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Four arrested for attack on British family in Hua Hin as first photos of the victims are released


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Theres always a scumbag element in any society. here and everywhere else.

Whats important in this case is how these animals are dealt with. Over recent years i get the feeling more and more that this element in thai society are not concerned about beating foreigners because they are quite confident they will get away with their actions

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Pictures have also emerged of some organisations presenting baskets of gifts to police as thanks for their quick action in arresting the first two suspects.

What like tourist organisations??? 'Thanks for saving our bacon' kind of gifts at a guess.

Please stop!!! They are the reason this country has such horrific crimes. They are a joke and everyone knows it, especially crooks!

Chief Chayakorn added that there were about ten thousand visitors in the area that night and there was a police presence both around and inside the soi but the police did not get a report of this incident.

Yeah right! In 'presence', do you mean sitting down, out of the way, playing with phones, looking at the fit girlies walking past?


Those poor people and their ordeal are just another statistic that will be forgotten in a week or two. As for the perps ... well the justice system will take care of them, won't it? IRONY INTENDED

Edited by lostmebike
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The UK should ban their citizens traveling to Thailand. End of the story!

Say again.....I thought Europe wanted to ban UK football thugs from coming to their countries and starting fights.

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Sorry for the British family attacked in Hua-Hin, but i don't give a generalized view on all Thais. British learn how to speak few Thai words, and to learn how to smile to people, and greet them or apologize when there is situation.

Life is not just you expect somone behave good to you, first you keep yours right first. Even bad person will think twice doing something bad on you.

Songkran is bad timing for anything including finding food to eat. No wonder Police are out of service on that day. Most Thai's are friendly and care foreigners during Songran celebrations for sure.

In my 12 years of stay, this is first time heard foreigner attacked during Songran.

Songrkran brings out the worst in many, especially the younger guys. I watched the teens in my neighborhood race around on motos like madmen drinking whilst doing so. No law in sight. I was on a bus heading to Seacon Bang Khae when stopped in traffic, a bunch of young thugs assaulted the bus thru the open windows hurling full buckets of water on unsuspecting passengers, including elderly Thai ladies. The ticket attendant and driver just smiled and did nothing. The bus passengers clearly were not playing at that moment but these young drunk thugs did not care...I would venture a guess that if anyone protested they would get beaten senseless. This happened all week BTW...no law in sight.

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Theres always a scumbag element in any society. here and everywhere else.

Whats important in this case is how these animals are dealt with. Over recent years i get the feeling more and more that this element in thai society are not concerned about beating foreigners because they are quite confident they will get away with their actions

My point exactly!

Couldn't agree more.

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If those vile vermin will get less prison time than 10 years, than this country's judicial system is

a joke and a mockery, and should not be called the land of smiles anymore, more like the land vicious

thugs and brutality.....

10 years? No way, not even the most heinous murderer will get that in Thailand.

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It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

no so! in the United States they have a "hate" crime law that includes old folks! hit an old person and go to jail! period

Show me the law and the penalty.

This would come under the common assault law. It was not premeditated and first offence.

Though there is an extra penalty, for assault if it was 2 or more doing the crime.

Suspended sentence. Standard.

I also get sick of people going on about victims being paid off to avoid prison. This is not true. Thailand has a very good law, that every victim is entitled to compensation from the criminal. This sum can be agreed upon before court, it has no bearing on the criminal sentence which by the law must be enforced. Or, the victim can prosecute the criminal in a civil case if victim feels compensation is not enough.

Many countries do not have the victims compensation law. Everyone makes money, the lawyers, the court (fines ) with the victim recieveing nothing. I have been a victim,the money does help cover costs of medical, court attendances, and other.

In the state of New York if a victim is at least 65 years old and the assailant is 10 years or more younger the crime of simple assault is upgraded from a misdemeanor to a felony. My home state of Missouri also has a similar law.

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As sickening as this attack was, keep in mind that this sort of stuff happens all over the world. It is not just Thailand. I think some members here are getting carried away with the punishment to be dished out to the offenders. Another poster laid out the Thai law with regards to assault, so here we are only looking at bodily harm with possible aggravating circumstances, including intoxication, number of offenders and maybe victim's age etc. Unless one of the victim's has a permanent injury as a result, then I wouldn't imagine there would be too much jail time for these grubs. Don't get me wrong, even though there is a possibility that the victim/s may have somehow provoked the offenders, what happened to them is inexcusable.

Tourism in Thailand will suffer as a result as that video is circulating the world and it is very damning evidence. I'm sure that both TAT and the Govt will be secretly fuming over this incident. Especially as it has happened in Hua Hin, the King's home, which I would consider a safe city. I have just left there after living there for just over a year and rarely saw a problem in the town area, even late at night after most have had a skinful. I know there are a lot of members here that think that Thais dislike farangs, but I just didn't get that impression. There are always going to be issues with foreigners living or visiting any country, including cultural and language barriers. What happened to this British family was horrendous and I wish them a speedy recovery. Hopefully the offenders will get exactly what they deserve...

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It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

for attacking an elderly female and kicking her in the face whilst she is on the ground helpless breaking her teeth will definately get you prison time in Australia. Violence against women especially elderly female pensioners is not tolerated in Australia.
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It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

First offence or not, it is high time the punishment fitted the crime. This was not just a basic assault, but far worse. Is a first murder treated more leniently that a repeat murder? The murderer should not be around to repeat the offence!

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It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

no so! in the United States they have a "hate" crime law that includes old folks! hit an old person and go to jail! period
Show me the law and the penalty.

This would come under the common assault law. It was not premeditated and first offence.

Though there is an extra penalty, for assault if it was 2 or more doing the crime.

Suspended sentence. Standard.

I also get sick of people going on about victims being paid off to avoid prison. This is not true. Thailand has a very good law, that every victim is entitled to compensation from the criminal. This sum can be agreed upon before court, it has no bearing on the criminal sentence which by the law must be enforced. Or, the victim can prosecute the criminal in a civil case if victim feels compensation is not enough.

Many countries do not have the victims compensation law. Everyone makes money, the lawyers, the court (fines ) with the victim recieveing nothing. I have been a victim,the money does help cover costs of medical, court attendances, and other.

In the state of New York if a victim is at least 65 years old and the assailant is 10 years or more younger the crime of simple assault is upgraded from a misdemeanor to a felony. My home state of Missouri also has a similar law.
In Australia they are also Serious Indictable Offences which carry a prison term. This isn't a simple assault but but everything from recklessly cause injury to intentionally cause serious injury and conduct endangering life. The kick to the face of an elderly person could have killed her.
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It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

First time they have committed a violent offence or the first time arrested? Not the same thing!! I'll bet that at least some of them have a history and reputation among family & associates of violent behaviour under influence of alcohol or drugs.

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Again the word "farang" was used in above news article. This, in itself, is an insult.

Also noticed no specific charges mentioned. As mentioned before, repeatedly kicking someone in head is attempted murder, drunk or not drunk.

I have found over the years, a number of Thais are very confrontational when it comes to foreigners. They seem to wish to fight. I have started to

see on the roads, windows go down and middle finger comes out. Never saw this before.

I have lived in many countries and never seen foreigners mistreated like they are here, from immigration, dual pricing and many other matters.

I do not like this situation and have actively started to seek another country once my employment tenure ends here.

The word "farang" just means "caucasian". It is no more insulting than the word "asian" is in our language.

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As sickening as this attack was, keep in mind that this sort of stuff happens all over the world. It is not just Thailand. I think some members here are getting carried away with the punishment to be dished out to the offenders. Another poster laid out the Thai law with regards to assault, so here we are only looking at bodily harm with possible aggravating circumstances, including intoxication, number of offenders and maybe victim's age etc. Unless one of the victim's has a permanent injury as a result, then I wouldn't imagine there would be too much jail time for these grubs. Don't get me wrong, even though there is a possibility that the victim/s may have somehow provoked the offenders, what happened to them is inexcusable.

Tourism in Thailand will suffer as a result as that video is circulating the world and it is very damning evidence. I'm sure that both TAT and the Govt will be secretly fuming over this incident. Especially as it has happened in Hua Hin, the King's home, which I would consider a safe city. I have just left there after living there for just over a year and rarely saw a problem in the town area, even late at night after most have had a skinful. I know there are a lot of members here that think that Thais dislike farangs, but I just didn't get that impression. There are always going to be issues with foreigners living or visiting any country, including cultural and language barriers. What happened to this British family was horrendous and I wish them a speedy recovery. Hopefully the offenders will get exactly what they deserve...

It certainly does, had a pack of Thai dogs gang up on a lone Aussie in Melbourne Australia and beat and stab him to death simply because he saw them attacking another stranger and asked them to stop. They are now doing 20 yrs in an Aussie prison.
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"If found guilty, the perpetrators of this incident will face full justice under Thai law."

(quote from main story)

Lets hope that means several years in jail and not just a mere fine.

That's the funniest thing I have heard all year!

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If those vile vermin will get less prison time than 10 years, than this country's judicial system is

a joke and a mockery, and should not be called the land of smiles anymore, more like the land vicious

thugs and brutality.....

10 years , hope you are not a judge.

How many years in your country for physical assault?

In italy for non permanent damages is between 3 month to 3 year.

As far as know this incident happened in Thailand?

What's Italy's law got any connection with this horrible assault.

10 years minimum I say!!

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It is their first offence. Even they did a terrible thing. A first offence for assault does not carry a prison sentence. Not only in Thailand, but all western countries also. So when everyone hears that they got a fine and a 4 month suspended sentence, don't be complaining that they got special treatment, because victims were foreigner. This is the standard sentence, including in our countries.

Sure, civilised countries would impose a heavy fine and perhaps community service. But to give that to these animals under Thai law which gives a 10 year jail term for having honest opinions on the proposed constitution is crazy. At least a 6 month to 2 year jail term would seem to be appropriate. They will of course have a criminal record to bear for the remainder of their lives, if they actually survive much longer. The hit squad must be conferring about this.

In my country people would never stand about and watch such a savage attack, particularly considering the large number present. It would have been stopped before it could go more than a couple of punches.

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If you are Australian you will know of David Hookes who was killed by x boxer thug. The thug was aquited. So much for Australian justice. BTW im AU and love the joint

Edited by jacksam
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This is a worse case scenario/outcome as to why you should NEVER get into an argumment with Thais. Usualy they know when they are in the wrong, as they go all quiet and say nothing. They don't do 'sorry' as it's not in their DNA. Reasoning? Forget it.

I would suggest this awful incident would have never happened if alcohol was banned at future Songkran celebrations.

I live in CM and stayed indoors over the Songkran as i can see the writing on the wall if things go pear shaped. Btw some Thais don't like Songkran and have told me they stay indoors to prevent a 'problem'.

Ban booze (during the Songkran - where there are large gatherings) and this would have not happened.

I hope the guttersnipe responsible for this get long custodial sentences (they would have lost millions of baht in revenue for Thailand's tourism industry as the images are flashed around all four corners of the globe). Maybe they should spend the rest of thier lives getting full time employment and paying back the lost revenue to their country? Although Thai men aren't what you would call hard workers, so i can't see them being employed.

Edited by SpeakeasyThai
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'But he said that Hua Hin is a place worth living in. And it is not a dangerous place as some farangs might think, he added.'

Since when does Thailand want any foreigners living there? After trying to 'live' there for any length of time it becomes obvious that foreigners are not really welcome or wanted. Thailand wants foreigners to go there on holiday, spend all their money, then go back to their own countries.

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Hua Hin was sold to us as a quiet and safe place to live, but in the last year we have witnessed more than a few confrontations, and we were nearly killed riding on our bike on the bypass from Cha Am. We were not told about the smell coming from the garbage dump at Tab Tai, before signing our year lease. Between the Bangkok folks coming in for the weekends and the quality Chinese tourists who do exactly what they want and do not have any regard whatsoever for their fellow human, we have now made the decision of leaving this over rated seedy little place and would suggest to everyone to leave this place off of your list of places to visit

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It makes me so angry to read of so many injustices like this against western visitors to Thailand. It seems like I have read about hundreds instances like this. We seem to be nothing more than punching bags for these people that neither like or respect us. They only like our money. How many thai visa members have expressed indignation through the years at behavior like this but nothing every changes, it only gets worse. Let me be the first to say that we need to organize and speak out. Let's set up a website of all the violence against westerners like this and put it on the internet. Let the world see these atrocities. FIGHT BACK! Let Thailand know that we are tired of being beaten senseless by their citizens and have them do nothing about it. Anytime a potential tourist does research on Thailand this website will come up and make them think twice about Thailand as the Land of Smiles. Officials in thailand will soon feel the heat. It will negatively impact their pocketbook as well as their "face". This will work as I have seen it work when a Thai physician did some bad work on a western patient. This person could get no recourse from the doctor or the government. Well, this patient set up a website outlining what happened and that nothing was done to help him. This doctor, so I hear from another doctor, has lost 80% of his western customers. The website has been running for 2 years and every time someone googles the doctor's name or related procedures performed, this website comes up. I'm sick of this violence and when I read about the old lady behind KICKED IN THE FACE WHEN LAYING IN THE ROAD, I was incensed. Does anybody have experience with website design? Your work shouldn't be for free, maybe others will contribute, as I will put in USD$100 as the first. OK everybody, this is your chance to do something besides run your mouth. This is an opportunity to fight back and get the government to start prosecuting these animals with sentences that will help stop the violence.

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"you know the rules "sorry officer it was the drink" "ok 500 baht fine and let that be a lesson to ya" or yaba, or yaba daba doooo thumbsup.gif

If those vile vermin will get less prison time than 10 years, than this country's judicial system is

a joke and a mockery, and should not be called the land of smiles anymore, more like the land vicious

thugs and brutality.....

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