and one which I'm very familiar, San Diego.

Here the issue isn't overall lack of water, just poor management of the resource.

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Up here in Chiang Rai we are putting a pump in the river today, the springs we use are basically finished. No town water for a month already. Hoping the river keeps flowing, but everyone is getting a pump in there now. We get our drinking water from a place downstream, which also uses the river for its source. If the river quits there is going to be a lot of desperate people up here because we are quite remote.

No one has a well around here because there are plenty of springs and they have never failed. We have killed off most of the fish in the fish farm, the rest will be killed soon if no change. we had plans to plant new stuff because we have irrigation. Not now.

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Best solution might be to have a temporary five fold increase in the cost of tap water. That might make people think twice about wasting it for nothing.

Yeah, that way the poor will all be punished while the rich get all the water they want. It also has the added benefit of providing the government with with extra revenue they can flush down the new low-flow toilets they got a big kick-back for mandating.

I don't think the issue is that someone flushes their toilet every time the take a leak, but rather farmers flood-irrigating.

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Water is the next gold. Shortages will become far more common as things heat up. I can see a time when water becomes very expensive. What will happen then is anyone's guess.

Plenty of places will get more rain as it warms up.

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As a foreigner you don't have to stay there.

No water, go away for a month or two.

Europe has plenty of water.

Problem solved!

Great plan.

Will you look after my family for me if I desert them just to look out for myself?

No need, they did alright before you came along, and they'll do alright after you're gone.

And you know this how?

I don't think we have ever met.

I know this because they really aren't different.

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Maybe it is time to learn what Israel is doing in the of getting water from the sea.

Look at the size in area and population of Israel and compare it to the size and population of Thailand and you will find that the cost of desalination in Thailand is horrendous.

Think of the size of the water pipe network, it will be thousands of kilometres, the number of pumping stations, the extra power stations, extra manpower and maintenance etc and that is before the actual cost of a desalination plant (s).

Too many "farangs" with beach view condos here cheesy.gif

Of course desalination is completely unthinkable for a country of this size and population.

That's for the Arab sheiks in Abu Dhabi etc.

Their great King has told them long enough what to do.

And that is storage, storage, storage and more storage.

Dams, reservoirs, ponds etc.

If only they had listened!

There was an estimated number about the horrendous flooding in 2011: 30 billion cubic-meters of water flew down to the sea.

Just think about it.

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Up here north of C/Rai we finally had a storm last night, of course it only dampened down the dust and watered the garden , all the streams round the rice fields have dried up and now bore holes have been put in, running all day and I suspect all night but at least we have water . I do feel sorry for those in places where the water is drying up and in my 69 years I have never wanted to see rain more. Our plain gets its water from the surrounding mountains but as has been said here, a lot of rain is needed to fill the mountain and drain onto the plain. C'mon rain !

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

You do realize that the current water shortages are primarily due to an El Nino condition that is going into its third year. This has impacted the normal northeastern moonsoon causing significantly lower then normal rainfall in thailand for the past two years. The El Nino arose rather unexpectedly in 2014 so the reservoirs were lowered as usual in anticipation of normal rainfall that did not occur in 2014 and 2015 causing the low reservoir levels that are now causing problems for many.

Data is showing the El Nino is weakening and forecast are the rainy season in the second half of this year should be normal or higher.

Contrary to popular opinion on this site, the water management system in Thailand has been fairly effective in mitigating the impacts, but at this point is there is little that can be done other then promoting water conservation and wait for the rainy season.


Would you like some photos of the crumbling concrete and neglected original water system put in place round here probably not that long ago.....maintenance is a dirty word and when its done to clear weeds out from the irrigation canals they use a makro as they "might" do it every 3-4 years instead of every year with strimmers........guess what? by the time theyve finished they have broken the concrete sides even more.

What use is the system without the correct maintenance

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

Learning Thai language can have unintended consequences. facepalm.gif

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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

Jeeez Kannot.

Sounds to me that you may well become a target when enough people get desperate enough, they can easily form a mob against you and that becomes a dangerous situation for you... Desperate people do desperate things.

Seems you have acquired a local reputation as the village villain and a foreigner to boot which just makes the situation worse... When you are haing problems, it is easier just to blame the foreigner.

I am not trying to be alarmist here mate, but wouldn't it be better for you rather than to stand your ground and show defiance out of your principles..... but to instead rig up a sort of stand pipe outside your property and allow them to take the odd bucket or bowl of water if they are in desperate need?

I mean, why be the villain when you can be a rock star??..... You clearly have plenty of water and you are probably not going to run out of water if you have deep bore wells.

Edit:.... Just talking to the wife about this. I asked if they would attack you with violence, she said they would no problem...... Be careful.

Edited by Brewster67
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Anyone coming to Thailand has to realise "no one" is going to help you with anything and learn to do or arrange by planning in advance your own supplies.

I have 2 wells cost 150k for both one 85 metres deep one 55 metres deep supply 4000 litres an hour + an 8 metre deep 1 rai lake

Yes its a total farce in a country that receives HUGE amounts of rainfall...........no planning, no brains ,no hope ,stuck in a retarded serf like system of governance.

If your area starts to fall like mine, You will become the water source for your area if you have wells.

Are you able to refuse them?... Or even more importantly are you able to fend off desperate people?

anyone sets foot near my wells will get something between the ears...the only thing so far the village has done is complain about me.................most recent amusingly "I was stealing water" then I put some stone on the rubbish strewn grass verge and cleaned it all up was told " not belong to you" so i thought about covering it back in rubbish and looking like a jungle, then there was the "fixing the road" saga............. "not your job" all can be read about here somewhere...............I wouldnt piss on the villagers even if they were dying of thirst, then there was the guys stealing the fish from our pond...........they said " who are you to deny us poor people the right to eat". then we had someone from the govt out as "someone" said we were cutting down trees on our land??? most odd as no trees............as u can see Im not enamoured to them.

Thankfully Im about 500 metres outside the village of the damned with no neighbours.

Jeeez Kannot.

Sounds to me that you may well become a target when enough people get desperate enough, they can easily form a mob against you and that becomes a dangerous situation for you... Desperate people do desperate things.

Seems you have acquired a local reputation as the village villain and a foreigner to boot which just makes the situation worse... When you are haing problems, it is easier just to blame the foreigner.

I am not trying to be alarmist here mate, but wouldn't it be better for you rather than to stand your ground and show defiance out of your principles..... but to instead rig up a sort of stand pipe outside your property and allow them to take the odd bucket or bowl of water if they are in desperate need?

I mean, why be the villain when you can be a rock star??..... You clearly have plenty of water and you are probably not going to run out of water if you have deep bore wells.

Edit:.... Just talking to the wife about this. I asked if they would attack you with violence, she said they would no problem...... Be careful.

Because sadly they have no shame, they wouldnt take a bucket they would start pulling up in pick ups with big tanks on and then progress up from that................nahhhhh foooook em........... because thats how they think.

I take it your wife is the local security expert...............when i said between the ears Im not talking stoneswink.png

Edited by kannot
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According to the International Research Institute for Climate and Society: "A transition to ENSO-neutral is likely during late Northern Hemisphere spring or early summer 2016, with close to a 50% chance for La Niña conditions to develop by the fall."

La Niña is the positive phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and is associated with heavy rains in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand. The last La Niña episode occurred between mid-2010 and early 2012. This La Niña was a large factor in the 2011–2012 Thailand floods.

Let's hope this one isn't as strong.

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