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US military units to stay for South China Sea patrols


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The possible winner of Monday's Philippines elections is saying he is wiling to talk to China directly

The so call " Asian Trump" is leading the polls heading into election is saying he is willing to talk and also negotiate trade and even consider asking China to assist in rail development

Anyone that drove into makati like me last weekend would thank the heavens for a pragmatic man ...

Won't please the USA who have committed all sorts patrolling the area only to be told they are not needed anymore

But this guy looks like he probably won't bend over to the powers China or anyone else and would put Philippines first although it's encouraging to see he loves trade as much as China

China is not interested to rule over any lands ...they just want to get more trade and make more $$$ ...I don't see them telling the Africans what to do as they traded with them and it won't happen in ASEAN.

Rodrigo Duterte who is likely to win the May 9th Philippine presidential election is indeed often referred to as a Trump of the Phils (not of Asia), in that he tends toward being the wild radical.

Those who've been attentive to the election campaign there know Mayor Duterte has been all over the place on the SCS aggressions by the CCP Dictators in Beijing.

The one thing Mayor Duterte has said with consistency is that he would not consider changing the Phils policy on CCP aggressions in SCS, not for at least two years. Duterte wants to see if negotiations between Asean and CCP can develop before he'd consider possible bilateral negotiations. So it could sound like Mayor Duterte has a bit of the Chinese in him too, as do almost all Filipinos.

Duterte has also been saying throughout the campaign....

Mr Duterte has said he will tout the Philippines’ alliance with Western powers such as the US to get China to accept Manila’s position. He also said he would ride a jet ski to a disputed island occupied by China and personally stake the Philippines’ claims.


Good thing then the Phils doesn't have a red button its behavior-similar Trumpish president-to-be can push while jet skiing and Phils flag whipping in the wind.

The bottom line on the possibility of a Phils president Duterte is that he takes the same position as Asean has always held, i.e., joint and cooperative use of the resources of the SCS. If CCP would agree to negotiate that fairly and bilaterally with the Phils beginning in two years time, that would be good indeed. It would in fact be excellent. It could lead to broader negotiations over the SCS.

Duterte has been mayor of Davao City for 22 years. The greatest income increases there however have occurred in Mayor Duterte's previously undisclosed bank account which is now under open investigation after an opposition lawyer dug it out. Developments are ongoing.

Duterte has meanwhile promised $21 million to each region of the Phils if he's elected (to power small and medium sized business ha!). It would be a good bet besides to say Duterte will get the CCP Boyz to build a new railway system in Duterte's home province of Mindanao no matter the outcome of the ongoing SCS antagonisms.

I hadn't heard of Duterte before a few moments ago. From first impressions, he sounds like a corrupt very rich ding dong. I hope Fils have better candidates to choose from, or at least someone who won't let go of, or sell the islands.

Duterte has led in the polls all the way so the expectation of the May 9th election is that he'd win, even if with only one-third of the popular vote, which is the most he's ever had in the polling.

As with Trump, Duterte focuses on domestic money economic development but he's literally wrapped himself in the flag during the campaign and during his 22 years as mayor of Davao. While his foreign policy people don't like opposing Beijing in anything, Duterte knows CCP is extremely unpopular with the Phils general public due to the SCS stuff over the past several years.

So Duterte isn't going to change much of the present policy without allowing some breathing room, which is why he's saying no changes for at least two years. Duterte also knows he needs to see how the Arbitral Tribunal's ruling coming in a couple of weeks will play out, especially given that everyone expects the Phils to win the case while CCP will have to shoot off flares and lower its lifeboats because of it.

Two years from now the SCS situation will be very different and Duterte knows it. Two years from now SCS positions will have hardened and they will have definitely become more volatile. Duterte learned to kick the can on the dirt roads where he grew up so it's a game he's played for a long time and that he knows well. It's called keeping your options open.

This is to update my own post concerning a new and major development in the Philippines presidential election Monday in relation to the SCS.

Rodrigo Duterte who is ahead by double digits for Monday's election of a new president said yesterday that if Beijing wants bilateral negotiations it will have to end its blockade of the Spratley Islands immediately to allow Philippine fisherman in, and then CCP will have to recognise Philippine sovereignty over the island group.

This is a smack to the chops of the CCP who'd been hoping the new guy's talk of bilateral negotiations would collapse all opposition to CCP turning the SCS into a Chinese lake.

Philippine Front-Runner Duterte Floats New Tactic in South China Sea Dispute

The candidate isn’t backing down on the Philippines’ own claims in the region. While campaigning this week ahead of Monday’s election, Mr. Duterte pledged to ride a jet-ski to plant a Philippine flag on a disputed atoll now controlled by Beijing.

He has said that for talks to go ahead, Beijing must first acknowledge Manila’s sovereignty claims and allow Philippine fishermen to operate in surrounding waters—conditions that many analysts said China is unlikely to accept.


Duterte hardened his already firm position on the SCS disputes against Beijing because as tough as Pres. Benigno Aquino has been on SCS issues against Beijing, voters want tougher. CCP Dictators in Beijing seized control of the Spratley Islands in 2012 after a standoff of several months against the Phils.

As noted by the Singapore Straits Times in a report from the Phils on its fishing industry and fishermen.....

The crews yearn to get back into their boats and hope that the Philippine election on May 9 will bring a new president bold enough to stand up to China's assertiveness in the disputed waters of the South China Sea.

It is something they say incumbent Benigno Aquino was hesitant to do, while the frontrunner to succeed him, the hard-talking mayor of Davao city, Rodrigo Duterte, has indicated he may take a tougher line with Beijing.

"We want a tougher president who would make China leave the Philippine Sea," said the Marvin's shirtless captain, Biany Mula, referring to the waters by their Philippine name. "That area is not their property."


Pres. Aquino is the bold and forward looking guy who filed the case with the Permanent Court of Arbitration that CCP is about to lose, and who'd said the Dictators in Beijing were "acting like Hitler." Phils voters now say they want tougher against CCP aggressions into the Phils EEZ.

Duterte had said he'd consider bilateral negotiations demanded of Asean countries by CCP but only if no overall progress had been made after two years of his being president. Duterte had said he'd support allies committed to keeping the SCS as an international waterway to include free aerial navigation above it. This left all sides in an ambiguity that now has been removed in favor of a hard stance against the CCP Dictators.

So Duterte seems now to have recognised the significance of the pending decision of the Arbitral Court to the Phils and to the entire region.

With Duterte speaking about bilateral negotiations, CCP thought they'd suckered one in at a strategic place in their aggressions and belligerence. So then again, maybe not. This guy Duterte is a Trump anti-social loudmouth in the Phils so there's no telling what may happen there if he does become president in Monday's general election.

Edited by Publicus
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Nothing wrong either with respecting the life's qualifications, expertise, experience of others. That is, success at making an honest living is deserving of respect whatever the field of endeavor.

Indeed. Most of the posters on this thread, including yourself, have added value. Your additions are often well-researched and add a dimension some of us may not have considered.

If any poster wants respect for his qualifications, expertise and experience, he would normally have to earn that by his postings, and some minimal peek under the skirt. On a public forum, outing oneself is not to be encouraged, but on a specialist subject matter and sweeping matters involving China, it may be wise to let members know if you have some special experience or qualifications that would cause members to take more seriously posts which might seem heavily biased and subjective.

After that brief interlude, let's return to the subject at hand.

the dulles brothers, westmoreland, taylor, kissinger, macnamara etc etc all had what they considered special expertise and every one of them got the vietnam thing dead wrong!

No one disputes this.

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.

This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls :) watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.

This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls :) watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation

Like you have any warfighting experience. Give us all a break with your complete utter BS about CCP military capabilities.

The US military has advantage in every military area over the CCP military. You know nothing.

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.

This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls :) watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation

Like you have any warfighting experience. Give us all a break with your complete utter BS about CCP military capabilities.

The US military has advantage in every military area over the CCP military. You know nothing.

Live in your dreams .....the reason why the USA has not won any of its recent military campaigns or achieved its stated objectives is exemplified in your comments

Arrogance , underestimating your enemies and lack of foresight to plan ahead ....go read your military journals , the USA commanders talk frequently about not knowing the capabilities of the Chinese and Russian military because your intelligences has been compromised by your openness ;

you can't even beat Vietnam ....forget about China....you truly know nothing mate ;)

Your superior weapons cannot be deployed without civilian casualty and this is not some Middle East campaign. If you drop even one bomb anywhere in mainland China , the consequences will be for USA to bear

We won't come to you ....you have to start it and his is where Chinese patience outweighs any USA bravado which always call for quick actions and air bombings

The SCS is not going to be a naval battle even though it's surrounded by sea :)

Piss the CCP off and we will build the next universal studios there and bring in hordes of tourists while we dig below. We will even give Cebu airlines free rights to appease the Filipinos and we know they all love water parks.

While we debate this ...this morning the dredgers are still at work ....digging and filling

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.
This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls smile.png watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation
Like you have any warfighting experience. Give us all a break with your complete utter BS about CCP military capabilities.

The US military has advantage in every military area over the CCP military. You know nothing.

Live in your dreams .....the reason why the USA has not won any of its recent military campaigns or achieved its stated objectives is exemplified in your comments

Arrogance , underestimating your enemies and lack of foresight to plan ahead ....go read your military journals , the USA commanders talk frequently about not knowing the capabilities of the Chinese and Russian military because your intelligences has been compromised by your openness ;

you can't even beat Vietnam ....forget about China....you truly know nothing mate wink.png

Your superior weapons cannot be deployed without civilian casualty and this is not some Middle East campaign. If you drop even one bomb anywhere in mainland China , the consequences will be for USA to bear

We won't come to you ....you have to start it and his is where Chinese patience outweighs any USA bravado which always call for quick actions and air bombings

The SCS is not going to be a naval battle even though it's surrounded by sea smile.png

Piss the CCP off and we will build the next universal studios there and bring in hordes of tourists while we dig below. We will even give Cebu airlines free rights to appease the Filipinos and we know they all love water parks.

While we debate this ...this morning the dredgers are still at work ....digging and filling

Mate coming from a CCP member now thats a far stretch.

Your weapons ha! "Made in China" ha what a stretch to think your weapons could be near the superiority of US....
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Well, the CCP's Three Warfares of the 21st century are in a full array:

1. Psychological

2. Media/PR

3. Law aka Lawfare

None of 'em are doing well. The singer Song Zuying is also a rear admiral in the PLA Navy. She sang the Titanic theme song to propagandize the troops.

Riff on the Reef: China's Concert for Troops and Workers
Rear Admiral Song Zuying

BEIJING — China has deployed a new weapon to the hotly-disputed waters of the South China Sea: a Grammy-nominated superstar.

Song Zuying has performed with the likes of Celine Dion and Plácido Domingo. But this week the singer sang for workers at Fiery Cross Reef, one of seven man-made islands built by China in the fiercely-contested Spratly archipelago.

The United States has criticized Beijing's massive construction project in the archipelago, which also features runways capable of accommodating military aircraft.

Song's performance Tuesday was backed up by a 50-member troupe of musicians, actors and entertainers — one of several stops on a broader tour of the artificially reclaimed islands this week.
China To Conduct Military Drills In South China Sea, Indian Ocean
World | PTI | Updated: May 06, 2016 00:47 IST

The drill aims to enhance combat readiness and coordination between ships and aircraft, and other forces, China said.

Beijing: China has kicked off military exercises in the disputed South China Sea, east Indian Ocean and West Pacific involving advanced warships, helicopters and "special warfare" soldiers.

With three helicopters and dozens of "special warfare" soldiers, the fleet will be separated into three groups that will sail to areas of the South China Sea, the east Indian Ocean and the west Pacific, to conduct varied drills.

The fleet will mobilise naval air force, garrison forces in the Xisha and Nansha islands, and forces of the Beihai Fleet along the way to take part in the drill.

The drill aims to enhance combat readiness and practise coordination between ships and aircraft, and other forces, the navy said.


Beijing Warns Critics Over South China Sea Dispute


Soldiers of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy patrol at Woody Island, in the Paracel Archipelago, which is known in China as the Xisha Islands, Jan. 29, 2016.

Bonnie Glaser, senior adviser for Asia at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, said she expects China to reject the ruling.

“It is also stepping up efforts to prepare the public by justifying China's position. At the same time, the Chinese foreign ministry is lobbying countries to support its position and seeking to expand the numbers that are on its side,” she said.

China, which has emerged as one of the world’s biggest investors, is offering a combination of incentives and threats to enlist the support of different countries, analysts said. Beijing wants to avoid a loss of face because the U.N. tribunal is expected to support Manila's claims on the disputed islands. It is also concerned that other claimants may follow in the Philippines footsteps.

But analysts are divided over whether China, with its massive economic clout, would be able to force at least some western countries to change their stance and back it in opposing the Philippine’s case.


Edited by Publicus
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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.

This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls smile.png watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation

LC, you're painting yourself in a corner. US foreign policy has made mistakes in past decades. However, the intentions have usually been good in the bigger picture.

In recent decades, the US intervened dynamically in former Yugoslavia. It was brief, and no territory was claimed by Uncle Sam. It succeeded in its goal of stopping genocide and enabling some small countries to get free from Serbia.

Similarly, the US put together a coalition to kick Iraq out of Kuwait. The fighting was again brief. US tanks could have easily gone up to Baghdad and taken out Saddam, but held back. After that turkey shoot, the US didn't covet any territory for itself.

Concurrently, China stayed away. That's probably ok, but it also shows a lack of concern for small countries in trouble. What did China to do help the Sudanese or the Somalis or E.Timorese or Rwandans, or any one of dozens of other trouble zones worldwide? Nothing. Again, maybe that's ok, but it shows lack of compassion. On the other hand, if China did get involved with those countries mentioned, it's plausible it would have also wanted to plant its flag and claim ownership. E.Timor could have been given a Chinese name (something like Guanghai) and what would any other country do about it? Bomb it, to get the Chinese out?

As for the possibility of military action: In the SCS it won't be bombing of the islands (except possibly precision hits on military targets). Similarly, there won't be any bombing of Chinese mainland or Hainan. Zero. US military doesn't operate like that. If shots are fired, they will likely be targeting Chinese military assets at sea, or docked, ....or possibly some action against airborne targets.

Speaking of fishing: a year ago, I took a 3 hour trip on a Sri Lankan fishing boat. It was a small 4-man operation on a catamaran. I mention this because it's probably similar to what many Fil fisherman do to try and eke out a living. The two island countries have a lot of similarities. The main point here, is the catch. On the trip I took, all the fish were very small (small fry). There was a newborn shark, some puffer fish and others, but all tiny. The Sri Lankan fishermen only wanted shrimp, so they threw everything else overboard - all were dead, of course. You see what I'm getting at? The SCS is probably similar to the seas around Sri Lanka in relation to fishing. IT'S ALL FISHED OUT! Asians in general and Chinese in particular have near zero consciousness about maintaining healthy fish stocks. So when we hear discussions about fishing around the disputed SCS islands, we're referring to a near dead zone.

Now Chinese engineers are dredging like crazy. Dredging is awful for the ecology. Any bits of coral (which are fish nurseries) in that region are surely destroyed. Chinese are to environmental husbandry what flame throwers are to morning dew.

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.

This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls smile.png watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation

LC, you're painting yourself in a corner. US foreign policy has made mistakes in past decades. However, the intentions have usually been good in the bigger picture.

In recent decades, the US intervened dynamically in former Yugoslavia. It was brief, and no territory was claimed by Uncle Sam. It succeeded in its goal of stopping genocide and enabling some small countries to get free from Serbia.

Similarly, the US put together a coalition to kick Iraq out of Kuwait. The fighting was again brief. US tanks could have easily gone up to Baghdad and taken out Saddam, but held back. After that turkey shoot, the US didn't covet any territory for itself.

Concurrently, China stayed away. That's probably ok, but it also shows a lack of concern for small countries in trouble. What did China to do help the Sudanese or the Somalis or E.Timorese or Rwandans, or any one of dozens of other trouble zones worldwide? Nothing. Again, maybe that's ok, but it shows lack of compassion. On the other hand, if China did get involved with those countries mentioned, it's plausible it would have also wanted to plant its flag and claim ownership. E.Timor could have been given a Chinese name (something like Guanghai) and what would any other country do about it? Bomb it, to get the Chinese out?

As for the possibility of military action: In the SCS it won't be bombing of the islands (except possibly precision hits on military targets). Similarly, there won't be any bombing of Chinese mainland or Hainan. Zero. US military doesn't operate like that. If shots are fired, they will likely be targeting Chinese military assets at sea, or docked, ....or possibly some action against airborne targets.

Speaking of fishing: a year ago, I took a 3 hour trip on a Sri Lankan fishing boat. It was a small 4-man operation on a catamaran. I mention this because it's probably similar to what many Fil fisherman do to try and eke out a living. The two island countries have a lot of similarities. The main point here, is the catch. On the trip I took, all the fish were very small (small fry). There was a newborn shark, some puffer fish and others, but all tiny. The Sri Lankan fishermen only wanted shrimp, so they threw everything else overboard - all were dead, of course. You see what I'm getting at? The SCS is probably similar to the seas around Sri Lanka in relation to fishing. IT'S ALL FISHED OUT! Asians in general and Chinese in particular have near zero consciousness about maintaining healthy fish stocks. So when we hear discussions about fishing around the disputed SCS islands, we're referring to a near dead zone.

Now Chinese engineers are dredging like crazy. Dredging is awful for the ecology. Any bits of coral (which are fish nurseries) in that region are surely destroyed. Chinese are to environmental husbandry what flame throwers are to morning dew.

you denigrate asians for not maintaining fish stocks when western nations destroyed the largest single fish stock on the planet on the Grand Banks!! lol and American intentions have been entirely self serving in every intervention.

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.

This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls smile.png watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation

If a Potus steps aside and makes way for Congress to hammer the CCP youse guyz would be put in a disarray ranging from currency to finance and to your economy -- across the board.

Since Nixon in 1972 each Potus has accommodated the CCP in almost every respect. Congress meanwhile has been sat on in its widespread opposition to enriching the CCP Boyz throughout the PRC.

If a Potus pulls the lever to open the gates to Congress, or if a Potus decides to cooperate with the CCP-hostile Congress -- or grabs the flag to lead it -- CCP won't know what hit it.

Worry warts who btw lie awake at night in cold sweats concerning Walmart et al would need in such an event to take it up with the Congress. Congress on both sides of the aisle in both chambers has always been hostile toward fattening up the Boyz. Always. Very against.

Edited by Publicus
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LC, you're painting yourself in a corner. US foreign policy has made mistakes in past decades. However, the intentions have usually been good in the bigger picture.

In recent decades, the US intervened dynamically in former Yugoslavia. It was brief, and no territory was claimed by Uncle Sam. It succeeded in its goal of stopping genocide and enabling some small countries to get free from Serbia.

Similarly, the US put together a coalition to kick Iraq out of Kuwait. The fighting was again brief. US tanks could have easily gone up to Baghdad and taken out Saddam, but held back. After that turkey shoot, the US didn't covet any territory for itself.

Concurrently, China stayed away. That's probably ok, but it also shows a lack of concern for small countries in trouble. What did China to do help the Sudanese or the Somalis or E.Timorese or Rwandans, or any one of dozens of other trouble zones worldwide? Nothing. Again, maybe that's ok, but it shows lack of compassion. On the other hand, if China did get involved with those countries mentioned, it's plausible it would have also wanted to plant its flag and claim ownership. E.Timor could have been given a Chinese name (something like Guanghai) and what would any other country do about it? Bomb it, to get the Chinese out?

As for the possibility of military action: In the SCS it won't be bombing of the islands (except possibly precision hits on military targets). Similarly, there won't be any bombing of Chinese mainland or Hainan. Zero. US military doesn't operate like that. If shots are fired, they will likely be targeting Chinese military assets at sea, or docked, ....or possibly some action against airborne targets.

Speaking of fishing: a year ago, I took a 3 hour trip on a Sri Lankan fishing boat. It was a small 4-man operation on a catamaran. I mention this because it's probably similar to what many Fil fisherman do to try and eke out a living. The two island countries have a lot of similarities. The main point here, is the catch. On the trip I took, all the fish were very small (small fry). There was a newborn shark, some puffer fish and others, but all tiny. The Sri Lankan fishermen only wanted shrimp, so they threw everything else overboard - all were dead, of course. You see what I'm getting at? The SCS is probably similar to the seas around Sri Lanka in relation to fishing. IT'S ALL FISHED OUT! Asians in general and Chinese in particular have near zero consciousness about maintaining healthy fish stocks. So when we hear discussions about fishing around the disputed SCS islands, we're referring to a near dead zone.

Now Chinese engineers are dredging like crazy. Dredging is awful for the ecology. Any bits of coral (which are fish nurseries) in that region are surely destroyed. Chinese are to environmental husbandry what flame throwers are to morning dew.

you denigrate asians for not maintaining fish stocks when western nations destroyed the largest single fish stock on the planet on the Grand Banks!! lol and American intentions have been entirely self serving in every intervention.

Western countries came to the realization that fish stocks were in dire trouble. They then went and did many things (legislation, patrols, protected zones, further studies) to try and get a semblance of health back. What have Asians done for their depleted zones? I ask that seriously, because I honestly don't know everything that's going on. I've heard that Korean fishermen are troubled by profusions of giant jellyfish (yuck). And while you're putting together an answer to my Q, please tell me what Asian countries are doing about the Great Pacific Trash Vortex which they created? Something tells me I won't get answers to my questions.

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Note: speaking of the health of the seas, I saw some photos recently of seabirds which had died from pollution. Their dead decomposed bodies were shown with the contents of their bellies. Each bird had large amounts of plastic things. The most common items were red colored bottle caps. It was sickening. For sea turtles, the worst is plastic bags, because they ingest them thinking they're jellyfish - and of course the bags choke the turtles. Abandoned nets are also awful for sea life. The list is long.

That's why I recommend the entire SCS be designated an International Marine Preserve. People can't be trusted to take care of seas or islands. They've proven 1,000 ways, that they're awful at nature husbandry. 99% of the damage done to the seas happens where people don't see it, so; "out of sight, out of mind."

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LC, you're painting yourself in a corner. US foreign policy has made mistakes in past decades. However, the intentions have usually been good in the bigger picture.

In recent decades, the US intervened dynamically in former Yugoslavia. It was brief, and no territory was claimed by Uncle Sam. It succeeded in its goal of stopping genocide and enabling some small countries to get free from Serbia.

Similarly, the US put together a coalition to kick Iraq out of Kuwait. The fighting was again brief. US tanks could have easily gone up to Baghdad and taken out Saddam, but held back. After that turkey shoot, the US didn't covet any territory for itself.

Concurrently, China stayed away. That's probably ok, but it also shows a lack of concern for small countries in trouble. What did China to do help the Sudanese or the Somalis or E.Timorese or Rwandans, or any one of dozens of other trouble zones worldwide? Nothing. Again, maybe that's ok, but it shows lack of compassion. On the other hand, if China did get involved with those countries mentioned, it's plausible it would have also wanted to plant its flag and claim ownership. E.Timor could have been given a Chinese name (something like Guanghai) and what would any other country do about it? Bomb it, to get the Chinese out?

As for the possibility of military action: In the SCS it won't be bombing of the islands (except possibly precision hits on military targets). Similarly, there won't be any bombing of Chinese mainland or Hainan. Zero. US military doesn't operate like that. If shots are fired, they will likely be targeting Chinese military assets at sea, or docked, ....or possibly some action against airborne targets.

Speaking of fishing: a year ago, I took a 3 hour trip on a Sri Lankan fishing boat. It was a small 4-man operation on a catamaran. I mention this because it's probably similar to what many Fil fisherman do to try and eke out a living. The two island countries have a lot of similarities. The main point here, is the catch. On the trip I took, all the fish were very small (small fry). There was a newborn shark, some puffer fish and others, but all tiny. The Sri Lankan fishermen only wanted shrimp, so they threw everything else overboard - all were dead, of course. You see what I'm getting at? The SCS is probably similar to the seas around Sri Lanka in relation to fishing. IT'S ALL FISHED OUT! Asians in general and Chinese in particular have near zero consciousness about maintaining healthy fish stocks. So when we hear discussions about fishing around the disputed SCS islands, we're referring to a near dead zone.

Now Chinese engineers are dredging like crazy. Dredging is awful for the ecology. Any bits of coral (which are fish nurseries) in that region are surely destroyed. Chinese are to environmental husbandry what flame throwers are to morning dew.

you denigrate asians for not maintaining fish stocks when western nations destroyed the largest single fish stock on the planet on the Grand Banks!! lol and American intentions have been entirely self serving in every intervention.

Western countries came to the realization that fish stocks were in dire trouble. They then went and did many things (legislation, patrols, protected zones, further studies) to try and get a semblance of health back. What have Asians done for their depleted zones? I ask that seriously, because I honestly don't know everything that's going on. I've heard that Korean fishermen are troubled by profusions of giant jellyfish (yuck). And while you're putting together an answer to my Q, please tell me what Asian countries are doing about the Great Pacific Trash Vortex which they created? Something tells me I won't get answers to my questions.

they did nothing until it was far too late, in fact the governments were denying there was a problem on the banks long after scientific studies warned them. don't ask me what rapacious asian nations are doing, I'm merely pointing out western nations have been just as rapacious.

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I have always been vocal about environmental protection and know that China has done a shifty job about it while expanding their economies and have voiced it here in this forum and also with the councils

Like I posted , the positive news is China is moving faster than the USA in recent years to legislate and control the damages ...it irks one or two posters here China is learning fast and doing better but I don't care about mora victories but rather what is preserved for the generations of Chinese to come

But it's okay it's for the environment , you can continue to bash China but there is no denying in clean energy they are catching up fast and have a better commitment

Things a communist government can do that a democratic one with various interest groups can't

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

As to the point #2, the South China Sea is a body of water.

There won't be any land war. Since 2010 the US warfighting doctrine has been Air-Sea Combat. Air-Land Battle is out for the obvious reasons that are cited interminably in these parts.

As to point #3, the US is not going to be launching missiles or sending strategic bombers to attack the CCP mainland or the disputed islands.

Come back down to earth plse thx.

This is where you and the USA commanders need to realise China is not playing fair on this one ....the SCS conflict will not be an air / sea based war where the USA military has the advantage

Come back to earth please ...the Chinese have learnt from Nam War and recent conflicts where you guys are the weakest and where your political will is the lynch key to this

The next few years will be interesting to see what we will be placing on these atolls smile.png watch for it ...we may surprise you with our innovation

If a Potus steps aside and makes way for Congress to hammer the CCP youse guyz would be put in a disarray ranging from currency to finance and to your economy -- across the board.

Since Nixon in 1972 each Potus has accommodated the CCP in almost every respect. Congress meanwhile has been sat on in its widespread opposition to enriching the CCP Boyz throughout the PRC.

If a Potus pulls the lever to open the gates to Congress, or if a Potus decides to cooperate with the CCP-hostile Congress -- or grabs the flag to lead it -- CCP won't know what hit it.

Worry warts who btw lie awake at night in cold sweats concerning Walmart et al would need in such an event to take it up with the Congress. Congress on both sides of the aisle in both chambers has always been hostile toward fattening up the Boyz. Always. Very against.

Whatever you quote the POTUS can do ....none can do it and will do it ...funny right ?

Almost like having all the superior technology and not being able to use it :)

reminds me of the Ferrari owners in Singapore with Monster beast cars but have to go to Malaysia to speed race and show off because they cannot use the cars to the full capacity in Singapore with a 80kmh speed limit

POTUS has lots of power but cannot do it as this is the rich Cousin you hate but need :)

Happy Saturday P !

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Western countries came to the realization that fish stocks were in dire trouble. They then went and did many things (legislation, patrols, protected zones, further studies) to try and get a semblance of health back. What have Asians done for their depleted zones? I ask that seriously, because I honestly don't know everything that's going on. I've heard that Korean fishermen are troubled by profusions of giant jellyfish (yuck). And while you're putting together an answer to my Q, please tell me what Asian countries are doing about the Great Pacific Trash Vortex which they created? Something tells me I won't get answers to my questions.

they did nothing until it was far too late, in fact the governments were denying there was a problem on the banks long after scientific studies warned them. don't ask me what rapacious asian nations are doing, I'm merely pointing out western nations have been just as rapacious.

Even in your valiant attempts to be contrary, you're making my point. Western countries did studies and, over time, took dynamic action to try to rectify over-fishing problems. There are still problems, but there are also some success stories.

What I'm saying is, A. I don't think Asian countries are even doing studies.

B. Furthermore, I don't think Asian countries are taking any tangible action to restore healthy seas.

Asian fishermen are going everywhere they can to get shark fins. Japanese are still fishing whales. Asian fishermen are in the Mediterranean taking out the last tuna.

Of course, non-Asians are over-fishing also. Asians, in general, don't seem to be studying or dealing effectively with the dire problems of over-fishing and sea pollution. I'm challenging you to prove me wrong, but all you can do is write: "Western countries do it too!"

Name one thing any Asian country has done to address the dire problem of the Pacific Trash Vortex. Are they even aware of it? Perhaps that's yet another of the thousands of topics which are censored in China.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

they can be bought off by china

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

they can be bought off by china

So far, it's not working.

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

they can be bought off by china

So far, it's not working.

of course it is. burma is being raped, thai is looking to them for arms and a new train line.

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

Get a VPN like the 400-500 million Chinese and get connected to Netflix , Facebook , Twitter , Google , use the cloud ?

Strange most views here think Chinese are still riding buffalos and wearing a conical hat

When was your last visit ?

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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

It's a strange remark as the west have been offering aid and asking the smaller countries to change their religions , change their voting patterns and basically change their culture and buy their technology

When was the last time you visited ASEAN and seen how many Japanese friendship bridges built only for those countries to have Toyota Cars, Honda Bikes , Mitsubishi Aircon , Komatsu construction equipment ?

You thought the Japanese were concerned about their national plight and just came and built the roads for free

So in your books , these countries have no pride or just being pragmatic ? Nothing wrong with accepting aid if it benefits the masses.

If there was so much wrong in that why do people laud Bill Gates for giving away his fortune ?

Edited by LawrenceChee
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Boomer - you make mention of Chinese methodology of copying for success

I can assure you they have learnt a few things from Nam War and intend to copy that to full advantage

All the technology and sky sea / Star Wars etc etc whatever terms used by Comrade P is useless in the SCS context

The Chinese intention is clear in the SCS and they know a few things to neutralise the USA military might :

1) no one will bomb civilian structures ...no nuclear bomb can or will ever be used again

2) USA has never won a land war in recent years and Nam shows you after the bombing bravado , the USA land troops cannot invade or attack any Chinese city without international outcry or sustain the heavy losses and retreat in shame. While the Americans have air superiority , the ground superiority belongs to the Chinese

3) In an urban densely population country like China , the USA air superiority can't achieve much ; refer to point 1 , you can drop anything in China without hitting civilians , such is the success of the urbanisation

4) Political will in USA is weak and any injuries / military death fought over atolls and other ASEAN countries interests is not important to norma Americans

As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands

In the meantime the USA waste fuel and time doing these patrols knowing they are not achieving any intent except another temporary show for the region

"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

Get a VPN like the 400-500 million Chinese and get connected to Netflix , Facebook , Twitter , Google , use the cloud ?

Strange most views here think Chinese are still riding buffalos and wearing a conical hat

When was your last visit ?

Everybody still wears Zhongshan Mao suits, but they are much more colorful now.


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"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

they can be bought off by china
So far, it's not working.
of course it is. burma is being raped, thai is looking to them for arms and a new train line.

You're both right. It's a mixed bag. China has, for years, been very active and somewhat successful in buying the support of small countries. The UN has just over 200 member countries, but about a quarter are very small. At least a dozen are islands in the Pacific. In the UN General Assembly, each country gets one vote. So a vote from Samoa or the Cape Verde Islands counts for as much as a vote from the USA or Russia. China wants and needs those votes for various reasons. For example, it keeps Taiwan from being recognized as a country. It shuts up any discussion on Tibet. China's gifts and money get little countries like The Gambia to side with it re; the Phil islands the SCS debacle. Taiwan is doing similar, but doesn't have as much clout as China, so isn't as successful.

How hard would it be to woo a place like Tonga or Belize? First you meet with the leader, then offer money, gifts, privileges, trade advantages. Years before I chose to move to Thailand, I was considering moving to Belize. While there, I was able to meet with 2 Ministers without even trying (we sort of bumped in to each other). It was as easy as meeting with the doorman of a big hotel. You can cross the whole country, from its border with Guatemala to the Atlantic coast in 1 hour on a bicycle.

Thailand doesn't have to be bought off by China. China knocks on the door, and Thailand rolls over with its paws in the air like a silly puppy.

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You're both right. It's a mixed bag. China has, for years, been very active and somewhat successful in buying the support of small countries. The UN has just over 200 member countries, but about a quarter are very small. At least a dozen are islands in the Pacific. In the UN General Assembly, each country gets one vote. So a vote from Samoa or the Cape Verde Islands counts for as much as a vote from the USA or Russia. China wants and needs those votes for various reasons. For example, it keeps Taiwan from being recognized as a country. It shuts up any discussion on Tibet. China's gifts and money get little countries like The Gambia to side with it re; the Phil islands the SCS debacle. Taiwan is doing similar, but doesn't have as much clout as China, so isn't as successful.

How hard would it be to woo a place like Tonga or Belize? First you meet with the leader, then offer money, gifts, privileges, trade advantages. Years before I chose to move to Thailand, I was considering moving to Belize. While there, I was able to meet with 2 Ministers without even trying (we sort of bumped in to each other). It was as easy as meeting with the doorman of a big hotel. You can cross the whole country, from its border with Guatemala to the Atlantic coast in 1 hour on a bicycle.

Thailand doesn't have to be bought off by China. China knocks on the door, and Thailand rolls over with its paws in the air like a silly puppy.

100 km/hr on a bicycle?? lol

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of course it is. burma is being raped, thai is looking to them for arms and a new train line.

So far, it's not working.

they can be bought off by china

"As such the Chinese continue their works at the islands and continue to offer trade deals to the countries for the islands"

What's unfortunately typical here is the self-delusion and contempt for others that so typifies current Chinese attitudes. And I'm not talking about your attitude towards the USA. It's your belief that other smaller nations can be bought off by the Chinese. That when it comes down to it, they have no pride. At least most Chinese have a good excuse for believing and feeling that way. Their government blocks them from getting outside information. What's your excuse?

Burma rejected that big dam that China wanted. And that move angered China mightily. . And at the same time it opened up to the West. I think they didn't want to go the way of Laos which is turning into little more than a satellite of China. Thailand just turned down the rail line because they felt that the Chinese were askinig for too much

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