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SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?


SURVEY: Brexit, do you support it?  

454 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you support the UK leaving the EU?

    • Yes, I am a UK national and I support leaving the EU.
    • Yes, I support the UK leaving the EU, but I am not a UK national.
    • No, I am a UK national and I do not support leaving the EU.
    • No, I do not support the UK leaving the EU and I am not a UK national.

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I am a a UK citizen, I believe it would be sad to leave the Union, we are surrounded by it, the sensible thing is to make changes and stay

I have MY UK postal vote even here Thailand and will be voting to stay, may I suggest others who are eligible also get their postal vote, it can all be done online

Nice sentiment, unfortunately it only takes one member state to block a change,and this will not happen on most issues, as they will vote on their own nations interest. Check out how many times the UK tried to change existing regulations, and how many were successful.

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The real issue is not the economics of in or out, it's migration.

If you want to be ruled by mad Angela by all means join. She is looking for more warehouses to store her surplus immigrants. All these immigrants just made an EU economic mess much worse. Most of the immigrants are Muslims who do not integrate well. They are also masters at taking advantage of the Social Welfare system. The multiplier aspect of these people is through the roof. They will assimilate you.

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

Edited by Ghostnigel
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I am a a UK citizen, I believe it would be sad to leave the Union, we are surrounded by it, the sensible thing is to make changes and stay

I have MY UK postal vote even here Thailand and will be voting to stay, may I suggest others who are eligible also get their postal vote, it can all be done online

Nice sentiment, unfortunately it only takes one member state to block a change,and this will not happen on most issues, as they will vote on their own nations interest. Check out how many times the UK tried to change existing regulations, and how many were successful.

Same as it would only take one member state to block a trade deal with the UK should we leave.

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The real issue is not the economics of in or out, it's migration.

Please clarify if you are referring to immigration within the EU, economic migration from South Asia and ME or refugees. We are not part of Schengen which may have to be suspended for a while anyway

Total migration. Those who are opposed to it ( and I'm not) don't discriminate as to where the migrants come from.

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how can I vote? I am a UK citizen. But more proud of being a member of the EU.

Then you should definitely vote to stay in.

I would like to see us out personally, but if the majority say IN, then i will go along with that. It's just the way its being handled is what gets me.

The out brigade are not getting a fair crack at it, and dear dodgy Dave has only got the fear factor to use for staying in.

Whichever side wins, good luck to them, but i just hope if we stay in, the EU will give us the 'slack' that Cameron fought for, but i have a feeling its not gonna end up in our favour.

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Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?
Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

No definitely not, i would prefer to see the death of 'jingoism'.

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The Pound will of course dip on any sense of political uncertainty. In the longer term, I think it will be better for the UK to leave and I think it will be better for the Pound as well.

Too true, but most younger Brits these days are to scared of their own shadows, they have been brought up in the EU, and they just don't realise that we could be a powerful nation again, if given the chance. We are now too multi-cultural to have that bull-dog spirit what made us great in the first place....its all been watered down to the extent of subservience to europe....its a shame really.

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Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

No definitely not, i would prefer to see the death of 'jingoism'.

Seems like Merkel has already brain-washed you, what is wrong with being patriotic?, not to the extreme, but there is the problem in Britain right there. Are you even British? or just a British passport holder?
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The real issue is not the economics of in or out, it's migration.

If you want to be ruled by mad Angela by all means join. She is looking for more warehouses to store her surplus immigrants. All these immigrants just made an EU economic mess much worse. Most of the immigrants are Muslims who do not integrate well. They are also masters at taking advantage of the Social Welfare system. The multiplier aspect of these people is through the roof. They will assimilate you.

Racism is a very unpleasant thing

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As an Australian, a first world country, i've travelled most of my life

for work around the world,, while meeting people during my travels

i would hear the same conversation of wanting to emigrate to a

first world country, the USA an the UK being at the top of the list.

Today, 30 years later the conversation is still going strong.

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i think the UK should leave, expats living abroad are biased as their only concern is the exchange rate, which regardless of in or out vote, would dip and dive as it does now.

I think that depends on which "abroad" they are living in. Brits living in SE Asia is one thing, Brits living in EU countries is much different.

I am a non-EU citizen living & working in the EU. I have a lot of hoops to jump through in order to get the proper visas, etc. If/When they expire, I must leave. My British friends don't have that problem because they are citizens of the EU.

How would the UK leaving the EU affect the rights of over one million Brits living in other EU countries?

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Quite a few people seem to be concerned about the level of the pound in the event of Brexit. Putting aside self interest (it would also affect me), I really find it difficult to believe that the market would give a 20+% competitive advantage to the (already) strongest, large economy in the EU bloc. Smoke and mirrors... Therefore...

I am in the Leave camp - not because I have issues with individual Europeans, or migration and so on - but because of the growing accountability gap in the central institutions. The Commission, the EU courts wherever you look, half a century since the end of WW2, we are looking at the growth of a centrist, command juggernaut which is utterly impossible to steer.

We joined a trade pact. Far from liberalising the terms of trade, the EU has fossilised them. We would save money which could be put to better use, and we could freely associate with the world at large without going through the EU's sclerotic trade processes. We could form a loose coalition with the like minded - Norway in particular, but also Switzerland, Iceland (nand probably not a long way down the turnpike, Finland and perhaps Sweden) - to better balance negotiations with the EU.

You are so right....europe is old and tired now, Asia is the new Europe, all the emerging market are there to make deals with...it sounds quite exciting to think about how it all could turn out with a Brexit....but people in Britain now are so scared of CHANGE, they have become weak minded, and easily led, not lead. That is what Brexit is for, to lead other countries to follow....
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It won't be fixed from the inside, cos the unelected decision makers are happy the way it is. It should have remained a trading block, and let countries run their own affairs. I'm of the opinion the pound as sunk not on fears, but to scare people to vote in.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

You are exactly correct. I wonder how many of the 'little Englanders' on here actually realise that? Or do they imagine that this won't happen to the pound?

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

You appear to have a very selective view. What exactly is British? Those who have white skin and blonde hair? Likely they came from another country a few generations back anyway.

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I am and always have been against the EU. It is a corrupt and rotten organisation from top to bottom. It only serves the non elected thieves that are in it for themselves and their zionist NWO bankster mafia bosses. The UK which has the best and proudest history of all the countries in europe that has repelled all invaders since 1066, implemented the Magna Carta in 1215


went through the reformation which removed the oppressive catholic church from power, went through a bloody civil war, started the industrial revolution, the first country to abolish slavery and with our allies defeated three tyrants that virtually destroyed the rest of europe, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler. We stood firm in the cold war against the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU. The EU want more power, their own military force, new member states such as Turkey and the Ukraine. They destroyed Greece by bankrupting it so the filthy paymasters could buy up all of the public services at rock bottom price while subjecting the people and those of Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain to severe austerity measures with threats from the ECB and IMF if they didn't comply. They've rode rough shod over democratic vote after democratic vote and showed their contempt for the people of europe, most lately, the Dutch. Well a Brexit vote is one they can't ignore and it will bring down the whole Sorros backed house of cards. The UK will be able to hold it's head high again, remove the self serving pig Cameron from power, bring democracy back and be a free nation that can set sail on its own corse once again. Rule Britannia. I love my country and served 22 years as a soldier. I just want my country back for the sake of the British people.

The points I mention above barely scratch the surface as to my reasons for wanting out.

Hear hear....i wish there were more like you and me, we could take over the world again...5555

Good post mate....watch the link i posted (post #37) gives me goosebumps...555

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I am and always have been against the EU. It is a corrupt and rotten organisation from top to bottom. It only serves the non elected thieves that are in it for themselves and their zionist NWO bankster mafia bosses. The UK which has the best and proudest history of all the countries in europe that has repelled all invaders since 1066, implemented the Magna Carta in 1215


went through the reformation which removed the oppressive catholic church from power, went through a bloody civil war, started the industrial revolution, the first country to abolish slavery and with our allies defeated three tyrants that virtually destroyed the rest of europe, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler. We stood firm in the cold war against the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU. The EU want more power, their own military force, new member states such as Turkey and the Ukraine. They destroyed Greece by bankrupting it so the filthy paymasters could buy up all of the public services at rock bottom price while subjecting the people and those of Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain to severe austerity measures with threats from the ECB and IMF if they didn't comply. They've rode rough shod over democratic vote after democratic vote and showed their contempt for the people of europe, most lately, the Dutch. Well a Brexit vote is one they can't ignore and it will bring down the whole Sorros backed house of cards. The UK will be able to hold it's head high again, remove the self serving pig Cameron from power, bring democracy back and be a free nation that can set sail on its own corse once again. Rule Britannia. I love my country and served 22 years as a soldier. I just want my country back for the sake of the British people.

The points I mention above barely scratch the surface as to my reasons for wanting out.

Hear hear....i wish there were more like you and me, we could take over the world again...5555

Good post mate....watch the link i posted (post #37) gives me goosebumps...555


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The Pound will of course dip on any sense of political uncertainty. In the longer term, I think it will be better for the UK to leave and I think it will be better for the Pound as well.

Too true, but most younger Brits these days are to scared of their own shadows, they have been brought up in the EU, and they just don't realise that we could be a powerful nation again, if given the chance. We are now too multi-cultural to have that bull-dog spirit what made us great in the first place....its all been watered down to the extent of subservience to europe....its a shame really.

Hmmm let's see....multicultural or bulldog. No contest, a very rare occasion that I'm not a dog lover.

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

You appear to have a very selective view. What exactly is British? Those who have white skin and blonde hair? Likely they came from another country a few generations back anyway.

Well, one thing's for sure, you are NOT British, even if it says so on your passport....if you were British, you wouldn't have to ask. anyway, this is a thread about the FUTURE, not what happened centuries ago. You socialists are the only ones who bring colour of skin into everything.

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Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

No definitely not, i would prefer to see the death of 'jingoism'.

Seems like Merkel has already brain-washed you, what is wrong with being patriotic?, not to the extreme, but there is the problem in Britain right there. Are you even British? or just a British passport holder?

If you hold a British passport you are British. I think you probably define being British as born there with white skin. Britain has grown a long way since that definition held, thankfully

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I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

Who is reporting this? Cameron, Osborne? They are using every scare tactic possible. Nobody knows what will happen, but in the long term, it could (no one knows) get much better. The exchange rate isn't exactly soaring away for us Brits IN the EU....is it?

Don't you want to see a Britain being British again? the EU was a good thing when we joined, but have you even noticed that we have absolutely no say in anything, but Merkel can do and say what she likes. Merkel and Junker talk like they decide what we should get, or not get. But do you EVER see Cameron stand up to Merkel? We are just a Province of Germany now, not equal to them.

What tripe!

Merkel allowed her humanity to overrule her economic judgement concerning refugees

What else have you against her?

What have you against Germany?

I tell you this, it's a much nicer society in Germany than in the USA

Try it ?

Edited by Grouse
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The real issue is not the economics of in or out, it's migration.

If you want to be ruled by mad Angela by all means join. She is looking for more warehouses to store her surplus immigrants. All these immigrants just made an EU economic mess much worse. Most of the immigrants are Muslims who do not integrate well. They are also masters at taking advantage of the Social Welfare system. The multiplier aspect of these people is through the roof. They will assimilate you.

Racism is a very unpleasant thing

Go and tell that to the muslims, who are not a race by the way. Go to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia who have not taken any fakeugees and try to preach christianity in the street. I hope it ends well for you, but it wouldn't.

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I am and always have been against the EU. It is a corrupt and rotten organisation from top to bottom. It only serves the non elected thieves that are in it for themselves and their zionist NWO bankster mafia bosses. The UK which has the best and proudest history of all the countries in europe that has repelled all invaders since 1066, implemented the Magna Carta in 1215


went through the reformation which removed the oppressive catholic church from power, went through a bloody civil war, started the industrial revolution, the first country to abolish slavery and with our allies defeated three tyrants that virtually destroyed the rest of europe, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler. We stood firm in the cold war against the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU. The EU want more power, their own military force, new member states such as Turkey and the Ukraine. They destroyed Greece by bankrupting it so the filthy paymasters could buy up all of the public services at rock bottom price while subjecting the people and those of Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain to severe austerity measures with threats from the ECB and IMF if they didn't comply. They've rode rough shod over democratic vote after democratic vote and showed their contempt for the people of europe, most lately, the Dutch. Well a Brexit vote is one they can't ignore and it will bring down the whole Sorros backed house of cards. The UK will be able to hold it's head high again, remove the self serving pig Cameron from power, bring democracy back and be a free nation that can set sail on its own corse once again. Rule Britannia. I love my country and served 22 years as a soldier. I just want my country back for the sake of the British people.

The points I mention above barely scratch the surface as to my reasons for wanting out.

Hear hear....i wish there were more like you and me, we could take over the world again...5555

Good post mate....watch the link i posted (post #37) gives me goosebumps...555

Now we see your true colours: 'we could take over the world again': jingoistic, anti-Semite ' the jewish communists of the USSR who brutally controlled and subjugated many of the countries that are now part of the EU', ill-informed, backward looking 'little Englander' that you are!

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