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Trump's cries of 'rigged' system shift blame for his losses


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Trump's cries of 'rigged' system shift blame for his losses

JILL COLVIN, Associated Press
JONATHAN LEMIRE, Associated Press

BRIDGEPORT, Connecticut (AP) — Donald Trump keeps hammering away at Republican insiders even as campaign aides are gingerly courting those same officials.

"You know, right now we're fighting the party because it's a rigged system, ok? It's a rigged system," he told a boisterous crowd in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on Saturday. Connecticut is one of five northeastern states holding primaries on Tuesday.

It may seem counterproductive, but Trump's foot-stomping has served as a rallying cry to boost turnout and reinforce his appeal to voters who feel disenfranchised. The "rigged" system argument is a convenient scapegoat, shifting the blame for any future potential losses and lost delegates away from a campaign that has been outmaneuvered despite Trump's front-runner status.

Trump has won more states than his rivals, yet his team has been badly outplayed by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in ensuring that supportive delegates make it to the Republican national convention in July in Cleveland.

Pennsylvania, which holds its primary on Tuesday, has an especially confusing delegate system.

The primary winner will emerge with 17 delegates. But 54 delegates can vote for whomever they want. The ballot will feature 162 potential delegates, but it will offer no information about whom they support. That means voters who haven't consulted with the campaigns about their rosters will be in the dark.

"That's why we have to win big," Trump told supporters Friday at a rally in Harrington, Delaware. "That's why on Tuesday, everyone has to go out and vote. We have to win big because the system is rigged."

Trump's argument would only grow stronger if he were to win the majority of votes in Pennsylvania — opinion surveys show him with a significant lead — yet emerge with fewer delegates than Cruz.

Cruz's strategy is to force a contested convention by denying Trump the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination outright on the first ballot at the convention. The Texas senator then hopes he can win the nomination on subsequent ballots when more and more delegates are freed to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Trump has been relentless in his criticism of the delegate system, slamming party "bosses" and calling out the Republican National Committee and its chairman, Reince Priebus.

Bu earlier in the week, at a Florida resort where Republican officials gathered to discuss the presidential nominating process, Trump campaign aide Paul Manafort brushed off the idea that Trump's rhetoric was making it more difficult to build bridges with party leaders.

"What he's slamming is the system. He's saying the system is rigged. And the system is rigged. It's rigged in all 50 states where they have different rules and ... don't take into account modern presidential campaigns," Manafort said.

Manafort added that Trump wanted to work with Priebus to change the system for the next election. "That's where things are getting confused," he said. "He's saying we've got to change rules so the next time, when people vote, their vote counts."

Nonetheless, frustration with Trump's attacks on the RNC and the integrity of the nomination process were widespread at the party meeting in Hollywood, Florida, even as Trump's team was trying to make amends.

In a private meeting Thursday with Republican officials, Manafort tried to assure them that Trump was on their side and prepared to fundraise for the party. He stressed that the candidate had had some "very good" conversations with Priebus and said the campaign hoped to work closely with state leaders to build its general election campaign.

In Delaware, Trump's supporters said the billionaire is right to be angry at the delegate process.

"It's not democratic," said Paul Eugstenberg, 72, a retired pilot from Dover. "This should be decided by the voters. It should not be decided at the convention. They have to fix this. This is not how this should work."

Some suggested that if Trump were leading the delegate race going into the convention only to have someone else nominated, it would make them consider staying home in November instead of voting for the Republican nominee.

"If this is taken from Mr. Trump, it would destroy the Republican Party," said Debbie Patty, a retired teacher from Greenwood. "People would think their vote doesn't count and that the party doesn't care about them."

"I would never vote for a Democrat, but I'm not sure I could vote for a Republican in that scenario, either," Patty said. "That means not voting at all, and I hate that idea. But it might be what I have to do."

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-24

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"I really am trying to be the Republican nominee"

on the other hand:

"the system is rigged, you guys suck"

I guess The Donald was too busy with his "Art of The Deal" (which he seems not to be applying here) to have read Carnegie's "How to win Friends and Influence Others".

Waaaaaaaaa Donald, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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Is the system rigged? Of course it is.

Did DT know the system was rigged? Of course he did.

Did DT feel he could 'out-rig' the system? It seems so.

So don't complain Mr. T......let's see if you can make that deal.

You're on the clock.

Edited by Hayduke
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"I really am trying to be the Republican nominee"

on the other hand:

"the system is rigged, you guys suck"

I guess The Donald was too busy with his "Art of The Deal" (which he seems not to be applying here) to have read Carnegie's "How to win Friends and Influence Others".

Waaaaaaaaa Donald, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I believe in discussing the issues. See below for explanation of what Trump is talking about.

"The top Republican vote-getter in Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary wins just 17 statewide delegates. Three more delegates are allocated to state party leaders.

But the bulk of the state’s votes – 54 – go to delegates who are elected by congressional districts and are not obligated to be faithful to any candidate. And there will be no indication on the ballot whether or not they favor a particular candidate, though many have made their intentions known."


Edited by Scotwight
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America. Where reality TV meets reality. What a circus ???

The media is vehemently anti Trump. Take CNN for example. They hate Trump. I don't see American TV as being real. I think it is biased as heck. Fox news one way (but even Fox is anti Trump) and MSNBC and CNN the other way. Bloomberg is better but boring and the color is lousy.

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If Trump can't figure out the system for how to win (and keep delegates) then he isn't qualified for the job.

I've posted this before, but it's worth repeating: Trump wants the title of "President". He doesn't actually want to do the job.

Trump is anti establishment. He is not one of the good old boys and the system is rigged to support those who play along. He is not playing and is having problems as a result. It is not a matter of figuring it out it is a matter of selling out. Hillary is bought and sold so she will be the nominee. Trump is not for sale so is having problems.

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If Trump can't figure out the system for how to win (and keep delegates) then he isn't qualified for the job.

I've posted this before, but it's worth repeating: Trump wants the title of "President". He doesn't actually want to do the job.

Sure he wants the title but he wants it with the votes of the American people, not with cheating, vote buying and shady backroom deals.

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"I really am trying to be the Republican nominee"

on the other hand:

"the system is rigged, you guys suck"

I guess The Donald was too busy with his "Art of The Deal" (which he seems not to be applying here) to have read Carnegie's "How to win Friends and Influence Others".

Waaaaaaaaa Donald, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


ya outa read a little more before you call names and confirm what we all know to be the case .... that you are a tired jaw flapping know it all . trump has ground up cruz and "ima gov , ima gov , johnny . you need to get out a lil more . what trump say is true . like it or not .

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If Trump can't figure out the system for how to win (and keep delegates) then he isn't qualified for the job.

I've posted this before, but it's worth repeating: Trump wants the title of "President". He doesn't actually want to do the job.

why would you say that ? just to say a trendy line ? what is has said about no representation on your vote is true , no matter how you vote the good ol' boy's place their delegates where they want . this is all beside the point , trump has crushed the other 2 . read a paper every now and again .

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The voting system in the USA is the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed. In fact, I have yet to meet an American who truly understands its scope and can clearly elucidate its intricacies adequately so that anyone asking would totally understand.

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We still have to see who will win this time but it's baffling to me how far this guy have gone. Maybe you need an attitude adjustment in the Trump camp to understand.....

no i do not think so , you do need to ask your self am i a sheeple or am i a person . sheeple like you will forever be in a self inflicted bondage to a sheeple cause or movement of some kind .

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The voting system in the USA is the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed. In fact, I have yet to meet an American who truly understands its scope and can clearly elucidate its intricacies adequately so that anyone asking would totally understand.

wow if you understood what you copied from someone else i would be surprised ............

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The voting system in the USA is the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed. In fact, I have yet to meet an American who truly understands its scope and can clearly elucidate its intricacies adequately so that anyone asking would totally understand.

Feel free to ask as I understand it completely. However I imagine your intent was to insult rather than educate yourself. wai.gif

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Bats have come out of the belfry now !!blink.png

Adult discussion can be trying. Most people expect one to express an relevant opinion based on fact as opposed to throwing around random insults. thumbsup.gif

To bring you up to speed - Trump says the system is rigged (not fair, biased in favor the good old boys party network and not representative of the choice of the voting public). Most of us were commenting on that pro and con. wai.gif

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Trump's foot-stomping has served as a rallying cry

Trump Senior advisor Paul Manafort said that Trump is different when he's in a room and then he goes out to speak, it's different and then if he gives policy that's different.

You've heard of the Manchurian Candidate ... Trump is the Divisible Candidate.

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The system is rigged. For the most part people think they go to the ballot box in the primaries and vote but each state works things differently and in some states the "good ole boy" system is alive and well. It has been like that forever but this year actually how bad it is, has been brought to the forefront and people are hopefully going to seek a change, as difficult as that will be.

My question is that if all the people are really doing when voting is electing delegates to a convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent the "party" in the general election, then the taxpayers should not be funding the elections out of tax money. Why should the people (taxpayers) pay for parties to select a nominee and to make matters worse have their votes negated by delegates not proportional to the vote for each candidate. Then there is the different states voting at different time making a two-bit state like New Hampshire somehow important because the go first. Candidates drop out before many of the more populace states even vote. It's a joke. It is all rigged and it's likely not to change.

Politics is all about power in most countries and no different in the USA. It is all corrupt. When it comes down to it, I have no respect for any national politician and very few of the state or local ones. Can't think of a country where the politicians don't really just work for their own self interests and agenda regardless of what the people want. They think because they got elected that they have carte blanche to proceed with their every whim when all along people are voting for the person who is the least of the evils.

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Sounds like it's time for the US to lecture Thailand on how real democracy works again. It's the "do as I say, not as I do" essence of farangness.

Can't wait for the impending track wreck, i.e. the GOP convention.

Go ahead, Donald, get 1,237; it won't matter: RNC delegate
Donald Trump may be the only Republican presidential candidate who can realistically hit the magic 1,237 number for the majority of delegates, but according to a senior Republican National Committee official that does not mean he will become the GOP presidential nominee.
Edited by Suradit69
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Bats have come out of the belfry now !!blink.png

Adult discussion can be trying. Most people expect one to express an relevant opinion based on fact as opposed to throwing around random insults. thumbsup.gif

To bring you up to speed - Trump says the system is rigged (not fair, biased in favor the good old boys party network and not representative of the choice of the voting public). Most of us were commenting on that pro and con. wai.gif

You're quite new to Thai Visa (and to party politics), aren't you?

Attempting a civil, dignified discussion about desperate, uncivil, undignified clowns suggests a failure to grasp what one is watching unfold. Very little in modern politics inspires adult conversation. Making snide comments about bringing someone "up to speed" is as childish as anything else likely to appear in this thread.

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Of course the system is rigged, and the Donald is just pointing is out to the GOP base. In

other words he is pulling back the curtain on the Great and Powerful Gazoo. giggle.gif

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There's plenty of rigging in the US electoral system, although that's not what Trump is complaining about. Take that old relic of slavery, the Electoral College, for example. Each state gets one elector for each senator (all states large and small have exactly two) and for each Congressman, the number of whom depends on the population. (The original purpose was to transfer the undemocratic advantage in the Congress accorded to the slave states by the Three-Fifths Compromise to the presidential election.) In most or all states, the winning candidate gets all the electors for the state even with no more than a bare majority. Clearly unfair and gives rise to situations such as the 2000 election where the winning candidate did not have the highest number of votes.

Trump is appealing to his low-information base as someone who will stick up for their interests. The truth is the opposite. Trump's announced tax policy is the same old Republican plan of lowering taxes on the rich, which does not include his base. Trump is the new Reagan, a personality who can fool the base into voting against their own interests while they rigorously serve the wealthy.

Hillary will make mincemeat of him. Get ready for a Dem Madam President, a Dem Senate, and a liberal Court for a generation or two.

Edited by CaptHaddock
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Bats have come out of the belfry now !!blink.png

Adult discussion can be trying. Most people expect one to express an relevant opinion based on fact as opposed to throwing around random insults. thumbsup.gif

To bring you up to speed - Trump says the system is rigged (not fair, biased in favor the good old boys party network and not representative of the choice of the voting public). Most of us were commenting on that pro and con. wai.gif

Your post slipped in seconds before I could hit the reply button thus coming inbetween what were the posts #12 #13, #15, and #16 where incomplete sentences and lack of basic grammatical skills had me posting that.

I wonder if all these "rigged system" people were making as much noise in 2000 when a whole bunch of ballots in Florida ended up in the trash?

It's how the game is played folks, get over it, get on with it.

Edited by grumpyoldman
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The voting system in the USA is the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed. In fact, I have yet to meet an American who truly understands its scope and can clearly elucidate its intricacies adequately so that anyone asking would totally understand.

Well, now, I am not so sure about that. It seems to me it's pretty screwed up to hold a referendum on Scotland's independence where commonwealth members and EU members residing in Scotland can vote, but Scots living overseas cannot.

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The voting system in the USA is the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed. In fact, I have yet to meet an American who truly understands its scope and can clearly elucidate its intricacies adequately so that anyone asking would totally understand.

I think you are correct that most Americans have little idea of the intricacies of the electoral college, or of politics in general. However, I think ignorance of their political workings is true of most people everywhere. Suffice to say, there is no standard application of delegate rules in the US. Each state, and even counties and municipalities within some states, can decide its own delegates' rules. In most, if not every state, the delegates do not have to vote the way the populace voted and as mentioned in the article, in some states the delegates do not even have to say for whom they voted. It is a good-ole boy arrangement which is intended to keep party power and decisions at the grassroots level. However, it is not so out of the ordinary. In most countries, elected members of congress or parliament do not have to vote the way their constituency desires, do they? Politics in itself is a contradiction and is a good-ole boy system everywhere.

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The voting system in the USA is the most screwed up thing I have ever witnessed. In fact, I have yet to meet an American who truly understands its scope and can clearly elucidate its intricacies adequately so that anyone asking would totally understand.

I think you are correct that most Americans have little idea of the intricacies of the electoral college, or of politics in general. However, I think ignorance of their political workings is true of most people everywhere. <snipped>

I am pretty sure that most Americans know how the electoral college works. It has happened that the popular vote has been won by a candidate, but the electoral college has been won by another.

News reporting on the election is very precise about saying which state has gone for which candidate.

Primaries are a little harder to understand.

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Bats have come out of the belfry now !!blink.png

Adult discussion can be trying. Most people expect one to express an relevant opinion based on fact as opposed to throwing around random insults. thumbsup.gif

To bring you up to speed - Trump says the system is rigged (not fair, biased in favor the good old boys party network and not representative of the choice of the voting public). Most of us were commenting on that pro and con. wai.gif

Your post slipped in seconds before I could hit the reply button thus coming inbetween what were the posts #12 #13, #15, and #16 where incomplete sentences and lack of basic grammatical skills had me posting that.

I wonder if all these "rigged system" people were making as much noise in 2000 when a whole bunch of ballots in Florida ended up in the trash?

It's how the game is played folks, get over it, get on with it.

You are talking about voter fraud like LBJ winning his first election in Texas or Daley in Chicago with Kennedy. Difference - Trump is talking about rules being rigged not voter fraud.

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