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PM threatens 10 year prison sentence for politicians who criticize referendum


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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

Explain to me how your post isn't a flame job. No mention of the press release, the policy or anything else. Just the childish taunt, you are one of three regulars that use "Junta boys, Junta fan boys and Junta supporters. You use it in such a way as to elicit a response that you can point at "but, but Thaksin". I know that it will come as a shock to you, but all the people who are happy that PTP, TRTand all the rest of the garbage political parties are gone, are not necessarily junta supporters. Just continue to troll on though, all it does is spread disdain for all of you.

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what will you do if the Charter is rejected the PM was asked:

In response, Gen Prayut said: "In that case, It is I who will have the power to decide what to do. Do you understand the word 'power'? It is I who will decide whether to tell."

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

'Ha! But what about the rice scheme?'

'Are you aware that Thaksin...?'

'But what about When Thaksin...?'

'So what about the war on drugs...?'

Take your pick...

Now that you mention the rice scheme it is pretty clear that many countries in Asia are nor going to have much of a rice crop this year due to the continuing drought.

Kind of ironic then that the very thing Yingluck is being nailed up for might come in as a useful windfall to those that hate her most.

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

Explain to me how your post isn't a flame job. No mention of the press release, the policy or anything else. Just the childish taunt, you are one of three regulars that use "Junta boys, Junta fan boys and Junta supporters. You use it in such a way as to elicit a response that you can point at "but, but Thaksin". I know that it will come as a shock to you, but all the people who are happy that PTP, TRTand all the rest of the garbage political parties are gone, are not necessarily junta supporters. Just continue to troll on though, all it does is spread disdain for all of you.
Do you think it is a good idea for politicians or anyone else to be sentenced to ten years in prison on the say so of one man for criticizing the referendum and/or the constitution? Please feel free to be as disdainful towards me as you wish, but I would appreciate a straight answer to the question.
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Say what you want about the political parties, but at least with a democracy the people have a say in what happens. Their votes express their opinion. This government seized power unlawfully, has held it for years, and shows no inclination of giving it up any time soon. As much as they pipe about bringing happiness to the people, they silence any voice that tries to speak out against them under threat of prison. What we have here is a charter that is obviously flawed, but they want to ensure the public only hears their own propaganda. It's a sham, and it's a damn shame to see this country go downhill so quickly, while some are still in denial of what is actually happening.

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This foretells of the chaos to come.

The government wants a sham election but what would they do if no candidate stands?

If the reds actually stand and win again then the senate will overule their every request making the election a mockery. Time for the reds to walk out and bring everything to a halt.

Then what? No more elections, martial law, and then sanctions. And then even more heavy handed military style oppression.

' course.Always the same cycle of endless suffering for ordinary Thais.

Just look at Venezuela, the regime let the opposition to take the assembly and the dictator uses the judiciary to declare illegal any law made by it.

Right or left, it doesn't matter, all dictatorships are evolving towards a 21st century disguise of a fake democracy.

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Tomorrow all the so called politicians, whoever might be called that, will with luck be dancing in silicone knickers on pick up trucks. Now, of course, if anyone criticised the UK/EU referendum they would be asked to take a cold bath to bring them to their senses.

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Where's Wikileaks when we need them ?

I'd love to read some of the diplomatic cables the various embassies are sending home.

i think it would scare people to much.

drink beer, and don't think about it.

They didn't think too much about the truths exposed in the last lot that were published.

The WikiLeaks Cablegate database contains 2,930 cables from the U.S. embassy in Bangkok, 71 of them secret, and a further 239 from the U.S. embassy in Chiang Mai, 17 secret, plus dozens more from other U.S. embassies that also discuss Thailand. Only a handful of have been published so far. The cables begin in late 2004, when Thaksin was at the height of his political ascendancy, and end in early 2010 when Thaksin was in exile, Abhisit was in power, and Thailand was about to enter the most tragic phase of its crisis up to that point. Most were written by Ralph "Skip" Boyce, ambassador from 2004 to 2007, and Eric G. John, ambassador from 2007 until 2010.

One reason above all made the leaked U.S. embassy documents invaluable for an understanding of modern Thailand: unlike almost all journalistic, academic and public discourse on the country, they were written without explicit and extensive self-censorship about the absolutely pivotal role played by unspoken parties in Thai political developments throughout the country’s modern history.

Unfortunately, the explosive revelations contained in the released cables received—due to their content—very little coverage within Thailand, so basically fizzled. I suspect any cables leaked discussing this current crisis will meet the same fate.

Edit: typo

Edited by jamesbrock
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The premier claimed their negative response towards the draft constitution is a reaction to clauses that address the impunity of politicians.

More likely addressing the impunity of the police and military.

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So if Abhisit launched the first criticism without ill effect (no 10 year prison sentence), it stands to reason every other politician and party should have 1 free go at it as well.

My question is this, can he ACTUALLY just personally choose an individual and have them locked up under Art. 44? Or is this all just "it's my party and I will cry if I want to" dummy-spitting histrionics?

Edited by docshock13
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The General/PM has done a lot of good lets not forget that.smile.png

But I would like to see him make the roads and pavements ( sidewalks to you Yankees! ) SAFE by ridding them of the dangerous Motorbikes.w00t.gif

Driving on the Pavements appearing from from, side and your rear!

Driving on the wrong side of the road against traffic flow.

Driving straight out of exits without looking for pedestrians.

I am ultra careful having been here 12 years but still often get a close shave.

This may not seem a big deal compared with the Economy and Corruption but it can mean severe injury or death!402.gif

Get the multitude of Police out there and sort it out!whistling.gif

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

'Ha! But what about the rice scheme?'

'Are you aware that Thaksin...?'

'But what about When Thaksin...?'

'So what about the war on drugs...?'

Take your pick...

Now that you mention the rice scheme it is pretty clear that many countries in Asia are nor going to have much of a rice crop this year due to the continuing drought.

Kind of ironic then that the very thing Yingluck is being nailed up for might come in as a useful windfall to those that hate her most.

Well said.

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Just empty threats. No politicians, activists, editors and even students are afraid of these regular display of idioscrantic outburst. Even the intimidating AA has worn off and not frightening anyone to denounce what they stand for. Just what laws are there to jail someone for 10 years for speaking out. Well unless 44 and that will ignite something that the junta will regret.

I don't even see any angry warning after Thaksin held his more than 5 person Skype meeting. Ahbisit also have his more than 5 conference and spoke in no uncertain terms of the charter negativities. Even little Penquin is daring the junta to do something. Just read the today article in BP and harsh comments about the junta charter. It's almost daily that articles appearing condemning the charter.

What is he going do. Jail all. Doubt so. We will see more condemnation of the charter as politicians and sundries will push the envelope and dare the junta who is getting more and more unpopular to do something. If that something happen, viola, creat an excuse for the people to congregate for a common cause. For all the fierce some facade, he is a unsecured and ordinary guy and doubt he will lay down his life and his pride for other people cause. He is not into this for himself, just a crony acting on orders.

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In all reality let him and all the others go (TAT, Police etc) have their two bobs worth, photo opps and other assorted diatribe on a daily basis...........it is all very funny material coming out of the asylum which is Thailand and you couldn't make half of it up.

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This is the next step toward a open, free, and fair referendum on the military's latest version of an inclusive, respectful, democratic constitution.

A good read on this referendum from Pravit can be found here: Charter Vote a Time Bomb in the Making

I'm actually glad that The Lapdog Nation fired Pravit, he has more latitude at KS. thumbsup.gif

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So, how about it junta supporters. Please explain to me how this is a good thing

Explain to me how your post isn't a flame job. No mention of the press release, the policy or anything else. Just the childish taunt, you are one of three regulars that use "Junta boys, Junta fan boys and Junta supporters. You use it in such a way as to elicit a response that you can point at "but, but Thaksin". I know that it will come as a shock to you, but all the people who are happy that PTP, TRTand all the rest of the garbage political parties are gone, are not necessarily junta supporters. Just continue to troll on though, all it does is spread disdain for all of you.
Do you think it is a good idea for politicians or anyone else to be sentenced to ten years in prison on the say so of one man for criticizing the referendum and/or the constitution? Please feel free to be as disdainful towards me as you wish, but I would appreciate a straight answer to the question.

Don't expect an answer (straight or crooked) any time soon.

He missed Junta-huggers. thumbsup.gif

RR may not be a junta-hugger. But there are plenty around, ... still. I wasn't here (TV) until after the coup, but it wouldn't be hard for the curious folks to see who supported the PDRC's anti-election, anti-democratic tactics. If RR is one of those, then he can't legitimately claim to not be a junta-hugger any more than Mark can now legitimately take issue with the proposed junta-written turd constitution.

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This is the next step toward a open, free, and fair referendum on the military's latest version of an inclusive, respectful, democratic constitution.

A good read on this referendum from Pravit can be found here: Charter Vote a Time Bomb in the Making

I'm actually glad that The Lapdog Nation fired Pravit, he has more latitude at KS. thumbsup.gif

Great article, thanks. A very bold commentary (given these uncertain times).

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I know it's not democratic, but I would like to see all of the politicians in prison for 10 years. I'm tired of those divisive, self-serving, squabbling,corrupt people. It's been relative Heaven since they were all shut up. ... Sorry, if I've upset any Democracy purists.

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I know it's not democratic, but I would like to see all of the politicians in prison for 10 years. I'm tired of those divisive, self-serving, squabbling,corrupt people. It's been relative Heaven since they were all shut up. ... Sorry, if I've upset any Democracy purists.

"As long as you're comfortable it feels like freedom." - Billy Bragg

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