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Thai gang attack on Laotian 'gik' - graphic violence caught on tape


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"Peace and Order", as defined by the junta has nothing to do with the maintenance of "law and order" within the community. It is about re-enforcing and entrenching a hierarchy of control over the nation so that an outdated and crumbling class system, increasingly disregarded by those at the bottom, can be enforced, and kept in place by the naked threat of force.. This keeps the established elites at the top, and keeps the revenues and wealth of the country in their hands. It ignores the breakdown in the "lower echelons of society". The Police force is corrupted, and unable/unwilling to act to stop it -preferring rewards and photo opportunities receiving flowers from Tourist Boards. That the Police are so ineffective is essentially a benefit to those in power, it emasculates a large organisation,which could act as a check on their power.

And as for the rule of law - The Law is what they say, on it seems an almost daily basis. Such judicial protections as exist are circumvented by extrajudicial "invitations", summary military courts and if necessary good old fashioned snatching people off the streets.

This sort of attack, along with the Hua Hin incident, could always have occurred in Thailand, (or for that matter anywhere else). They always have. The breakdowns in the basic structures of society have increased there likelihood.so they will probably increase. Those who are involved in such attacks are to a large extent emulating their rulers. They know that their rulers hold the law in contempt. They know that their rulers are not bothered unless it directly impinges upon them. They know that no real efforts will be made to catch or prevent them, or to bring them to justice.

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The main reason that I will not return to Thailand next season is that personal safety is now almost impossible to predict and is at an all time low since coming here many years ago.

Life is not improving for the average Thai and it only stands to reason that life will not improve for farangs.

Maltreatment and crimes against farangs has been shown to be following an exponential growth curve.

Comments made by farangs in numerous TV forums bear witness and testament to this phenomena.

I wish all TV participants best of luck in escaping unscathed from what is quickly becoming a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, and acts of violence (which for the most part seldom are found to significantly punish the perpetrators)

I'll return to Cambodia.

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Yep, for elderly bridge players, wet T shirts during Songkran, mushroom pickers, foreigner's J walking etc., keep up the good work and Thailand's problems will be sorted very shortly.

What a <deleted> joke.

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The world is watching -Thailand !

There is far too much negative news about Thailand these days - which dwarfs the occasional good news story of a shop worker or other kind sole returning someone lost money or lost merchandise !

Here's an equation that needs urgent attention in Thailand : Punishment v Crime. = Deterrent.

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The main reason that I will not return to Thailand next season is that personal safety is now almost impossible to predict and is at an all time low since coming here many years ago.

Life is not improving for the average Thai and it only stands to reason that life will not improve for farangs.

Maltreatment and crimes against farangs has been shown to be following an exponential growth curve.

Comments made by farangs in numerous TV forums bear witness and testament to this phenomena.

I wish all TV participants best of luck in escaping unscathed from what is quickly becoming a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, and acts of violence (which for the most part seldom are found to significantly punish the perpetrators)

I'll return to Cambodia.

That is such utter, and completely ridiculous hogwash. To say Cambodia is safer for a foreigner than Thailand, is a bit like saying Wyoming is more liberal than Oregon, or Libya has better salmon fishing than Alaska. Thailand remains incredibly safe for foreigners. The number of attacks remains incredibly low. A few incidents do not imply the nation has become dangerous for foreigners. Not even close. Exponential growth of violence against foreigners? Would you care to back that up with statistical analysis, or some sort of evidence?

When you said a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, jealousy and acts of violence, I thought you were talking about the US, or Europe.

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Look at Vietnamese history, especially that of the last millennium or so. virtually every 'superpower' has had a pop from the Mongols, the French Colonial Empire, The Mandarins from China, to the Americans and even the Russians only to be stoutly resisted by the (often outnumbered and outgunned) Vietnamese.

Yup and the Thais lasted 7 hours before surrendering to the Japanese!

I'd be careful about mistaking individual toughness with a ruling class's willingness to send an awful lot of their countrymen to die for their rulers' convictions (and bank accounts).

Edited by impulse
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About the right odds for a Thai man fight 8 men against 1 woman I bet the parents of the men must be so proud see how our boys won another fight easily

Send these guys to try the same thing to Liverpool (UK) and see how tough they really are. They will if they are lucky just be in hospital for a long time

I am certain you are correct about that. Same goes for Vietnam, the Philippines, South Africa, and many other places. These little insects would not last a full minute against any capable street fighter. There is a reason why they fight in packs. When is the last time you have witnessed a Thai man fighting solo, without weapons, outside of a Muay Thai ring? It so rarely happens. These punks would probably lose to a 15 year old girl, one on one.

Do you live in a tourist area? Are you a tourist?

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It would be interesting to see what level of education these "thugs" attained (meaning - all such thugs that engage in this type of thuggish behaviour). As well as photographing them and the usual finger pointing that takes place, it would be interesting for the police, courts and media to also report their level of education. There is probably a common denominator in many ( but not all ) cases of this type of behaviour.

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More Thai excrement, not been a good week for Thailand.

Says a lot about the people of a nation when trouble comes.

I sure would not like to get in trouble in Thailand, your very much on your own.

One day the people of Laos, Cambodia, Burma etc will have their revenge of the way the majority of the Thai people treat them, and I for one look forward to it.

Do you know anything of Thai history?

The sacking of Ayutthaya for example?

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As with the Koh Tao debacle (we all know who did it), I am very surprised Prayut is not stringing these types up. He seems angry and concerned with trivial things, like people asking questions. Big repercussions, such as 20 hard years in gaol for guys who beat women, will have these weak types think twice.

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Thai men..spinelss cowards..non have them have the ability to fight one on one....ts because they are weak cowards and can't fight for themselves..and then to have to send a group?..to fight a girl?...Boy that says a lot...

Ever watched a muay Thai fight?


OK Mook....let me more specific for you...outside of a sanctioned Muay Thai match..where the fighting, like this one is done in the streets...they are bloody spineless cowards ..a pack of lowfife MEN..attacking a 38 kilo woman????...are you kidding me?...they cannot fight anyone of the street one on one..impossible even someone physically inferior they cannot do...pure puke!

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As with the Koh Tao debacle (we all know who did it), I am very surprised Prayut is not stringing these types up. He seems angry and concerned with trivial things, like people asking questions. Big repercussions, such as 20 hard years in gaol for guys who beat women, will have these weak types think twice.

How can they make a law like this, the feminists would go crazy!

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The main reason that I will not return to Thailand next season is that personal safety is now almost impossible to predict and is at an all time low since coming here many years ago.

Life is not improving for the average Thai and it only stands to reason that life will not improve for farangs.

Maltreatment and crimes against farangs has been shown to be following an exponential growth curve.

Comments made by farangs in numerous TV forums bear witness and testament to this phenomena.

I wish all TV participants best of luck in escaping unscathed from what is quickly becoming a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, and acts of violence (which for the most part seldom are found to significantly punish the perpetrators)

I'll return to Cambodia.

I only know one kind of "tourist" that goes to Cambodia after Thailand and frankly, Thailand is better off without them.

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Thai men..spinelss cowards..non have them have the ability to fight one on one....ts because they are weak cowards and can't fight for themselves..and then to have to send a group?..to fight a girl?...Boy that says a lot...

Ever watched a muay Thai fight?


OK Mook....let me more specific for you...outside of a sanctioned Muay Thai match..where the fighting, like this one is done in the streets...they are bloody spineless cowards ..a pack of lowfife MEN..attacking a 38 kilo woman????...are you kidding me?...they cannot fight anyone of the street one on one..impossible even someone physically inferior they cannot do...pure puke!

true but fighting is ALWAYS wrong unless it's self-defence (matter of life and death that is). i don't believe in this fairytale of a "fair" fight. avoiding fights, eating your pride, go away and do the most intelligent thing is the only FAIR way of dealing with it.

the footage shown is disgusting but unfortunately this is how we humans are and not just thai. the woman is a lao prostitute defined as "geek" in the article simply because the guy saw her often. whores are referred to as geek or even gf in thailand if you see (pay) them regularly. prostitutes are considered low by most thai women, add to that this woman being lao (or khmen, or bpama), AKA lower-beings, is a recipe for disaster.

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Those asking why nobody helped would do well to read about the three Thai men jailed for murder in Australia.

They stalked and killed a man who intervened when they'd ganged up on someone else.

They were studying in Australia, which isn't cheap. So maybe those claiming hi-so educated Thais never behave that way.

First they said they were acting in self defense after a racist attack, then they said they were sorry. There mums said they were nice boys, but they still went to jail.

It must of seemed unfair.

Why do so many Thais believe a high level of education is needed to differ basic bright from wrong? And why do so many farang go along with it?

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A gang of thugs in the UK wouldn't kick the crap out of a female pensioner or petite female.

One of my neighbours, a frail lonely lady of nearly 90 who was so kind and lovely. She answered her front door to some thug who forced his way in, shoved her to the ground smashing her hip. Ignoring her wails of agony, stepped over her and tried to burgle her house (apart from a few pounds cash there was nothing else worth taking). He stepped over her again on his way out and ran away. A week later she died in hospital of complications arising from her broken hip. He didn't kill her, it wasn't a gang but he was callous in the extreme and violent towards someone who was defenceless.

Tell me again how wonderful and honourable thugs are in the UK.

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A gang of thugs in the UK wouldn't kick the crap out of a female pensioner or petite female.

One of my neighbours, a frail lonely lady of nearly 90 who was so kind and lovely. She answered her front door to some thug who forced his way in, shoved her to the ground smashing her hip. Ignoring her wails of agony, stepped over her and tried to burgle her house (apart from a few pounds cash there was nothing else worth taking). He stepped over her again on his way out and ran away. A week later she died in hospital of complications arising from her broken hip. He didn't kill her, it wasn't a gang but he was callous in the extreme and violent towards someone who was defenceless.

Tell me again how wonderful and honourable thugs are in the UK.

Exactly, the people making a big deal are not happy living in Thailand and jump at the chance to bring her down.

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The main reason that I will not return to Thailand next season is that personal safety is now almost impossible to predict and is at an all time low since coming here many years ago.

Life is not improving for the average Thai and it only stands to reason that life will not improve for farangs.

Maltreatment and crimes against farangs has been shown to be following an exponential growth curve.

Comments made by farangs in numerous TV forums bear witness and testament to this phenomena.

I wish all TV participants best of luck in escaping unscathed from what is quickly becoming a boiling pot of discontent, jealousy, and acts of violence (which for the most part seldom are found to significantly punish the perpetrators)

I'll return to Cambodia.

I only know one kind of "tourist" that goes to Cambodia after Thailand and frankly, Thailand is better off without them.

Possibly the most pompous, ridiculous bit of nonsense I've ever read here. well done. takes some doing for here. Well done for being bell-end of the week...which in this week, of all weeks really takes some doing.....

How on earth is that statement pompous?

The truth hurts buddy but face it it is the losers that can't afford to stay in Pattaya that usually end up moving to Cambodia and I'll let you in on a secret, it ain't for the temples!

Can we assume you are in Pattaya and not interested in temples?

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I only know one kind of "tourist" that goes to Cambodia after Thailand and frankly, Thailand is better off without them.

Possibly the most pompous, ridiculous bit of nonsense I've ever read here. well done. takes some doing for here. Well done for being bell-end of the week...which in this week, of all weeks really takes some doing.....

How on earth is that statement pompous?

The truth hurts buddy but face it it is the losers that can't afford to stay in Pattaya that usually end up moving to Cambodia and I'll let you in on a secret, it ain't for the temples!

Can we assume you are in Pattaya and not interested in temples?

He's probably wishing he was in Cambodia and not stuck in some 4000B a month shack on the 'Darkside'.....

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Where are the idiots who want to find ways of justifying this kind of violence?

I mean really - what kind of mentality? Someone asks you to beat up a woman for money so you grab a load of mates to help you. I can't help but feel that this was less about the money and more about having an excuse to inflict pain on another human being. That's very scary and sad.

Sadly, brutish behaviour towards women is common fare on Thai soaps. Why the military government which portrays itself as a champion of morality hasn't clamped down television providing such sorry male role models to the Thai audience is a mystery to me - unless the subjugation of females is a part of Thai culture considered worthy of being valued and cherished. BTW, the many episodes of women being brutalised on the Thai soaps is one of the many reasons why I don't have a TV, as I don't take kindly to this kind of degradation. .

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The Police know that the attack was ordered by the Thai woman.

Why is she not arrested for hiring somebody to cause bodily harm to another person?

Something very fishy going on here.

Entertainment venue = Brothel

Gik = Prostitute

Nuff said..........

Not enough said, a Gik is a sexual encounter like a "one night stand" can be with any member of sex. Can be with a prostitute, "friends with benefits", etc. Basically sex with anyone not a regular partner.

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