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Songkran in Chiang Mai - Has the Madness Started?

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It normally always starts early somewhere.....combine young kids on school holidays, hot weather and impending festival and it would be like trying to stop kids opening Christmas presents early.

I see the BP has just published an article on Chiang Mai advising of reduced occupancy rates, desertion of locals at the bus station, and shorter rental terms etc etc

Police had a block on Thapae last night checking helmets, licenses, drinking, .....made a point to ensure I was aware of large signage of no drinking at Thapae

Kids in photo maybe spending time on attitude adjustment training in new Deep South camps, clearly a patch of red on shorts.


They had JUST started (ground dry), and were not really spraying people. Ten minutes later the mom went for ice and they are going at it, attacking all and Sundry l!


Some posts removed as "off topic" as the spirit of this thread is about the revelry etc, not tourist numbers or hotel occupancy.

Thank you.


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I see these kids are breaking the law by using the outlawed "pressure guns."

What is the world coming to when children become criminals....

The picture above has a kid with a large capacity water gun .Not a high pressure tube one ,thats outlawed .


One thing that I haven't ever understood is why kids don't use water guns on any hot days--not just during Songkrahn. I'm not talking about soaking everyone that they see, but rather having fun with neighborhood friends, especially during the really hot months.

When I was a kid way back when, we'd play with water guns all summer long. And I think this is still the case with kids back home today. But here, it's 3 or 4 days only. And when it's over, it's over. No water guns until next April for 3 or 4 days again.

Why are they restricted to Songkrahn only?

I'd rather see smart phones and video games for kids restricted to 4 days a year. Get outside and play.



Drove through the North West corner of the moat this afternoon 3pm, plenty of farang with guns, also through Wararot Market, farang and locals on the back of pickup trucks throwing water around, got caught between one just shy of Narawat bridge, I wish they'd thrown more water, the car needs a serious wash :)

It has started in earnest...but no surprise it always starts a day early.


Bangkok's leading newspaper report Monday... road carnage figs 52 dead ,431 injured,387 accidents with CM heading the list of accident locations.

So I think we can sa,y with confidence, Songkran has started. Take care folks


anyone know the situation around tha pae gate now? has the nonsense stopped yet? could do with getting into town relatively unwet.


anyone know the situation around tha pae gate now? has the nonsense stopped yet? could do with getting into town relatively unwet.

It’s mostly bars that have started “the fun” and something tells me they’ll continue until midnight.

I was in an accident myself today as I turned away from a guy with a hose, and sadly into a rather bad pothole that turned my bike over.

Really wish that people who want an early start would confine it to some designated area.


The video around the moat shows no bulk ice for sale on the moat side footpath, as they have in the past. That will lower the accidents and injuries

just getting that source of danger out of the scene. Hope they are banned for the entire holiday.


I see these kids are breaking the law by using the outlawed "pressure guns."

What is the world coming to when children become criminals....

are these pressure guns?

I thought pressure guns were hi powered things. These are just squirters.


Well, it's a lot of good clean fun. Sure hope this guy shows up again.


Seems he likes showing off his rather large willy .Takes all kinds .


Yes, it has indeed started. Video from today, the 12th. Not my video.

Well it has started. The video shows it.

Kind of like a video saying it has started to rain and showing 6 rain drops.

Wait until tomorrow and see what it is really like. You won't have to ask.


I see these kids are breaking the law by using the outlawed "pressure guns."

What is the world coming to when children become criminals....

No one is suggesting they be locked-up or flogged.

However, the Law is The Law.


Yes It Certainly Has

I had to go out for supplies yesterday about 5 PM

I had my phone in a waterproof bag

As i did not want it to get wet

I was riding my bike

Next thing i was wet all over my left side

I was not expecting it

But i took it on my chin lol

Will be ready today for the soaking

Will have everything waterproofed today


It's the main cultural and religious event of the year. I don't feel particularly inclined to comment when it's derided as 'madness'.

If there's a general / genuine Songkran / Happy New Year kind of post then I'll be happy to comment and add updates..

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