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Trump rubbishes Republican rivals over 'collusion'


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Trump rubbishes Republican rivals over 'collusion'


WASHINGTON: -- Donald Trump has attacked his Republican rivals for teaming up to stop him from winning the party’s presidential nomination.

The front-runner in the race says “collusion is often illegal in many other industries and yet these two must in order to stay alive.”

Ted Cruz and John Kasich are coordinating their efforts in three upcoming state primaries to try and defeat him.

The Ohio governor says its a good way of saving money: “We don’t have all the resources in the world, but we’re still going and we have to husband our resources. And I feel that it’s very fair for me to be able to go to areas where I can spend my resources most effectively, and the same is true for Senator Cruz.

“What’s the big deal? We’re going to go to a convention. It’s going to be an open convention and then the delegates will pick that person who can do the best in the fall,” added Kasich.

Cruz and Kasich’s deal comes as a handful of mid-Atlantic states prepare for primary elections on Tuesday.

Republicans will pick their delegates in at least four states this weekend, including Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona and Virginia.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-26
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Anti-Trump pact unites his rivals on eve of 5 primaries

BORDEN, Ind. (AP) — Declaring the Republican presidential contest at "a fork in the road," Ted Cruz and John Kasich defended their extraordinary new alliance on Monday as the party's last, best chance to stop Donald Trump, even as the New York billionaire surged toward another big delegate haul.

Trump, the Republican front-runner, lashed out at what he called collusion by desperate rivals, intensifying his attacks on the GOP presidential nomination system on the eve of Tuesday's round of primary elections in the Northeast.

"If you collude in business, or if you collude in the stock market, they put you in jail," Trump said as he campaigned in Rhode Island.. "But in politics, because it's a rigged system, because it's a corrupt enterprise, in politics you're allowed to collude."

"It shows how pathetic they are," he said of his Republican rivals.

Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland hold primaries Tuesday along with Rhode Island.

Cruz, a Texas senator, and Kasich, the Ohio governor, announced the terms of an unprecedented agreement late Sunday night to coordinate primary strategies in three of the 15 remaining primary states.

Kasich will step back in the May 3 Indiana contest to let Cruz bid without interference for voters who don't like Trump. Cruz will do the same for Kasich in subsequent contests in Oregon and New Mexico.

The arrangement does not address Tuesday's primaries, where Trump is expected to add to his already hefty delegate lead. Yet the shift offers increasingly desperate Trump foes a glimmer of hope in their long and frustrating fight to keep him from amassing enough delegates to seal his nomination and avoid a contested national convention in July.

Ignoring the Northeast on Monday, Cruz insisted, "We are at a fundamental fork in the road," as he campaigned in Indiana.

"It is big news today that John Kasich has decided to pull out of Indiana to give us a head-to-head contest with Donald Trump," the fiery conservative told reporters. "That is good for the men and women of Indiana. It's good for the country to have a clear and direct choice."

The plan carries risks — especially as Trump bashes a "rigged" nomination system. Some would-be Cruz supporters in Indiana agreed with Trump's criticism.

"That's kind of sneaky," said Joe Conder, a 75-year-old retired civil engineer from Scottsville, who is deciding between Cruz and Trump. "It's more about politics than getting things done."

Kasich sent mixed messages as he addressed the pact for the first time while campaigning in Philadelphia. Asked what Indiana voters should do next week, the Ohio governor urged them to vote for him.

"I've never told them not to vote for me. They ought to vote for me," Kasich said just 13 hours after promising to give Cruz "a clear path" in Indiana. He said he had simply agreed not to spend "resources" in Indiana.

Trump is the only Republican candidate who can clinch the GOP presidential nomination before his party's national convention. Yet his path is narrow.

The front-runner needs to win at least four of the five Northeastern states on Tuesday. He enters the day with 845 delegates, 392 short of the 1,237 needed to represent his party in the general election in November.

Eliminated from reaching that total in the primaries, Cruz and Kasich can only hope to block Trump from reaching a majority — and a first-round convention victory — and thus force a contested convention where delegates could select a different nominee.

"It is now abundantly clear that nobody is getting to 1,237," Cruz declared on Monday. "We are headed to a contested convention. And at a contested convention, Donald Trump is in real trouble."

Trump was also the target on the Democratic side as Hillary Clinton eyed Tuesday primary victories she hoped would all but seal her victory over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The former secretary of state ignored Sanders as she campaigned in Delaware, assailing Trump as being out of touch with average Americans.

"If you want to be president of the United States, you've got to get familiar with the United States," Clinton said. "Don't just fly that big jet in and land it and go make a big speech and insult everybody you can think of."

Peoples reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Kathleen Ronayne in Manchester, New Hampshire, Errin Haines Whack in Philadelphia, Jill Colvin in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and Catherine Lucey in Wilmington, Delaware, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-26

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Pure desperation that makes them look like little boys compared to Trump. It will backfire. People don't like other people choosing their candidates for them. Trump has brought in millions more voters than ever before and he'll sweep all five primaries on Tuesday - Wed in Thailand.

He will get the R nomination and then in November he'll kick Hillary's butt right up between her shoulder blades. People, even smart people, have been underestimating Trump since he entered the race last summer. There were 17 R candidates now down to 3. Trump, and two losers. I'd think they'd be too embare assed to show their faces, but they keep it up because the big money donors require them to. Any last gasp when you're drowning.

Why and how do people keep underestimating Trump?

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The Republican truck is headed down the rocky hill headed for a big rock or an abyss. Two wheels are losing their lug nuts, the brakes are steel to steel, the driver has the steering wheel in his hands, but it has come off the shaft. Just enough time to yell out the window; "No problem, we'll be unified this summer and we'll win the Indianapolis 500, ha ha ha!"

Edited by boomerangutang
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Pure desperation that makes them look like little boys compared to Trump. It will backfire. People don't like other people choosing their candidates for them. Trump has brought in millions more voters than ever before and he'll sweep all five primaries on Tuesday - Wed in Thailand.

He will get the R nomination and then in November he'll kick Hillary's butt right up between her shoulder blades. People, even smart people, have been underestimating Trump since he entered the race last summer. There were 17 R candidates now down to 3. Trump, and two losers. I'd think they'd be too embare assed to show their faces, but they keep it up because the big money donors require them to. Any last gasp when you're drowning.

Why and how do people keep underestimating Trump?

are you giving odds?

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Pure desperation that makes them look like little boys compared to Trump. It will backfire. People don't like other people choosing their candidates for them. Trump has brought in millions more voters than ever before and he'll sweep all five primaries on Tuesday - Wed in Thailand.

He will get the R nomination and then in November he'll kick Hillary's butt right up between her shoulder blades. People, even smart people, have been underestimating Trump since he entered the race last summer. There were 17 R candidates now down to 3. Trump, and two losers. I'd think they'd be too embare assed to show their faces, but they keep it up because the big money donors require them to. Any last gasp when you're drowning.

Why and how do people keep underestimating Trump?

are you giving odds?

He's been right so far.

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Pure desperation that makes them look like little boys compared to Trump. It will backfire. People don't like other people choosing their candidates for them. Trump has brought in millions more voters than ever before and he'll sweep all five primaries on Tuesday - Wed in Thailand.

He will get the R nomination and then in November he'll kick Hillary's butt right up between her shoulder blades. People, even smart people, have been underestimating Trump since he entered the race last summer. There were 17 R candidates now down to 3. Trump, and two losers. I'd think they'd be too embare assed to show their faces, but they keep it up because the big money donors require them to. Any last gasp when you're drowning.

Why and how do people keep underestimating Trump?

are you giving odds?

He's been right so far.

preaching to the rabid faithful and appealing to the majority are entirely different. ask barry goldwater

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Pure desperation that makes them look like little boys compared to Trump. It will backfire. People don't like other people choosing their candidates for them. Trump has brought in millions more voters than ever before and he'll sweep all five primaries on Tuesday - Wed in Thailand.

He will get the R nomination and then in November he'll kick Hillary's butt right up between her shoulder blades. People, even smart people, have been underestimating Trump since he entered the race last summer. There were 17 R candidates now down to 3. Trump, and two losers. I'd think they'd be too embare assed to show their faces, but they keep it up because the big money donors require them to. Any last gasp when you're drowning.

Why and how do people keep underestimating Trump?

are you giving odds?

He's been right so far.

Were you guys right about Romney/Ryan? ......about McCain/Palin in 2008? I'm talking about several months prior, which is where we're at in the current election cycle. Answer: no.

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Pure desperation that makes them look like little boys compared to Trump. It will backfire. People don't like other people choosing their candidates for them. Trump has brought in millions more voters than ever before and he'll sweep all five primaries on Tuesday - Wed in Thailand.

He will get the R nomination and then in November he'll kick Hillary's butt right up between her shoulder blades. People, even smart people, have been underestimating Trump since he entered the race last summer. There were 17 R candidates now down to 3. Trump, and two losers. I'd think they'd be too embare assed to show their faces, but they keep it up because the big money donors require them to. Any last gasp when you're drowning.

Why and how do people keep underestimating Trump?

are you giving odds?

He's been right so far.

Were you guys right about Romney/Ryan? ......about McCain/Palin in 2008? I'm talking about several months prior, which is where we're at in the current election cycle. Answer: no.

Was he even posting back then? You only joined the forum in 2013. I'm talking about NOW. Donald Trump was not running back then.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Was he even posting back then? You only joined the forum in 2013. I'm talking about NOW. Donald Trump was not running back then.

I've been watching and posting on T.Visa since it first formed. You may be talking about now, but I'm referring to the sorts of folks who were certain that Romney would win in 2012, and just as sure that McCain would take the cake in 2008. Ulysses stated that Neversure "has been right thus far." I'm saying, in reference to prior presidential campaigns, that y'all have been wrong.

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He's been right so far.

Were you guys right about Romney/Ryan? ......about McCain/Palin in 2008? I'm talking about several months prior, which is where we're at in the current election cycle. Answer: no.

I don't recall liking Romney or McCain and I guarantee you they didn't have the following that Trump has. Not the excitement. Not the huge crowds. Not the increase in numbers of voters coming out. Not the numbers of votes gotten. Not the people switching from the Dem party to the R party so they can vote for Trump in the primary.

Trump already has 2 million more votes than Romney had at this point and Trump started out running against 16 other people to share votes with. Trump has somewhere at 8 million votes and Romney had just 3/4 of that, about 6 million, and he won the nomination. Trump is drawing record numbers of voters, sometimes an increase of 60% over 4 years ago for Romney.

People are excited about Trump. Others on the sidelines keep underestimating Trump. What Trump has done is historic and unprecedented both in style and in results.

Today in Thailand, and tomorrow (April 26) in the US there will be 5 primary elections in five states. Trump is not only going to sweep all of them, but he is going to get about as many votes as those other two also-rans combined. He's killin' them.

When he's finished with the primary he's going after Hillary in the general. Hillary hasn't had anything like what's coming, ever before. You can start weeping for the bale of hay Hillary any time now.



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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


Wasn't yesterdays Trump report about everything he has said and done so far being for show? That was from his own people.

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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


It's sounds like you want a big rich daddy to come into your house and make all things right. All those conniving neighbors who take advantage of you, They'll now be sorry, 'cause you've got John Wayne moving in, and he's got a shiny pistol on each hip - and when he shoots, he never misses.

Edited by boomerangutang
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"collusion" is often illegal in many other industries

In politics it's called coalition and perfectly legal.

It's where enemies collaboate against a common opponent or frenemies. Common in the USA Congress to get legislation passed and parliamants to elect a prime mininster. But obviously, not something Mustang Trump can recognize as legitimate.

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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


People vote for Trump?

Surveys show Trump will have the lowest minority vote in the history of POTUS elections.

He has alienated himself from most of the major religions in the USA.

He has alienated himself from women voters.

Republican registered voters say they would rather vote for Hillary than Trump. Or not vote at all.

Recent poll of voters age 18-29 shows only 25% likely to vote for Trump compared to 61% for Hillary, marking a low point back to 1972.

Like the Prayut regime, Trump is drawing the nation together - against himself.

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Well, isn't that lovely.

All the Trumpeters who couldn't handle the news that their savior's handlers grovelled down to the RNC claiming the Bloviator is not what you see and just "an act",

and being unable to accept this crushing reality, flee the thread. (Once again)

Only to pop up later, with their heads in the sand still, to cheer him on.

Talk about desperation...cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Get used to it. The Bloviator will never become President of the United States.


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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


I'm not an American and have no vote in these elections. But what happens in America will effect the rest of the world.

I think Clinton would make an appalling POTUS. She is a proven liar, with some very shady things in her cupboard, and is openly very well paid by Wall Street. I suspect that should she be president her term would be marked by controversy and accusations of lies and scandals. She has openly said she will use the courts to bring in gun control skirting around your 2nd Amendment rights and her idea of allowing claims against gun manufacturers when criminals use their products is ludicrous and illogical - unless she intends that for all products which would be even more unreal. That piece of left liberal pantomime is likely to be highly divisive and pit state against federal authorities at a time when the world needs a strong United States not a divided one.

I hope you are right and that Americans wake up to the controlling potential a Clinton regime would bring.

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The Donald Trump Pygmalion Project

"Mr. Manafort rolled out his Pygmalion project with a PowerPoint presentation behind closed doors at the Republican National Committee retreat in Florida last week.

The part he’s been playing is evolving,” Mr. Manafort assured the Republicans."

"Mr. Trump doesn’t really mean it when he says things like he’ll deport 11 million immigrants,

or block Muslims from entering the country, or kill terrorists’ children, or when he maligns women.

He’s doing all that, Mr. Manafort suggested, to win the primaries "clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif Say what? Could you please repeat that? cheesy.gif

"Starting small, the Trump-improvement strategists have already persuaded Mr. Trump to deliver a New York victory speech devoid of epithets,

and to stop calling the Sunday morning TV shows to bloviate on this or that." laugh.png



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