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Can I bring fresh (hatching) eggs into Thailand.


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I have been checking over and over. But I don't see anything mentioned about taking in eggs into Thailand. Is it allowed to bring in eggs into Thailand.

The goal is to bring in some fertile Silkie chicken egg and get some Silkies. Silkie chicken are very hard to find in Thailand and I love my breed.

Thanks for any help.

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Assuming the eggs with live chicks inside would be deemed live animals ??

According to one embassy website:

Information for Importation of Live Animals to Thailand
Pre-Import Process
1. An importer or any person wishing to import live animals into the Kingdom of Thailand should receive an Import Permit from the Department of Livestock Develpoment (DLD) prior to an importation.
2. The importer should contact a veterinary official at the International Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) at the port of entry, and request for information on a protocol and an animal health requirement of importation of live animals into Thailand.
And there's more on the website here:
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Does "oz" mean you are an Aussie ? If it does then you will know how tough the restrictions are there, even interstate ! If it doesn't mean you are an Aussie then common sense should tell you its "not good" ( I am being polite here ) to bring in livestock from another country.

Please note I am an English guy who has been in farming in many different countries since 1960, yes 1960 !

Hatching eggs / livestock etc are not allowed in to the Kingdom without a licence.

What else will the eggs bring in ??????????????????

Why do you want "Silkies" ? Is it for their "broody"qualities, as a medicinal food, to look pretty ???

There aren't many here because by nature they tend to be broody, therefore they also don't lay many eggs

Local genetic strains will be more resistant to local conditions and will still carry their base characteristics.

In some countries "local chickens - not fancy breeds" sometimes lay a blue coloured egg, the bird from these eggs are normally a broody strain.

If you "love" your birds so much why don't you make it a real hobby and, try breeding your own bird based on what you can purchase within Thailand.


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With bird flu trending these days I can assure you customs worldwide are not bird friendly. Where theres eggs theres birds. I would say you are not likely to succeed for such a small endeavor and purpose. On a similar agricultural contaminating note, I was once given a banana on a flight to the Cayman Islands from the States and was not hungry so threw it in my carry on to enjoy later. Customs freaked when they searched my bag and found it. I find it hard to believe my banana peel and the banana peels of all the other passengers on the plane who ate their bananas rather then saving them would wind up in a different waste disposal facility on the island but who knows? Rules are rules no matter how bizarre they seem. If you really want some special chickens I recommend you go to Chatuchak Market and ask there. If they can't get them no one can. I have a contact there who is trustworthy (parrot breeder) and he may be able to help you if you make it worth his while. PM me if interested.

This thread (quite old) mentions a Thai source also:

Edited by csabo
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I read the post then read some of the replies. What a bunch of misinformed posters.

The poster is not proposing to break any Thai Laws and break quarantine etc. Avian flu is not carried in eggs (caught from wild birds by domestic birds) . From my reading there have been no known cases of people catching avian flu from eggs and he was proposing to hatch the eggs...not eat them. Turkeys chickens ducks etc are domestic animals and therefore no licence is needed in Thailand.

Bringing fresh genetics in from foreign countries is good for Thailands poultry population. Cross breeding and/or introducing new stock is a centuries old farming method that improves and keeps the population healthy.

That said Thailand authorities are very fickle and I will be interested to hear of any success.

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I read the post then read some of the replies. What a bunch of misinformed posters.

The poster is not proposing to break any Thai Laws and break quarantine etc. Avian flu is not carried in eggs (caught from wild birds by domestic birds) . From my reading there have been no known cases of people catching avian flu from eggs and he was proposing to hatch the eggs...not eat them. Turkeys chickens ducks etc are domestic animals and therefore no licence is needed in Thailand.

Bringing fresh genetics in from foreign countries is good for Thailands poultry population. Cross breeding and/or introducing new stock is a centuries old farming method that improves and keeps the population healthy.

That said Thailand authorities are very fickle and I will be interested to hear of any success.

Talk about being misinformed. Bird flu can also come from eggs. This is why they kill all birds and destroy the eggs when they detect the Avian Flu. The only why to bring eggs into a country is to pasteurize the eggs. If coming from a country which has bird flu. And the department of Thai Livestock will not let you cross breed other chickens. It is a billion dollar industry; and they will not allow it to be ruined by a hobby Farang farmer !

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When you pass customs there is a big sign that says importing farm products is not allowed,take it from there.

I know of a lot of people who have brought eggs from different countries,chickens,pigeons and ducks.some people even send them by courier or just mail.

We have a few bantam silkies,much nicer than the big ones.

We also have laughing chickens,dutch booted bantams,phoenix,isbar(green eggs.)wyandotte,rir,swedish ducks,call ducks,cayuga ducks,crescent ducks,african geese.

Also different breeds of pigeons,budgies,quail,guinea pigs,doves and cockatiels.Always interested in trading for new breeds.

Edited by jvs
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On 27/07/2017 at 1:55 PM, Ian1980 said:

Just bring yesterday from France 120 eggs of different species: no problem at all.

Just out of curiosity, did you declare the eggs or simply walk right through? 

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