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Thailand's military government cracks down on opponents


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Thailand's military government cracks down on opponents

BANGKOK (AP) — Thailand's military government on Wednesday turned up the pressure on its opponents, filing a legal complaint against critics of a proposed new constitution and detaining 10 people in connection with social media postings.

Election Commissioner Somchai Srisuthiyakor filed the first complaint under a new law meant to discourage campaigning against the draft charter, which will be put to a referendum on Aug. 7. The penalty for breaking the law is up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to 200,000 baht ($5,715). The complaint was based on material on the Facebook page of a social group based in the northeastern province of Khon Kaen, a hotbed of dissident activity.

"We're trying to make an example of those who are explicitly and aggressively posting things about the draft constitution onto the Internet," said Somchai. "People are allowed to post opinions agreeing or disagreeing with the new draft, but we encourage that they do so in an academic fashion with reason and logic, rather than using foul and strong language."

The law prohibits acts of unrest and campaigning with a provocative, aggressive or violent manner to influence voters, but Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha and other officials have made clear they disapprove of any criticism. The government insists its own ambitious plans to publicize the charter's contents are strictly educational. Prayuth seized power in May 2014 after staging a coup against an elected government.

Separately, the military detained 10 people associated with opposition to its rule. Government spokesman Col. Winthai Suvaree said the suspects, including several in Khon Kaen, were detained in connection with social media postings. Thailand's Computer Crime Act has broad definitions that are often applied to expressions of political opinions.

Those arrested were taken for detention at army bases, where they can be held for a week without any charges.

"The capture of these people is not in accordance with either international or national laws," said Poonsuk Poonsukcharoen, a member of the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights group. "The power that the army received from the new legislation to capture and detain people for expressing opinions against the draft constitution is being used in the wrong way. These arrests are creating a sense of fear among the public."

More than a dozen activists were detained Wednesday evening in Bangkok when they staged a non-violent protest against the morning's detentions.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-04-28

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NCPO detains those found breaking computer crime law in relation to public referendum opinion sharing

BANGKOK, 28 April 2016 (NNT) – The National Council for Peace and Order has detained a group of people for violating the computer crime law following their posting of opinions related to the public referendum on social media.

NCPO spokesman Col. Winthai Suvaree said on Wednesday that the military has recently detained eight people in Bangkok and two others in Khon Kaen, presumably after related authorities have been following their movements for some time.

Col. Winthai said that all detained individuals have not been charged as an investigation remains to be conducted, adding that the detention of these people has been in accordance with Article 44 of the interim charter.

The NCPO spokesman said that the detained individuals have certainly violated the Computer Crime Act although it is not clear if they have also broken the Public Referendum Act as well.

-- NNT 2016-04-28 footer_n.gif

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I can perfectly understand the actions taken by the NCPO and junta.

They are frightened beyond belief that the referendum marks the beginning of their undoing and they are desperately taking any measures they can to make the populace bow to them.

Unfortunately for the junta, they have not done a single significant thing for the populace and payback for such misuse of power and waste of money and time is inevitable.

The referendum will either be thwarted by another coup or will be the day "it all unravels".

The junta knows this and is at it's wits end!

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And the NLA, which essentially approves all Junta legislative proposals by a vote of 180-0, is considering amendments to further strengthen the Computer Crime laws...

New computer crime law to give govt more control over content
THE NATION April 28, 2016 1:00 am
THE National Legislative Assembly will today consider a new computer crime legislation, which critics said would lead to more government powers to control the country’s online content, including those on popular social media.
Paiboon Amonpinyokeat, a cyber-law specialist, said an amendment to Article 20 of the Computer Crimes Act will allow the government to remove content on blogs and websites as well as social media platforms such as Facebook and Line if they are deemed "inappropriate" or seen to negatively affect peace and order.
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It raises now the morality of holidaying there?

Last night Australian TV showed the heat Thailand was said to be experiencing ( the hottest in decades according to news reporters)

As pictures of baby elephants were shown and zoo animals eating ice blocks.

Western media has largely ignored Thai human rights abuses .

Even EU threats to red card their fishing industry has piped down for a few more months .

Tourists are largely unaware of what goes on there or cares.

Thais have little help from ambassadors these days and it seems everyone is in on the insidious game of allowing peasants / students to be terrified along with others to even raise objection to what is a horses ass of a document that fixes the odds in the armies favour .

To suggest otherwise is sheer folly and fabrication.

But when is the international community going to say ""look we have warned you repeatedly that jailing and detaining people against their will is not allowed in the civilised world "" and invoke sanctions ?

At the end of the day the movement of the military is towards silencing all opposition.

How far will this go is anyone's guess.

If they do manage to carry of elections and retain control over the nation by proxy for decades the Thai people effectively were sold out.

The west and all their fake moral posturing , which is why guys like Trump are succeeding in a non PC fashion .

Will largely be at fault.

It seems Thailand is willing to burn all bridges with the west if it doesn't turn a blind eye to its antics .

And cooling down elephants on our TV screens and excited daughters saying ""lets go there"" is what is being fed to us.

What happened to the death camps discovered in jungles and rulings on Fishing slaves ?

What happened to promises ?

Why are the freedoms of speech guardians ?

Why are these men receiving awards in New York whilst arresting their citizens over red bowls , Facebook likes and having an opinion?

The final and only thing left for moral people to do if their governments won't act.

Is boycott the place and look at labels to make sure it's not Thai.

Maybe only then will pressures be sufficient for the apathy to give way to progress.

Right now Thailand is bottling up an awful amount of frustration .

If something gives I am not so sure white skinned people will be received well be either side.

One side says we are not Thai and should mind our own business.

The other side watches as we do nothing and hand out awards to same leaders?

Thailand is closing the door.

And we must place a foot out while its possible .

Otherwise it closes for ever

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Look at how Thailand has progressed since this bunch of old khaki-clad bullies took over. Why would anyone want to criticise them?

Ohhh I don't know, I mean look at all the good things they have done for the country like err, ummm,

They got the lotto fixed, mostly but the underground ones still going.

Also they got rid of them nasty beach chairs at Phuket. er what els did they do???

OOOh OOOOh they had a park with statues built that had some corruption issues but they fixed that as well, all gone away now.

Then they protected the whole nation from them political science students on the train and then they went after his mother, wow they are so good to the people...

And lets not forget the terrorist with the red bowl and gaoling her for ten years

They told the world they ALWAYS PROTECT AND RESPECT human rights to international standards..

Waiting for the first falang to be "invited too an attitude adjustment" for speaking his/her mind, then the s___t will hit the fan.

Why I don't understand is where is djjamie, smedly and the very few left on TVF that should be here supporting their mates with the guns telling the rest of the country what they can and can not say?????whistling.gif You fellas ready to admit ya got it spectacularly WRONG???????????

Edited by aussieinthailand
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Why I don't understand is where is djjamie, smedly and the very few left on TVF that should be here supporting their mates with the guns telling the rest of the country what they can and can not say?????whistling.gif You fellas ready to admit ya got it spectacularly WRONG???????????

They have been digging their holes so deep with white-washing the actions of the junta that they probably make a new account with a totally different name to start over again as soon as even they cannot stand their own rhetoric anymore.

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Why I don't understand is where is djjamie, smedly and the very few left on TVF that should be here supporting their mates with the guns telling the rest of the country what they can and can not say?????whistling.gif You fellas ready to admit ya got it spectacularly WRONG???????????

They have been digging their holes so deep with white-washing the actions of the junta that they probably make a new account with a totally different name to start over again as soon as even they cannot stand their own rhetoric anymore.

jamie did compare to Prayuth to Thaksin in one of the threads (I asked him if he was ok). Smedly still ignores direct and difficult answer questions about this regime and "but Thaksins" his way out of everything.

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The government insists its own ambitious plans to publicize the charter's contents are strictly educational.

If I hire writers to write my autobiography, force a publisher to print it, order the publisher to distribute to selected retailers and direct retailers to sell it, would my publicizing the book's content be considered purely educational? No.

Prayut has a vested political interest in passage of the charter that goes far beyond being merely "educational."

With his creation of the charter content and promotion using billions of baht of Thai taxpayer funds, he has further abased the Thai public's independence for self-determination.

But Prayut loves the Thai People and is giving them more freedom and rights they've ever had before. So says he. wai2.gif

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Look at how Thailand has progressed since this bunch of old khaki-clad bullies took over. Why would anyone want to criticise them?

Ohhh I don't know, I mean look at all the good things they have done for the country like err, ummm,

They got the lotto fixed, mostly but the underground ones still going.

Also they got rid of them nasty beach chairs at Phuket. er what els did they do???

OOOh OOOOh they had a park with statues built that had some corruption issues but they fixed that as well, all gone away now.

Then they protected the whole nation from them political science students on the train and then they went after his mother, wow they are so good to the people...

And lets not forget the terrorist with the red bowl and gaoling her for ten years

They told the world they ALWAYS PROTECT AND RESPECT human rights to international standards..

Waiting for the first falang to be "invited too an attitude adjustment" for speaking his/her mind, then the s___t will hit the fan.

Why I don't understand is where is djjamie, smedly and the very few left on TVF that should be here supporting their mates with the guns telling the rest of the country what they can and can not say?????whistling.gif You fellas ready to admit ya got it spectacularly WRONG???????????

All very good points. And observing the little known fact that students are unable to walk more than 300 metres shows us that the generals are partaking of a higher plane of thought than us mere mortals. By their own irrefutable logic, and in the absence of any news to the contrary, closing down any business selling alcohol within a 300 metre radius of educational institutions (except the ones that pay the cops/army a tribute) has surely solved the youth drinking problem.

Edited by dbrenn
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6 Thai thugs attack tourists in Hua Hin another suicide drowning was a murder country generally going to the dogs and our first thought's are we will have a clamp down on people who disagree with us that's the Junta way ok

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And the NLA, which essentially approves all Junta legislative proposals by a vote of 180-0, is considering amendments to further strengthen the Computer Crime laws...

New computer crime law to give govt more control over content
THE NATION April 28, 2016 1:00 am
THE National Legislative Assembly will today consider a new computer crime legislation, which critics said would lead to more government powers to control the country’s online content, including those on popular social media.
Paiboon Amonpinyokeat, a cyber-law specialist, said an amendment to Article 20 of the Computer Crimes Act will allow the government to remove content on blogs and websites as well as social media platforms such as Facebook and Line if they are deemed "inappropriate" or seen to negatively affect peace and order.

Exactly how do they plan to remove content from Facebook, blogs, and websites?

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A post has been removed:

2) You will not use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.
You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of any Thai court of law.
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And the NLA, which essentially approves all Junta legislative proposals by a vote of 180-0, is considering amendments to further strengthen the Computer Crime laws...

New computer crime law to give govt more control over content

THE NATION April 28, 2016 1:00 am

THE National Legislative Assembly will today consider a new computer crime legislation, which critics said would lead to more government powers to control the countrys online content, including those on popular social media.

Paiboon Amonpinyokeat, a cyber-law specialist, said an amendment to Article 20 of the Computer Crimes Act will allow the government to remove content on blogs and websites as well as social media platforms such as Facebook and Line if they are deemed "inappropriate" or seen to negatively affect peace and order.


Exactly how do they plan to remove content from Facebook, blogs, and websites?

It's like the frog slowly boiled alive.

Each instalment is done in increments.

We are two years in and already jail is the punishment for criticism of a document designed to entrench their powers.

Fear is paramount in their survival.

Social media control is essential in weeding out possible protesters and or academic posturing.

People are effectively being penned into a place where submission equates to good citizen and questioning bad citizen.

It's unlikely they will achieve the goal of controlling Facebook and Twitter without resistance .

That resistance may take the form of wide spread protests.

Thais even in Bangkok will object to having restrictions on global interactions placed.

Meaning that a like can fetch jail terms in some instances.

Voting red make you a suspect .

Not approving of military activities a traitor ?

This next cycle is just beginning and how the world responds will determine the outcome.

I envision this military either being vey isolationist and anti west and iron gripped.

Or risking defeat within 24 months .

They understand survival

And the consequences of failure.

They would face court marshalling and death.

So all measures to survive will be put in play.

Including firing live rounds into their own population and jailing opponents.

I predict that even westerners will soon be subjected to AA and deportation .

And expats my find ordinary life there increasingly disruptive as anti western sentiment is sold to Thais as political tampering.

I would start considering an exit plan just in case .

Maybe be ready in a few months or years to leave if things gradually get worrying.

Certainly it seems we are boarding a flight that's heading in the wrong direction.

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