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Do you pay her a salary? (I do.)


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I am lucky enough to work in good Oil and Gas jobs (or i was until the oil price tanked) based in SE Asia locations and some mutton heads were paying their girls 100k a month and all these girls did was brag to the ones on less saying we can all afford it so why do they accept less. It totally ruined things for many of the sensible guys who for many years kept the salary thing at arms length.

Needless to say the same stupid men were also buying land, businesses and houses for the same girls they were giving 100k a month to.

It was obscene to see and i for one could not blame the girls but the men stupid enough to hand it out like confetti..

Did you have a partner and if so how much were you paying her ?

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And yes if you have 3kids with her it is a lot drift you have to support your wife but did you pay her a salary I think not .

I paid my wife all my salary while I was with her, and my house, with all my visible savings and half my pension when she left.

Ok up to you , but I will never ever give my wife a salary if I had one or will I give my thai partner a salary it will not happen , ever one is not the same .

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Have you spent much time in Thailand ?

Yes. Why?

Try turning up unexpectedly one day, without her knowing you are coming to Thailand.

When you come to Thailand, does she still go to work every day, or does she somehow get time off to be with you?

Foreign guys, sending them money from abroad, every Thai girls dream!

Thanks to others generosity they can also afford to pay their share when they are dating me

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Have you spent much time in Thailand ?

Yes. Why?

Try turning up unexpectedly one day, without her knowing you are coming to Thailand.

When you come to Thailand, does she still go to work every day, or does she somehow get time off to be with you?

Foreign guys, sending them money from abroad, every Thai girls dream!

Oh dear bar talk again come early sneak around 55555 funny

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Nope, not a bar girl.

Let me guess, you're 50+, she's 30ish, and you had sex the first or second time you met her.

(Now if you were 50 and she were 45, and it took you 3 months to bed her, maybe)

I'm 30, She's the same age.

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Foreign guys, sending them money from abroad, every Thai girls dream!

Not every Thai girl's dream. Plenty who don't work in the sex industry who wouldn't be seen dead with a Farang boyfriend. The stigma of what other Thais think when they see one of their women with a westerner is one thing... plus if they're from a conservative family, or from a Chinese background (most of the native Bangkok Thais) the family won't allow a foreign boyfriend.

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Dear me, so many people getting their knickers in a twist about terminology and definitions. Not to mention the insanity of giving a Thai woman 60 - 80K baht a month. Some people have more money than sense.

Thai women are no different to any other nationality, they all want a good provider and financial security. It's a matter of working out sensible finances for both parties.

No, I won't give out my arrangements with my Thai GF. Except to say she knows she is well looked after before and after I die.

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Dear me, so many people getting their knickers in a twist about terminology and definitions. Not to mention the insanity of giving a Thai woman 60 - 80K baht a month. Some people have more money than sense.

Thai women are no different to any other nationality, they all want a good provider and financial security. It's a matter of working out sensible finances for both parties.

No, I won't give out my arrangements with my Thai GF. Except to say she knows she is well looked after before and after I die.

They don't 'all want a good provider' at all. It's 2016. Plenty of them earn their own money, and don't need you to provide for them.

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It is actually something that doesn't suit all situations. It depends upon the relationship.

I used to pay a weekly salary (my British mother never worked and my father gave her "housekeeping" once a week) but since she asked me to pay her monthly it has caused endless problems as she runs out of money after a fortnight.

She has an income from a food hall kiosk she sells som tam and larp moo from, but it does little more than pay for itself most weeks.

Paying two thirds of salary is okay as a guide, but it depends what she does. My girl worked in a factory and got about Tb4000/m and lived with her sister.

When you find a new one you will just have to negotiate a suitable arrangement between the two of you.

I've been here for many years, working and now retired.

Best of luck.

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Yes, I pay my wife of 17 years a monthly amount of money, because I can.

For you Wallys out there to consider her a "hooker" or "prostitute" 2 terms I hate to use anyway,

go wash your mouth out.

She is a loving, caring, sweetheart who deserves it, not to have to beg for everything she needs like you macho possessive

nitwits want

No, you're being disingenuous.

You pay her a monthly stipend because, if you didn't, she would leave you..

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Any girl that I have ever been interested in if we reached a point where she asked "How much my salary?" that was the end. I can go downtown and get all the prostitutes I want and pay as I go.

So you're regularly asked for a salary?

Have you considered going for women more than half your age?

You wouldn't have that problem then.

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I send her 10k baht a month, plus the occasional treat if I'm feeling flush for new clothes, trainers, suitcase etc. If we were living together I'd share all my income with her.

Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

If you love someone would you really want them struggling? If you're making plenty of money while they're scratching around every day for a bowl of noodles surely any man would help them.

I don't see how sharing money with your wife / girlfriend is a prostitute client relationship. Most men would surely work hard to provide a better life for their family.

After paying for room, health insurance,

I dont know where your girl works, none of my business, but many of these girls have free accomodation provided by the employer.

Also if she is working, why the need for health insurance?

She should already be in the Thai system.

As for factory workers salaries of 15k per month and upwards are not uncommon.

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Yes, I pay my wife of 17 years a monthly amount of money, because I can.

For you Wallys out there to consider her a "hooker" or "prostitute" 2 terms I hate to use anyway,

go wash your mouth out.

She is a loving, caring, sweetheart who deserves it, not to have to beg for everything she needs like you macho possessive

nitwits want

No, you're being disingenuous.

You pay her a monthly stipend because, if you didn't, she would leave you..

If you really think a Thai girl will stay with someone only for the money, you can't be more wrong. They have a different culture with different values and a whole family to be their safety net. Without care, respect and good feelings they will just be gone one day without any warning. (Salary or not)

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Dear me, so many people getting their knickers in a twist about terminology and definitions. Not to mention the insanity of giving a Thai woman 60 - 80K baht a month. Some people have more money than sense.

Thai women are no different to any other nationality, they all want a good provider and financial security. It's a matter of working out sensible finances for both parties.

No, I won't give out my arrangements with my Thai GF. Except to say she knows she is well looked after before and after I die.

They don't 'all want a good provider' at all. It's 2016. Plenty of them earn their own money, and don't need you to provide for them.

You may be right - not all. Does your wife pay her own way?

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I send her 10k baht a month, plus the occasional treat if I'm feeling flush for new clothes, trainers, suitcase etc. If we were living together I'd share all my income with her.

Most unskilled workers in Bangkok - factory, restaurant, bar, cleaner etc - only get maximum 10k a month. After paying for room, health insurance, phone, a bit for parents, sky train, food etc etc... there's hardly anything left.

If you love someone would you really want them struggling? If you're making plenty of money while they're scratching around every day for a bowl of noodles surely any man would help them.

I don't see how sharing money with your wife / girlfriend is a prostitute client relationship. Most men would surely work hard to provide a better life for their family.

After paying for room, health insurance,

I dont know where your girl works, none of my business, but many of these girls have free accomodation provided by the employer.

Also if she is working, why the need for health insurance?

She should already be in the Thai system.

As for factory workers salaries of 15k per month and upwards are not uncommon.

Private health insurance. Government hospitals really aren't the nicest places.

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Yes, I pay my wife of 17 years a monthly amount of money, because I can.

For you Wallys out there to consider her a "hooker" or "prostitute" 2 terms I hate to use anyway,

go wash your mouth out.

She is a loving, caring, sweetheart who deserves it, not to have to beg for everything she needs like you macho possessive

nitwits want

No, you're being disingenuous.

You pay her a monthly stipend because, if you didn't, she would leave you..

If you really think a Thai girl will stay with someone only for the money, you can't be more wrong. They have a different culture with different values and a whole family to be their safety net. Without care, respect and good feelings they will just be gone one day without any warning. (Salary or not)

Excuse me??!!

Everyone here can reel off a pile of anecdotes about guys who choked on the cloud of dust their Thai woman created as she took off once the "allowance" stopped.

If she's with you for the money to begin with, she won't feel obliged to stay if the money runs out because she's developed feelings for you.

You can't be that naive

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it's a nice story

But.....what she had to do for her "salary"?



make love with you when YOU want

be a translater when you need her

be around you when YOU want

how you handle this in your country? Do you think your offer is so good that you would find a fool in UK?

Sorry, of course you'll find any prostitute, same here,

So please put the right tag on it !

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Yes, I pay my wife of 17 years a monthly amount of money, because I can.

For you Wallys out there to consider her a "hooker" or "prostitute" 2 terms I hate to use anyway,

go wash your mouth out.

She is a loving, caring, sweetheart who deserves it, not to have to beg for everything she needs like you macho possessive

nitwits want

No, you're being disingenuous.

You pay her a monthly stipend because, if you didn't, she would leave you..

If you really think a Thai girl will stay with someone only for the money, you can't be more wrong. They have a different culture with different values and a whole family to be their safety net. Without care, respect and good feelings they will just be gone one day without any warning. (Salary or not)

Excuse me??!!

Everyone here can reel off a pile of anecdotes about guys who choked on the cloud of dust their Thai woman created as she took off once the "allowance" stopped.

If she's with you for the money to begin with, she won't feel obliged to stay if the money runs out because she's developed feelings for you.

You can't be that naive

Don't worry, I am not naive ( live and work in Thailand for 20+ years). Maybe read again, I said that a woman will take off if she is not happy even when she gets a monthly salary.
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A woman taking a regular weekly/monthly salary in return for her company is a prostitute on retainer and, as such, not worthy of the description, "girlfriend"

Ideal post showing why TV needs to embed a "Dislike" (thumbs down) button...

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I almost can't believe what I read on this thread.

It is like hearing throwbacks from the 1930s...".I am the head of the household stuff, Don't you worry your pretty head about that" , Pierpont Morgans dispensing houses as acts of generosity

I earn money

My wife earns money.

The household bills need to be paid. We need to eat. The children need money. It is all family money. We make decisions about expenditure, purchases, insurance or investments jointly. Basically everything comes out of one pot.The "idea' that there is "my money' or "her money" is an alien concept, We are two independent individuals who have chosen to share our lives. Of course if the occasion arose that one of us needed to be in some way dependent on the other we would deal with that. When the children were small my wife needed support. Now if I am sick and might need support it is much the same.. But of course this not the kind of relationship that can be maintained in many parts of the world

OK, now tell me how it makes any difference

You are two individuals who have chosen to share your lives, oh really......what does that even mean?

You make decisions on investments jointly do you. Really? Because she'd know what a Secured Non Convertible Debenture is. If she does, well great, if she doesnt, well so what, how does that make a difference

Why the concept that you are both supposed to be able to know, care and do everything equally? Where does that come from?

I am busy. I only just read this. Why is it some TV members find it necessary to be both stupid and offensive.?

You can't understand " share lives" You, then, must have never experienced the pleasure of mutual interests, activities, happinesses, perceptions, etc etc.. She knows perfectly well what a Secured Non Convertible Debenture is and if she did not she is capable of finding out and expressing an opinion.. As to your crass remark about " the concept" know, share, do I have little to say. Where do any culturally agreed concepts derive from. You tell me where understandings come from if you know so much about it. You have posted some intelligent threads and comments. Can't see what your problem is here!!

My problem here with what exactly?

"You, then, must have never experienced the pleasure of mutual interests, activities, happinesses, perceptions"

We will start off with interests and activities...we are supposed to like the same things, why? Where does that come from? I think it is more of a western concept. Why the assumption that if initially when you meet you have a few common interests, that has anything to do with anything over the long term, either of you might get totally bored with one or all of those initial common interests, maybe you are more likely to get bored with each other quicker if you have more in common initially

Mutual Happinesses, do you even know what you mean by that. My wife is one of those that was only ever really interested in having kids, most of her happiness comes from that, most of my happiness now comes from seeing her with them and watching all those little terrors running around laughing

Mutual Perceptions - I'm going to assume that means agreeing with each other all the time, nagain why is that always a good thing

I said some things that rubbed against your beliefs

Youve said some things,that well Im not exactly offended by personally, but a little offended by the concept and sounds a little douchy

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I almost can't believe what I read on this thread.

It is like hearing throwbacks from the 1930s...".I am the head of the household stuff, Don't you worry your pretty head about that" , Pierpont Morgans dispensing houses as acts of generosity

I earn money

My wife earns money.

The household bills need to be paid. We need to eat. The children need money. It is all family money. We make decisions about expenditure, purchases, insurance or investments jointly. Basically everything comes out of one pot.The "idea' that there is "my money' or "her money" is an alien concept, We are two independent individuals who have chosen to share our lives. Of course if the occasion arose that one of us needed to be in some way dependent on the other we would deal with that. When the children were small my wife needed support. Now if I am sick and might need support it is much the same.. But of course this not the kind of relationship that can be maintained in many parts of the world

OK, now tell me how it makes any difference

You are two individuals who have chosen to share your lives, oh really......what does that even mean?

You make decisions on investments jointly do you. Really? Because she'd know what a Secured Non Convertible Debenture is. If she does, well great, if she doesnt, well so what, how does that make a difference

Why the concept that you are both supposed to be able to know, care and do everything equally? Where does that come from?

I am busy. I only just read this. Why is it some TV members find it necessary to be both stupid and offensive.?

You can't understand " share lives" You, then, must have never experienced the pleasure of mutual interests, activities, happinesses, perceptions, etc etc.. She knows perfectly well what a Secured Non Convertible Debenture is and if she did not she is capable of finding out and expressing an opinion.. As to your crass remark about " the concept" know, share, do I have little to say. Where do any culturally agreed concepts derive from. You tell me where understandings come from if you know so much about it. You have posted some intelligent threads and comments. Can't see what your problem is here!!

My problem here with what exactly?

"You, then, must have never experienced the pleasure of mutual interests, activities, happinesses, perceptions"

We will start off with interests and activities...we are supposed to like the same things, why? Where does that come from? I think it is more of a western concept. Why the assumption that if initially when you meet you have a few common interests, that has anything to do with anything over the long term, either of you might get totally bored with one or all of those initial common interests, maybe you are more likely to get bored with each other quicker if you have more in common initially

Mutual Happinesses, do you even know what you mean by that. My wife is one of those that was only ever really interested in having kids, most of her happiness comes from that, most of my happiness now comes from seeing her with them and watching all those little terrors running around laughing

Mutual Perceptions - I'm going to assume that means agreeing with each other all the time, nagain why is that always a good thing

I said some things that rubbed against your beliefs

Youve said some things,that well Im not exactly offended by personally, but a little offended by the concept and sounds a little douchy

Oh well, At least I don't have to live with you!

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If you really think a Thai girl will stay with someone only for the money, you can't be more wrong.

Normal monthly hire for a 'soi 6' girl is 10k-20k a month plus expenses, depending on age and looks.

They will stay with you forever if you keep paying, and have a reasonable lifestyle, holiday on Samui, etc..

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make love with you when YOU want

how you handle this in your country?

1) What would be the point in having a woman that didn't make love when you wanted?

2) I handle it by myself.

Other stuff on your list not required, I'm liberated, I can't do it better myself.

Edited by BritManToo
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