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Australia vows no change in asylum policy after Somali woman sets herself on fire


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Unfortunately not much hope for these poor people. The majority of Australians feel treating them so cruelly is the right thing to do.

Those "poor" people have no right to expect to become resident in Australia. Nothing to do with hope.

It's a pity they didn't stay and try to make their own countries better, rather than seeking an easy life in a western country.

The policy was brought in to prevent a much greater loss of life on the people smuggler boats, and has done so. To give in because 2 people have killed themselves will only mean a return to the misguided and lethal policies of the previous Labour government.

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I may not agree with facts and figures. But I know if Australia changed its policy that the boats would flood in. And then there would really be a crisis. In the refugee camps around the World there are many who go through the slow process of apply , vetting and possible acceptance into Australia. If you let these that had money and paid to come on a boat , Jumping the queue then the genuine ones in the camps will rot there add infinitum. Or would you have Australia take them as well. Do you know the geography of Australia. Its lack of water, Yes it only has 22 million plus but in places this strains the water supply. To allow rapid growth by immigration and refugee influx may cause more harm. Slow trickle is better. My Country NZ places for 750 refugee per annum , maybe could double that but like Australia we have problems too. Yes we have land and only 4.5 m people but we have housing crisis caused by too many people Auckland and lost houses Christchurch from earthquake 2010. If We or Australia reversed policy the adverse effect on each other could be catastrophic.I am sorry for the hardship these people now have. But had they waited in the queue maybe they would be settled already.

Either you respect Human Rights or you do not. The Australian Government has chosen to violate refugees Human Rights and intentionally set out to torture them and to make it known this is what they are doing. Children included. I refuse to accept that Human Rights and torturing refugees and treating refugees cruelly can be mitigated or excused. Refugees are being raped, beaten, sexually assaulted, killed and killing themselves by setting themselves alight. It's all good though, because it is for a good and noble cause. Really?

To solve an issue of refugees arriving by boat we have decided to capture a number of people ship them to an Island hold them indefinitely and torture them till they decide to kill themselves. All those in favour say Aye.

It would seem at the moment the 'Ayes' have it.

WRONG !!! Respect for 'human rights' does not mean agreement for the human rights as defined by the UN. The UN is nothing more or less than the collective expression of its member states, and thieir definition of human rights is a mix-mash of vested interests and politically correct khrapp put together by bureaucrats and politicians. Human Rights is the right to be free of things like slavery, terrorism and genocide - it should not be the right to illegally enter a country and claim asylum (pretending to be escaping real human rights abuse).

Stop reading the liberal press who sensationalise everything that happens over there on the island to fire up ignorant liberals - be more skeptical of headlines. And I would point out that the vast majority of the few bad things that do happen - are being done to them by other refugees (and to themselves as a misguided method to force Australia to accept them).

And just how many refugees (adults and children) have died on the island in the last 3 years? And then tell me how many died on people smuggler boats trying to get to Australia under the previous Govt's open door policy - 100s !! So which Govt's policy is more in line with achieving 'human rights' ???

Women being raped, children being sexually molested, people being beaten, a healthy young man left to die painfully of treatable sepsis, people setting themselves alight to kill themselves is all just political correctness and the liberal press sensationalising things. Thanks BB I feel much better now. I don't know what came over me.

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Glad to see more agree than disagree with Aus policy on illegal immigrants.

They are NOT refugees - refugees escape to the nearest safe country. Refugees do not travel half way around the world past many 'safe' countries and get on a boat to Australia from Indonesia for any reason other than to take advantage of Aust's very friendly social welfare resources and benefits.

AND - none of the left-wing human rights bleeding hearts ever mentioned or complained about the 100s of men women and children that drowned under the previous Aust Govt 'open door' policy. No - but they sure complain that illegal immigrants are being treated so badly. They are awful human beings who use the suffering of others to pursue their own ideological beliefs.

Sad to see anyone resort to self-harm as protest - but no reason to change policy.

"They are NOT refugees - refugees escape to the nearest safe country"

Care to confirm the nearest country to Australia legally defined as 'safe' for asylum seekers.

Perhaps of more relevance more that 50% of the asylum seekers detained on Nauru and Manus Island have been vetted as genuine refugees, a percentage higher than those who legally arrive by air & claim asylum. Those designated as economic refugees are in a very tough position as many of their home countries will not permit admission for them.Taking the refugee issue to a higher level, currently there are only twenty countries offering resettlement with roughly 120k places available p.a; based upon current numbers it would take about 170 years to complete the resettlement process.

You may like to read some info on these matters at...


I don't know about "legally", and neither do I care, given that "refugees" have become an industry for the busy little bureaurats of the UN. What I do know is that there are plenty of countries between Somalia and Australia that wouldn't kill her, but then they wouldn't give her the easy life she obviously desired by wanting to travel far, far away to a rich country. Indonesia has loads of "refugees" and isn't reported to be exterminating any that land on their shores.

A refugee does not have the "right" to choose their country of destination, and it is barking if anyone thinks a Somali woman has a "right" to by pass every country between Somalia and Australia to be given the easy life in Australia.

As for the number of refugees being accepted and the number of countries accepting them, expect that to reduce once people start to realise just what sort of people are being admitted.

The backlash is already happening in Europe.

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I don't know about "legally", and neither do I care, given that "refugees" have become an industry for the busy little bureaurats of the UN. What I do know is that there are plenty of countries between Somalia and Australia that wouldn't kill her, but then they wouldn't give her the easy life she obviously desired by wanting to travel far, far away to a rich country. Indonesia has loads of "refugees" and isn't reported to be exterminating any that land on their shores.

A refugee does not have the "right" to choose their country of destination, and it is barking if anyone thinks a Somali woman has a "right" to by pass every country between Somalia and Australia to be given the easy life in Australia.

As for the number of refugees being accepted and the number of countries accepting them, expect that to reduce once people start to realise just what sort of people are being admitted.

The backlash is already happening in Europe.

Human Rights violations are optional. That makes being cruel to these people okay. All good then. Just gets better all the time.

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I may not agree with facts and figures. But I know if Australia changed its policy that the boats would flood in. And then there would really be a crisis. In the refugee camps around the World there are many who go through the slow process of apply , vetting and possible acceptance into Australia. If you let these that had money and paid to come on a boat , Jumping the queue then the genuine ones in the camps will rot there add infinitum. Or would you have Australia take them as well. Do you know the geography of Australia. Its lack of water, Yes it only has 22 million plus but in places this strains the water supply. To allow rapid growth by immigration and refugee influx may cause more harm. Slow trickle is better. My Country NZ places for 750 refugee per annum , maybe could double that but like Australia we have problems too. Yes we have land and only 4.5 m people but we have housing crisis caused by too many people Auckland and lost houses Christchurch from earthquake 2010. If We or Australia reversed policy the adverse effect on each other could be catastrophic.I am sorry for the hardship these people now have. But had they waited in the queue maybe they would be settled already.

Either you respect Human Rights or you do not. The Australian Government has chosen to violate refugees Human Rights and intentionally set out to torture them and to make it known this is what they are doing. Children included. I refuse to accept that Human Rights and torturing refugees and treating refugees cruelly can be mitigated or excused. Refugees are being raped, beaten, sexually assaulted, killed and killing themselves by setting themselves alight. It's all good though, because it is for a good and noble cause. Really?

To solve an issue of refugees arriving by boat we have decided to capture a number of people ship them to an Island hold them indefinitely and torture them till they decide to kill themselves. All those in favour say Aye.

It would seem at the moment the 'Ayes' have it.

WRONG !!! Respect for 'human rights' does not mean agreement for the human rights as defined by the UN. The UN is nothing more or less than the collective expression of its member states, and thieir definition of human rights is a mix-mash of vested interests and politically correct khrapp put together by bureaucrats and politicians. Human Rights is the right to be free of things like slavery, terrorism and genocide - it should not be the right to illegally enter a country and claim asylum (pretending to be escaping real human rights abuse).

Stop reading the liberal press who sensationalise everything that happens over there on the island to fire up ignorant liberals - be more skeptical of headlines. And I would point out that the vast majority of the few bad things that do happen - are being done to them by other refugees (and to themselves as a misguided method to force Australia to accept them).

And just how many refugees (adults and children) have died on the island in the last 3 years? And then tell me how many died on people smuggler boats trying to get to Australia under the previous Govt's open door policy - 100s !! So which Govt's policy is more in line with achieving 'human rights' ???

Women being raped, children being sexually molested, people being beaten, a healthy young man left to die painfully of treatable sepsis, people setting themselves alight to kill themselves is all just political correctness and the liberal press sensationalising things. Thanks BB I feel much better now. I don't know what came over me.

I know exactly what has come over you - the neo-liberal agenda to 'correct' the western world (in their own image). I wonder how you even sleep, when you so clearly care that about all the human rights abuses all over the world - the thousands that die every day - the hundreds that will die of starvation while we exchange political views. But wait - a little bird told me that you rarely if ever even think about them. All you can think about is the human rights abuses happening on an island that the media has you thinking are real and are caused by all of us right-wing fascists. Mate - your left wing views have gone too far - they are being taken advantage of by the neo-liberal agenda (or maybe you are just a part of it).

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Women being raped, children being sexually molested, people being beaten, a healthy young man left to die painfully of treatable sepsis, people setting themselves alight to kill themselves is all just political correctness and the liberal press sensationalising things. Thanks BB I feel much better now. I don't know what came over me.

I know exactly what has come over you - the neo-liberal agenda to 'correct' the western world (in their own image). I wonder how you even sleep, when you so clearly care that about all the human rights abuses all over the world - the thousands that die every day - the hundreds that will die of starvation while we exchange political views. But wait - a little bird told me that you rarely if ever even think about them. All you can think about is the human rights abuses happening on an island that the media has you thinking are real and are caused by all of us right-wing fascists. Mate - your left wing views have gone too far - they are being taken advantage of by the neo-liberal agenda (or maybe you are just a part of it).

I wish I could conveniently put these reports down to some tin foil hat neo liberal agenda or a media beat up or that it is somehow justified or just pretend that it isn't happening the way you are able to. It is a very easy way out. Unfortunately for me another persons Human Rights are not negotiable. I have always held these principles and values, respect and compassion for fellow humans. It must seem bizarre to you that someone can hold those views.

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Actually I was wrong - there was far more drowned under Labor than I thought:

Under the period of the Rudd/Gillard government, it is widely accepted that around 1200 asylum seekers drowned on their way to Australia. That figure is backed up by Monash’s Border Observatory website, Marg Hutton’s sievx.com website and ABC Fact Check. It seems around 2-4% of those who attempted the journey died doing it. Under the Abbott government, Hutton and the Border Observatory record about 40 likely deaths by drowning of people trying to make their way to Australia by boat, most in a single incident in the government’s first month.

But I was right about the neo-fascist liberal agenda - as is thaibeachlover about the /refugee industry'. Type into Google - australian border protection program - look at all those 'UN sponsored tax-payer' funded organsaitions who claim it is a breach of human rights - while conveniately ignoring the 1200 people who drowned trying to illegally enter Australia..

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Women being raped, children being sexually molested, people being beaten, a healthy young man left to die painfully of treatable sepsis, people setting themselves alight to kill themselves is all just political correctness and the liberal press sensationalising things. Thanks BB I feel much better now. I don't know what came over me.

I know exactly what has come over you - the neo-liberal agenda to 'correct' the western world (in their own image). I wonder how you even sleep, when you so clearly care that about all the human rights abuses all over the world - the thousands that die every day - the hundreds that will die of starvation while we exchange political views. But wait - a little bird told me that you rarely if ever even think about them. All you can think about is the human rights abuses happening on an island that the media has you thinking are real and are caused by all of us right-wing fascists. Mate - your left wing views have gone too far - they are being taken advantage of by the neo-liberal agenda (or maybe you are just a part of it).

I wish I could conveniently put these reports down to some tin foil hat neo liberal agenda or a media beat up or that it is somehow justified or just pretend that it isn't happening the way you are able to. It is a very easy way out. Unfortunately for me another persons Human Rights are not negotiable. I have always held these principles and values, respect and compassion for fellow humans. It must seem bizarre to you that someone can hold those views.

Unfortunately for me another persons Human Rights are not negotiable.

That is nothing more than self-serving santicmonious self-justification - how atypical of liberals like yourself. Go ahead and believe that - but it aint true. Maybe one day you will grow up and see what the truth really is - because only then will you nderstand what human rights really is. Human rights is not something you should use to justify your own position or opinion - as in: I believe it is their human right to come and claim asylum, and anyone who disgarees with me doesn't agree with human rights. Santimonious khlapptrapp at is worst. This sums you up well :


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Women being raped, children being sexually molested, people being beaten, a healthy young man left to die painfully of treatable sepsis, people setting themselves alight to kill themselves is all just political correctness and the liberal press sensationalising things. Thanks BB I feel much better now. I don't know what came over me.

I wish I could conveniently put these reports down to some tin foil hat neo liberal agenda or a media beat up or that it is somehow justified or just pretend that it isn't happening the way you are able to. It is a very easy way out. Unfortunately for me another persons Human Rights are not negotiable. I have always held these principles and values, respect and compassion for fellow humans. It must seem bizarre to you that someone can hold those views.

Unfortunately for me another persons Human Rights are not negotiable.

That is nothing more than self-serving santicmonious self-justification - how atypical of liberals like yourself. Go ahead and believe that - but it aint true. Maybe one day you will grow up and see what the truth really is - because only then will you nderstand what human rights really is. Human rights is not something you should use to justify your own position or opinion - as in: I believe it is their human right to come and claim asylum, and anyone who disgarees with me doesn't agree with human rights. Santimonious khlapptrapp at is worst. This sums you up well :

So anyone who stands up for Human Rights and refuses to negotiate or make excuses why it is okay to stand by while women are raped, children are sexually molested, people are beaten (in one case to death), people dieing from treatable infections, people burning themselves to death, people held indefinitely without a criminal charge, any health worker who speaks out are under threat of two years in Gaol, no press permitted in detention camps etc and etcetera. These people are some how 'not grown up', 'neo liberals', 'self serving and sanctimonious', 'don't understand the real world', 'it is all for a good cause and justified'.

You are quite within your rights to point out that this cruel treatment is okay and justified by your standards but you shouldn't get all whiney when someone disagrees with every single point you make.

I would hate to think the global audience of TV gets the impression that your view is the dominant view of Australians. It is not. There are a vast majority of good decent Australians who object vehemently with this situation. In fact the architect of this cruelty, former Prime Minister Abbott was politically 'executed' and relegated to the far Back Benches of Parliament and was last seen, as what only can be described as 'noddy no friends' handing out leaflets at the local train station in the rain. Good riddance. Inscribed on his grave for all time should be "Cruel Bastard" that will be his legacy when the Royal Commission reaches its findings.

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The old 'Troll Defence' and childish cartoons. Any one who disagrees with your view is labelled a Troll. I have articulated my view and why I disagree with your views and excuses as to why Human Rights are negotiable. For you they are for me they are not. It is a pretty simple concept.

It is to each and every Australians shame, mine included, that these people are being treated so cruelly. It really is unforgivable. I have tried to recall when Australia has ever conducted itself this way and to be honest I can't.

Abbott was the architect of Turn back the boats and no comment concerning 'on water operations' and imprisoning people indefinitely in offshore detention camps. It is why he got politically 'executed'.

You are most welcome to present your view but others are also entitled to challenge that view and what that view is based on.

You seem to be getting a little upset.

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I think Australia is very harsh,they should take far more refugees they can have all the ones that come to Britain to start with,and take the ones already there afterwards

lol I bet you do. Could you help us out by taking these poor buggers being tortured to death by the current Government. There's at least $5B in it for you. We paid $50M to Cambodia to resettle 4 of them. Lets not quibble make it $6B for all 400 refugees. Please mate I'm desperate.

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I think Australia is very harsh,they should take far more refugees they can have all the ones that come to Britain to start with,and take the ones already there afterwards

Fat chance mate.......

Although, if those incompetent fools in the Labour Party return to federal govt as the govt of the day in a few weeks time, take care on the high seas, there will be thousands of speeding dhows racing towards Oztralia was th their Centrelink forms pre-filled.

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I think Australia is very harsh,they should take far more refugees they can have all the ones that come to Britain to start with,and take the ones already there afterwards

Fat chance mate.......

Although, if those incompetent fools in the Labour Party return to federal govt as the govt of the day in a few weeks time, take care on the high seas, there will be thousands of speeding dhows racing towards Oztralia was th their Centrelink forms pre-filled.

Well that is not correct. I think you mean the Labor Party. They are bipartisan on Abbott's 'Turn Back the Boats' and 'Offshore Processing' and 'Detention Camps'. They seem to be hesitating at continuing the 'Indefinite Detention' mantra from the far right wing conservatives but they don't seem to be articulating their strategy to mitigate 'Indefinite Detention'.

I encourage the Abbott far Right Wing zealots to continue advocating for treating these refugees cruelly. What it does is push moderate compassionate Right Wing voters to the Left (Labor) and increases the far Left Wing Green vote. Hello hung Parliament with Labor and Greens forming Government leaving the Right Wing Conservatives in the wilderness.

So please looney far Right tell us all about how treating people cruelly is so wonderful and the right thing to do.

I promise you any more deaths in the 'Detention Camps' may just cost Turnbull the election. The looney Far Right really need to get on their hands and knees and pray to their god that these 'Detention Camps' don't blow up in their face. There is no doubt it will see them thrown out of office.

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I think Australia is very harsh,they should take far more refugees they can have all the ones that come to Britain to start with,and take the ones already there afterwards

Fat chance mate.......

Although, if those incompetent fools in the Labour Party return to federal govt as the govt of the day in a few weeks time, take care on the high seas, there will be thousands of speeding dhows racing towards Oztralia was th their Centrelink forms pre-filled.

Well that is not correct. I think you mean the Labor Party. They are bipartisan on Abbott's 'Turn Back the Boats' and 'Offshore Processing' and 'Detention Camps'. They seem to be hesitating at continuing the 'Indefinite Detention' mantra from the far right wing conservatives but they don't seem to be articulating their strategy to mitigate 'Indefinite Detention'.

I encourage the Abbott far Right Wing zealots to continue advocating for treating these refugees cruelly. What it does is push moderate compassionate Right Wing voters to the Left (Labor) and increases the far Left Wing Green vote. Hello hung Parliament with Labor and Greens forming Government leaving the Right Wing Conservatives in the wilderness.

So please looney far Right tell us all about how treating people cruelly is so wonderful and the right thing to do.

I promise you any more deaths in the 'Detention Camps' may just cost Turnbull the election. The looney Far Right really need to get on their hands and knees and pray to their god that these 'Detention Camps' don't blow up in their face. There is no doubt it will see them thrown out of office.

Clearly you have a memory problem.

How many refugees and people othwise illegally flocking to Australia died at the hands of the labour govt last time they were in power, just less than half a decade ago?

Huh? Huh ?

They farqed it up last time when Kevin Gillard and Julia Rudd were playing swapsees and I'm sure they will manage to stuff up the problem that the current govt virtually solved in just a few months.

One BBQ Somali vs hundreds that drowned at sea, let me see, your memory might be selective but I assure you there's plenty of people around that remember their incompetence.

Comprehend ?

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Well that is not correct. I think you mean the Labor Party. They are bipartisan on Abbott's 'Turn Back the Boats' and 'Offshore Processing' and 'Detention Camps'. They seem to be hesitating at continuing the 'Indefinite Detention' mantra from the far right wing conservatives but they don't seem to be articulating their strategy to mitigate 'Indefinite Detention'.

I encourage the Abbott far Right Wing zealots to continue advocating for treating these refugees cruelly. What it does is push moderate compassionate Right Wing voters to the Left (Labor) and increases the far Left Wing Green vote. Hello hung Parliament with Labor and Greens forming Government leaving the Right Wing Conservatives in the wilderness.

So please looney far Right tell us all about how treating people cruelly is so wonderful and the right thing to do.

I promise you any more deaths in the 'Detention Camps' may just cost Turnbull the election. The looney Far Right really need to get on their hands and knees and pray to their god that these 'Detention Camps' don't blow up in their face. There is no doubt it will see them thrown out of office.

Clearly you have a memory problem.

How many refugees and people othwise illegally flocking to Australia died at the hands of the labour govt last time they were in power, just less than half a decade ago?

Huh? Huh ?

They farqed it up last time when Kevin Gillard and Julia Rudd were playing swapsees and I'm sure they will manage to stuff up the problem that the current govt virtually solved in just a few months.

One BBQ Somali vs hundreds that drowned at sea, let me see, your memory might be selective but I assure you there's plenty of people around that remember their incompetence.

Comprehend ?

I think it was up to 50,000 refugees arriving by boat in 12 months. I must have accidentally typed I was pleased to see people drowning at sea. Oh that's right I didn't type that did I.

"One BBQ Somali" that is just too offensive to respond too.

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Papua High Court finds Naru detention centre illegal and orders it closed. Quite extraordinary when a corrupt country like Papua gives Australia a lesson in Human Rights. Very embarrassing.

Also Save The Children workers were found to be not guilty of allegations they incited refugees to self harm and awarded compensation. Morrison (now Treasurer) who removed Save The Children Staff from Naru refused to apologise.

Interesting how the current Immigration Minister Dutton is playing exactly the same card:

"Australia’s Immigration Minister

Peter Dutton acknowledged there had been a rise in cases of self-harm but blamed refugee advoctates for inciting such acts."

Anyone who speaks out and objects to people including children being indefinitely imprisoned, raped, sexually assaulted, beaten to death, people burning themselves to death are described as 'bleeding hearts' and told these cruelties are all for a good cause. There are people around the world who commit the most egregious acts of violence and cruelty. Their excuse for committing these crimes against humanity is justified and for a good cause. Manus and Naru demonstrates that Australia is now no different from these globally hated despotic groups and Nations.

It will now be unacceptable for ANY Australian to lecture anyone or ANY Nation on human rights violations. When you commit Human Rights violations you can no longer lecture others for doing the same for whatever reason. From now on Human Rights violations are now justified.

I may not agree with facts and figures. But I know if Australia changed its policy that the boats would flood in. And then there would really be a crisis. In the refugee camps around the World there are many who go through the slow process of apply , vetting and possible acceptance into Australia. If you let these that had money and paid to come on a boat , Jumping the queue then the genuine ones in the camps will rot there add infinitum. Or would you have Australia take them as well. Do you know the geography of Australia. Its lack of water, Yes it only has 22 million plus but in places this strains the water supply. To allow rapid growth by immigration and refugee influx may cause more harm. Slow trickle is better. My Country NZ places for 750 refugee per annum , maybe could double that but like Australia we have problems too. Yes we have land and only 4.5 m people but we have housing crisis caused by too many people Auckland and lost houses Christchurch from earthquake 2010. If We or Australia reversed policy the adverse effect on each other could be catastrophic.I am sorry for the hardship these people now have. But had they waited in the queue maybe they would be settled already.

​Australia has 24 million people now and soon it will be 25 million. Another 1 million will be added every 2-3 years. The population is growing fast.

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Commonly referred to as Professional Protesters, Rent a Crowd or plain old Grubs.

If I were PM, there would be more refugees accepted and more of the professional welfare bleeding hearts floated out into the great southern ocean in leaking boats on a one way trip southbound.

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And it doesn't have the infrastructure to cope with the ever growing population.

And a tiny tax base, with great spance of harsh land

There's only one way to stop the crisis, elimate the cretins that have expelled these people from their homelands.

Burn the extremists.

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You seem to have gone a little off topic BB

I would also take issue with the title of the article indicating Australia as a Nation vows to make no changes to immigration. This announcement / decision was made by a looney far Right Wing nutter Immigration Minister Dutton ( bit of a moron this guy) not by the Australian people as a whole. The Australian people had no say or even knew this was going to be done to people. Former prime Minister Abbott got the boot for doing this nasty hateful stuff.

This is a good lesson. When you vote in a Right Wing government you can end up with the lunatic far Right Wing nutter faction controlling the Party and you are in deep trouble. Get ready for crucial Health care, pharmaceutical services, education to be cut, tax cuts for the wealthy, tax cuts for business, deregulate business so they can do whatever they like, sell off assets to their mates in the private sector, attack on Unions so worker wages and conditions get cut, middle class decimated all the money floods to the big end of town. High unemployment so big business can exploit workers. The only way to stop them is to get out the electoral 'baseball bat' and sought them out one at a time.

Detention camps like Naru and Menis where they can be cruel to people is just a little diversionary fun for them.

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All this racist xenophobic claptrap is exactly the same as what the Lebanese, Greeks, Italian and Asian immigrants put up with. There is no way Australia would be the wealthy Nation today without them. They are as Aussie as any British import from the first fleet. An amazing valuable asset to Australia. They bought their culture and their food and hard work ethic and built the fantastic multi cultural society Australia is today.

Sure you have to help them at first. The poor buggers arrive damaged and not in very good shape and often without a zac to their name. Once they get the hang of 'you are free to construct a safe and happy life for yourself' that's pretty much the last you see of them. Off they go to realise their dreams. A family, children a home. The ones I meet work like the devil and make a very good life for themselves. Sure you hear of the odd bad one on the news but that is the same in any ethnic group.

Spend billions being cruel to these people? Have you lost your mind. Probably the best future citizens you can find and 'cheap as chips' to set up and a new lifetime taxpayer. You just have to give them a fair go.

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I don't know about "legally", and neither do I care, given that "refugees" have become an industry for the busy little bureaurats of the UN. What I do know is that there are plenty of countries between Somalia and Australia that wouldn't kill her, but then they wouldn't give her the easy life she obviously desired by wanting to travel far, far away to a rich country. Indonesia has loads of "refugees" and isn't reported to be exterminating any that land on their shores.

A refugee does not have the "right" to choose their country of destination, and it is barking if anyone thinks a Somali woman has a "right" to by pass every country between Somalia and Australia to be given the easy life in Australia.

As for the number of refugees being accepted and the number of countries accepting them, expect that to reduce once people start to realise just what sort of people are being admitted.

The backlash is already happening in Europe.

Human Rights violations are optional. That makes being cruel to these people okay. All good then. Just gets better all the time.

Even if those things are happening as you believe ( I don't- I think it is exaggerated by the liberal media ) none of those people were forced to try and enter Australia illegally. They did so for selfish reasons, rather than to save their lives.

According to the media, merely living in army tents is against "human rights", so I guess my government oppressed my human rights by forcing me to live in them when I was in the army!

If I was going to be concerned about "human rights", I'd probably pick on Sudan where being black is not a good thing for one, North Korea where the people are oppressed just because they were born into a country run by a dictatorial government, or Zimbabwe, where merely being born into the wrong tribe is seriously unbeneficial to one's life.

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All this racist xenophobic claptrap is exactly the same as what the Lebanese, Greeks, Italian and Asian immigrants put up with. There is no way Australia would be the wealthy Nation today without them. They are as Aussie as any British import from the first fleet. An amazing valuable asset to Australia. They bought their culture and their food and hard work ethic and built the fantastic multi cultural society Australia is today.

Sure you have to help them at first. The poor buggers arrive damaged and not in very good shape and often without a zac to their name. Once they get the hang of 'you are free to construct a safe and happy life for yourself' that's pretty much the last you see of them. Off they go to realise their dreams. A family, children a home. The ones I meet work like the devil and make a very good life for themselves. Sure you hear of the odd bad one on the news but that is the same in any ethnic group.

Spend billions being cruel to these people? Have you lost your mind. Probably the best future citizens you can find and 'cheap as chips' to set up and a new lifetime taxpayer. You just have to give them a fair go.

Surely you don't believe that Australia does not admit refugees? In fact they admit thousands. The ones referred to in the OP are ILLEGAL ones that try and jump the q. By trying to muddy the water you are OFF TOPIC.

The subject is ILLEGAL immigrants, NOT legal ones, which your reply refers to.

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You seem to have gone a little off topic BB

I would also take issue with the title of the article indicating Australia as a Nation vows to make no changes to immigration. This announcement / decision was made by a looney far Right Wing nutter Immigration Minister Dutton ( bit of a moron this guy) not by the Australian people as a whole. The Australian people had no say or even knew this was going to be done to people. Former prime Minister Abbott got the boot for doing this nasty hateful stuff.

This is a good lesson. When you vote in a Right Wing government you can end up with the lunatic far Right Wing nutter faction controlling the Party and you are in deep trouble. Get ready for crucial Health care, pharmaceutical services, education to be cut, tax cuts for the wealthy, tax cuts for business, deregulate business so they can do whatever they like, sell off assets to their mates in the private sector, attack on Unions so worker wages and conditions get cut, middle class decimated all the money floods to the big end of town. High unemployment so big business can exploit workers. The only way to stop them is to get out the electoral 'baseball bat' and sought them out one at a time.

Detention camps like Naru and Menis where they can be cruel to people is just a little diversionary fun for them.

An off topic reply, I know, but you did bring it up.

Now the Chinese are no longer paying big bucks for dirt, who do you suggest pays for all the health care, pharmaceutical services and education that you think is an entitlement for the Aussie citizen?

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