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Police hunt thugs who brutally attacked British family in Hua Hin

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Welcome to thailand land of gutless thugs.

Iv seen many a gutless thug in USA, England, Australia and so on.. My mate was bashed senseless in London earlier this year.. So your welcome to Thailand comment is irrelevant !!

No it is NOT irrelevant. This kind of thing happens much more often in Thailand than anywhere else. Next time, get your facts right!

Got any figures to support that 'fact'?

Maybe you should get yours right even if they get in the way of your ill-informed and prejudiced opinion. The English guy didn't apologise sufficiently to the Thai thug he inadvertently bumped into. Regardless, thug #1 in the black shirt with red in front makes a beeline for one of the Brits, punches an old lady in the face, and when he's done runs away like the coward he is. Thug #2 kicks her in the face when she's down.

None of the Thais standing around do anything until they're gone when a couple half-heartedly check if they're still alive.

Most Thai men of a certain class have a toxic mix of arrested development, self-entitlement because they're men, lack of education and ethical maturity, and burning resentment that they direct at falang, add to that the general xenophobia here. You can deny it all you want, doesn't mean it's not pervasive.

Maybe some night you'll be peddling down a soi and get jumped by two similar cowards, getting knocked out might be what it takes to wake you up.

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Not sure I understand what happened.

Looked to me like at least 5 foreigners on the ground at one point.

Then two get up and leave, and three left lying on the ground.

Very strange.

A primitive and dangerous people when drunk or angry.

The Brits or the Thais?

You do realize you are not Thai ?

I bet that must really hurt you.

I'm quite happy with who I am, thanks.

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Vigilante groups need to be formed to sort these pricks out.

She an older lady, I don't think she needs sorting out as you put, just some education in other cultures perhaps.

Im on about sorting the Thais out. Anyone who kicks someone in the head when on the floor needs a good hiding.

Why don't you go down there and teach them a lesson?

Be sure and pick a spot in front of a camera so we can see how you get on.

White Knight syndrome and no I don't mean misterphil.

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Brutal - gutless.

But not because the perpetrators were Thai or because the vicitms were Farang.

That conversation goes nowhere but it's pretty prevalent on this thread.

I don't know a single Thai person who would condone this or approve of it, so I think lambasting all Thais and Thailand for the actions of this trash is almost as low as kicking that old lady in the head.

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From one of the articles:

"He said that a friend's Thai girlfriend heard some locals discussing attacking tourists at the end of a day of heavy drinking."

Yes, the old woman made a serious mistake slapping the Thai man, it looks like she was first trying to appeal to his conscience for knocking her son (or the other falang guy?) down, so she made two mistakes: assuming one of these low-class uneducated Thai men would have a conscience, and making such a guy lose face.

Kicking anyone when they're down and running away is as low as it gets, but that's the usual MO here, draw what conclusions you want what that says about the character of these low-class Thai males.

I'm experienced enough here to completely avoid eye-contact or even acknowledge any of them. I never wear flip-flops at night, and avoid situations where I could be jumped when on the islands.

It would be a good idea for officials to have a simple 10-point list of things to do in Thailand handed out at SVB-- starting with say sawatdee khrap/kha to everyone, as well as khawp khun khrap/kha, add a sabai dee to make friendly, and otoh never make a Thai (esp. male) feel "bad," meaning always fluff his thin and sensitive skin lest he have a hissy fit and kick or shoot you in the face.

Can't figure out why they don't do that unsure.png

I'll add I get along great with the vast majority of Thais, who are good-humoured and polite (even if it's only skin-deep, as long as interactions are mutually polite, works for me), and the rest, these males I speak of, I just keep away from but keep aware of.

Edited by PaPiPuPePo
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Brutal - gutless.

But not because the perpetrators were Thai or because the vicitms were Farang.

That conversation goes nowhere but it's pretty prevalent on this thread.

I don't know a single Thai person who would condone this or approve of it, so I think lambasting all Thais and Thailand for the actions of this trash is almost as low as kicking that old lady in the head.

How about the dozens of Thais who stand there doing nothing ? Their inaction is tacit approval of the actions taken
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Not sure I understand what happened.

Looked to me like at least 5 foreigners on the ground at one point.

Then two get up and leave, and three left lying on the ground.

Very strange.

A primitive and dangerous people when drunk or angry.

The Brits or the Thais?

You do realize you are not Thai ?

I bet that must really hurt you.

I'm quite happy with who I am, thanks.

An insignificant nothing.........smile.png

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Not sure I understand what happened.

Looked to me like at least 5 foreigners on the ground at one point.

Then two get up and leave, and three left lying on the ground.

Very strange.

A primitive and dangerous people when drunk or angry.

The Brits or the Thais?

You do realize you are not Thai ?

I bet that must really hurt you.

I'm quite happy with who I am, thanks.

An insignificant nothing.........smile.png

You know nothing about me. But if it makes you feel better to put me down, have at it. It's just words on a screen, and like I said, I'm happy with who I am.

Maybe we should move on, though. This thread isn't about me, fascinating as I am.

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This started with an argument between what looks like two Thai men...

The son of the party then got involved by half heartedly impeding one of the men with his arm as he walked past( not an accident as reported) ...stupid move!

The Thai man then gave him a very light shove in return which resulted in the son falling over ..so assuming he was drunk as the Thai hardly touched him.

Mum then slapped the Thai in the face and poked his chest ...stupid move!

Dad then punched another Thai(unrelated to initial argument) in the face ...stupid move! ....which is why the man in black circled round and punched him back.

The resulting violence is way over the top ..but they got their asses kicked for reasons which could have been easily avoided!

Interesting how many posters only see what they want to see from the video ..for eg, no one mentioned the small Thai trying to restrain the bigger Thai from attacking the mom just before she slapped the bigger Thai.

Edited by Brizo
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It appears many comments have been based on reading or listening to the news without watching the video.
Censorship may prevent some from seeing the video, so I have
summarised the exact chain of events during this terrible event.
00 SECONDS: Initial indication of a tense situation.
Tourists are not involved.

19 SECONDS: Tourist in black shirt and cap makes some form of what appeared harmless, but unnecessary contact with Thai man.

20 SECONDS: Thai man retaliates, by pushing the Tourist in the back.

At this time no punches have been thrown, however, as a result of the push, the Tourist stumbles and falls to the ground.

26 to 51 SECONDS: Elderly Lady tourist is very aggressive, physically and verbally, towards the Thai men.

51 SECONDS: Falang Lady is the instigator and slaps Thai man. TOURIST 2 / THAI 1
The atmosphere is tense and the Falang Lady continues to be aggressive.

73 SECONDS: Falang in floral shirt walks behind the arguing group and king-hits a Thai man.

88 SECONDS: Thai man in black, who witnessed the Falang king-hit the Thai man, even though he Is not involved at this stage, retaliates and punches the Falang in the floral shirt.

At this point, it all goes terribly wrong for the tourist group.

There is a 4th male Falang who, at 1 minute and 49 seconds, throws a Thai lady, who was attempting to stop the fight, to the ground and hurriedly escapes.

I am certainly not condoning or attempting to justify any persons actions during this incident.
Especially the throwing of the Thai lady to the ground and the cowardly punch and kick to the female tourist.
I have simply stated the facts as they appear on the video.

You can draw your own conclusions without any help from me.


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So sad to see, but sadder still is the fact I am no longer surprised. Since my first visit in 2004 I was enamored with Thailand and just about every person I met there. The last few years things have gotten so worse. Nobody gets involved, nobody breaks up a beating. That hawking guy in the middle holding the flyer was where it all started. you can see him pestering other people walking by. Looks like the British guy kind of instinctively pushed him away slightly as he walked by, and the hawker didn't like that. What a bunch of animals.

What hawking guy?

It starts with the two guys having an altercation who enter from the left as the video begins. One of whom the British guy for some reason chooses to touch as he passes them, which then escalates into an incident when the guy reacts.

Look closer. The guy the british guy "touches as he passes" was previously hawking other people immediately prior to that, on the left of the video.

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He probably would not have tripped over his own leg if he did not get the light push. Irrelevant, 50/50 as its almost same same.

If you look closely it's the action of him turning round(while walking forward) to see who touched him on the back ..which caused him to trip over his own leg ..which in turn caused him to fall.

Could we take this back further to say the first domino was actually him trailing his arm into the middle of a heated argument between two Thai men which then caused his back to be pushed/touched....there is probably a Buddhist teaching to cover this very scenario.

But I am confused about the 88 second event. The Thai in black came across from the right side of the screen. I missed him being punched prior to then. When did that happen?

Pause the video at 0:33 and look for the guy with the black T-shirt(red motif on front) at the top of the screen, hes drunk!

Now ignore everything else and just follow him to the end of the video ..keep your eye on the red motif on his black T-shirt to keep track of him through the grain.

He actually gets between the old lady and the Thai(pusher of the son) and puts his arm around the Thai guys neck and looks as if hes actually trying to help in his own drunken way.

He then gets his hair pulled by what looks from the old lady, it seems she didn't like that he was trying to break up and de-escalate her beef with the Thai(pusher of son)...you can see her clawing at his face and pulling on his clothes as well ....and then he's punched in the face by the dad.

The son then restrains black t-shirt guy in a kind of head lock ...its at that point he breaks free from the son(after being punched and hair pulled etc), goes right, then circles round the crowd to the left where he socks the dad.


It's a shame really the son took the worst of the beating as he was the least violent of the three.

Who could have predicated their elderly parents starting a brawl in Thailand and almost getting you killed by the locals.

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Absolutely horrible .....but wait,... all you people suggesting this kind of stuff would only happen in Thailand. How many times have I heard on the news of attacks on homes in isolated country.areas...where families are tied up and beaten until they hand over whatever valuables they have (if any) or does not not happen in your own country.....it certainly does in mine.

How many times have we heard of a pack of animals attacking elderly tourists in other countries. This is about thai animals attacking senior farang citizens in Thailand and not a burglary in another country. Stop defending scum who prey on tourists in Thailand. I hope it happens to your elderly parents if you support this.

I hope your elderly mother does not slap a stranger in the face in a red light district coffee1.gif
I don't appreciate you calling my elderly mother a prostitute. You don't know her and she isn't here to defend herself. Your comment is just like kicking an elderly woman whilst she is down. I am not going to attack your mother.
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This is your typical Thai mentality reaction. loss of face, so mob mentality kick in. I have seen this on countless occasions and is not something that happens every now and then. These cowards are the norm and those who are trying to defend their actions should be ashamed of themselves for condoning the beating up of an elderly couple along with their son. I hope Karma gets you.

Karma has silenced a lot of tv members. It just that there is not a memorial thread. You reap what you support.

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I agree there was some contact from the son (walking with mum) at the start who spilled the thugs drink(Dailymail source) and the mother should have known better than to have slapped him/confronted him and after this the dad (flowery shirt) does land a punch because I think he's looking out for his wife, and this is what drink does to people. They should have just walked on after the son fell over. The grandmother didn't deserve to get the punch and kick though shes an old woman.

People coming to Thailand need to realize that they are guests and these were not regular Thai's people they are the bottom of society...perhaps they got caught up in the Songkran madness and they were only on a brief holiday. When you are here year in year out you realize the tension with so many of the less desirable drunk tourists at the bars.



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Welcome to thailand land of gutless thugs.

Iv seen many a gutless thug in USA, England, Australia and so on.. My mate was bashed senseless in London earlier this year.. So your welcome to Thailand comment is irrelevant !!

Your irrelevant...So it's ok for this kind of thing to happen in Thailand Because it happens in other Countries?

And where do you get your lies from, Yes it may happen but not on a daily basis pal Australia is the safest country in the world and I believe if this shit happened here

Those guys would be dealt with quick and smart especially if it happened to a foreigner ...... Your unreal mate.

Eli as a fellow I Aussie I have to say well stated horse-shit! Safest country in the world my @rse! The papers carry headlines of elderly women and men beaten and robbed by the drugged up little thugs as a matter of course.

I worked as security at a bar and was set upon and kicked, stomped and pool cued by over a dozen patches...the final stomp tore my left ear off the side off my head and left it hanging by a thread of skin... 5 broken ribs, cracked jaw....the reason? A prospect needed to do it to get his full patch..and these were regulars at the bar who I had sometimes chatted and even shared a drink with..the cops, like their counterparts here sometimes do, did nothing and told me it wasn't worth pursuing...and "may be detrimental to my health" and just like in this case EVERYONE just stood by and watched...hell my "partner" ran out the back door...so not just Thailand and Oz just as bad at times

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The initial guy with the bottle in his hand hardly touches him and he slips over because it was wet... the Thai guy did have a right to turn around and ask why the son put his arm across him(and does nothing for the rest of the video).... I am Welsh and the family is Welsh which makes it harder for me....but I also have a Thai fiance of 4 years.

The guy who knocks them all out actually gets punched by the dad in the flowery shirt... you can follow him come back around with the red motive on his shirt.

He was giving the punch back... then the mum got in the way while he was hyped up(which was bad) and then the son dived in to protect his dad and got knocked out as well. He shouldn't have retaliate but he got punched and was drunk

The truly vicious one was the skinny one who kicked the mum

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i dont know about you guys, but i found the few troll-thai apologists(soi biker bonkers, chiang mai, thaiduncack) as disgusting than the thai scums.

For God's sake, an ederly woman, age unknow, was kicked in the head and in the teeth, but you still have these stray dogs who will defend anything thai.(some of them have posted more than a dozen messages on this thread)

Nobody Mr Bender is attempting to defend the actions of those Thais and everyone agrees the beating was disproportionate, it's a measure of your poor reading and./or comprehension skills if you think differently. But what a few people, including myself have tried to do here is to account for why the altercation happened in the first place, to that end we've looked at the video several times and concluded that it started with a bump between two people that the foreigner should have acknowledged but didn't. The problem was later compounded by two of the foreigners hitting two Thai men in public and making them lose face, the rest is history as they say but the reasons I've outlined is why the problem happens in the first place.

Some people may say that bump between the two men was nothing, the sort of bodily contact that takes place every day in the streets of London or New York and they would of course be correct. Sadly however Thailand is neither of those places and bodily contact between strangers hence they are not correct in reference to Thailand. In the main, bodily contact by stranagers is frowned on, mostly it's avoided unless an apology or acknowledgement follows, think manners! That contact is about invading another persons space, it's part of the reason why Thai's will often cut across right in front of you when a Westerner might have waited a moment and gone behind you. Many will think that's a small deal and whilst once again it was disproportionate to the beating that followed, it is not a small deal, it's a cultural difference that visitors need to understand and judging from these two threads, very few people do.

So that was the issue that started the ball rolling, it escalated from there when the foreign woman hit the Thai male and her son punched another man. Some may say it was just a slap, nothing to speak of, she's an old lady and they would again be right. Except in Thailand and in other Asian countries a foreigner cannot just slap a local man, especially a drunken one and in public and expect nothing bad would happen, whatever was going through their heads that made them think differently on that point can only be down to alcohol I would guess. Face and loss of face is massively important here and it doesn't matter who or what the offender is, trouble will almost certainly follow.

There, we've explained it all to you, now you don't have to feel bad that you didn't understand what was going on and resort to calling people names.

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Well, after 16 seconds in the Video the Farang hits the Thai man passing, discussion starts and on second 52 the English Lady hits the Thai man in the face.

That are the first hits made in the video.

Even the lady hits the man it is not an excuse for a mob to kick the daylight out of others.

I agree that this violence is absolute not done and the boys need to be tracked down by police and get punished.

But after looking several times I can not agree that the tourist where passive and just passing.

well spotted in the video I had to look again and your right, if you look for trouble over here you will find it, maybe the tourist will think twice next time before starting a physical altercation, if I was attacked by the tourist like the Thais were I would of also struck out.

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Brutal - gutless.

But not because the perpetrators were Thai or because the vicitms were Farang.

That conversation goes nowhere but it's pretty prevalent on this thread.

I don't know a single Thai person who would condone this or approve of it, so I think lambasting all Thais and Thailand for the actions of this trash is almost as low as kicking that old lady in the head.

but it was ok for the lady to slap the Thai around the face as hard as she could ? she started the trouble.

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Hey the British, it would be good for everyone if you keep this kind of quality tourist at home in your island, huh.

Good for them and their physical integrity first, but also good for us because they give a bad image of the West and could deter Thailand to welcome us more.

I suggest to all those who think that their attitude was acceptable to imitate them and stay also at home.

And we who are happy here will can continue to have with this friendly people pleasant relationships devoid of violence and provocations.

That said, I fully agree with the majority in deploring an overreaction of young Thais who deserve an exemplary punishment.

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Well, after 16 seconds in the Video the Farang hits the Thai man passing, discussion starts and on second 52 the English Lady hits the Thai man in the face.

That are the first hits made in the video.

Even the lady hits the man it is not an excuse for a mob to kick the daylight out of others.

I agree that this violence is absolute not done and the boys need to be tracked down by police and get punished.

But after looking several times I can not agree that the tourist where passive and just passing.

Thanks for your observation. I agree with your assessment that the mob shouldn't have kicked the daylights of the family but still what was the lady thinking about when she hit the Thai man in the face. Most probably she thought she could get away with it by playing the "poor little woman" get out jail free card. Back home where the laws are biased toward women most probably she could get away with it ... who knows? Being a falang male I wonder how much sympathy I would get if I hit a Thai man during Songkrang because I didn't like ice water poured on me. ... or whatever!!!

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I m so glad that this got the worlds attention. The video was finally, yes finally after two weeks shown on Thai TV. it is amazing and also sad that you have to name and shame the Thai authorities into admission and hopefully taking the appropriate action. the childish face concept here really needs to be eradicated from the grass roots of society for the country to move into the 21st century.

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The apologist are stating that the Brits attacked first. They didn't, they reacted to an ars..ole who attacked a family member. You attack one of mine I'm coming back at you.

The British son stumbled and fell because he looked back and was clearly so drunk he lost his footing. The mother threw the first blow. The father threw the second. Look carefully at the video.

The escalation was criminal, but the "who started it?" question. The video is clear.

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So who did the father punch? Was it the man in black, that his son was restraining from behind? Or was it the drunk guy that the mother was slapping and grappling with?

The video doesn't show the actual strike, but I think he hit the drunk guy for 2 reasons.

One, the drunk guy falls on his ass immediately after the punch. You see the knot of people move as he falls down, and shortly after you see him being helped to his feet by the man in black and co. If the MIB was punched I think he would have started resisting the son more strongly, or reacting in some way.

Two, the drunk guy was fighting his wife, so that is a natural target for the father. At this point, the drunk guy had started to fight back against the wifes escalting attacks, prompting action from the father, who had not been aggressive up to that point.

That scenario makes much more sense to me than that the father punched some random guy.

The man in black was pushing into the group, so the son pulled him back.

The drunk guy was fighting the mother, so the father sucker punched him to the ground to help her.

That happened in front of the MIB, who may have known the drunk guy, or just been annoyed his fellow countryman was being used as a punching bag. Either way, he was probably looking for a fight, and happy to take advantage of the opportunity

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What about last year in Gateshead where a 4 ft 6 67 year old blind pensioner was mugged breaking his collar bone or Maltby Yorkshire where 80 year old Tommy Ward was beaten to a pulp, Scunthorpe where a man and a woman in their 90s and 80s suffered head injuries at the hands of two thugs in their 20s, Swiss Cottage North London where a 72 year old suffered life threatening injuries in a pub brawl, all in the last year.

this sort of thing happens in Britain too.

Welcome to thailand land of gutless thugs.

Iv seen many a gutless thug in USA, England, Australia and so on.. My mate was bashed senseless in London earlier this year.. So your welcome to Thailand comment is irrelevant !!

No it is NOT irrelevant. This kind of thing happens much more often in Thailand than anywhere else. Next time, get your facts right!

Unfortunately these events happen. Though I very much doubt that in the UK a

large group of onlookers would just stand by and not intervene. The same can be said about the justice system in the UK,opposite to that here in Thailand.

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