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Thailand scuppers migrant rescue ship's operations


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"My request today is simple. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Find somebody, anybody, thats different than you. Somebody that has made you feel ill-will or even hateful. Somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable. Somebody who practices a different religion than you do. Somebody who has been lost to addiction. Somebody with a criminal past. Somebody who dresses below you. Somebody with disabilities. Somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle. Somebody without a home.

Somebody that you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, and always be disgusted by.

Reach your arm out and put it around them.

And then, tell them theyre all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them.

If you or I wanna make a change in this world, thats where were gonna be able to do it. Thats where well start.

Every. Single. Time."

Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing

Yes "hug a terrorist or a child molestor or maybe one of those poor souls who steal your belongings and it will make you feel so good and they will be converted to the good ways in life straight away .

left wing (i wont use the word) its why the west is going downhill with all the Pc tosh , oh i cant go on ,my blood is boiling .

"There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action."

Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

Credited with writing Faust. Got to wonder what he would think on how we treat our fellow humans these days. Make his visions of hate and pain tame in comparison. Indifference to their fate may not be the greatest harm we do those fleeing violence and death, but it is a contemptible, disgusting point of view.

Yes and the left wing really are "ignorant" of how the world really is , not just as seen through their rose colored glasses .

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I have the same feelings about immigration to the west as Thailand has to us,if you have plenty of money and can look after yourself and your family ,welcome,if not ,stay where you were born

It is for Thailand to decide it's own policy on immigration, you are correct. But there are international obligations not to enslave migrants, hold migrants in remote jungle camps, attempt to extort ransoms for them whilst trafficking them to a third party, and force migrants back to sea in overcrowded unseaworthy vessels.

All practices in which elements within the establishment have been implicated.

That is why this organizations efforts are being impeded

If migrants do not want to be put in remote jungle camps and sent back to sea in unseaworthy vessels , then they should not have boarded them in the first place and left where they were .

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I have the same feelings about immigration to the west as Thailand has to us,if you have plenty of money and can look after yourself and your family ,welcome,if not ,stay where you were born

It is for Thailand to decide it's own policy on immigration, you are correct. But there are international obligations not to enslave migrants, hold migrants in remote jungle camps, attempt to extort ransoms for them whilst trafficking them to a third party, and force migrants back to sea in overcrowded unseaworthy vessels.

All practices in which elements within the establishment have been implicated.

That is why this organizations efforts are being impeded

If migrants do not want to be put in remote jungle camps and sent back to sea in unseaworthy vessels , then they should not have boarded them in the first place and left where they were .

Do you take the same view of them being trafficked, beaten, held to ransom and allowed to die in these remote jungle camps then?

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"My request today is simple. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Find somebody, anybody, thats different than you. Somebody that has made you feel ill-will or even hateful. Somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable. Somebody who practices a different religion than you do. Somebody who has been lost to addiction. Somebody with a criminal past. Somebody who dresses below you. Somebody with disabilities. Somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle. Somebody without a home.

Somebody that you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, and always be disgusted by.

Reach your arm out and put it around them.

And then, tell them theyre all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them.

If you or I wanna make a change in this world, thats where were gonna be able to do it. Thats where well start.

Every. Single. Time."

Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing

Yes "hug a terrorist or a child molestor or maybe one of those poor souls who steal your belongings and it will make you feel so good and they will be converted to the good ways in life straight away .

left wing (i wont use the word) its why the west is going downhill with all the Pc tosh , oh i cant go on ,my blood is boiling .

"There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action."

Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

Credited with writing Faust. Got to wonder what he would think on how we treat our fellow humans these days. Make his visions of hate and pain tame in comparison. Indifference to their fate may not be the greatest harm we do those fleeing violence and death, but it is a contemptible, disgusting point of view.

Yes and the left wing really are "ignorant" of how the world really is , not just as seen through their rose colored glasses .

Ha ha ha, ah, gotta to love the way the rabid right think their warped values are the only ones in touch with reality. Especially ironic is most of the worlds problems have been caused by their policies and war mongering.

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Ha Ha Ha ,got love how the "lets all hold hands " and sing kumbaya left with their rose tinted spectacles think that if they reach out to the evil ones then they will all join in the singing with them , instead of cutting of their heads and raping their children .

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I just explained to the wifey about this and her answer was 'why not just bomb them out of the sea and they won't come back again'. They are clueless.

Clueless perhaps....but not alone in her thinking by any stretch of the imagination.

The majority of the non PC beaten senseless folk probably agree but are too afraid to say so.

Edited by Mudcrab
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I just explained to the wifey about this and her answer was 'why not just bomb them out of the sea and they won't come back again'. They are clueless.

Clueless perhaps....but not alone in her thinking by any stretch of the imagination.

The majority of the non PC beaten senseless folk probably agree but are too afraid to say so.

Members who post support for crimes against humanity are scum. For reasons unknown to me TV management permit repeated breach of forum rules by people such as you apparently without consequence. IMO you and others who have similar posting records damage the TV brand and should be banned.

Edited by simple1
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Why do the Thai authorities continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot in these matters. The deliberate sabotaging of humanitarian rescue effort by a volunteer organisation will not go unnoticed by the World at large. Don't they care that they may well face punitive sanctions if the continue in this fashion - apparently not.

if you care of illegal migrants, why don't you take them to your own country?

World community (USA) has nothing to do with internal affairs of Thailand. nobody needs a Big Brother from the West who always knows what other nations should do.

stop imposing your destructive left-liberal values! "useful idiots" (Vladimir Lenin's term) like yourself made a hell in Europe now you came to teach Thailand?

this "rescue ship" was trying to bring illegal economic migrants on the land of Thailand. which is absolutely unacceptable.

Bravo, Thai authorities!

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Why do the Thai authorities continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot in these matters. The deliberate sabotaging of humanitarian rescue effort by a volunteer organisation will not go unnoticed by the World at large. Don't they care that they may well face punitive sanctions if the continue in this fashion - apparently not.

if you care of illegal migrants, why don't you take them to your own country?

World community (USA) has nothing to do with internal affairs of Thailand. nobody needs a Big Brother from the West who always knows what other nations should do.

stop imposing your destructive left-liberal values! "useful idiots" (Vladimir Lenin's term) like yourself made a hell in Europe now you came to teach Thailand?

this "rescue ship" was trying to bring illegal economic migrants on the land of Thailand. which is absolutely unacceptable.

Bravo, Thai authorities!

"Bravo, Thai authorities'? REALLY?

stopping the transit of equipment to a life saving boat? this is not about settling immigrants in Thailand it's about saving lives. It's not about "left-liberal values" it's about COMPASSION something you, clearly, know nothing about

It's rare I read such selfish drivel around transferring a piece of equipment to a life-saving vessel but you did it dude! you did it! congratulations on winning this month's "Selfish **** Award"

Edited by LannaGuy
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I just explained to the wifey about this and her answer was 'why not just bomb them out of the sea and they won't come back again'. They are clueless.

Clueless perhaps....but not alone in her thinking by any stretch of the imagination.

The majority of the non PC beaten senseless folk probably agree but are too afraid to say so.

So now it is PC to recognise that bombing refugees fleeing persecution, torture and death is the barbaric act of murdering scum.

My but the rabid right do set the bar low.

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Why do the Thai authorities continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot in these matters. The deliberate sabotaging of humanitarian rescue effort by a volunteer organisation will not go unnoticed by the World at large. Don't they care that they may well face punitive sanctions if the continue in this fashion - apparently not.

if you care of illegal migrants, why don't you take them to your own country?

World community (USA) has nothing to do with internal affairs of Thailand. nobody needs a Big Brother from the West who always knows what other nations should do.

stop imposing your destructive left-liberal values! "useful idiots" (Vladimir Lenin's term) like yourself made a hell in Europe now you came to teach Thailand?

this "rescue ship" was trying to bring illegal economic migrants on the land of Thailand. which is absolutely unacceptable.

Bravo, Thai authorities!

To say what I really feel about you after reading your repulsive post would probably get me suspended.

A vile disgusting post, contemptible hate fuelled ignorance with nothing of any value or logic.

Bigotry masquerading as opinion and failing to hide itself.


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Why do the Thai authorities continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot in these matters. The deliberate sabotaging of humanitarian rescue effort by a volunteer organisation will not go unnoticed by the World at large. Don't they care that they may well face punitive sanctions if the continue in this fashion - apparently not.

if you care of illegal migrants, why don't you take them to your own country?

World community (USA) has nothing to do with internal affairs of Thailand. nobody needs a Big Brother from the West who always knows what other nations should do.

stop imposing your destructive left-liberal values! "useful idiots" (Vladimir Lenin's term) like yourself made a hell in Europe now you came to teach Thailand?

this "rescue ship" was trying to bring illegal economic migrants on the land of Thailand. which is absolutely unacceptable.

Bravo, Thai authorities!

"Bravo, Thai authorities'? REALLY?

stopping the transit of equipment to a life saving boat? this is not about settling immigrants in Thailand it's about saving lives. It's not about "left-liberal values" it's about COMPASSION something you, clearly, know nothing about

It's rare I read such selfish drivel around transferring a piece of equipment to a life-saving vessel but you did it dude! you did it! congratulations on winning this month's "Selfish **** Award"

so where this rescue vessel was going to send those rescued illegal migrants? which country?

the one and only legitimate goal of existence of any national government is happiness and prosperity of citizens of the state. proclaiming any other goal is manipulation, a crime against the country.

since childhood I know - if somebody is trying to speak to me about "compassion" - he or she is trying to manipulate me. trying to force me to do what I don't want to do. what is bad for me and those who I love.

Thai government was protecting it's own citizens against intervention of unwanted aliens. all ways to do that are legitimate.

and again, if those Americans on the ship feel so much compassion to those immigrants - why wouldn't they take them to the US soil?

Edited by Matt96
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Ha Ha Ha ,got love how the "lets all hold hands " and sing kumbaya left with their rose tinted spectacles think that if they reach out to the evil ones then they will all join in the singing with them , instead of cutting of their heads and raping their children .

Yeah, right.

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Why do the Thai authorities continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot in these matters. The deliberate sabotaging of humanitarian rescue effort by a volunteer organisation will not go unnoticed by the World at large. Don't they care that they may well face punitive sanctions if the continue in this fashion - apparently not.

if you care of illegal migrants, why don't you take them to your own country?

World community (USA) has nothing to do with internal affairs of Thailand. nobody needs a Big Brother from the West who always knows what other nations should do.

stop imposing your destructive left-liberal values! "useful idiots" (Vladimir Lenin's term) like yourself made a hell in Europe now you came to teach Thailand?

this "rescue ship" was trying to bring illegal economic migrants on the land of Thailand. which is absolutely unacceptable.

Bravo, Thai authorities!

To say what I really feel about you after reading your repulsive post would probably get me suspended.

A vile disgusting post, contemptible hate fuelled ignorance with nothing of any value or logic.

Bigotry masquerading as opinion and failing to hide itself.


no arguments. pure emotions.

leftists like yourself always sing about "freedom of speech" - but just until somebody says something you don't like.

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How dare these migrants flee violence and civil war, persecution and death, goodness me they really are selfish.

Heck I bet they're poor and smelly as well.

Well done that government there, we need more actions like this.

It takes real courage to abandon men, women and children in this manner.

Now if you don't mind I need to puke.


Don't worry, I am sure humanitarian issues and compassion won't deter the anti-immigration rantings of the nasty old bigots that can't see much further than their sensationalist broadsheet tabloid rags.

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Why do the Thai authorities continue to keep shooting themselves in the foot in these matters. The deliberate sabotaging of humanitarian rescue effort by a volunteer organisation will not go unnoticed by the World at large. Don't they care that they may well face punitive sanctions if the continue in this fashion - apparently not.

if you care of illegal migrants, why don't you take them to your own country?

World community (USA) has nothing to do with internal affairs of Thailand. nobody needs a Big Brother from the West who always knows what other nations should do.

stop imposing your destructive left-liberal values! "useful idiots" (Vladimir Lenin's term) like yourself made a hell in Europe now you came to teach Thailand?

this "rescue ship" was trying to bring illegal economic migrants on the land of Thailand. which is absolutely unacceptable.

Bravo, Thai authorities!

To say what I really feel about you after reading your repulsive post would probably get me suspended.

A vile disgusting post, contemptible hate fuelled ignorance with nothing of any value or logic.

Bigotry masquerading as opinion and failing to hide itself.


no arguments. pure emotions.

leftists like yourself always sing about "freedom of speech" - but just until somebody says something you don't like.

Once more ignorance shines through your non thinking.

Do not flatter yourself by thinking you put forward arguments worth considering.

Hate speech, regardless of the political ideology of the speaker, is not freedom of speech, it is an abuse of freedom of speech.

Edited by Bluespunk
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no arguments. pure emotions.

leftists like yourself always sing about "freedom of speech" - but just until somebody says something you don't like.

Once more ignorance shines through your non thinking.

Do not flatter yourself by thinking you put forward arguments worth considering.

Hate speech, regardless of the political ideology of the speaker, is not freedom of speech, it is an abuse of freedom of speech.

sexism, racism, ageism, fascism, hate speech - all these labels were invented by leftists to shut up those who dare to say what leftists don't like.

leftists really believe if they made up a label for censorship - it's not censorship anymore. how charming.

Josef Stalin and the Politburo also called there wars - "fighting for peace".

"war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"

I've red it somewhere before...


Edited by Matt96
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I just explained to the wifey about this and her answer was 'why not just bomb them out of the sea and they won't come back again'. They are clueless.

Clueless perhaps....but not alone in her thinking by any stretch of the imagination.

The majority of the non PC beaten senseless folk probably agree but are too afraid to say so.

Members who post support for crimes against humanity are scum. For reasons unknown to me TV management permit repeated breach of forum rules by people such as you apparently without consequence. IMO you and others who have similar posting records damage the TV brand and should be banned.

I fear this is typical left wing retoric , we can say what we like , but dont you dare say anything against us or we will label you racist ,homophobic , etc etc or get you banned .

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no arguments. pure emotions.

leftists like yourself always sing about "freedom of speech" - but just until somebody says something you don't like.

Once more ignorance shines through your non thinking.

Do not flatter yourself by thinking you put forward arguments worth considering.

Hate speech, regardless of the political ideology of the speaker, is not freedom of speech, it is an abuse of freedom of speech.

sexism, racism, ageism, fascism, hate speech - all these labels were invented by leftists to shut up those who dare to say what leftists don't like.

leftists really believe if they made up a label for censorship - it's not censorship anymore. how charming.

Josef Stalin and the Politburo also called there wars - "fighting for peace".

"war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"

I've red it somewhere before...


Nowhere have I, nor others that I have read, not supported your freedom of speech but I/we reserve the right to call you exactly what you are. Hate filled, tyrannical and lacking an ounce of compassion but you are not the only one (sorry John) and no doubt your conservative, right-wing values will continue to battle those who take a more compassionate view of the world. How will it end? we don't know but

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness

revisit your hate and anger this was a piece of equipment for a rescue ship for HUMAN BEINGS lost at sea

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no arguments. pure emotions.

leftists like yourself always sing about "freedom of speech" - but just until somebody says something you don't like.

Once more ignorance shines through your non thinking.

Do not flatter yourself by thinking you put forward arguments worth considering.

Hate speech, regardless of the political ideology of the speaker, is not freedom of speech, it is an abuse of freedom of speech.

sexism, racism, ageism, fascism, hate speech - all these labels were invented by leftists to shut up those who dare to say what leftists don't like.

leftists really believe if they made up a label for censorship - it's not censorship anymore. how charming.

Josef Stalin and the Politburo also called there wars - "fighting for peace".

"war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"

I've red it somewhere before...


No one has stopped you excreting your views.

All that is being done is exposing them for what they are: vile, disgusting prejudice and hate.

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no arguments. pure emotions.

leftists like yourself always sing about "freedom of speech" - but just until somebody says something you don't like.

Once more ignorance shines through your non thinking.

Do not flatter yourself by thinking you put forward arguments worth considering.

Hate speech, regardless of the political ideology of the speaker, is not freedom of speech, it is an abuse of freedom of speech.

sexism, racism, ageism, fascism, hate speech - all these labels were invented by leftists to shut up those who dare to say what leftists don't like.

leftists really believe if they made up a label for censorship - it's not censorship anymore. how charming.

Josef Stalin and the Politburo also called there wars - "fighting for peace".

"war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"

I've red it somewhere before...


Nowhere have I, nor others that I have read, not supported your freedom of speech but I/we reserve the right to call you exactly what you are. Hate filled, tyrannical and lacking an ounce of compassion but you are not the only one (sorry John) and no doubt your conservative, right-wing values will continue to battle those who take a more compassionate view of the world. How will it end? we don't know but

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness

revisit your hate and anger this was a piece of equipment for a rescue ship for HUMAN BEINGS lost at sea

"I/we reserve the right to call you exactly what you are" sure you can! same as me. but the problem is DELETED tried to make those who say what he does not like banned on this forum.


"revisit your hate and anger this was a piece of equipment for a rescue ship for HUMAN BEINGS lost at sea"

and I asked where those rescued will go after they are rescued? to Thailand?

if illegal immigrants will go to the homeland of the ship's owner -USA - I have nothing against it. actually I support it.

Edited by seedy
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"I/we reserve the right to call you exactly what you are" sure you can! same as me. but the problem is you (or another guy on this tread with values similar to yours) tried to make those who say what he does not like banned on this forum.

this is a difference between you and me - I would never call for moderators to ban somebody why says something I don't like. never ever.

"revisit your hate and anger this was a piece of equipment for a rescue ship for HUMAN BEINGS lost at sea"

and I asked where those rescued will go after they are rescued? to Thailand?

if illegal immigrants will go to the homeland of the ship's owner -USA - I have nothing against it. actually I support it.

There is no suggestion, that I have noticed, where they would attempt to come to Thailand. The equipment was simply 'passing through'.

Are you suggesting a moderator has said to you that I have asked you to be banned?

I do have fairly left wing views on many things, I admit, but I also support the eradication of IS by almost any means including bombing BUT those that are trying to escape those vicious terrorist scum deserve our compassion not blocking rescue equipment.

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"I/we reserve the right to call you exactly what you are" sure you can! same as me. but the problem is you (or another guy on this tread with values similar to yours) tried to make those who say what he does not like banned on this forum.

this is a difference between you and me - I would never call for moderators to ban somebody why says something I don't like. never ever.

"revisit your hate and anger this was a piece of equipment for a rescue ship for HUMAN BEINGS lost at sea"

and I asked where those rescued will go after they are rescued? to Thailand?

if illegal immigrants will go to the homeland of the ship's owner -USA - I have nothing against it. actually I support it.

There is no suggestion, that I have noticed, where they would attempt to come to Thailand. The equipment was simply 'passing through'.

"The mission was due to start operations on 3 March to help save Bangladeshi migrants and Burmese Rohingya refugees during the dry season when human traffickers and smugglers take advantage of the calm conditions to make the route to Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia."

quote from the original article in The Guardian

Thailand has a full moral right (and obligation to its own citizen) to do whatever it takes to prevent "Bangladeshi migrants and Burmese Rohingya" from "making the route" to Thailand

no one needs them here, believe it or not

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What is the proper method of "seeking asylum"? Is it to just jump on a boat and self declare yourself as an asylum seeker? Or is it to approach the local embassy of the country you wish to relocate to and apply there? I assume it's the latter not the former, similar to how a travel visa is requested but then I'm not a political scientist so I don't know.

Until a person is granted refugee status they are defined as an Asylum Seeker. You cannot apply for refugee status if you are inside your own country. In order to be recognised as a refugee, you must leave your country and apply for refugee status in another country. That's why, until the current crisis in the EU, the majority actually obtained, e.g., a tourist visa, and then applied for refugee status upon entering their destination country. Obviously obtaining a visa to exit their home country doesn't doesn't apply to Rohingya as they are Stateless and do not have passports. Another example scenario is crossing border/s until reaching a 'safe' country then requesting support from UNHCR for resettlement - process can take years, not permitted to work and so on.

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Seems like 'empathy' is the new fascism. It's forced down everyone's throats by those comfortable and secure enough in their lives that they can afford the luxury. They think that the world can be just as nice for everybody as it is for them. Mere objectivity is seen as barbaric. Unfortunately, that's pure naivety. The objective reality is that the world is a seething cauldron of Darwinian competition. It's one group against another fighting for limited resources. The 'brotherhood of man' is a cute idea that gains ground only in times of plenty. Those who understand this are simply more objective.

You will agree that a degree of discipline and organisation in human society is needed on an everyday basis, not just for the long-term good of the planet? Well that's it in a nutshell. There's no callousness in this, only rationality - the long-term happiness of everyone is the aim. The solution for the Rohingya (the group in question) is to gain representation in their own country, not to move en masse to someone else's. That takes hard work and of course they should be helped, which is the purpose of the UN, UNESCO, IMF, Amnesty International etc. Helped, not looked after.

Western civilisation took centuries of disciplined effort and self-sacrifice to build up - civil wars, national wars, world wars, industrial revolutions, painstaking development of institutions and social systems, governance and education. Emerging nations have a long way to go but it is vital to rule out migration as an acceptable solution, otherwise there will be global upheaval as they try to skip the hard-work development phase, there will be the erosion of cultures and endless local conflict as pressure is suddenly put on limited resources - that will be bad news for everyone in the long-term.

Empathy is the new fascism????

maybe you should look up the meaning of the two words and review your statement.

Are you really suggesting the solution for the Rohingya is " civil wars, national wars, world wars, industrial revolutions, painstaking development of institutions and social systems, governance and education. " To which of these would you suggest they give priority or do you believe they ought to try them all simultaneously?

Migration has always been a factor and is nothing new in Europe, and certainly not in the USA or Australia. If not those countries would still be ruled by their indigenous peoples.

Just to explain: fascism is the forcible imposition of one group's will upon another, with a penalty for those who don't conform. What we are seeing now is creeping penalisation of the non-politically correct, under which banner comes 'empathy'.

I hoped I was being clear when I said those labours were the price of civilised society. Hopefully the Rohingya can learn from the west's experience in order to skip a few rungs on that ladder, but the point is that they have to work it out for themselves.

There's no comparison between the US and what is happening now. The US was a new country welcoming migrants at the time to build up their economy. Europe (and Thailand) are old countries with delicate cultures whose population over the years has developed in careful balance with available resources.

What we are seeing now is akin to historical migrations such as the Viking or Mongol invasions, which were catastrophic, and it took centuries of wars and carnage for the situation to settle down. And nowadays it is empowered by technology and mobility. A hundred years ago the poor people of Africa (say) would have had no idea where Europe was or what it was like. Now they have the route laid out by GPS on their phones and enough money to make the journey. There's nothing to stop them all turning up.

This is a new phenomenon. Consider what the world would be like if it continued unabated for years. It's not humanitarian to open the floodgates, but that's not to say they shouldn't be helped in situ. Those international organizations need to be more active.


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I think the Mediterranean situation and the Rohingyas are two much different things. The common denominator is internally displaced people but In the Mediterranean you have people fleeing a sadistic Daesh. I don't have the impressions that many Syrians moved to Europe before the civil war as they had a relatively stable life - now it is either flee or get shot/decapitated/thrown from a building/etc - as well as being bombed by Assads forces. Quite simple really.

For the Rohingya situation things could be dealt with internally in Myanmar by first of all giving them citizenship and join the democratic processes. Thailand and ASEAN fails miserably in supporting this process. Fair enough they clearly don't want to help any refugees outside of Myanmar but then they could help inside Myanmar by pushing the political agenda and provide proper aid in Myanmar. Bear in mind that Thailand herself received and still receives a lot of Western aid - perhaps it is time to give something back to the global community?

One can only hope that Suu Kyi is willing to include all ethnic minorities in building a new Myanmar, but I don't see Thailand as acting like a good neighbor and encouraging inclusivity in this nation building.

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I think the Mediterranean situation and the Rohingyas are two much different things. The common denominator is internally displaced people but In the Mediterranean you have people fleeing a sadistic Daesh. I don't have the impressions that many Syrians moved to Europe before the civil war as they had a relatively stable life - now it is either flee or get shot/decapitated/thrown from a building/etc - as well as being bombed by Assads forces. Quite simple really.

For the Rohingya situation things could be dealt with internally in Myanmar by first of all giving them citizenship and join the democratic processes. Thailand and ASEAN fails miserably in supporting this process. Fair enough they clearly don't want to help any refugees outside of Myanmar but then they could help inside Myanmar by pushing the political agenda and provide proper aid in Myanmar. Bear in mind that Thailand herself received and still receives a lot of Western aid - perhaps it is time to give something back to the global community?

One can only hope that Suu Kyi is willing to include all ethnic minorities in building a new Myanmar, but I don't see Thailand as acting like a good neighbor and encouraging inclusivity in this nation building.

all people called "Rohingya" are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. during and after the war in Bangladesh they took advantage of bad border control on Burmese side and relocated to the land which didn't belong to them.

they don't have any right for Myanmar citizenship. being an illegal immigrant for decades does not make you eligible for a citizenship - according to Myanmar law.

they should be send where they came from - Bangladesh.

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