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I'll be moving to CM in just over a week. Working on the final bit of packing now.

I'm trying to decide if I should bother bringing my modem. I'd prefer not to have to buy a new modem when we arrive, since I have a perfectly good modem I can bring. I have a Motorola SB6141.

If I end up in a house and start up internet service, will this be compatible or is different equipment used with Thai internet service providers?

It's still up in the air if we'll end up in a condo or house. I realize this is useless if we're in a condo with internet provided to the whole building.

Thanks in advance.


Probably it will work with True Internet's dire Docsis connection.. But honestly you are better of leaving it at home and getting a modem from your provider. Especially if you are going for a Fiber optic connection (recommended) my choice is 3BB.


Your ISP may not give you a free modem/router (I assume you are talking about a modem router vice just a modem). Some do, some do not. Even the ones that do seem to be giving the 802.11g ones that are on stock or just cheap to get. If you want N or AC spec, you will have to buy them.

If you get fiber here and do not have a cable modem, then you won't be able to use it. But if it is a modem router you could find it useful to use as an extended.


It's a DOCSIS cable modem!

It's not even compatible with all US providers.

Very specific and only certain ISPs offer DOCSIS and also at selected locations in Thailand.

I am surprised that there are Thai ISPs that do not provide an access point device (ADSL/fibre modem, router etc.) when doing a new contract.

Which ones don't?

Apart from that there is plenty of devices to buy in Thailand if you want something better than the ISP supplies.

Leave the thing in the US (except you have plenty of free baggage weight).


Thai Internet Service Providers (ISP) will give you a new modem/router for free or very low charge. A DOCSIS/cable modem is only compatible with and/or must be married to (and compatible with) the ISP system you are signed up with.

For example here in Thailand a main DOCSIS/cable internet provided is TrueOnline...you "must" use their supplied DOCSIS modem as it married to the True system...just like you have to use their cable TV settop box and matching subscription card for TV service. You will not be able to use a cable modem that you buy on your own....don't waste you time...True will not code their system to accept the cable modem. I expect that's why few (if any) cable modems are for sale by merchants in Thailand.

Don't bring your cable modem...waste of time and shipping cost. If it was a plain jane ADSL modem and you were signing up for ADSL service then you could possibly use it over here even through the ISP would give you a new one instead.

Depending on whether you sign up for fiber, cable, satellite, xADSL, etc., service your ISP will provide you with a new modem/router free of charge/at a very low cost. Now whether the modem/router provides all the features/capabilities you want (or think you need) that's a different story.


Well, it's settled then. The modem will be left in the US. I do have a nice Apple Airport Extreme (router) I'll be bringing though. Doe TrueOnline provide a router/modem combo or just the modem?


Well, it's settled then. The modem will be left in the US. I do have a nice Apple Airport Extreme (router) I'll be bringing though. Doe TrueOnline provide a router/modem combo or just the modem?

It's a modem/router combo...various models which can depend on speed plan you choose and whatever manufacturers they happened to get the best deal from.

And cable TV/internet (or fiber optics) is far, far from being accessible all over Thailand or even in large cities like CM. All depends on if cable TV/internet service just happens to be in our area.


I installed True 30MB FTTH in Bangkok about two weeks ago and router/WiFI for there combination with TV service was a ZTE like below (but black). Has phone line/CATV/4 Lan connections and WiFi.



Hope you have checked that whatever you intend to bring is compatible with the Thai electricity supply or you will get a "surprise" smile.png

I hadn't considered that! I did just check and it looks like we're good. Thanks for the warning!


I installed True 30MB FTTH in Bangkok about two weeks ago and router/WiFI for there combination with TV service was a ZTE like below (but black). Has phone line/CATV/4 Lan connections and WiFi.

Was this included in the price or was it an additional add-on? If it's typical that something like this is included, I'll probably just leave my router at home too.

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