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Springsteen cancels show because of North Carolina law


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While that may be what you see, I can state unequivocally that's not who I am. Have you read a single post where I state that I'm even remotely religious or as you disparagingly put it, "a God botherer"? To me this is an absurd overreach by political activists that is completely unnecessary. Single occupancy toilets are open to anyone of any "identity".

I would think that Trump is off topic on this thread, but I don't take anything he says seriously.

I won't admit that it's a stupid law and discriminatory because I don't believe it to be so. You're certainly entitled to disagree. And I can guarantee you that won't try to censor you and deny you that right.

I can't imagine why Catholic priests would be alone in a toilet with children but if you want to propose legislation, please do. In theory I'm not opposed to it.

Well I haven't seen any evidence of trans women molesting children of any gender.

But I have seen ample evidence of Catholic priests doing so.

So please explain to me why you support a law that supposedly protects young children from transgender sexual predators when there is significantly more evidence that children would be at risk if Father O'Dooley wandered in a toilet where young children were peeing.

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Of course everyone who is in favor of GLBT civil rights is opposed to the bigot laws rising in the South.

But whether celebrity boycotts are a productive way to oppose them is a legitimate question.

I don't have strong feelings either way ... but it's worth discussing.


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Asking someone to use a toilet based on their sex is not discrimination.

No, of course it is not discrimination. Attempts to convince the public otherwise is nothing more than diversionary propaganda. They're playing themselves up as the helpless victims of oppression when in fact, it is they who are attempting to force their belief system on everyone else.

The North Carolina law provided that anyone of any "identity" could use single stall toilets. Let me type if again: anyone of any "identity". But no, they need to force their way into the women's restrooms that our wives and daughters use. And that just might be why they don't understand. More often than not, they don't have wives and daughters.

I notice that you continue to avoid the issue of trans men being FORCED to use ladies toilets.

Until you do that, you are simply blowing smoke.


All men are forced to use mens toilets.

So what?

Is this something you just discovered?

I'll tell you something else astounding - women have to use womens toilets too.

This is the way it has been and the way it should be.

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While that may be what you see, I can state unequivocally that's not who I am. Have you read a single post where I state that I'm even remotely religious or as you disparagingly put it, "a God botherer"? To me this is an absurd overreach by political activists that is completely unnecessary. Single occupancy toilets are open to anyone of any "identity".

I would think that Trump is off topic on this thread, but I don't take anything he says seriously.

I won't admit that it's a stupid law and discriminatory because I don't believe it to be so. You're certainly entitled to disagree. And I can guarantee you that won't try to censor you and deny you that right.

I can't imagine why Catholic priests would be alone in a toilet with children but if you want to propose legislation, please do. In theory I'm not opposed to it.

Well I haven't seen any evidence of trans women molesting children of any gender.

But I have seen ample evidence of Catholic priests doing so.

So please explain to me why you support a law that supposedly protects young children from transgender sexual predators when there is significantly more evidence that children would be at risk if Father O'Dooley wandered in a toilet where young children were peeing.

Leader of the Year - Chad Severance Turner, Champions LGBT community in Charlotte, North Carolina


Also a registered sex offender


Also leading efforts to allow men into womens bathrooms


Yeah - what could possibly go wrong?

Edited by pedro01
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Asking someone to use a toilet based on their sex is not discrimination.

No, of course it is not discrimination. Attempts to convince the public otherwise is nothing more than diversionary propaganda. They're playing themselves up as the helpless victims of oppression when in fact, it is they who are attempting to force their belief system on everyone else.

The North Carolina law provided that anyone of any "identity" could use single stall toilets. Let me type if again: anyone of any "identity". But no, they need to force their way into the women's restrooms that our wives and daughters use. And that just might be why they don't understand. More often than not, they don't have wives and daughters.

I notice that you continue to avoid the issue of trans men being FORCED to use ladies toilets.

Until you do that, you are simply blowing smoke.


All men are forced to use mens toilets.

So what?

Is this something you just discovered?

I'll tell you something else astounding - women have to use womens toilets too.

This is the way it has been and the way it should be.

Congratulations. You've just done an absolutely first class job of demonstrating that you do not have a clue what this thread is even about.

Although I really thought that when I posted that under a comment referring to "trans men" that a little light bulb might have gone off, but there you go.

And in case you don't know what a transgender woman is either, which I suspect is the case:


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While that may be what you see, I can state unequivocally that's not who I am. Have you read a single post where I state that I'm even remotely religious or as you disparagingly put it, "a God botherer"? To me this is an absurd overreach by political activists that is completely unnecessary. Single occupancy toilets are open to anyone of any "identity".

I would think that Trump is off topic on this thread, but I don't take anything he says seriously.

I won't admit that it's a stupid law and discriminatory because I don't believe it to be so. You're certainly entitled to disagree. And I can guarantee you that won't try to censor you and deny you that right.

I can't imagine why Catholic priests would be alone in a toilet with children but if you want to propose legislation, please do. In theory I'm not opposed to it.

Well I haven't seen any evidence of trans women molesting children of any gender.

But I have seen ample evidence of Catholic priests doing so.

So please explain to me why you support a law that supposedly protects young children from transgender sexual predators when there is significantly more evidence that children would be at risk if Father O'Dooley wandered in a toilet where young children were peeing.

Leader of the Year - Chad Severance Turner, Champions LGBT community in Charlotte, North Carolina


Also a registered sex offender


Also leading efforts to allow men into womens bathrooms


Yeah - what could possibly go wrong?

Terrific work finding a gay male there Pedro.

You do realise that we're talking about transexual people using toilets right?

You really are batting them out of the park, aren't you?


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Again for those that can't seem to grasp it:

They have a contract with a promoter, with get out clauses.

They are not a business serving the public expected to abide by the law.

Which bit of that don't you understand?

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Personal experiences of my black friend, in a band that travels thru the area.

Well your undocumented anecdote is not believable ... I toured the South East U.S. in 2013 in my motor home using mostly back road ... 4000 miles of going through Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia - North and South Carolina and Alabama ... going into truck stops, cafes, service stations,etc. I never saw one incident as you describe. In fact I saw the reverse ... blacks and white integrating in public venues.

Your opinion is garbage.

What a classy -- no what a low brow comeback ... I saw hundreds of places over a month long trip all over the South of the U.S. with my own eyes for over 4000 miles of mostly back roads. And you pretend that some stories you heard from some friend are the truth beyond reproach ... hhahahahahahahahahahahah

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While that may be what you see, I can state unequivocally that's not who I am. Have you read a single post where I state that I'm even remotely religious or as you disparagingly put it, "a God botherer"? To me this is an absurd overreach by political activists that is completely unnecessary. Single occupancy toilets are open to anyone of any "identity".

I would think that Trump is off topic on this thread, but I don't take anything he says seriously.

I won't admit that it's a stupid law and discriminatory because I don't believe it to be so. You're certainly entitled to disagree. And I can guarantee you that won't try to censor you and deny you that right.

I can't imagine why Catholic priests would be alone in a toilet with children but if you want to propose legislation, please do. In theory I'm not opposed to it.

Well I haven't seen any evidence of trans women molesting children of any gender.

But I have seen ample evidence of Catholic priests doing so.

So please explain to me why you support a law that supposedly protects young children from transgender sexual predators when there is significantly more evidence that children would be at risk if Father O'Dooley wandered in a toilet where young children were peeing.

Leader of the Year - Chad Severance Turner, Champions LGBT community in Charlotte, North Carolina


Also a registered sex offender


Also leading efforts to allow men into womens bathrooms


Yeah - what could possibly go wrong?

Terrific work finding a gay male there Pedro.

You do realise that we're talking about transexual people using toilets right?

You really are batting them out of the park, aren't you?


The man is a sexual predator, a convicted sex offender that preyed on 15 year olds.

He wants men to access womens toilets.

You'd trust him with your daughter?

He's a predator - there is no reason at all to trust that he would not pray on girls/women.

He says he's gay - so what - he's a sex offender, we should trust what he says? He's likely in the position he's in now so that he can abuse it.

Edited by pedro01
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No, of course it is not discrimination. Attempts to convince the public otherwise is nothing more than diversionary propaganda. They're playing themselves up as the helpless victims of oppression when in fact, it is they who are attempting to force their belief system on everyone else.

The North Carolina law provided that anyone of any "identity" could use single stall toilets. Let me type if again: anyone of any "identity". But no, they need to force their way into the women's restrooms that our wives and daughters use. And that just might be why they don't understand. More often than not, they don't have wives and daughters.

I notice that you continue to avoid the issue of trans men being FORCED to use ladies toilets.

Until you do that, you are simply blowing smoke.


All men are forced to use mens toilets.

So what?

Is this something you just discovered?

I'll tell you something else astounding - women have to use womens toilets too.

This is the way it has been and the way it should be.

Congratulations. You've just done an absolutely first class job of demonstrating that you do not have a clue what this thread is even about.

Although I really thought that when I posted that under a comment referring to "trans men" that a little light bulb might have gone off, but there you go.

And in case you don't know what a transgender woman is either, which I suspect is the case:


Nope not at all confused. I know full well what a transexual is. You are simply reading something that isn't there.

Allow me to recap.

Women can use womens toilets.

Men can use mens toilets.

A man in a dress is still a man. Hence, he uses the mens toilets. I don't mind sharing.

Now - when the LGBT community screams 'oppression' because girls will be boys and boys will be girls, and they want to swap toilets, well - you don't always get your way just because you throw your toys out of your pram and call everyone a bigot or an idiot.

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Just curious when were you last in the US?

Well chuckd, you wouldn't be wanting to get information to use against me would you?

July 2014 was my last visit. I had been going there annually since 2008 for my work with a Thai agency and dealt mainly with government officials, regulators and energy industry corporates. The 2014 visit included meetings with gas industry people in Dallas, Houston and Freeport. I hadn't been to Texas since 1981 so that was fun. We finished up in Boston when the General sent a message overnight ordering everyone back to Bangkok for dismissal. So that was also fun. We cancelled all the meetings and went shopping at Wrentham Outlet Mall.

My current work still engages me with government officials and bankers in the US, predominantly Washington DC.

I have met a number of actual Republicans. I knew this because they were appointed by their Party to various government Commissions but I did not socialise with them beyond official receptions. I only ever socialised with an self admitted Republican in Afghanistan when I visited the US Embassy but he was a self declared "California Republican" and was pro decriminalisation of marijuana and not really into the other culture wars.

Interestingly, I catch up with a young Afghan American in Kabul. He is an MBA working for ISAF and I meet him because ISAF has the best coffee shop in Kabul. He was saying that most of the Afghans he knows going to the US now, don't go to the 2 main communities in California and Washington DC but to Texas. They do this because all the Americans they knew from Afghanistan come from Texas so they think that they will be well received there!

Anyway, this is all very much off topic. I guess you are angling for some information so you can say that I have no idea about what is going on in America at the moment. Firstly, it is necessary for my career/vocation to maintain close links with certain agencies in the US and, secondly, my assessment of the response to issues such as the LGBT debate comes from engagement with younger people both professionally and personally. They just absolutely reject the whole minority discrimination thing. You may call them naive or inexperienced or whatever but this is a cultural sea change as big as the sexual liberation of your generation in the 60's (that's if you were on the right side of history back then with the bra burning, LSD and Woodstock).

Anyway, make of the above what you will. I am sure there will be some zinger bouncing back or some humbly presented outrageous news article from the Right Wing machine.

Nope. Just curious how this bathroom issue has affected you personally. You seem incredibly interested about what's happening in MS and NC so curiosity got the better of me.

Which toilet do you use in Afghanistan?

Why would not a gay man be interested in religious groups pushing states to pass laws that discriminate against LGBT people? I am surprised you asked.

Last time I visited the US Embassy, I used the toilet there. It is a single occupancy, unisex and handicapped access facility. Now you can go on about the Lefty State Department types. The toilets in the government offices are best avoided. They are like toilets in Vietnam and China were in the late 80's, early 90's.

Since you are a 'G' and not a 'T', I guess that makes my burka question redundant.


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Personal experiences of my black friend, in a band that travels thru the area.

Well your undocumented anecdote is not believable ... I toured the South East U.S. in 2013 in my motor home using mostly back road ... 4000 miles of going through Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia - North and South Carolina and Alabama ... going into truck stops, cafes, service stations,etc. I never saw one incident as you describe. In fact I saw the reverse ... blacks and white integrating in public venues.

Your opinion is garbage.

What a classy -- no what a low brow comeback ... I saw hundreds of places over a month long trip all over the South of the U.S. with my own eyes for over 4000 miles of mostly back roads. And you pretend that some stories you heard from some friend are the truth beyond reproach ... hhahahahahahahahahahahah

You only saw what you expected to see. You are white. You do not experience racism or discrimination as do other minorities.

"Surrounded by a world that makes it clear that white people are only a minority part of the picture, we nevertheless go on making movies in which nearly everybody is white" http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-0223-grimsley-white-conversations-racism-20160223-story.html

Why is it that even blind people can be racist and blind black people know when they are being discriminated against?

"Racism – both the personal kind and the systemic kind– isn’t necessarily triggered by the visual cue of another person’s skin color. Racism is about the social value we assign to people and their actions based on their physical attributes, and neither blind nor colorblind people avoid that acculturation just because they lack the visual cues." http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/26/do-not-see-race-ignoring-racism-not-helping

I would most certainly not give any credence to your holiday 'experience' in the face of actual personal experience of minorities. You only see what you expect to see. It is your white privilege.

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All men are forced to use mens toilets.

So what?

Is this something you just discovered?

I'll tell you something else astounding - women have to use womens toilets too.

This is the way it has been and the way it should be.

Congratulations. You've just done an absolutely first class job of demonstrating that you do not have a clue what this thread is even about.

Although I really thought that when I posted that under a comment referring to "trans men" that a little light bulb might have gone off, but there you go.

And in case you don't know what a transgender woman is either, which I suspect is the case:

Nope not at all confused. I know full well what a transexual is. You are simply reading something that isn't there.

Allow me to recap.

Women can use womens toilets.

Men can use mens toilets.

A man in a dress is still a man. Hence, he uses the mens toilets. I don't mind sharing.

Now - when the LGBT community screams 'oppression' because girls will be boys and boys will be girls, and they want to swap toilets, well - you don't always get your way just because you throw your toys out of your pram and call everyone a bigot or an idiot.

More potty paranoia. More shallow, superficial, discriminatory hate speech against transgender people. References to men in dresses in relation to the issue of transgender people has already been ruled off topic and deleted. Yet here it emerges again.

Why are you talking about transexuals? This topic is about Transgnder. Who cares if you claim you know about transexuals since they are nothing to do with this topic.

Your persistent and wilful misrepresentation of the issue is hate speech directed against a minority. Unless of course you are demonstrating the actual depth of your comprehension of these matters. Then it is you who need treatment instead of censure.

For the benefit of those who might be taken in by your hate speech:

"not allowing trans youth to use a bathroom only perpetuates feelings of isolation or depression that lead 41% of transgender people to attempt kill themselves at some point in their lives, compared to the 4.6% in the general population." http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/24/north-carolina-anti-transgender-bathroom-law-dangerous-discrimination

And people like you actually feel proud of their bigotry.

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Nope. Just curious how this bathroom issue has affected you personally. You seem incredibly interested about what's happening in MS and NC so curiosity got the better of me.

Which toilet do you use in Afghanistan?

Why would not a gay man be interested in religious groups pushing states to pass laws that discriminate against LGBT people? I am surprised you asked.

Last time I visited the US Embassy, I used the toilet there. It is a single occupancy, unisex and handicapped access facility. Now you can go on about the Lefty State Department types. The toilets in the government offices are best avoided. They are like toilets in Vietnam and China were in the late 80's, early 90's.

Since you are a 'G' and not a 'T', I guess that makes my burka question redundant.


You thought I was trans? Sorry to disabuse you. However since the T is in LGBT, I am apparently in a political alliance with Trans people. I watched this evolve over my life and I have my own views on this. Sexual Orientation is not the same as Gender Identity but the impact of discrimination and the rights of that minority to equality and dignity remain the same.

I know of some larrikin types who have gone out in public in a burqa. In my youth I participated in fund raising events by my aussie rules footy team which involved male football players putting on dresses, mainly tutus for extra effect. That has never been my thing. Afghanistan, indeed any non developed, non western country really has no relevance to the issues on this thread. The false equivalency being argued about Saudi Arabia and such is clearly diversionary.

In any case, I may well be a B. That's the thing. Not everything is known. The role of Genetics. The role of Environment. Serious study into sex and sexuality didn't really start until the 50's. Even Freud's view was mainly supposition. What is clear is that such topics represent a significant threat to many straight while males. The fear, anxiety and paranoia represented on this thread is palpable. Well, welcome to the world of LGBT people in having to confront reality and a hostile, dangerous and often violent society.

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Nope not at all confused. I know full well what a transexual is. You are simply reading something that isn't there.

Allow me to recap.

Women can use womens toilets.

Men can use mens toilets.

A man in a dress is still a man. Hence, he uses the mens toilets. I don't mind sharing.

Now - when the LGBT community screams 'oppression' because girls will be boys and boys will be girls, and they want to swap toilets, well - you don't always get your way just because you throw your toys out of your pram and call everyone a bigot or an idiot.

So you're OK with the gentleman pictured above using the Ladies toilets then.

Don't see any problem with it?

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Presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz weighed in on the North Carolina law yesterday:

"Grown adult men — strangers— should not be alone in a bathroom with little girls. And that's not conservative. That's not Republican or Democrat. That's basic common sense."

thumbsup.gif clap2.gif thumbsup.gif clap2.gif

I agree with Senator Cruz. Some might disagree, and that's fine. But what those that disagree can't do is ban us from the public square and prohibit us from expressing our opinion on this topic.

What we're witnessing in North Carolina is minoritarianism at its insidious worst. 1/2 of 1% forcing the majority to bend to its beliefs by means of extortion. It's unconscionable and it is my hope that it will be met with equal push back.

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In any case, I may well be a B. That's the thing. Not everything is known. The role of Genetics. The role of Environment. Serious study into sex and sexuality didn't really start until the 50's. Even Freud's view was mainly supposition.

So you admit that not everything is known and that serious study is in its infancy, yet you are forcefully advocating for this experiment to continue.

In my opinion, this is a perilously cavalier attitude to have. But it's certainly within your rights to have that attitude, and I would never support anyone denying your right to express it. But those of us who have wives, girlfriends and daughters can't afford to be so cavalier. We have legitimate concerns about this and prefer to proceed cautiously.

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Why are you talking about transexuals? This topic is about Transgnder. Who cares if you claim you know about transexuals since they are nothing to do with this topic.

I have been nothing but confused since this topic started. Doesn't transexual and transgender mean the same thing? ie: someone that has gender reassignment surgery and become the opposite sex?

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I notice that you continue to avoid the issue of trans men being FORCED to use ladies toilets.

Until you do that, you are simply blowing smoke.


All men are forced to use mens toilets.

So what?

Is this something you just discovered?

I'll tell you something else astounding - women have to use womens toilets too.

This is the way it has been and the way it should be.

Some people like the good ole dayze when men were men and women were women and the sheep were nervous.

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Presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz weighed in on the North Carolina law yesterday:

"Grown adult men — strangers— should not be alone in a bathroom with little girls. And that's not conservative. That's not Republican or Democrat. That's basic common sense."

thumbsup.gif clap2.gif thumbsup.gif clap2.gif

I agree with Senator Cruz. Some might disagree, and that's fine. But what those that disagree can't do is ban us from the public square and prohibit us from expressing our opinion on this topic.

What we're witnessing in North Carolina is minoritarianism at its insidious worst. 1/2 of 1% forcing the majority to bend to its beliefs by means of extortion. It's unconscionable and it is my hope that it will be met with equal push back.

80% of people under the age of 34 support LGBT equality. What is this minoritarianism that you talk about. Just making up words to go with made up data. The number of minority people does not lessen their equality under the law. To argue otherwise is clearly bigotry.

Hate speech must be removed from the public square. Those who promote hate speech and discrimination against minorities must bear legal and social consequences. The KKK has learned the lesson the hard way. Anti-semites, Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Misogynists all of them. You are not fighting for liberty but against it. You are fighting for discrimination. None of this belongs in the public square. You sound like Santorum and you know what his name is now a by-word for. Cruz is even more of a creep than Santorum. His comments on this matter are not worth a response.

Edited by lostboy
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Thanks for that, though I still can't say for certain I know what transgender means. Would I be correct in saying this is a gay person?

I cannot believe that you are seriously asking this question. Access to information has never been so easy. There is no excuse for any question such as this unless it is being deliberately incendiary.

Taking the comment at face value, here is a reference prepared by psychiatrists who are also LGBT people http://www.aglp.org/pages/LGBTFactSheets.php

This battle in the culture war ended last year with SCOTUS. The trans potty paranoia is just a feeble attempt at pushback by the religious bigots. It will soon pass. Their opinion is a minority, marginal viewpoint that is not accepted by the majority of people.

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In any case, I may well be a B. That's the thing. Not everything is known. The role of Genetics. The role of Environment. Serious study into sex and sexuality didn't really start until the 50's. Even Freud's view was mainly supposition.

So you admit that not everything is known and that serious study is in its infancy, yet you are forcefully advocating for this experiment to continue.

In my opinion, this is a perilously cavalier attitude to have. But it's certainly within your rights to have that attitude, and I would never support anyone denying your right to express it. But those of us who have wives, girlfriends and daughters can't afford to be so cavalier. We have legitimate concerns about this and prefer to proceed cautiously.

You have what entitlement to put words in my mouth? You have what basis to claim I am saying anything? I have never supported your contention that this is an experiment. You know this, yet you attempt to implicate me in this toilet diversion. Your opinion of my attitude is entirely irrelevant. I certainly don't give a toss if you think it is cavalier or not. And your theme of Defender of Women crashed and burned long ago.

Just sent my daughter back up North with her mother this morning after a delayed Songkran in Bangkok. Visited many shopping centres. We all used the toilets. Not concerned for one moment if a Trans female was going to use the ladies. Why? Because I, like everyone else who is not an agenda driven bigot knows that there has never been a case of a Trans person using access to a female toilet for sexual predation of females.

On the issue of knowledge about sexuality and gender identity, I was not address comments to you. You have demonstrated no capacity to grasp simple facts about LGBT issues. You may not take my words and use them for your own mission to promote hate and discrimination against minorities.

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Presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz weighed in on the North Carolina law yesterday:

"Grown adult men — strangers— should not be alone in a bathroom with little girls. And that's not conservative. That's not Republican or Democrat. That's basic common sense."

thumbsup.gif clap2.gif thumbsup.gif clap2.gif

I agree with Senator Cruz. Some might disagree, and that's fine. But what those that disagree can't do is ban us from the public square and prohibit us from expressing our opinion on this topic.

What we're witnessing in North Carolina is minoritarianism at its insidious worst. 1/2 of 1% forcing the majority to bend to its beliefs by means of extortion. It's unconscionable and it is my hope that it will be met with equal push back.

So let me get this straight then, no pun intended.

The person below should not be alone in a bathroom with little girls, but in a bathroom full of males.

And more to the point, the beefy looking male I keep posting is OK in a bathroom with little girls because he was born with a vagina.

Yep, makes about as much sense as one of Rafael's election speeches.

But hey, if that's your opinion, that's fine.


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Thanks for that, though I still can't say for certain I know what transgender means. Would I be correct in saying this is a gay person?

I cannot believe that you are seriously asking this question. Access to information has never been so easy. There is no excuse for any question such as this unless it is being deliberately incendiary.

Taking the comment at face value, here is a reference prepared by psychiatrists who are also LGBT people http://www.aglp.org/pages/LGBTFactSheets.php

This battle in the culture war ended last year with SCOTUS. The trans potty paranoia is just a feeble attempt at pushback by the religious bigots. It will soon pass. Their opinion is a minority, marginal viewpoint that is not accepted by the majority of people.

Yes, it is a sincere question. I don't understand what is a transgender person if it is not a gay or transexual person. Is it a transvestite? I can't think of too many other options.

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