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Suspected Killers of Disabled Man Related to Police

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Ah, so that's why they fired into the air...

when they arrived at the scene and this assault was in progress the victim may still have been alive, the police should have made every attempt to stop the assault including using deadly force

I'm just wondering what the actual ROE (rules of engagement) is for armed, on duty policemen.

No, no, I am being serious, they will be there somewhere.

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Ah, so that's why they fired into the air...

when they arrived at the scene and this assault was in progress the victim may still have been alive, the police should have made every attempt to stop the assault including using deadly force

I'm just wondering what the actual ROE (rules of engagement) is for armed, on duty policemen.

No, no, I am being serious, they will be there somewhere.

In LOS everyone knows everyone..... For sure the BiB that attended know these shits are BiB offspring........Sure....

Of that i have little doubt.

But my question was what were the actual rules where an armed policeman in Thailand can use lethal force.

They (ROE) differ greatly throughout the world, but the majority of the rules are based on something like 'if your own life or the life of others is in imminent danger by others..'.

It is obviously the call of the armed officer (he will be the one facing criminal charges if he gets it wrong) but it does make you wonder why shots were fired into the air (regardless of the danger of what goes up must come down) instead of shots fired at assailants (attacking someone with swords <deleted>) to save the life of the victim.

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These brats knew fine well that nothing would happen to them given their connections. I,m sure that there are plenty of other crimes committed by these untouchable gangs that just get swept under the carpet. Thainess, great if you are connected, if not you are <deleted>...

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Truly disgusting.

It is a helpless situation when the majority of the population - even the morally good - are not stirred enough by stories like this to demand radical change. Too passive by far.

If they demand radical change they know that they will likely be fitted up . taken for attitude adjustment or otherwise "dealt with".

If they vote (when they are allowed to vote) for any change in the established ruling elite then their selected government is forced out ( coup) and the regime of the established ruling elite reimposed.

They also know that if they push too far. death may result.

The rot is at the top in this society.

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Most of us know they are 100% guilty. But in any country they can only be officially termed suspects until found guilty in court of law. (I it gets that far). To officially term them guilty prior being found guilty, will only give their defence lawyers a loophole to dismiss the case. Sad but true.

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Wow! &lt;deleted&gt; is happening in LOS??? This has been a crazy sad week for sicking crime committed by a bunch of lowlife sub-humans! A British family is nearly beaten to death, a toddler is brutally killed by the stepdad with a broom stick, and now a defenseless disabled man is also brutally murdered by a another gang of lowlife thugs!!! It appears that everyone seems to blame alcohol in all these incidents? Really??? Again.... &lt;deleted&gt;!!!

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Ah, so that's why they fired into the air...

when they arrived at the scene and this assault was in progress the victim may still have been alive, the police should have made every attempt to stop the assault including using deadly force

How are they going to shoot at the sons of another cop? That's also the reason why they didn't even care when the cops turned up, they knew they could do as they pleased. People like this have a licence to kill in TH. I've actually seen one with my own eyes. An old 'buddy' of mine back in 98 had gotten one from the highest cop in his neighbourhood. He was pretty proud of it and showed it around. He told me that he could kill somebody and not bare any consequences whatsoever. I just kind of laughed at him back then and said he was talking bs but he always stuck to his story. It all makes more sense now. Quite a few people are really above the law here and will never spend 1 day in jail, no matter what crime they commit

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Ah, so that's why they fired into the air...

when they arrived at the scene and this assault was in progress the victim may still have been alive, the police should have made every attempt to stop the assault including using deadly force

How are they going to shoot at the sons of another cop? That's also the reason why they didn't even care when the cops turned up, they knew they could do as they pleased. People like this have a licence to kill in TH. I've actually seen one with my own eyes. An old 'buddy' of mine back in 98 had gotten one from the highest cop in his neighbourhood. He was pretty proud of it and showed it around. He told me that he could kill somebody and not bare any consequences whatsoever. I just kind of laughed at him back then and said he was talking bs but he always stuck to his story. It all makes more sense now. Quite a few people are really above the law here and will never spend 1 day in jail, no matter what crime they commit

Yep, Suthep the Surat Thani dwarf can do what he likes that's for sure!
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Said they were drunk so I guess a "Sorry" an Wei and Bht 1000 they will be out. They need to get the death penalty each of them. There is no reason to take being drunk as an excuse, they had lethal weapons on their person. You do not have such items with you unless you intend to do real harm to a person or persons. Charges should be Murder and for the woman inciting murder and accomplice to murder. Again for her life in prison no parole

What woman? I must have missed that in the original story, yesterday.

Since you're so good at predicting the future, can you give me a winning lottery number?

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Said they were drunk so I guess a "Sorry" an Wei and Bht 1000 they will be out. They need to get the death penalty each of them. There is no reason to take being drunk as an excuse, they had lethal weapons on their person. You do not have such items with you unless you intend to do real harm to a person or persons. Charges should be Murder and for the woman inciting murder and accomplice to murder. Again for her life in prison no parole

The original story said that they verbally abused him and the scum bags yelled back at him and then they went to their car and got the weapons and then came back. That is premeditated murder, plain and simple.

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It seems like a relative epidemic lately of senseless, often-drunken group violence directed usually against relatively defenseless victims.

This disabled guy. The UK husband and wife in Hua Hin. The Lao gik, etc etc etc.

But hey, the Thais have an answer/solution for this: Mai bpen rai. Sorry, I was drunk.

OK, no problem, we understand you're not responsible for yourself when you're drunk. Go on home now. bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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few years ago, chokchai police station was cited as one of the most corrupted police station in the country...

so dont be fooled, their police fathers have a lot of money, and they will certainly buy their way out.

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Carrying knives without permission? News flash! Those are swords! Who do I see to carry a sword or knife with permission? What is his name? Cowards come in all age groups, the punk who is 18 is no different than the punk who is 22'

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Truly disgusting.

It is a helpless situation when the majority of the population - even the morally good - are not stirred enough by stories like this to demand radical change. Too passive by far.

And who stood by watching as all this happened or was the poor fellow left to his own devices all day?

Thailand is seeing more and more violence or am I getting more and more literate and reading more?

PRAYUTH these are YOUR men, YOUR servants

What are YOU doing as you say all must report to you.

You were just in Chiang Mai telling the local ones what to do. I already wrote to you saying we feel vulnerable and now more. What a month this lovey land is having.

Where is the good news and I don't mean WE think we feel We might have or We have approved. I can do that and tear it up.


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Prison life will be interesting when the inmates find out their Daddies a copper. Ride um cowboy! "YEE HAA!!!"


Yesterday there was 3 swords recovered, today looks like they're is only 2?

Has the murder weapon got "lost" already?

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Ah, so that's why they fired into the air...

when they arrived at the scene and this assault was in progress the victim may still have been alive, the police should have made every attempt to stop the assault including using deadly force

How are they going to shoot at the sons of another cop? That's also the reason why they didn't even care when the cops turned up, they knew they could do as they pleased. People like this have a licence to kill in TH. I've actually seen one with my own eyes. An old 'buddy' of mine back in 98 had gotten one from the highest cop in his neighbourhood. He was pretty proud of it and showed it around. He told me that he could kill somebody and not bare any consequences whatsoever. I just kind of laughed at him back then and said he was talking bs but he always stuck to his story. It all makes more sense now. Quite a few people are really above the law here and will never spend 1 day in jail, no matter what crime they commit

Yep, Suthep the Surat Thani dwarf can do what he likes that's for sure!
Give it a rest, it's becoming boring - the same stupid comments on every thread you respond to.
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At least the video has been uploaded to Youtube and other sites , so everyone can make up their own mind. They can't hide , we just need to know how far they will get punished , I hope several years in prison , police officers are not on a high salary so if there's no money to be paid then they will do the time in prison.

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Sad to say, but we know the thai justice system. These boys will never see a cell. This country has no rule of law. It's lawless unless your rich or connected.

I love Thailand it's like living living in a movie. and I'm part of the movie...

i totally agree with you but, make sure you have control over the script or you might not like the way the movie ends.

love the Fire album. :)

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Wow! <deleted> is happening in LOS??? This has been a crazy sad week for sicking crime committed by a bunch of lowlife sub-humans! A British family is nearly beaten to death, a toddler is brutally killed by the stepdad with a broom stick, and now a defenseless disabled man is also brutally murdered by a another gang of lowlife thugs!!! It appears that everyone seems to blame alcohol in all these incidents? Really??? Again.... <deleted>!!!

Not really,the apologists blame the victim as well in a lot of cases,sorry i meant to say they blame the victim when the victim is a farang.

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Prison life will be interesting when the inmates find out their Daddies a copper. Ride um cowboy! "YEE HAA!!!"


Yesterday there was 3 swords recovered, today looks like they're is only 2?

Has the murder weapon got "lost" already?

Yes and only 5 suspects on show as well,has 1 of them also gone missing already as well.

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