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More big-name Republicans abandon Trump; he just shrugs


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Republicans not acknowledging the presumptive nominee should tell the voters all they need to know about the current state of US party politics.

The entrenched Republicans would rather give de facto support to "the enemy" (the Democratic nominee) than to follow the wishes of their constituency.

It is also very telling that the Republican establishment is more concerned with "stopping Trump" than with asking themselves "how did this guy gain so much support from the people who elected us".

If the Rep establishment don't like Trump because he's a threat and not conservative enough, then why did they accept his candidacy application in the first place?

You might want to study a bit...there is no "candidacy application".

Putting that aside, I think the Republican leadership/powers that be (and the Democrats as well) did not consider Trump to be a serious presidential candidate...the view was more that here is some rich guy that likes attention, throwing his money around to get in the news.

I am not sure if it is so much that Trump himself resonates with a large number of voters, but the fact that his message does. He is someone from "outside the Beltway", not a Washington insider, and not beholden to campaign contributors.

Should Trump be elected as the next President of the United States, it will be interesting to watch him put his Cabinet together.

You're right I am not American and haven't studied the process. Nevertheless there must be a legal process involved. I'll google it. Cheers.

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Republicans not acknowledging the presumptive nominee should tell the voters all they need to know about the current state of US party politics.

The entrenched Republicans would rather give de facto support to "the enemy" (the Democratic nominee) than to follow the wishes of their constituency.

It is also very telling that the Republican establishment is more concerned with "stopping Trump" than with asking themselves "how did this guy gain so much support from the people who elected us".

If the Rep establishment don't like Trump because he's a threat and not conservative enough, then why did they accept his candidacy application in the first place?

You might want to study a bit...there is no "candidacy application".

Putting that aside, I think the Republican leadership/powers that be (and the Democrats as well) did not consider Trump to be a serious presidential candidate...the view was more that here is some rich guy that likes attention, throwing his money around to get in the news.

I am not sure if it is so much that Trump himself resonates with a large number of voters, but the fact that his message does. He is someone from "outside the Beltway", not a Washington insider, and not beholden to campaign contributors.

Should Trump be elected as the next President of the United States, it will be interesting to watch him put his Cabinet together.

Yes will be interesting to see if any are not from Goldman Sachs.
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I think the real big names in the republican party are probably trying to distance themselves from the screwed up republican party altogether. Sad really

Trump does not really represent the Republican party.

The Republican party seems to be dominated more by religious nut-jobs ala Ted Cruz....non-believers in science who would just as soon institute their version of shariah Christian law in the US.

There are plenty of Republicans who do not follow that extreme right-wing line, but they will not speak up....except Trump.

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I believe the CIA will use their carcinogenic arsenal on Trump and finish him off as they did to Hugo Chavez, if they consider him a threat to the trillion-dollar gravy train.

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Hinting at 'defaulting' on treasury notes ain't a particularly bright idea IMO. Bet the treasury dept absolutely adored that,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yeah, an amazing proposal to essentially plunge the USA into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Screw the creditors out of a large percentage, reorganize and survive. He thinks of a country and the world as a business, and that shows the lack of depth of his experience. He is so out of his depth it is pathetic...But, if it works...laugh.png

Don't forget he knows more about Chapter 11 than anyone else involved.

It will be interesting to see how the fat old Republican pigs can find a way to cozy up to him and still keep a fig-leaf covering their 'respectability' so they can keep their snouts in the trough.

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Sadly, he appeals to all "born in the USA" blue collar types who are looking for somebody to blame for what's happening in the world.

It won't work

Just like Hitler didn't work

Get training, get a better job. You can't hold back the tide as Canute demonstrated.

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The problem that I see with the Republican party is that the consistently talk about conservative values but do a piss poor job of explaining what that is. Seems they are against every kind of social change. I am with them when it comes to fiscal responsibility and I cringe every time I hear Hillary or Bernie talk about some new social program to help some segment of society. With the USA overspending every year about 1.3 trillion dollars, the Democrats only think throwing money at things is the solution. They say the 1 percent can pay for it but in reality that cost gets passed on to everyone in the cost of goods and services. That's where I differ with the two parties. The Republicans on the other hand express conservative values on many social issues with which the general public does not agree, i.e. abortion, and which seem to be non issues for most Americans. They therefore box themselves into a corner. The reason I might take a chance on Trump is because I don't think he is a rabid conservative on social issues and might just be able to get the economy going again, something current Administration has been unable to do, which generates jobs and tax revenue to cut down on deficit spending. Trump as a businessman might just be able to pull that off whereas I know Hillary or Bernie will just add spending programs which will have no net affect on getting people off the social programs and into jobs. I am thinking I am willing to take a chance as in reality I see Trump underneath all the talk as more libertarian.

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We're separating Republican from RINOs (Republicans in Name Only). Good riddance to the neo-cons who are really closet Democrats and progressive liberals.

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Hinting at 'defaulting' on treasury notes ain't a particularly bright idea IMO. Bet the treasury dept absolutely adored that,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yeah, an amazing proposal to essentially plunge the USA into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Screw the creditors out of a large percentage, reorganize and survive. He thinks of a country and the world as a business, and that shows the lack of depth of his experience. He is so out of his depth it is pathetic...But, if it works...laugh.png

What experience do you think Obama had before becoming President? Or Cameron, or Merkel or Hollande? All these people spend their entire lives inside the political bubble. Their experience of the real world is close to zero.

Whatever one thinks of Trump's views, running a successful business makes him more qualified than an academic who was editor of the Harvard Law Review.

Your point is well taken, as I am a businessman myself. Good businessmen get things done, get to the point, and create transformative change to improve their companies. The problem with Trump is that he thinks these same things can work in governance, and perhaps some of them can. He is just too inexperienced and unsophisticated in the governance part, not to mention wrong temperance. Balancing a global superpower requires consensus building, and collaboration, and this guy has yet to prove he can do that.

Obama combined his inexperience with the inability to effect consensus building, and collaboration and it got him two terms

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I believe the CIA will use their carcinogenic arsenal on Trump and finish him off as they did to Hugo Chavez, if they consider him a threat to the trillion-dollar gravy train.

Only if they sense Hillary imploding.

Which is a very real possibility btw

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Every time one of these RHINOs opens their mouth to disparage Trump they illuminate once more, and reinforce, exactly what people are pissed off about. Contrary to popular wisdom, this phenomena is not entirely a result of Obama. But the Republican collusion with Obama has outed once and for all the previously shadowy notion that the Republican Establishment and Democratic Party were effectively the same thing. People are as sick of Obama as they are of Bush (pick your #), Ryan, etc., etc.

Each time they pop up to sour Trump they further exemplify that they are the problem; and they are. Trump might not be the most desirable person to fill the vacuum but its apparent there would be one. I encourage them to remain steadfast to their convictions and share often with the media how they are #NeverTrump. Fewer things can help Trump more in the middle ground.

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Trump doesn't care. His plan to get his friend Hillary elected is working perfectly!

I really can't believe so many people have fallen for this con.

...Lets see if you are right.

shouldn't take long to debunk.

Why would Hillary need Trump to get her elected? She has the media, DNC, Obama & his DOJ and the corporate Oligarchs to drag her across the goal line in spite of herself

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Hinting at 'defaulting' on treasury notes ain't a particularly bright idea IMO. Bet the treasury dept absolutely adored that,,,

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yeah, an amazing proposal to essentially plunge the USA into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Screw the creditors out of a large percentage, reorganize and survive. He thinks of a country and the world as a business, and that shows the lack of depth of his experience. He is so out of his depth it is pathetic...But, if it works...laugh.png

Yeah, but thanks to Obama, "out-of-his-depth" is now precedent.

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I don't think Trump cares if he becomes President or not. He's just in it for the show and sticking it to the establishment. He looks like he is having the time of his life. I bet no one was more surprised than he at his success tongue.png

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I believe the CIA will use their carcinogenic arsenal on Trump and finish him off as they did to Hugo Chavez, if they consider him a threat to the trillion-dollar gravy train.

Only if they sense Hillary imploding.

Which is a very real possibility btw

That's already happening as we speak.

Just look at Sanders success, eh? smile.png

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I think the real big names in the republican party are probably trying to distance themselves from the screwed up republican party altogether. Sad really

It's really fascinating to see which big name Republicans are now supporting Trump:

1. Dick (Darth Vader) Cheney (hard to see him being isolationist, he is the Iraq war).

2. John McCain (who famously sang the cute song by the Beach Boys, Barbara-Ann, inserting the words "bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran."

3. Sarah (I can see Russia from my backyard) Palin (who was running mate with McCain, and who demurely stated today that she would be available for VP position, but wouldn't want to hurt Trump's chances.

So, we have an all-star cast there folks, and they don't look like isolationists to me, though they do look like wall-builders.

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Trump has been changing everything including his platform, if you can call it a platform. First he bragged about him financing his own run but really only was lending money to his campaign. Now he says he will not finance his campaign, wow ! He is looking for money from the rich and major companies... A major change I think.

He has also now said an increase in wages is something he needs to see about but is really up in the air about. Next, he says he will reduce the taxes for the very rich, the 1 %. Wow !!!

Now that he has won the primary he is changing his platform to go with the establishment and he is forgetting about what he ran for and what people supported him for. It's only about winning and he will say and do anything to win.

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You are darn right people are scared.

This administration, and the previous administrations, will be losing long time supporters.

Special Interest groups and Government Contractors face being put out of business. All the years and years of being on the receiving end of the Bush administration and those that followed...are coming to an end.

Only the Lord knows what Trump will uncover.....They want to silence him. Exactly what they want to do. The rest of the riff raff opposition is only worried about their government handouts...and will say or do anything...to keep them on the booze and gals.

Lets get it over with, I say....."Hang em out to dry" go Trump! (fist pump).

Edited by slipperylobster
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You are darn right people are scared.

This administration, and the previous administrations, will be losing long time supporters.

Special Interest groups and Government Contractors face being put out of business. All the years and years of being on the receiving end of the Bush administration and those that followed...are coming to an end.

Only the Lord knows what Trump will uncover.....They want to silence him. Exactly what they want to do. The rest of the riff raff opposition is only worried about their government handouts...and will say or do anything...to keep them on the booze and gals.

Lets get it over with, I say....."Hang em out to dry" go Trump! (fist pump).

I would say you were correct up until recently. Trump was paying his own way, talked about helping the middle class etc etc . All looked good except his stupid comments and rude behavior. He has just came out and said that he will not finance the run for the White House, he has changed his mind about taxes and want to give tax breaks to the corporations and the 1%, he has said that minimum wage increase he will have to think about, etc etc ..., this has only come out since he has basically won the republican nomination. He is now changing his toon to what the big wig money wants. He basically lied to his supporters and now he will twist and maneuver however he can to win. Edited by ttthailand
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I just watched a Fox TV interview with Newt Gingrich. He's angry at Ryan for not backing Trump. Newt's reason; fidelity to the Republican Party (which is ironic considering Newt's infidelities to his various wives). Yet nowhere in the interview did Newt mention anything about policies or Trump's ugly character. It was only about allegiance. He's like the trailer park mom, when she hears her teenage son has been snatching purses, doesn't care one whit about the boy breaking the law, but instead browbeats the cops for arresting her son ("you're being mean! ")

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From the OP: "It all comes at a moment when Trump needs to be reaching out to the women, minorities and others who will be crucial for him to triumph in November over Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee. Trump made what he appeared to believe was an overture in that direction Thursday by tweeting a photo of himself eating a taco bowl in celebration of Cinco de Mayo and declaring his love for Hispanics."

No problem for the slick huckster: All he has to do is say, "I love women. Women love me. I've had all sorts of women; successful, models, married, quickies in elevators, you name it, I've done it. I tell you, women love me. Believe me, there's not a woman who knows me that doesn't love me, except maybe Rosie O'Donnel, except she never had the privilege of being had by me, so that would explain why she doesn't love me. ha ha ha."

"As for Hispanics. Hey no problem. They cut my lawns, they trim my hedges, clean my swimming pools. There's some hispanic women who vaccum carpets for Melania, They do a nice job by the way. Very good vaccuumers. When they're not lusting after my daughter thinking of raping her, they're good people. They all love me, by the way, and they make good guacamole. The best."

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From the OP: "It all comes at a moment when Trump needs to be reaching out to the women, minorities and others who will be crucial for him to triumph in November over Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee. Trump made what he appeared to believe was an overture in that direction Thursday by tweeting a photo of himself eating a taco bowl in celebration of Cinco de Mayo and declaring his love for Hispanics."

No problem for the slick huckster: All he has to do is say, "I love women. Women love me. I've had all sorts of women; successful, models, married, quickies in elevators, you name it, I've done it. I tell you, women love me. Believe me, there's not a woman who knows me that doesn't love me, except maybe Rosie O'Donnel, except she never had the privilege of being had by me, so that would explain why she doesn't love me. ha ha ha."

"As for Hispanics. Hey no problem. They cut my lawns, they trim my hedges, clean my swimming pools. There's some hispanic women who vaccum carpets for Melania, They do a nice job by the way. Very good vaccuumers. When they're not lusting after my daughter thinking of raping her, they're good people. They all love me, by the way, and they make good guacamole. The best."

Curious are you even an American? You sound very out of touch. Name sounds like Australian?

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Where's Clint Eastwood when we need him....and need him more than ever!

Clint needs to talk to Trump using Clint's widely and well known empty chair. It would be appropriate in the instance of Donald Trump because Clint would also be talking to an empty head.

Bring back Clint ! Make our day.

Or maybe The Donald needs to talk to Hillary in an empty chair of his own. Wouldn't that be a hoot !

Both Clint and Donald could also talk to Paul Ryan in an empty chair. Then Donald could cuss at Elizabeth Warren in an empty chair.

The empty Republican party.

RIP GOP, 1852 - 2016.

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From the OP: "It all comes at a moment when Trump needs to be reaching out to the women, minorities and others who will be crucial for him to triumph in November over Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee. Trump made what he appeared to believe was an overture in that direction Thursday by tweeting a photo of himself eating a taco bowl in celebration of Cinco de Mayo and declaring his love for Hispanics."

No problem for the slick huckster: All he has to do is say, "I love women. Women love me. I've had all sorts of women; successful, models, married, quickies in elevators, you name it, I've done it. I tell you, women love me. Believe me, there's not a woman who knows me that doesn't love me, except maybe Rosie O'Donnel, except she never had the privilege of being had by me, so that would explain why she doesn't love me. ha ha ha."

"As for Hispanics. Hey no problem. They cut my lawns, they trim my hedges, clean my swimming pools. There's some hispanic women who vaccum carpets for Melania, They do a nice job by the way. Very good vaccuumers. When they're not lusting after my daughter thinking of raping her, they're good people. They all love me, by the way, and they make good guacamole. The best."

Curious are you even an American? You sound very out of touch. Name sounds like Australian?

Either way, quite a busy imagination.

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Simple math. The majority of women, blacks, hispanics, and Muslims will not vote Trump.

77% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

This may be correct "math" but points to the success of the Democrats in balkanizing America. Who can abide by such [tribal*] mechanics/elections? It is by this "math" that Progressives inflict their will on the whole. This is the face of America's insurgency.

*'Tribal' reads islands of self interest, not derision.

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Simple math. The majority of women, blacks, hispanics, and Muslims will not vote Trump.

77% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

'Sounds bad for Trump, huh? Well, in an effort to supply the usually-missing other half of the truth, here's Hillary on a pretty good tear (and climb-path!) trying to catch up with HER unfavorability ratings ...


In this election, I don't think it's going to be about who will not vote for who. It's going to be about who's not so disillusioned & angry that they vote at all. 'Looks like plenty of those on both sides of the great divide.

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Simple math. The majority of women, blacks, hispanics, and Muslims will not vote Trump.

77% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

'Sounds bad for Trump, huh? Well, in an effort to supply the usually-missing other half of the truth, here's Hillary on a pretty good tear (and climb-path!) trying to catch up with HER unfavorability ratings ...


In this election, I don't think it's going to be about who will not vote for who. It's going to be about who's not so disillusioned & angry that they vote at all. 'Looks like plenty of those on both sides of the great divide.

"Disillusioned and angry" This is just the 2016 conservatives campaign slogan.

The USA is in great shape so they must play the "disillusioned & angry" card.

They want us to go back to the glory days of GWBush.

Fact is, polls show Obama is very popular and would easily win another term if he could run again.

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