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Drug Test Kits For Sale?


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I know this may seem like an odd request, but I'm looking for places that sell those nifty drug kits that police use in raids. I'm just afraid of getting slapped with cuffs for pissing purple due to a false positive result. I know of a hand full of meds that can cause false positives but some of the prescriptions I have aren't on the list.

I'm a little paranoid now after hearing about a few of my friends getting thrown in jail for failing their tests because of asthma, cold, cough, ...etc medication. Worse yet was the fact that they got thrown into detention centers immediately without any trial or bail hearings (they're all foreigners). The courts/cops then took their sweet time in processing the papers before finally giving them a chance to bail themselves out. I really want to make sure and test myself first before facing the guys in brown.

Another concern of mine is what are the consequences of getting a false positive? Don't the authorities need to determine exactly what drugs were taken? A normal piss test in a bar can't do all that. So when during the course of raid do they have the qualified personnel come in and test you?(My friends told me that they weren't given any other tests after the raid in the club so I'm a bit scared. I'm claustrophobic.)

Further questions I have deal with: Do they imprison/deport foreigners immediately without trial? Do they hold foreigners accountable for the forms that they are forced to sign even if they can't read them? Should I have faith in the judicial system here? Do you think the police will apologize after they release you? Or do we have to sue them for the apology statement?

Edited by PyPr
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If you are so concerned over this you'd be better

A) staying away from the places that the police are likely to drug test - Thai teanager hangouts

B) finding out exactly what Thai legal procedure is on drug tests. I suspect this allows secondary blood tests, if so find out about those and find a lawyer + acreditted hospital for checks on such blood tests.

But honestly, I've never been tested for drugs in Thailand and I don't know anyone who has.

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The Psychiatric service at Bumrungrad Hospital offers drug screening programs through their Behavioral Modification unit. Make an appointment with a primary care physician, explain your purposes and ask for a referral.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this may seem like an odd request, but I'm looking for places that sell those nifty drug kits that police use in raids. I'm just afraid of getting slapped with cuffs for pissing purple due to a false positive result. I know of a hand full of meds that can cause false positives but some of the prescriptions I have aren't on the list.

I have just come back from the UK where there was a TV prog testing out the urban myth that you can test positive for opiates/heroin after eating poppy seed buns (buns with a light sprinkling of poppy seeds).

It is No myth.

The opiate tests were positive for over 24 hours after eating one or two buns. (I hate to think how long Polish poppy seed cake would test positive for).

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