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Thailand attack: British family 'vow never to return' after savage street attack


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We were watching the same video... I agree with you and so stated ... "the Thai man was touched or mildly pushed and evidently intentionally by the Owen son"[/size]

And also noted "it was not a forceful push" (Thai man push of Owen son) ... but enough to cause him to trip & fall ... it happens ... My point was/is the Owens did not deserve what they got ... but they made mistakes and Owen son's intentional tweak of Thai man's chest was the first one. Rule#2 Don't 'argue with' or provoke strangers

The son tripped over his own leg, so his fall had nothing to do with the Thai guy lightly touching his back.

Yes, he shouldn't have tweaked the Thai man's chest( if that is what he did ).

The mum shouldn't have struck the Thai man in the face.

The mum shouldn't have pulled the hair and raked the face of another Thai man who was actually trying to de-escalate the situation.

The dad shouldn't have then sly punched the Thai man in the face who was actually trying to help.

The son shouldn't have put in a head lock the Thai man who was actually trying to help.

All these things happened before the first Thai punch was thrown.

Even when the Thais had jabbed a few of them ...the family were still trying to advance on the Thais with violence in mind.

That was when the heavy violence started.

You might want to review the video again if you disagree with any of the above.

For anyone who missed the Punch of the British Man who started the fight. Justify this.


Jail all the Thais to the full extent of the law for their retaliation. Nothing can justify their actions for punch n kicking an old lady on the ground.

No excuse.

No excuse for a British Man to punch a Thai man to the ground as well.

A lot of people seem to have missed this. This is the moment that things really kick off. It is the first punch. Before this the Thai guys were unpleasant, possibly aggressive, but not violent.

Moments after this Black t-shirt #2 punches the mother in the face. That is inexcusable.

Black t-shirt #1 is being held by the son at the time this punch is thrown. After wriggling free he avenges his buddy, who is down on the ground dazed by the punch, by punching the father to the ground. Some would call this payback and justified. After kicking the father when he is down, black t-shirt #1 is then approached by the mother and the son and puts them down in what could be considered self-defence.

What happens next is sickening. The kicking and stomping on heads when someone is down is really disturbing. Unfortunately it's not the first time we have seen this in Thailand.

Nobody involved with this incident comes out of it with any great credit.

Edited by seahorse
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For those who think this won't have any impact. I am due in the UK next week interviewing staff. I have had two people withdraw saying and I quote.' Thailand is not the country that I want to live in"

I know after 15 years that this doesn't happen everyday but I have seen this mob mentality so many times when Thais jump in and punch and kick anyone, claiming a victory, outnumbering a few or single person.

Xenophobia is on the rise here and as much as you want to spin it. 99% of the people are not happy and people need to change the dark way this mob mentality culture is going. Those who have tried to defend the actions here should be ashamed of themselves and should know reasonable force. All it would have taken s a couple of able westerners to show these low life a bit of comeback and the whole Thai population would have been up in arms. Instead they have gone silent, as usual, pretending it didn't happen.

Where I am from these men would be described as, in stronger words as a toilet in a house. It is not just these at fault but the people who have blocked its existence and those keeping quiet. Blind obedience is not a defence or an excuse.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.

Really? ......not to Push, slap and punch Thai guys......?? Where did u get that from???

The men arrested confess to being drunk & violent when they set up 3 harmless British tourists who were strolling past.

Try not to sound anal.

Yeah, and the 2 Burmese boys confessed to murder, right???

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The lao gik attack was much worse imho.

Especially since the police are already admitting they are willingly to do nothing despite knowing exactly who ordered it.

Can you provide more info about where you saw that the police are willing to do nothing to help the Lao women who was repeatedly kicked in the face by several Thai men? I have read often that by and large Thai citizens get off free or with very minor charges when they brutally attack foreigners, so I just want to know if this is another one of those cases?

Edited by steve654
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Thailand is a great place to live. I have been married here 7 years and have two children. I have a fantastic wife. I live in the countryside in the south a few hours north of the Malay border. The Thai family treat me well. I don't go to the tourist trap areas. I don't drink in those places especially not late at night. You risk meeting bad people who are looking for trouble.

I also have a home in the UK. It is a great place too. I don't drink in places where you get people looking for trouble. Also not late a night. My home is in the countryside.

I must say that I feel much much safer in Thailand. Especially away from the big cities. In the UK there is more aggression. People looking for trouble. More confrontation. Mostly bravado. Mostly bullshit.

In Thailand if you stay away from the tourist areas, if you are not drunk in public, if you treat people with respect; then you will be OK and have a good time.

In Thailand when Thais fight then they fight to kill. They carry guns. They carry a knife.

Never fight in Thailand unless your life absolutely depends on it.

If a Thai is looking for trouble (usually they are drunk or have mental health problems) then walk away. They rarely pursue you.

Get out of the cities in Thailand and see the real Thailand. Its beautiful !

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Thailand is a great place to live. I have been married here 7 years and have two children. I have a fantastic wife. I live in the countryside in the south a few hours north of the Malay border. The Thai family treat me well. I don't go to the tourist trap areas. I don't drink in those places especially not late at night. You risk meeting bad people who are looking for trouble.

I also have a home in the UK. It is a great place too. I don't drink in places where you get people looking for trouble. Also not late a night. My home is in the countryside.

I must say that I feel much much safer in Thailand. Especially away from the big cities. In the UK there is more aggression. People looking for trouble. More confrontation. Mostly bravado. Mostly bullshit.

In Thailand if you stay away from the tourist areas, if you are not drunk in public, if you treat people with respect; then you will be OK and have a good time.

In Thailand when Thais fight then they fight to kill. They carry guns. They carry a knife.

Never fight in Thailand unless your life absolutely depends on it.

If a Thai is looking for trouble (usually they are drunk or have mental health problems) then walk away. They rarely pursue you.

Get out of the cities in Thailand and see the real Thailand. Its beautiful !

Walking away worked out very well for the Lao women!

Edited by steve654
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We were watching the same video... I agree with you and so stated ... "the Thai man was touched or mildly pushed and evidently intentionally by the Owen son"[/size]

And also noted "it was not a forceful push" (Thai man push of Owen son) ... but enough to cause him to trip & fall ... it happens ... My point was/is the Owens did not deserve what they got ... but they made mistakes and Owen son's intentional tweak of Thai man's chest was the first one. Rule#2 Don't 'argue with' or provoke strangers

The son tripped over his own leg, so his fall had nothing to do with the Thai guy lightly touching his back.

Yes, he shouldn't have tweaked the Thai man's chest( if that is what he did ).

The mum shouldn't have struck the Thai man in the face.

The mum shouldn't have pulled the hair and raked the face of another Thai man who was actually trying to de-escalate the situation.

The dad shouldn't have then sly punched the Thai man in the face who was actually trying to help.

The son shouldn't have put in a head lock the Thai man who was actually trying to help.

All these things happened before the first Thai punch was thrown.

Even when the Thais had jabbed a few of them ...the family were still trying to advance on the Thais with violence in mind.

That was when the heavy violence started.

You might want to review the video again if you disagree with any of the above.

For anyone who missed the Punch of the British Man who started the fight. Justify this.


Jail all the Thais to the full extent of the law for their retaliation. Nothing can justify their actions for punch n kicking an old lady on the ground.

No excuse.

No excuse for a British Man to punch a Thai man to the ground as well.

Thank you for making that. 99% of people have completely missed that this happened. The father PUNCHED THE THAI GUY IN THE FACE before any violence from the Thais began. In addition to the mother's slap earlier, which was not responded to immediately. But a man punching someone is not going to be ignored

No excuse for kicking people while they are down, but these Brits are the ones who initiated the violence.

Unfortunately, this part of the video has been completely edited out of the clip being shown overseas. The British tabloids cuts the video just before the mother slaps, and restarted the video just after the father throws his punch. That is the video being shown world wide right now.

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Timing and description from my post above is taken from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsbE7Gku5iU

But that is not the full video: it edits out the full kick to the face of the mother as she is trying to stand, ie the most appalling bit of the whole thing.

There's clearly a kick to the face of the mother in the video above, are you telling me that the kick to the face at 1:55 in the video above is not the only kick to the face? After they ran away, did they come back and kick her in the face again?

Again, let me clearly state that I in no way condone what the thugs did to this family - simply stating the facts that the Welsh family started it in no way condones, justifies, excuses, or otherwise supports what the Thai thugs did. I am stunned by the ridiculous comments in this thread, and the other thread about the Laotian girl being set upon by weak Thai thugs, labelling us who have carefully watched the full video some vile names and accusations. It begs the question, why? Why won't people allow themselves to accept the Welsh family started it? It can be done without condoning the Thai thugs' response, and still being disgusted buy the mob mentality and sickening brutality, so there has to be a deeper motive...

I understand the emotions, you should've seen the expletives and profanities I wrote to my mate after seeing the first edited video! But the very fact that that first video was clearly edited made me look for an unedited version. And, I think, therein lies the difference, most people want to see Welsh=right, Thais=wrong, so get vehemently aggressive at those who see Welsh=wrong, Thais=more wrong. The video above does show the kicks and stompings, and unlike the videos shown in the UK press, also shows the mum slapping first, and the father punching the same guy (which is also the only part in the video where any drink gets spilled). Those facts are there on the video, they can't be refuted, but they are being ignored so it's easier to bash the Thai thugs (who do deserve a good actual bashing). The response here on TV is all very interesting.

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Soccer kicking a grandmother in the face while she is down is something that one just never imagines anyone would ever be capable of doing. It is making world news in a hurry and won't be forgotten easily by anyone.

Yeah, kinda like the 2 teenage Thai boys that kicked the pregnant Thai woman off her bike, breaking her leg. Then proceeded to drag her into the bushes and rape her, even though she begged them to stop because she was pregnant.

But that story didn't get much play, did it? Guess it wasn't so important as she was merely a Thai.

Strange how farang seem to prioritise things in their own favour, makes me wanna puke!

And yeah, I'm English, and not proud of it! Seen enough Brits on the piss to last me a lifetime…

The attack on the tourists is such big news because there is a video of the attack, and it is very graphic and very disturbing.

Take away the CCTV footage and the current feeling of disgust and outrage does not exist in the same way.

Take away the CCTV and I'd probably be as disgusted as everyone else. However, because of the CCTV footage, it's plain to see that the farangs are in fact not without blame.

The issue for me is not the level of violence used, ‘yes very terrible’, but the fact that the farang have been constantly described as completely innocent in this matter.

And as a point of fact, the level of violence used is not only common place for Thais against Thais, but anyone else that also chooses to pick a fight with them.

Surely by now we are all aware that the Thais are simply too tightly wrapped, so why push, slap and punch them, and then assume the stance of the injured party?

As a nation of people who are trained from birth to suppress their emotions, Thais have absolutely no skill at negotiating confrontational situations. And not unlike a can of soda, simply explode when shaken then opened.

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Yes, but let's keep it in perspective.

The amount of people who visit Thailand every year is around 30 million, about the same as the entire population of Australia.

Throw in drink, drugs, having affairs with prostitutes, who "cheat" (done it myselfcrazy.gif , not being judgmental), people swimming regardless of red flags, living in high-rises with balconies, riding motorbikes with no crash helmet, coupled with the easy-going way of life here, combined with a lax rule of law.

I am in no way defending or excusing what happened to these people, but with 30 million people visiting, is the death/injury rate really that high here?

Every single days, we read stories about tourists in thailand who get




heavily assaulted

thrown by the balcony


The only difference this time, we have a video. So they can not cover up as usual!

thailand is a dangerous country, share this information with your friends and family. Because the thai govt and thai police dont care. These people just want our money!

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Whichever version of the video you watch, people around the world will be left with one lasting image. That of the woman being kicked in the face. I know it's been said before, many times but Thailand really does need to be seen to be taking this seriously.

Yes, it is shocking. Fortunately, we didn't have the complete vision of those two young British lads back in the early 90's taking the young toddler on the railway tracks to have his life end in the most appaling way. But we didn't blame all British people for it did we?

Any sort of violence needs to be taken seriously, whatever the country.

Totally agree, we just couldn't accept that two of our own kids could be capable of doing something like that.

Bit like the Thais not wanting to accept one of theirs could murder and rape the innocent?

Edited by blistering blue barnacles
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The pensioners acted like a pair of rseholes so they got treated like a pair of rseholes

Not exactly rocket science.

I'm guessing most of the outraged posters on here didn't watch or understand what happened in the video...instead just read the lies in the British media looking to push buttons to shift copy.

Yeah right, that's why we think the beating of pensioners is the action of low life scum.

I seem to recall granny bashing being quite the popular thing in the UK not so long ago? And, the naughty little tikes even videoing the whole event with their mobiles!

Nothing like a spot of double standards though, eh?

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For anyone who missed the Punch of the British Man who started the fight.

I have no idea which video you are watching, but the father throws that punch long after his son is knocked down and after his wife begins to get jostled after going into a mean mama bear mode. I can't tell how hard the son was hit, but it looks like a blind side shove and he goes down hard. Doesn't take much to knock someone down with a blind side shove. Both sides can be blamed for over reacting at that point but no excuses for the behavior of the individuals who continued to assault after the people were down on the ground.

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i reported this story the morning after the attack. But TV locked the thread right away.

I was trying to warn others about the attack as there was one more night of Songkran in Hua Hin.

I contacted TV but no reply.

Seems to me that the guy who locked the thread gave his reasons and confirmed that he would re open the thread once a credible news source confirmed the story, can't see what he did wrong.

Without a reliable and verifiable news source, this can only be regarded as rumour.


If someone can provide the evidence, from a verifiable source perhaps it can be re-opened.

Eerrr...isn't TVF owned by some self proclaimed ace fantastic news media company? Shouldn't it be their job to be their own verifiable news source?

It's a bit like the po-lease saying we'll arrest the suspect sir if you can provide us with evidence and build the case. Perhaps then you can also organise the court case, make the judge a nice cuppa tea, mop the floors for us, and do my laundry. Then I might get off my fat lazy arse.

Edited by BlindMagician
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What some drunken cowardly Thai men can do to a 65 year old woman.

Get well soon ma'am.

photo caption:

"Here are some flowers. Ka. Do you still have double vision? You are so lucky, we have a discount on brain surgery at Bangkok Hospital this week. 30% off. Ka. And next time, use your right arm more to block a kick to the head. Ka."

I never comment on threads where someone died,,I think it's distasteful and none of a strangers business. That said fortunately these people lived and your caption is funny as heck to me sitting in the U.S. having a cocktail at the moment. Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes.
They should also post a before and after pic of the 65 yr old that helped her family be Knockout..

She looks pretty much the same!!

As the world sees the kick to the face, then sees her sitting on her hospital bed.

It makes it look like she was beat with an ugly stick as well.

Making it look like an even more brutal kick!

I will continue to state!

No matter what the deplorable thing this Thai guy did.

This entire family went Coo-Coo FIRST! -- And they all took shots at the faces of Thai people...

Where/When is this consider a legal thing to do?

Just because they were on vacation in Thailand, does not give them the right to assault the locals!

Justice needs to go both ways!

Not the... "They got beat up" so they were already punished BS!

At the minimum, all 3 members of this family should make a public apology for their stupidity..

Edited by D3030
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The pensioners acted like a pair of rseholes so they got treated like a pair of rseholes

Not exactly rocket science.

I'm guessing most of the outraged posters on here didn't watch or understand what happened in the video...instead just read the lies in the British media looking to push buttons to shift copy.

What amazes me is that you are able to even push the on button to your tablet/phone/computer. It might not be rocket science to most, but to you it probably is.

How was Remedial class?

Your sole contribution to the discussion appears to be name calling.

I think that means I won before we even got started.

It's Amazing the things you learn in remedial class, you should try it sometime.

A for attendance, F in your tests...both of you, now back to school.

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Slap over the wrist for a brutal assault but 15 years in prison for insulting a dog = Thailand.

Shows another example of how gutless and cowardly Thais are. Living under repression they take it out on foreigners who they are soooo jealous of but do not have the brains or guts to lift themselves out of the endless propaganda and repression they have lived under all their lives. Don't go, far nicer places in the world.

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According to reports in the Thai press, the authorities are now trying to determine who leaked the CCTV footage, as this action has caused Thailand to look bad. This is usually step 1; find/shoot the messenger.

(I thought it was the police who released the CCTV footage in order to help identify the Thai lads who were practicing their traditional Thai fighting skills?)

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According to reports in the Thai press, the authorities are now trying to determine who leaked the CCTV footage, as this action has caused Thailand to look bad. This is usually step 1; find/shoot the messenger.

(I thought it was the police who released the CCTV footage in order to help identify the Thai lads who were practicing their traditional Thai fighting skills?)

The truth often is bad. Another aspect that I really would like to change here in society is the lack of taking responsibility and always looking to blame others. The authorities should 'man up'.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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Thailand is a great place to live. I have been married here 7 years and have two children. I have a fantastic wife. I live in the countryside in the south a few hours north of the Malay border. The Thai family treat me well. I don't go to the tourist trap areas. I don't drink in those places especially not late at night. You risk meeting bad people who are looking for trouble.

I also have a home in the UK. It is a great place too. I don't drink in places where you get people looking for trouble. Also not late a night. My home is in the countryside.

I must say that I feel much much safer in Thailand. Especially away from the big cities. In the UK there is more aggression. People looking for trouble. More confrontation. Mostly bravado. Mostly bullshit.

In Thailand if you stay away from the tourist areas, if you are not drunk in public, if you treat people with respect; then you will be OK and have a good time.

In Thailand when Thais fight then they fight to kill. They carry guns. They carry a knife.

Never fight in Thailand unless your life absolutely depends on it.

If a Thai is looking for trouble (usually they are drunk or have mental health problems) then walk away. They rarely pursue you.

Get out of the cities in Thailand and see the real Thailand. Its beautiful !

Walking away worked out very well for the Lao women!

This was a targeted hit, not a street fight.

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According to reports in the Thai press, the authorities are now trying to determine who leaked the CCTV footage, as this action has caused Thailand to look bad. This is usually step 1; find/shoot the messenger.

(I thought it was the police who released the CCTV footage in order to help identify the Thai lads who were practicing their traditional Thai fighting skills?)

I wonder how many days or man hours it will take the police to find the leak? It took over 10 days to find all the culprits. Priorities just don't seem right to me.

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What type of thugs would attack an elderly couple. If caught, they need a nice 15-20 year sentence in that infamous Bangkok Prison! They might think twice before doing that again!

They, the Thai attackers, have all been caught.

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Thank goodness the British media and others have well publicized this tragic and brutal attack.

Yes. Let this be a warning to tourists not to push, slap and punch Thai guys because they can be brutal when provoked.

Yep providing they outnumber you and are battling old pensioners. Brave heroes aren't they just.

I think that's exactly the point. It's another part of the world with parts that for whatever reason have been slower in evolution than other parts of the planet. How safe anyone is at any given time depends on which theory of evolution they believe in and how hard it will be to differentiate between animal and human wherever they're going. I guess there's a reason so many homes are like cages.

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What type of thugs would attack an elderly couple. If caught, they need a nice 15-20 year sentence in that infamous Bangkok Prison! They might think twice before doing that again!

They, the Thai attackers, have all been caught.

That's step 1. Now we'll see what consequences they reap, if any.

For the family vowing never to return to Thailand, I agree with them. Not because of what happened- but because of what's going to happen. Or more accurately, what's probably not going to happen.

Edit: Which, BTW is great for the bad guys. If they never return to Thailand, who's going to testify?

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The pensioners acted like a pair of rseholes so they got treated like a pair of rseholes

Not exactly rocket science.

I'm guessing most of the outraged posters on here didn't watch or understand what happened in the video...instead just read the lies in the British media looking to push buttons to shift copy.

What amazes me is that you are able to even push the on button to your tablet/phone/computer. It might not be rocket science to most, but to you it probably is.

How was Remedial class?

Your sole contribution to the discussion appears to be name calling.

I think that means I won before we even got started.

It's Amazing the things you learn in remedial class, you should try it sometime.

A lot of people have a moral compass, it helps seeing what is right, and what is wrong. Some people also only choose to see what they want to believe.

The apologists, and you are one of those seem to think that the tourists are to blame. Hmm, walking down the street and getting pushed over......getting pushe, punched and kicked, yep looks good.

Edited by Cockwomble
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For anyone who missed the Punch of the British Man who started the fight.

I have no idea which video you are watching, but the father throws that punch long after his son is knocked down and after his wife begins to get jostled after going into a mean mama bear mode. I can't tell how hard the son was hit, but it looks like a blind side shove and he goes down hard. Doesn't take much to knock someone down with a blind side shove. Both sides can be blamed for over reacting at that point but no excuses for the behavior of the individuals who continued to assault after the people were down on the ground.


00:18 "Slapee" accidentally bumps into the son, who pushes him away

00:20 Slapee pushes son

00:50 Mother slaps "slapee"

01:13 Father punches "slapee"

01:16 Black shirt #2 punches mother

01:30 Black shirt #1 punches father

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