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Do You Read Books?

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I read about 7 books a week. I recently hit the 1,000 book upload limit using Google Books, had to delete some!

As for what I read, well that depends how I feel. Currently working through the entire 4,000,000+ words of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series again, for about the 3rd time, as there were some parts I still don't understand what was going on.

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I read much with my Kindle, I like science fiction and detective stories, I like Patricia Mac Donald, Harlan Coben and above all, Lindwood Barclay ; also computer magazines and simple stories in Thai language, just for training

I coudn't live without reading but now that I know e-readers I have completly stopped paper books , but I hope that paper books will never disappear

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I read a lot of science fiction, nature, through self-biography, the history of the country that I cross, to romantic readings, the new spelling reform. Finally, everything.

Currently, I'm reading "the curse of Ötzi".

Previously, it was about the life of ants.

But still, paper books. I like to turn the pages and feel this particular smell.

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Before I came to Thailand I would just read the normal dross magazines. Now after using the train system in Thailand I have found a love of reading books. When ever I have a chance to go somewhere that has a second-hand book shop I will usually buy at least one book. When I first arrived here I had one book, which was the "Lonely Planet" guidebook. Since then I must have over 70+ books. I have Stephen King, Dean Koontz plus Terry Pratchett and a few others from other authors. I would be lost now if I did not have a book to read to kill time. I tried to use e-books but I still prefer a "real book" but I understand that it is easier to have kindle or similar device.

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Yes, I love to read..., go through stages.., alternating between contemporary fiction and military history(go figure, another 'boys own' tragic)...., always have at least 2 on the go..., although only 1 while travelling. Sometimes while out and about in Bangkok there can be too many distractions...., but if I have a book on the go that I'm really into.., there is nothing better than catching up on a chapter or 2 with a cold beverage or 2.
Have not made the jump to Kindle.., yet.

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I used to be a bookworm and spent probably too much time with my head stuck in a book. Once I'd started reading, I would stay up far too late - until I couldn't put off going to sleep any longer as I had to go to work the next day.

Failing eyesight put an end to that as wearing glasses gives me eye-strain. Computers are bad enough, but books - even worse...

Friends recommended Kindle paperwhite - but even Central (in Phuket) had no idea what I was talking about, so I've given up as I'm not keen on giving my bank details online.

And yes, I miss reading good books.


An eReader will let you blow up the print so it would be good for you. I wouldn't worry about on line transactions, millions do it daily

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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On the third book of The Hunger Game Trilogy, good read. Was using Asia Books Online as my preferred system for purchase but honestly, they are totally incompetent, so changed service provider, which has allowed me to get the third book on time.

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Read books on my nexus 7 tablet. I am way behind in my reading but you think I would catch up as you can't do much else with the heat we have right now. Also get Bangkok Post...Sat and Sun only.

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Yes - and I have them in boxes in a spare room....Not worth shelving the soft covers....I have a few buddies that borrow, read & bring back....Kind of a mini library...

I have not tried the Kindle but might - but enjoy the tactile feeling of progression.....

I have to admit since being in Thailand the reading has turned more towards the recreational side, opposed to serious considerations....

Still enjoy some of the greats like RWE for stimulation from time to time....

Then there's the bombastic line up of TVF fictional characters for purpose of entertainment & amusement.....

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I love reading. Recently I have read the Classics of Ken Follett, the autobiography of Bill Clinton, and now wading through the collection of Jeffrey Archers'. When I was in England I had a library of books but not practical to bring them here.

Slightly off-topic but in the many houses I have been in, in 13 years I have seen very few with any books and sorry to say many of them are Teachers.

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I have not tried the Kindle but might - but enjoy the tactile feeling of progression.....

It's true that the tactile feeling , the sound of paper and turning pages is irreplaceable, and e-readers can't do it

before going to Thailand, I thought that e-readers "not for me ", I liked too much paper etc , and at the end, for convenient reasons I bought my basic Kindle in Thailand, and now I am so used to it that I don't think of paper books anymore

it's as pleasant and convenient that a normal book, and you can have a lot of books in the same little place

but for art or pictures books, of course, paper books are irreplaceable, e-readers can't do everything

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Re-reading Cien Anos de Soledad "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I like thinking about how village life as portrayed in the book is similar and different to Isaan village life.

Also, very slowly savoring Thomas Pynchon's 1000 page plus literary fireworks "Against the Day." Pynchon is a mind blowingly amzing writer, every sentence seems to be yet another masterpiece in itself and often hilariously funny.

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Do You Read Books?

Answer; NO and NEVER

does it make me any lesser of a person ?

I have never read a book from cover to cover in my life,

and never will, if someone spends month's or years writing

a book, i'm not going to waste my time months or years

reading it.

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Do You Read Books?

Answer; NO and NEVER

does it make me any lesser of a person ?

I have never read a book from cover to cover in my life,

and never will, if someone spends month's or years writing

a book, i'm not going to waste my time months or years

reading it.

Congratulations on what may be the most ridiculous post that I have ever read anywhere. A celebration of ignorance unparalleled in human existence.

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Do You Read Books?

Answer; NO and NEVER

does it make me any lesser of a person ?

I have never read a book from cover to cover in my life,

and never will, if someone spends month's or years writing

a book, i'm not going to waste my time months or years

reading it.

Your post made me feel a little sad.

Literature offers a whole new world for humanity to explore and can touch every fibre of a person's being. There are no limits. No boundaries, no restrictions.

Give it a go and let your mind be opened. It's saddening to read of someone depriving themselves of one of life's greatest treasures.....

Edited by Merylhighground
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Do You Read Books?

Answer; NO and NEVER

does it make me any lesser of a person ?

I have never read a book from cover to cover in my life,

and never will, if someone spends month's or years writing

a book, i'm not going to waste my time months or years

reading it.

It's not really something to boast about, is it?

Mind you, if it took me months or years to read a book, I probably wouldn't bother either.

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Yes – I either buy in local stores or order from Amazon – last one was "Grey Wolf", next in the line to read is however a bit unusual for me, poetry; but it's a book written by my cousin, that's why...rolleyes.gif

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Yep. Proper old-fashioned ones, usually second-hand and a little battered. I find them a nice change from all the technology.

You obviously don't mind all the bacteria and fungi transferred to them by multiple readers.

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Yep. Proper old-fashioned ones, usually second-hand and a little battered. I find them a nice change from all the technology.

You obviously don't mind all the bacteria and fungi transferred to them by multiple readers.

Yeah - Buy 'em new.....

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