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Got blacklisted and need help.

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Your story has the ring of truth, and I feel sorry for you. There are some strange aspects though.

First, the school was acting illegally in holding your passport. Under Thai law, you are required to have it on your person at all times.

Second, the role of Rayong immigration is very puzzling. If they had no role in the original fraud, why would they involve themselves by recommending illegal activities?

I strongly suspect that there are aspects that the school has not shared with you. It is good that they have tried to prevent you suffering financial hardship as a result, but I think that is motivated more by self preservation than any moral sense.

Good luck


Thank you for your contribution. I know it is a very complicated story. I do not understand why the immigration supported illegal measures either. I strongly believe there are aspects the school has not shared with me. That's why I'm here. I need advice on what to do. I took some footages on every step they took that also covers some of the conversation they had. Maybe I can use that against the school.

What is your nationality Javostar?

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Where did you try to clear your overstay?

You should contact the school to see if they can do anything about it since it was clearly their fault since you ended up with a fake extesnion stamp according to your posts in another topic.

The school tried to clear the overstay but couldn't find an agency that could handle the case and also because I have no embassy in Thailand. I tried reporting to the police but my school stopped me. They told me reporting the situation to the police would have led me to jail. So I let them have it their way. I've been thinking about it now and I've just found out that they were trying to save their own heads . They also cautioned me not to tell the immigration there at Suvarnabhumi the truth - I will like to know if it's possible to get a lawyer and sort things out ? Thanks.

You could try with a lawyer but it could be costly.

How long of an overstay did you have that is shown on the overstay stamp? I would be interested in seeing the blacklist stamp if you could scan it or take picture of it.

Yes, either get a (costly and possibly ineffective) lawyer or stay out of Thailand for the period stipulated. If you try to use some "agency" you'll probably end up with another dubious/fake passport entry, which will only make your situation worse. Getting a new passport won't clear the blacklisting and no matter what you do with the new passport would not change the fact that you would be in the country illegally.

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Did you get blacklisted after the 20th March deadline?

yes, I got blacklisted just about 3 weeks ago .

For a better understanding of your situation and to be better able to give you useful advice, could you post a copy of the blacklist stamp in your passport?

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Can the OP get a job teaching in Vietnam or Cambodia and marry his Thai fiance' and living together in their new country for a year+. Better pay in Vietnam for sure.

A recent Vietnam teaching job on Fb said teachers needed start pay US $1,500 month.

Edited by travelerjim
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Go see a lawyer and Sue the school, this will cost you money and take time. Go to Laos or Cambodia for a year, or go home, change name, get we passport, when you com back find a new school to work at as the school seems to have caused all your problems, and Yeh they will only care about covering the in own backsides, an probably do not care one bit about what happens to you.

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Can the OP get a job teaching in Vietnam or Cambodia and marry his Thai fiance' and living together in their new country for a year+. Better pay in Vietnam for sure.

A recent Vietnam teaching job on Fb said teachers needed start pay US $1,500 month.

$1,500 sounds like someone hit the jackpot - what does an english teacher earn in Thailand if $1,500 is considered 'great' ?

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IF your American its quite easy to change your name in court, get anew passport and apply for a visa

or head to Cambodia, get a job ( with your experience wont take but a week) you'll make about $1,000/month and have ur gf come over, she can get the same visa (30 days and 1 year extension as you) than when the year is up....

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Also it I illegal in all countries for you to give your pas to some else or for then o hold your passport, especially if it is an employer, this is called human slavery, you may want to think about contacting an anti human slavery or trafficking group for help

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IF your American its quite easy to change your name in court, get anew passport and apply for a visa

or head to Cambodia, get a job ( with your experience wont take but a week) you'll make about $1,000/month and have ur gf come over, she can get the same visa (30 days and 1 year extension as you) than when the year is up....

Go back an read a few posts and you will find that he is from Cameroon and is already there.

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Go see a lawyer and Sue the school, this will cost you money and take time. Go to Laos or Cambodia for a year, or go home, change name, get we passport, when you com back find a new school to work at as the school seems to have caused all your problems, and Yeh they will only care about covering the in own backsides, an probably do not care one bit about what happens to you.

He is out of country, he would have to sue while not being present here which is not helpful.... then you get the situation where it is one party's word vs another and quite honestly I could easily see the local party being given the benefit of the doubt. Worst case scenario is that it comes out in court that he was party to a criminal offense which would only likely make things worse.

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Where did you try to clear your overstay?

You should contact the school to see if they can do anything about it since it was clearly their fault since you ended up with a fake extesnion stamp according to your posts in another topic.

Surprised you suggested this Joe, we all know the School will not try to help, they won't want to get involved especially if it was their fault

OP you have no chance of getting back in, the only way would be greasing of palms to get your name removed from the blacklist and it will cost more than a teacher can afford, no offense

Wait out your year and try and come back

No Thai entity in their right mind would admit to screwing you around.

They ae going to say they know nothing about it.

Your best bet is to get the gf a passport and once a month or so fly her to your location in wherever you are.

Laos and Cambodia are crying for teachers i would look there and to be honest you may find that you like it better.

Use this as a lesson and learn from it.

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Sad news, but to survive in Thailand you need be street wise

Keep your passport and credit cards yourself

If someone else gets the visa work permit in your passport check it correct yourself with immigration

AND PLEASE do not right a wrong with an illegal act the consequences could be horrendous, don't even think about it, your penalty of one year ban could be far worse

JUST put it down to experience !! be lucky stay happy

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"What can I do to return to Thailand?"

Change of name and new passport. Illegal entry.

Otherwise find a job in Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos?

I have a new passport with a new passport number but same name . Can that help?

The new passport is linked to the old passport.

How did the school get away with destroying your passport?

The owner of my school is very influential in the entire Rayong province . When she found out that the person she employed to manage her foreign teachers and their passports was collecting fake stamps, she quickly reported it to the immigration there in Rayong . The dude ran away and he's nowhere to be found. The immigration advised her to destroy the passports and the work permits . This was easy because ; as a teacher in my school, you are not allowed to keep your passport and work permit. The school keeps everything. So, they destroyed my passport and only told me after the action has been done . The immigration there further advice the school to contact an agency that could help clear the overstay .

The school went to pattaya and found an agency. The agency promised to help my colleagues but not me. My colleagues were from England. They applied for a new passport and got their overstay cleared successful. The agency could not help me and no agency accepted to help me. I was left with no passport, no work permit and no where to go. The immigration in Rayong further advice I should get a police report for a lost passport and get an emergency travel document which I did. The school pleaded with me not to tell the immigration what happened ; if I did, the school together with the immigration in Rayong ; my colleagues and even the labor office there in Rayong would have been implicated. Under the influence of my school ,I handed myself in. The school paid for the overstay and for my flight . They promised to send documents so I can get a new non B and comeback to Thailand. Now they are saying that they is nothing they can do . They asked me to look for a means of returning to Thailand myself and they will pay. I don't know what to do. All I have done is applied for a new passport which will be out on Wednesday. Life is so difficult for me now. Back to zero, leaving my gf and everything in Thailand.

A "Pattaya Agency" cleared the problem? I can only imagine how that was accomplished.

Frankly, you have lost your leverage. If they were able to clear the problem for your colleagues from England, they surely should have been able to do the same for you. At that time, I would have told them, "fix my problem likewise, or I go to immigration to sort it". I believe they would have found the way to get it done. Although, I suspect that your colleagues have only bandaids applied to their problem.

At this point, having already left Thailand, your leverage and options are limited. As others have said, you will likely just need to swallow it and wait for the blacklist to clear.

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From previous posts it appears a school obtained a fake visa/entry so a bit more than a normal overstay.

yes, there was also the problem of a fake visa . The school handled that their own way by destroying my passport and getting an emergency travel document.

The school destroyed your passport? And you permitted it? The mind boggles.

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Brit Tim

Many schools hang on to their foreign teachers' passports and far more commonly work permits. Technically not right but it is what happens in practice often.

Then there must be many ill-informed people working as "teachers" or people who are just desperate to remain in Thailand whatever the cost may ultimately prove to be.

I would not work for any employer who insisted on holding on to my passport and/or work permit.

I would ask the OP, what was their justification for holding your passport? Or did you ask?

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IF your American its quite easy to change your name in court, get anew passport and apply for a visa

or head to Cambodia, get a job ( with your experience wont take but a week) you'll make about $1,000/month and have ur gf come over, she can get the same visa (30 days and 1 year extension as you) than when the year is up....

The problem is that the school is probably not going to act as a reference lest they admit to hiring people illegally -- which could be used in the future against them.

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The OP is in an unfortunate situation, due mostly to the unethical actions of others.

He is looking for a "workaround" where none exists.

Yes there are but not on here

"Not here here" because its not legitimate

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The OP is in an unfortunate situation, due mostly to the unethical actions of others.

He is looking for a "workaround" where none exists.

Yes there are but not on here

"Not here here" because its not legitimate

here is my email address <contact by private message> . I will be happy if anyone got any information that can be of help to me. Thank you .

Edited by ubonjoe
removed email address (forum rule)
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The OP is in an unfortunate situation, due mostly to the unethical actions of others.

He is looking for a "workaround" where none exists.

Yes there are but not on here

"Not here here" because its not legitimate

here is my email address <contact by private message> . I will be happy if anyone got any information that can be of help to me. Thank you .

<not needed email removed>

Moving on ------------ Any "scheme" which offers a solution to your problem which cannot be detailed openly here is likely to be illegal and if acted upon may result in dire consequences including jail time and a permanent ban.

There are no "easy" solutions to your being banned other than to hire a lawyer to challenge the ban. That is likely to be expensive and the outcome will not be guaranteed.

Edited by ubonjoe
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"What can I do to return to Thailand?"

Change of name and new passport. Illegal entry.

Otherwise find a job in Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos?

I have a new passport with a new passport number but same name . Can that help?

No. Your name is on a blacklist. The computer will recognize your name, then officials will open the file and your picture and other details will spring out. You will be detained if you try entering the country.

Change the name and the computer will not "see" you.

My friend was blacklisted for life a couple of years ago.

Last November he came back after changing his name and with a new passport in his new name. At immigration he was arrested immediately and had to buy a new ticket to fly back to the UK within hours. He had a flight booked to Cambodia a couple of weeks later but they would not let him use that.

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