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World Celebrations with High Numbers of Accidents


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World Celebrations with High Numbers of Accidents


It seems fitting that with the Songkran upon us that we consider other events and celebrations around the World that have a high number of accidents.

This is certainly not to glorify them but sometimes we do tend to get a little hung up on believing that it is only Songkran that has a poor record. Here are just a four other events that perhaps don’t have the best records.

1. New Year

The New Year celebrations wherever you are in the World are undoubtedly some of the biggest annual events. Wherever you are the celebrations are usually good natured but involve literally thousands of people coming together to celebrate. Alcohol tends to be drunk in vast quantities and as result there are an increased number of accidents. Fortunately, most countries around the World now crack down on drink driving and thankfully this has reduced the number of accidents that occur year on year. It is therefore obvious why New Year celebrations make it on to the list.

2. Holi – Indian Paint Throwing Festival

Holi is a spring festival that is celebrated in both India and Nepal and is intended to be a festival for sharing colours and love. The event is not too dissimilar to Songkran here in Thailand and involves large numbers of people throwing paint powder and coloured water over each other in something that is very much a party atmosphere with no doubt large quantities of alcohol consumed. However, as with any festival that involves large numbers of people and alcohol there are of course accidents and incidents along the way and as a result joins the list.

Full story: http://www.inspirepattaya.com/lifestyle/world-celebrations-high-numbers-accidents/

-- Inspire Pattaya 2016-04-16

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Haven't you been reading?

It's been shown that road fatality numbers do not go up during Songkran's "Deadly Seven Days". It's just media hype, and you've just jumped on a misinforming and sensationalizing bandwagon, spewing out the same crap. Go check the statistics and see that FACTS show the average number of people dying on the roads of Thailand during the days of this "deadly" holiday is the same as the year-round daily average of 60 plus, and it's been that way for years. Go find something truthful and relevant to practice your writing.

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Haven't you been reading?

It's been shown that road fatality numbers do not go up during Songkran's "Deadly Seven Days". It's just media hype, and you've just jumped on a misinforming and sensationalizing bandwagon, spewing out the same crap. Go check the statistics and see that FACTS show the average number of people dying on the roads of Thailand during the days of this "deadly" holiday is the same as the year-round daily average of 60 plus, and it's been that way for years. Go find something truthful and relevant to practice your writing.

Statistics, well if the post above is correct, and I have no evidence either way then the number of accidents at songkran with so much greater traffic loads are actually lower per car and KM travelled than at other times of the year

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Like the pic that serves sensationalizes the article

Its all a bit stacked to grab a headline

I for one would like to read a truthful account of the horror the Police and Medical professionals

have to endure as 3rd parties dealing with the carnage during these so called festive seasons.

They have my deepest respect

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