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is Thailand a good place to find true love?


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Where shall I start, Pattaya aka Sin City known for prostitution and rowdy bars with a population of what 500,000 + and you can't find girls who speak English besides bar girls well how about trying Bangkok with population of 12 million people. Might have a few who speak English there. I went to watch a movie in Central Lad Prao yesterday ----movie in Eng (no Thai subtitles) . Theater was almost full , maybe 40 farangs in it so that means every Thai person in there spoke English ( or they would not have been able to understand the movie ) All thru the mall there are girls , office workers , university and Gov workers who speak English!

You can also try Googling Expats Clubs in Bangkok or Internations Bangkok , there are clubs with members from all over the world and yes Thailand as well who all speak English.

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A decent Thai lady is not genuinely interested with you because you came to Thailand to have sex.

I am also 42, been with my wife for 3 years and never paid a single baht for anything, even the wedding.

I hope that answers your question.

She supports you and pays for everything. Really?

I agree with you ,I find that very hard to believe.

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Asking for "real" or true love in Pattaya is like looking for a Rib Eye steak in Mcdonalds.!

Its good for fast food, "quick n easy" and usually pretty cheap.

A good "steak" is harder to find but worth the effort. thumbsup.gif

Get away from the typical "tourist hunting ground" and go look for the real thing in the real Thailand.

Oh, I get it Black Ops, you're using covert-speak.

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The OP's original question:

is Thailand a good place to find true love?


As has already been stated ad nauseum, "Thai ladies aren't particularly interested in farangs- unless they're seeking financial security."

I have been in Thailand for 8+ years. Went to "Thai-School" for a year and learned enough Thai to get my needs met. Traveled nearly

everywhere in Thailand and seen numerous Thai/Farang couples. For the most part, they only exist because they are based on the

Thai societal version of what we in the west would classify as "codependence." (- Over dependence on others to make you happy.)

I have been in a relationship with a wonderful ("office") lady for 5 years here in Bangkok. Even after 5 years, and me speaking (limited) Thai

and her speaking comparatively advanced English, there are still communication and cultural barriers that make "True Love," (whatever that

means to you,) - difficult.

Learn to enjoy your solitude and when you can share a "happy-time" with someone - RELISH IT!

Hope this helps, wai2.gif

While, I have never found true love with a Thai; perhaps my almost 40 years with my Filipina got in the way. However, I know many farang-Thai relationships which I would rate true-love. The common thread for these relationships seems to be the majority of the Thai wives were not former bargirls and were from middle-class Thai families.

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A decent Thai lady is not genuinely interested with you because you came to Thailand to have sex.

I am also 42, been with my wife for 3 years and never paid a single baht for anything, even the wedding.

I hope that answers your question.

She supports you and pays for everything. Really?

I agree with you ,I find that very hard to believe.

That's because, it's.............unbelievable!

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A decent Thai lady is not genuinely interested with you because you came to Thailand to have sex.

I am also 42, been with my wife for 3 years and never paid a single baht for anything, even the wedding.

I hope that answers your question.

She supports you and pays for everything. Really?

Ok, I will gladly go through this again... because it;s so much fun.

No. I pay for outings. That's my thanks to her for.....

Living rent free in her house.

Supplying me with free health insurance.

Putting 1 million for sinsod.

Her parents taking care of the wedding.

Depositing 400k in my bank account for marriage extension....

Sweet deal! I only got window tints, bed-liner and first class insurance thrown in when I bought mine.

What make/model is yours?

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I once met an American man and his Thai boyfriend that were the most in love couple I have ever met, so I guess you can find true love in Thailand - but I am sure, most of the 'true love' is pity for the 'poor Thai Girls', marriage of conveniences, marriage for long term Visa purposes, or setting up a business. "True Love", I would like to know the definition........I have been with the same woman for almost twenty years, are we in Love?? I haven't a clue, but it feels good, so guess thats all we can ask for in life. wai2.gif

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A decent Thai lady is not genuinely interested with you because you came to Thailand to have sex.

I am also 42, been with my wife for 3 years and never paid a single baht for anything, even the wedding.

I hope that answers your question.

She supports you and pays for everything. Really?

Ok, I will gladly go through this again... because it;s so much fun.

No. I pay for outings. That's my thanks to her for.....

Living rent free in her house.

Supplying me with free health insurance.

Putting 1 million for sinsod.

Her parents taking care of the wedding.

Depositing 400k in my bank account for marriage extension....

How the hell do you live with yourself, ???? maybe you dream a lot...

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A decent Thai lady is not genuinely interested with you because you came to Thailand to have sex.

I am also 42, been with my wife for 3 years and never paid a single baht for anything, even the wedding.

I hope that answers your question.

She supports you and pays for everything. Really?

Ok, I will gladly go through this again... because it;s so much fun.

No. I pay for outings. That's my thanks to her for.....

Living rent free in her house.

Supplying me with free health insurance.

Putting 1 million for sinsod.

Her parents taking care of the wedding.

Depositing 400k in my bank account for marriage extension....

How the hell do you live with yourself, ???? maybe you dream a lot...

It's rather easy. I wake up every day knowing that the girl I married isn't with me for money. It's really quite a normal affair elsewhere on the planet.

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this seems like a troll post, 'looking for love in pattaya' ; though, i've heard pattaya has changed.

leave true love to justin beiber. if your serious, in wanting what? marriage and children? then, "never make a pretty woman your wife", being an equal is one reason to leave farang-land, you can read that book :



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I largely rebuilt , modernised and furnished my wife's house as a gentleman's residence .

You mean, you remodeled to have an indoor toilet??? tongue.png

I appreciate your subtle humour ! No , there was already quite a superior indoor Thai bathroom . I changed the squat toilet for a sit down flush one . I had piping fitted , a water tank , water pump and hot or cold shower , connection for automatic washing machine . The former upstairs barn is now two spaceous bedrooms each with bathroom en-suite . Lolbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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so, it wasn't humorous, it was prescient

I largely rebuilt , modernised and furnished my wife's house as a gentleman's residence .

You mean, you remodeled to have an indoor toilet??? tongue.png

I appreciate your subtle humour ! No , there was already quite a superior indoor Thai bathroom . I changed the squat toilet for a sit down flush one . I had piping fitted , a water tank , water pump and hot or cold shower , connection for automatic washing machine . The former upstairs barn is now two spaceous bedrooms each with bathroom en-suite . Lolbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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True love is same pure friend, it does not exist.

There are no friends, we just share some good moments of friendship said Jules Renard.

I think love is the sum of good times shared and mutual services:

- Washing my clothes, I fix your car.

- You want to have fun, play together.

- You want a child too, together.

- Are you bored alone, talking.

- You're cold, come against me

- You need a trusted person, it will be me.

- My strength for your harmony.

- My comfort for your youth.

- My knowledge for your vigor


And then you get attached to each other, a little more every day ...

Those who find no partner are those who want to receive more than they can give. Or worse, those who have nothing to give.

In conclusion, one can find a soul mate in Thailand on condition precise to need that Thai Women has to offer.

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Chanches of find true love are as a big or small as any other nation. It's silly to think that people the world over are really that different from eachother. People want a roof over there heads, good food on their plate, happiness and often a bit more money to make things easier (sadly turning some into monsters in order to gain more power or money).

Just be yourself, follow heart and brain and true love will find you. It could be anyhwere, at any time, hitting you when you least expect it.

If somebody told me "you'll soon find yourself with a girl from Thailand" I'd have laughed, and my Thai love would have thought the same if anybody told her she'd meet a nice farang. You don't go looking for love or take a check list, having all sort of expectations. Expectations may only result in dissapointments. Expect nothing, search for nothing, let love and happiness find you by staying cheerful and see what crosses your path.

Edit: and when true love find you, you will laugh about the people who think in boxes and tags such as what is "typiclly Thai/German/British" etc. to expain the behaviour of an indvidual, specifically the spouse. Do you do what you do because you are *insert nationality* ? Ofcourse not, and if you and your partner are willing to do anything to be with eachother and please eachother, will you need excuses regarding "culture" or such silly things? No. Love, respect, a shared heart and mind, it has no such barriers!

I found true love in a small village when I least expected it. It was just my lucky day.

Same here. I had a few travels around the world, meeting some interesting (and lots of uhm... less interesting) people, male and female. One day I found myself walking in a Thai village and had a short chat with a nice girl. Turned out that she was more then just a nice girl. She was the greatest person I ever met. Such a sweet, caring, fun and beautififul girl. My winning lottery ticket. We had a great time together. She moved to my country, we had fun traveling, she loved to go sight seeing, appreciating European history and architecture. Enjoying walks or a cycling tour through the country side. Having long talks about anything ranging from nonsense talk to talking about politics and life. She made me a better person and I still remember her being in tears for having met such a nice charming and young fellow (her words, but I suppose she wasn't too far off).Arguments were very rare, and nothing a silince (ranging from a few minutes to a couple of hours) wouldn't fix. Many hours simply enjoying being in eachothers arms, cuddling, being around eachother. She would be willing to do pretty much anythinf for me, and I for her. Together we moved mountains and thinking nothing of the few fools who tought that me or she were wrong. Sadly her life was taken, and I ... I feel lost ever since.

She still frequently visits me in my dreams, but I feel so misserable knowing that she isn't there next to me anymore. Only in my heart and mind. I felt so damn lucky and I do at times wonder why I even bother going about my daily life. Things haven't been the same, life isn't hell but it's all rather dull for the most part. I should be happy for our time together, knowing we had so much fun. Life ain't fair, enjoy every minute of it.

Edited by Donutz
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Chanches of find true love are as a big or small as any other nation. It's silly to think that people the world over are really that different from eachother. People want a roof over there heads, good food on their plate, happiness and often a bit more money to make things easier (sadly turning some into monsters in order to gain more power or money).

Just be yourself, follow heart and brain and true love will find you. It could be anyhwere, at any time, hitting you when you least expect it.

If somebody told me "you'll soon find yourself with a girl from Thailand" I'd have laughed, and my Thai love would have thought the same if anybody told her she'd meet a nice farang. You don't go looking for love or take a check list, having all sort of expectations. Expectations may only result in dissapointments. Expect nothing, search for nothing, let love and happiness find you by staying cheerful and see what crosses your path.

Edit: and when true love find you, you will laugh about the people who think in boxes and tags such as what is "typiclly Thai/German/British" etc. to expain the behaviour of an indvidual, specifically the spouse. Do you do what you do because you are *insert nationality* ? Ofcourse not, and if you and your partner are willing to do anything to be with eachother and please eachother, will you need excuses regarding "culture" or such silly things? No. Love, respect, a shared heart and mind, it has no such barriers!

I found true love in a small village when I least expected it. It was just my lucky day.

Same here. I had a few travels around the world, meeting some interesting (and lots of uhm... less interesting) people, male and female. One day I found myself walking in a Thai village and had a short chat with a nice girl. Turned out that she was more then just a nice girl. She was the greatest person I ever met. Such a sweet, caring, fun and beautififul girl. My winning lottery ticket. We had a great time together. She moved to my country, we had fun traveling, she loved to go sight seeing, appreciating European history and architecture. Enjoying walks or a cycling tour through the country side. Having long talks about anything ranging from nonsense talk to talking about politics and life. She made me a better person and I still remember her being in tears for having met such a nice charming and young fellow (her words, but I suppose she wasn't too far off).Arguments were very rare, and nothing a silince (ranging from a few minutes to a couple of hours) wouldn't fix. Many hours simply enjoying being in eachothers arms, cuddling, being around eachother. She would be willing to do pretty much anythinf for me, and I for her. Together we moved mountains and thinking nothing of the few fools who tought that me or she were wrong. Sadly her life was taken, and I ... I feel lost ever since.

She still frequently visits me in my dreams, but I feel so misserable knowing that she isn't there next to me anymore. Only in my heart and mind. I felt so damn lucky and I do at times wonder why I even bother going about my daily life. Things haven't been the same, life isn't hell but it's all rather dull for the most part. I should be happy for our time together, knowing we had so much fun. Life ain't fair, enjoy every minute of it.

I found what you wrote about for eight years.

Then one day out of the blue it was gone. I DID not see it coming. She went back home to her family for a holiday and fell pregnant to her old boyfriend in the Philippines. She wrote me an email saying it was over and then only several hours later, her lawyer was in contact with me.

It was brutal.

It took me two years to get over and it is like she is dead to me. Now this was ten years ago. Then people wonder why you will not marry again or just have short time fun as the trust is destroyed in your mind.

I am now seeing a wonderful person and we get on and have fun together but as for believing everything is 100%, you got to be kidding me. With her being Transgender, marriage is not possible here and that suits me fine. My marriage break up made me never trust women or want to get close to any other women again. Up to that point in my life, I was straight.

Nothing is perfect so you take what fun you can get and live as well as you feel.

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i am looking and looking for love but someghing is wrong here in


the lady that works at 7/11 which i really like, and i genuinly smile at every day ( much younger than me ) she gives me bad looks, avoid contact and simply have an attitude.

i dress nicely, i am a extremely polite gentleman with clean cut but still younger "regular ladies" avoid contact.

it happened again yesterday on a tuk tuk taxy where a nice lady , simply turned her head the other way to avoid

eye contact.

i dont expect things to be easy and good girls to smile and show interest but i know my blue eyes, european heritage can be more appreciated somwhere else. i just have to find our where.

it can be chiang rai, taiwan, china: i m sure there is a place out there where a young girl will smile at me and i will inspire curiosity and interests.

probably patthaya and thailand they see too many foreigners and the curiosity has faded

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@ttu: sorry to hear that. When you are so deeply in love you don't expect to be cheated on but I suppose anthing can happen. As far as I can tell my wife never had any secrets for me. One day she said that a former boyfriend (one from university, she dumper him when he started smoking) showed up at her parents house to ask if she was around. Obviously he was told that she had migrated to the Netherlands and he didn't show up again. My wife was an open book to me, she'd tell me anything even if I would wonder why? So trustee her completely. I knew her love for me was real even if she wouldn't have been crying with pure hapiness in her eyes that she felt so lucky that she was my partner. Rationally I know the future is uncertain but my heart says that the risk of it all going up in smoke were pretty slim.

@2road: for a relationship a girl arounnd your age (say 5 years up or down?) would to me be a realistic starting point. Not saying there cannot be love in a relationship with a large age gap but i would worry more about alternative motivations.

As for where to meet them? I traveled around Thailand from central, to south east, to north east, north west and west. I would have small talk in English with all kinds of people, and back in the day selfie sticks were not around, people made photo's with digital cameras. So I'd offer to make photo's of people and they would ask me if they saw me struggeling to get myself on a photo. All sorts of people, young, old, male, female, tourist or local. Exchanged contact info with some, often thinking nothing of it, just nice to having met a friendly person. And one day I got lucky (as did she).

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Love in Thailand is a thorny question. I came within a month of marriage, had found a plot of land, was reviewing plans for houses. Then Mike appeared. Since I was a fly in fly out bf at the time I had no idea I was being two timed. We had had conversations about fidelity and so on a few times. It turns out she had Mike for the two years we were dating.

I left her immediately and never contacted her again although she called me once to ask why!

Other girls came and went until I was contacted by someone much younger than me. Long story short: we've been married 3 years now, have a one year old daughter and I built a house. There was a blip along the way but I overcame that and I would say we are very happy. You need to appreciate, however, the family is always in the background and, like others, I have not been fleeced in any way. Yes, tools suddenly appear in the father in law's possession as they disappear from mine. We buy food that I never see on my plate. What I thought was being done as a favour will have a request to pay for the petrol attached.

All low level stuff and I am not complaining. However, there are times when something happens and I appreciate I am number 10 on the list rather than number one.

I don't argue with her indoors and that helps: there is nothing unsaid either. All going swimmingly.

I live nowhere near Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok!

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I don't argue with her indoors and that helps: there is nothing unsaid either

Can you explain what you mean about not arguing indoors? Is that so family don't hear? Is that going along with the theory to not poison the bedroom or house with arguments and bad feelings?

So you wait until you are in the car or whatever?

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