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Thailand attack: British family 'vow never to return' after savage street attack


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EGO on both sides

should have just walked away


"According to the account, "gangs of Thai youths were priming themselves to start punching Westerners" in the area before the attack."

This wasn't a "walk away" situation. The Thais wanted blood and they got it.

I would disagree with that. There would not have been the length of pre-assault discussion as shown on the CCTV clip if they were just out for blood as alleged.

it is not "alleged", it is a fact. A farang man in Hua Hin who stepped in to help stop the fight was interview by many western press and also told the story first hand here in Hua Hin. He was warned by his Thai girlfriend who heard the gang members saying they were there to attack Farangs. And they did.

That of course is fine.

I wouldn't (and i very much doubt you would) like the evidence against me, in a court of law, to be based on what a Thai lady thought she heard, translated to the boyfriend and then relayed to the media/social media by him.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make a big issue over this, nor am i saying the witness was wrong, but until it is proven, then in my book it will remain alleged.

I do like to question what i read, always have, always will, maybe one of a dying breed.......................wink.png

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EGO on both sides

should have just walked away


"According to the account, "gangs of Thai youths were priming themselves to start punching Westerners" in the area before the attack."

This wasn't a "walk away" situation. The Thais wanted blood and they got it.

" Set upon"? No mention of the woman FIRST slapping and pushing and sonny walking into people on the street looking for a fight. Looks to me like the one guy she slapped tried to walk away...when Lewis Jr decided to play with another, he came back.

This family practically begged for an ass stomping and boy, they got one. Bet they were drunk, too.

I'll add them to the tally of British tourists overindulging and paying a price.

You walk away when a bird is involved, not give her a kickin....Walk...

Nah, women who use violence should not expect to not have it reciprocated. I will agree the kicking was way over the line and I think was from some opportunist types- but you know, young, violent men are all over the globe, see there's this hormone... Notice no women, (except the one who started it) jumped in for the farang kick fest.

That video- specifically the way they all just dropped was priceless. They were drunk as hell.. The family that binge drinks together get's ass- stomped together.

What sort of upsets the narrative of Thai bashing is how Thais went over and helped them... Was that left out of the UK media videos on purpose?

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One thing that is typical and not surprising is how people nearby were watching arms folded. I seen it before in Thailand. When someone is in distress and attacked its a case of "nothing to do with me"

And thats true of women and children attacked. Says something about the place!

yes, I agree. I took a while for anyone to approach them after it all finished. those kids were cowards and shame there was not a strong farang around to backslap that thug- king hit from behind to the back of his head is what he deserves

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I was with some friends in Bali the other week and the subject of violence of locals against tourists came up. I asked how many foreign tourists got murdered each year. They had to think very hard and thought it may only be 1 or 2 maximum. Quite different to the Land of Smiles.

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Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.

Yep providing they outnumber you and are battling old pensioners. Brave heroes aren't they just.

don't take a knife to a gun fight

Don't take your mom out mongering.

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it's Ego inflated by alcohol... and that drug is still legal while the pacifying marijuana is not... because it can't be taxed... and people still believe all kinds of stuff... and vote.. how ridiculous has our systems become.

EGO on both sides

should have just walked away

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I'm not sure which is worse. What happened to the British people, or board members thinking they deserved to be beaten unconscious to the ground?

Oh I'm sure that what happened to them was worse.

I was with some friends in Bali the other week and the subject of violence of locals against tourists came up. I asked how many foreign tourists got murdered each year. They had to think very hard and thought it may only be 1 or 2 maximum. Quite different to the Land of Smiles.


Per capita is needed here

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No matter who started it and who should have walked away:

Sucker punching the women right in the face and the kick to the head while she was trying to get up is entirely uncalled for.

If there was an offense by one party, the other party is supposed to retaliate with equal amount of force. In this situation, the Thais clearly used excessive and unnecessary force.

Btw, is there a death penalty in Thailand? Maybe public execution for people who do this might be a deterrent?

Public executions also tend to deter tourists.smile.png

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Cowardly mob behaviour is, in general, not only visible in Thailand.

You see the same in the Western world.

That said, mob behaviour is very well developed in Asia.

And this shameful attack will probably stop many holidaymakers and potential expats from choosing Thailand.

Meaning more jobless people.

But I wonder what would happen if in the West guys would band together to attack some Thai?

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I used to think that Thailand was a relatively safe place, but I don,t any more :( I truly believe that the disgusting behaviour of these "heroes" is caused by the fact that they are spoiled rotten from birth and led to think (apparently correctly) that they can get away with anything !

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Lewis said he was not sure why they were attacked.

“I didn’t know them, it was just random,” he said.

It wasn't 'random', they were beaten up because the mother slapped one Thai man in the face and the father punched another one while the son held him from behind. The clip being shown in the UK edits out all this, but it can be seen clearly in the full clip that the Brits throw the first punches.

Footage in Oz also has the same editing, only showing the thais throwing blows.

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I've watched the video many times and clearly there is blame to go around among the primary protagonists but I would like to make a couple of points:

1. The initial contact seemed pretty slight.

2. The son fell over himself and it almost seemed like the mother accidentally helped him on his way.

3. We don't know what the "slapee" was saying to the mother that prompted her slap. Hard to be too critical of her though in the circumstances however ill-advised.

4. "Slappee" seemed reasonably in control throughout.

5. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can justify the terrifying brutality of the kicking of the mother. The original protagonists had settled their scores whoever did what to whom first. This animal comes from nowhere to deliver his hate-filled attack. This is the image that will stay in the world's mind - and rightfully so.

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The police refused to show them the CCTV footage. Good thing there is a site called You Tube they can access from any smart phone.


What a great opportunity for Myanmar or Vietnam to offer this family a week paid holiday after this ordeal. Boost their numbers and get new British tourists.

Too funny. Like this would never happen in another country. But what an opportunity, get more quality British tourists that think they can slap drunk locals and have no consequence.

By our western standards this was an incredibly cowardly and wrong attack. Personally i would never punch any senior citizen at all let alone in the face.

However locals around the world -- Thai's included -- may see this as provocation for violence and do not discriminate about age or gender. Having an understanding of how locals think and knowing your place can save you a nights sleep on a sidewalk and a hospital bed

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Songkran, friends, is a free ticket for a small percentage of xenophobic hateful thugs to attack foreigners at will to let out all their pent up hostilities.

Because of small aggressions I experienced some 20 years ago, I learned to not go out during this "holiday".

Hear hear. My first Songkran was fun, even though I had an accident. The second was alrite, the third was meh, and every year since then I have vowed to stay indoors as much as possible.

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Police spokesman Chaiyakorn Sriladecho said the attack started after “the son accidentally bumped into one of the Thai men”.

He told the Associated Press: “The men say they are sorry and that they wouldn’t have done this if they weren’t drunk.”

What an idiotic comment from a police spokesman!

As if someone bumping into you and being drunk justifies attempted murder. They were overheard saying, 'let's get some farangs' before they were accidentally bumped into, as they claim. If the spokesman had half a brain, he would just say it was an unprovoked attack by deliquents. No one cares if this evil men claim to be sorry. If they weren't caught they would be boasting about the attack.

The victims are lucky to have survived but are likely to have neurological problems and things like detached retinas in future. I doubt their physical ordeals are over.

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Who is paying the hospital bill?

Not the victims I hope.


What some drunken cowardly Thai men can do to a 65 year old woman.

Get well soon ma'am.

Gee I am surprised I thought the visitation by TAT with flowers would do the trick. Guess not. Yes I wonder who will be stuck with the hospital bill. I hope the lady makes a speedy recovery.
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In 25 years of living working and visiting Thailand I nor any of my family have ever got into trouble,could it be that we don't go to bar areas ,at 2 in the morning ,get drunk and get into situations that can escalate,? But just live normal every day lives ,if they just shut up and moved on this would not of happened. However the Thai guys that carried it to these extremes are scum and should do time

Good for you. Therefore, by your logic, nothing ever bad happens in Thailand, thanks.

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Who is paying the hospital bill?

Not the victims I hope.


What some drunken cowardly Thai men can do to a 65 year old woman.

Get well soon ma'am.

The 2 Thai women in this picture are from Thai Tourism. Tourism is the only people concerned. Tells you something about Thailand huh.
Tourism is concerned??? yeah sure only about bad publicity and lost business it stops there.
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