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More big-name Republicans abandon Trump; he just shrugs


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I was a republican until GWB. I will be voting whoever is running against Trump. He would make the US and the World a very dangerous place.

Look at the Trump ralies. Full of angry old white men who have a fantasy of going back to the 1950s in their head. There are alot of them but not enough to elect him.

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Simple math. The majority of women, blacks, hispanics, and Muslims will not vote Trump.

77% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

How little you understand race politics in America. Do not assume that all American Hispanics are the same. There is a large segment of the latino population who detest Mexicans. Many refugees had to pass through Mexico to get to the USA and they were robbed, brutalized, raped and humiliated while doing so. The Cubans are as right wing as they come and they will not abandon him. South Americans who are some of the wealthiest immigrants to Florida have no common bond with the impoverished illegals found in the west. Trump will change his rhetoric and will play to the ethnic divide. As for blacks, they have a low turn out for elections and I believe we will see historical lows this year. Obama won't be there to attract them to vote. As for muslims, they are concentrated in some states and thus mute their importance as a voting block. In any case, Hilary isn't loved by muslims either. She's pro Israel, while Trump couldn't care less.

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The GOP is on the horns of a dilemma. Should they support Trump and possibly keep their lucrative jobs or oppose him because he says he's going to change the way they make their ill-gotten funds.

Either way they couldn't care less about the country or their constituents. One senator recently said that if it was a choice between Trump or letting the Democrats win he would back Trump. This type of blind antipathy to the 'other side' is why the US Govt has been paralyzed during the current administration - none of these swine care about the country's future only keeping their noses in the trough.

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I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

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We're separating Republican from RINOs (Republicans in Name Only). Good riddance to the neo-cons who are really closet Democrats and progressive liberals.

And what's left are tin foil hat wearing, racist wingnuts...or as we've come to know it, the Republican base.

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I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

The Republicans have been depending on the hate & fear model since Roger Ailes developed that methodology in the 1960s. Forget the issues and facts, people will vote if they hate and fear the opposition.

They want you to hate the other side. That's what they do. They drip feed the hate, 24/7 on the fake news and right wing talk radio.

Their hate and fear model is dishonest, dangerous and unpatriotic, relentlessly denigrating the President in front of the world all day long.

Good people, qualified to be President won't run because the hate machine will destroy them and their family.

Now with their internal problems, they turned the Republican hate machine on themselves and are self destructing. Good.

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I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

Busted, as in a system that provides two candidates to a country of 300 000 000+ whose campaigns are so obscenely expensive that the winners are left scrambling to repay their debts with favorable policies. A system that entirely disenfranchises anyone but the wealthiest players.

A system that is impossible to breach with an independent (non establishment) party

A system that provides to the American people the choice of whoever disgusts them the least. A choice that, after all is said and done, shows very little policy difference in the end, despite the violent polarization of the people.

The antithesis of democratic process.

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I can't help but suspect that the "real republicans" have something up their sleeves to prevent the Trump nomination.

It may be a very interesting convention.

I agree. Republican establishment will try to steer away from Trump, but doubtful they will succeed. Trump can readily revert to bully mode, and shout any adversary into the concrete floor. All that will be left after the brawl; blood and suet stains heat treated with hot air from pie holes. I pity the clean up crews who come around the next morning. Like all low-income workers (except taxis, bellhops, waitresses and whores), they won't get a tip afterwards.

I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

I gave the above post a 'like' but I don't believe the RP is toast. Maybe because I don't want them to be toast. Some of the reasons it's good to have a Rep party are:

>>> they're entertaining. Their best candidate is a boasting, clueless, bully with a potty mouth.

>>> There needs to be at least 2 parties in the US, otherwise it becomes like one-party states like Malaysia, Mexico or China where you get the same tired bunch of old men. Worse than that is Saudi Arabia or Syria or N.Korea where there's one family.

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I can't help but suspect that the "real republicans" have something up their sleeves to prevent the Trump nomination.

It may be a very interesting convention.

I agree. Republican establishment will try to steer away from Trump, but doubtful they will succeed. Trump can readily revert to bully mode, and shout any adversary into the concrete floor. All that will be left after the brawl; blood and suet stains heat treated with hot air from pie holes. I pity the clean up crews who come around the next morning. Like all low-income workers (except taxis, bellhops, waitresses and whores), they won't get a tip afterwards.

I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

I gave the above post a 'like' but I don't believe the RP is toast. Maybe because I don't want them to be toast. Some of the reasons it's good to have a Rep party are:

>>> they're entertaining. Their best candidate is a boasting, clueless, bully with a potty mouth.

>>> There needs to be at least 2 parties in the US, otherwise it becomes like one-party states like Malaysia, Mexico or China where you get the same tired bunch of old men. Worse than that is Saudi Arabia or Syria or N.Korea where there's one family.

There will always be at least two parties in the U.S.

When the GOP is finally put to rest, the same old obstructionist, greedy creeps will morph into one or more "new" parties under different names.

Most of these jerks have never really worked for a living and will need to stay in politics!

Things will not change much.

The best we can hope for is that there may be more than just two viable parties to choose from in the future.

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I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

Busted, as in a system that provides two candidates to a country of 300 000 000+ whose campaigns are so obscenely expensive that the winners are left scrambling to repay their debts with favorable policies. A system that entirely disenfranchises anyone but the wealthiest players.

A system that is impossible to breach with an independent (non establishment) party

A system that provides to the American people the choice of whoever disgusts them the least. A choice that, after all is said and done, shows very little policy difference in the end, despite the violent polarization of the people.

The antithesis of democratic process.

The Democrats have been trying to get rid of Citizens United passed by the Supreme Court since day one. This is all the Republican's doing. You got it wrong. The Republicans have done this all to themselves. The Democrats want change. Republican's don't. It allows them to get where they are today...self immolating!

The Democrats are going to win a resoundingly in November and real change will happen. Buddha bless the party system. It works, unfortunately for the Republicans.

You're just bitter because your party is sooooo bad. The Cleveland Browns of politics. On second thought, the Browns are better.

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Simple math. The majority of women, blacks, hispanics, and Muslims will not vote Trump.

77% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

How little you understand race politics in America. Do not assume that all American Hispanics are the same. There is a large segment of the latino population who detest Mexicans. Many refugees had to pass through Mexico to get to the USA and they were robbed, brutalized, raped and humiliated while doing so. The Cubans are as right wing as they come and they will not abandon him. South Americans who are some of the wealthiest immigrants to Florida have no common bond with the impoverished illegals found in the west. Trump will change his rhetoric and will play to the ethnic divide. As for blacks, they have a low turn out for elections and I believe we will see historical lows this year. Obama won't be there to attract them to vote. As for muslims, they are concentrated in some states and thus mute their importance as a voting block. In any case, Hilary isn't loved by muslims either. She's pro Israel, while Trump couldn't care less.

Trump has 11% support among Hispanic voters nationally. Romney got 27% of 'em, McCain got 34% of 'em, GW Bush got 43% of 'em. I know you recognise a trend line here which also has, as of 2016, a precipitous plunge to it.

Cuban Americans are almost entirely Republicans, whereas Hispanics are overwhelmingly Democrats. That is a serious divide among those immigrants from south of the border. Cubans are welcomed to the USA as hero refugees while Hispanics crossing the border via Mexico are reviled by Republicans and other rightwhinger racial types.

Using the 2012 Potus election as a baseline, Trump as the nominee in this cycle would need to reverse the 5 million votes Obama won by over Romney. Trump would have to win over 90% of the 3 million new Hispanic voters who have added themselves to the voter rolls since 2012. Trump would need to resurrect the 60% of the 3 million whites who have died since the 2012 election when Romney won 59% of the white vote and he still lost. This time around Trump would need the mission impossible more than 70% of the white vote to win. The only womens' vote Trump will get are the old 5' and 5" rightwingers who wear "Jail Hillary" t-shirts size XXXXXLLLLL.

Minorities are going to beat a path to the polls in November to slam the door on Trump. The minorities, to include Asian-Americans who voted 72% for Obama in 2012, have a lotta white voters who are going to trounce Trump in November. It's their motto, i.e., We'll Remember in November.

RIP GOP 1852 - 2016.

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I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

The Republicans have been depending on the hate & fear model since Roger Ailes developed that methodology in the 1960s. Forget the issues and facts, people will vote if they hate and fear the opposition.

They want you to hate the other side. That's what they do. They drip feed the hate, 24/7 on the fake news and right wing talk radio.

Their hate and fear model is dishonest, dangerous and unpatriotic, relentlessly denigrating the President in front of the world all day long.

Good people, qualified to be President won't run because the hate machine will destroy them and their family.

Now with their internal problems, they turned the Republican hate machine on themselves and are self destructing. Good.

While the Democrats depend upon a model of class warfare and demonizing "the rich".

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I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

The Republicans have been depending on the hate & fear model since Roger Ailes developed that methodology in the 1960s. Forget the issues and facts, people will vote if they hate and fear the opposition.

They want you to hate the other side. That's what they do. They drip feed the hate, 24/7 on the fake news and right wing talk radio.

Their hate and fear model is dishonest, dangerous and unpatriotic, relentlessly denigrating the President in front of the world all day long.

Good people, qualified to be President won't run because the hate machine will destroy them and their family.

Now with their internal problems, they turned the Republican hate machine on themselves and are self destructing. Good.

While the Democrats depend upon a model of class warfare and demonizing "the rich".

The rich should actually support democrats.

Since WW2 the stock market during democrat terms has averaged around 12% per year while the republican administrations have tallied under 6% on average.

Retirees on pension, people with IRAs and 401k accounts and other investors can expect their accounts value to double every 6 years with the democrat historic returns. It will take 12 years to get the same returns with historic republican returns.

This is surprising since the republicans claim they are the pro business party.

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Looks more and more like the Establishment Repubs are threatening to let Trump have the party (what is left of it), and run it into the ground without their participation. Not sure whether the plan is pick up the pieces after the Dems win the landslide, or reform into a new party.

Paul Ryan will skip chairing convention if Donald Trump asks


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Am not sure how this fits, but statistics regarding life expectancy show the following:

Although life expectancy is rising steadily worldwide, there is a weird trend in the US:

For American white males with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining.

Here's the clincher:

For American white FEMALES with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining significantly.

The studies looked further and found the #1 cause: the easy availability and widespread popularity of heroin-like pharmaceuticals like Oxytocin. It's even available as nose spray. During the recent Super Bowl, which has the most expensive TV ads, there was an ad for a product which counters the bowel problems brought on by such pharma drugs. I don't have all the related details, but you can google it.

Consider: Who are Trump's most ardent supporters? Right; white men and women with low education. Am not sure how the dots connect, but it's food for thought.

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Am not sure how this fits, but statistics regarding life expectancy show the following:

Although life expectancy is rising steadily worldwide, there is a weird trend in the US:

For American white males with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining.

Here's the clincher:

For American white FEMALES with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining significantly.

The studies looked further and found the #1 cause: the easy availability and widespread popularity of heroin-like pharmaceuticals like Oxytocin. It's even available as nose spray. During the recent Super Bowl, which has the most expensive TV ads, there was an ad for a product which counters the bowel problems brought on by such pharma drugs. I don't have all the related details, but you can google it.

Consider: Who are Trump's most ardent supporters? Right; white men and women with low education. Am not sure how the dots connect, but it's food for thought.

If we take away the rah rah and the stereotypes, Trump and Sanders supporters are two sides of the same coin.

For Sanders it is young educated folk who despite their advantages, see little prospect in their ability to make their way in an increasingly economic disparate America.

For the Trump supporters, it is those who have been shut out from he transformation of the U.S. economy, and those who are participating in it but have seen little increase in their real wages despite being asked/forced to give more.

They both feel like they are in the outside looking in, though who they blame for this differs, with the exception of a corrupt corporate Washington nexus.

I have my own views on what policies are best to solve these real problems, though I suspect none of the candidates would go with them.

The reality is that the U.S. is all about survival of the fittest, and while some of you have done it, the overarching question of 'is this good for society' rarely gets asked as it is in other countries. It is part of your national ethos, probably always be as such, in a real sense the outcomes you see are a result of this ethos.

Edited by samran
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Am not sure how this fits, but statistics regarding life expectancy show the following:

Although life expectancy is rising steadily worldwide, there is a weird trend in the US:

For American white males with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining.

Here's the clincher:

For American white FEMALES with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining significantly.

The studies looked further and found the #1 cause: the easy availability and widespread popularity of heroin-like pharmaceuticals like Oxytocin. It's even available as nose spray. During the recent Super Bowl, which has the most expensive TV ads, there was an ad for a product which counters the bowel problems brought on by such pharma drugs. I don't have all the related details, but you can google it.

Consider: Who are Trump's most ardent supporters? Right; white men and women with low education. Am not sure how the dots connect, but it's food for thought.

If we take away the rah rah and the stereotypes, Trump and Sanders supporters are two sides of the same coin.

For Sanders it is young educated folk who despite their advantages, see little prospect in their ability to make their way in an increasingly economic disparate America.

For the Trump supporters, it is those who have been shut out from he transformation of the U.S. economy, and those who are participating in it but have seen little increase in their real wages despite being asked/forced to give more.

They both feel like they are in the outside looking in, though who they blame for this differs, with the exception of a corrupt corporate Washington nexus.

I have my own views on what policies are best to solve these real problems, though I suspect none of the candidates would go with them.

The reality is that the U.S. is all about survival of the fittest, and while some of you have done it, the overarching question of 'is this good for society' rarely gets asked as it is in other countries. It is part of your national ethos, probably always be as such, in a real sense the outcomes you see are a result of this ethos.

I think that's fair criticism. However...the American middle class is enormous. It's why the world wants to be there. The inequities are there and the I got mine, screw you, is prevalent...We're working on it.

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Am not sure how this fits, but statistics regarding life expectancy show the following:

Although life expectancy is rising steadily worldwide, there is a weird trend in the US:

For American white males with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining.

Here's the clincher:

For American white FEMALES with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining significantly.

The studies looked further and found the #1 cause: the easy availability and widespread popularity of heroin-like pharmaceuticals like Oxytocin. It's even available as nose spray. During the recent Super Bowl, which has the most expensive TV ads, there was an ad for a product which counters the bowel problems brought on by such pharma drugs. I don't have all the related details, but you can google it.

Consider: Who are Trump's most ardent supporters? Right; white men and women with low education. Am not sure how the dots connect, but it's food for thought.

If we take away the rah rah and the stereotypes, Trump and Sanders supporters are two sides of the same coin.

For Sanders it is young educated folk who despite their advantages, see little prospect in their ability to make their way in an increasingly economic disparate America.

For the Trump supporters, it is those who have been shut out from he transformation of the U.S. economy, and those who are participating in it but have seen little increase in their real wages despite being asked/forced to give more.

They both feel like they are in the outside looking in, though who they blame for this differs, with the exception of a corrupt corporate Washington nexus.

I have my own views on what policies are best to solve these real problems, though I suspect none of the candidates would go with them.

The reality is that the U.S. is all about survival of the fittest, and while some of you have done it, the overarching question of 'is this good for society' rarely gets asked as it is in other countries. It is part of your national ethos, probably always be as such, in a real sense the outcomes you see are a result of this ethos.

I think that's fair criticism. However...the American middle class is enormous. It's why the world wants to be there. The inequities are there and the I got mine, screw you, is prevalent...We're working on it.

To be honest, didn't really mean it as a criticism per se. If survival of the fittest is part of the social contract - then the disparate outcomes are also part of the contract. In their own ways, I guess Trumpites and Bernie followers want to take a step back from that. Both sides also sense that that middle class is vanishing. I'm guessing the economic stats probably bear that out.

Anyway, interesting election year.

Edited by samran
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Am not sure how this fits, but statistics regarding life expectancy show the following:

Although life expectancy is rising steadily worldwide, there is a weird trend in the US:

For American white males with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining.

Here's the clincher:

For American white FEMALES with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining significantly.

The studies looked further and found the #1 cause: the easy availability and widespread popularity of heroin-like pharmaceuticals like Oxytocin. It's even available as nose spray. During the recent Super Bowl, which has the most expensive TV ads, there was an ad for a product which counters the bowel problems brought on by such pharma drugs. I don't have all the related details, but you can google it.

Consider: Who are Trump's most ardent supporters? Right; white men and women with low education. Am not sure how the dots connect, but it's food for thought.

If we take away the rah rah and the stereotypes, Trump and Sanders supporters are two sides of the same coin.

For Sanders it is young educated folk who despite their advantages, see little prospect in their ability to make their way in an increasingly economic disparate America.

For the Trump supporters, it is those who have been shut out from he transformation of the U.S. economy, and those who are participating in it but have seen little increase in their real wages despite being asked/forced to give more.

They both feel like they are in the outside looking in, though who they blame for this differs, with the exception of a corrupt corporate Washington nexus.

I have my own views on what policies are best to solve these real problems, though I suspect none of the candidates would go with them.

The reality is that the U.S. is all about survival of the fittest, and while some of you have done it, the overarching question of 'is this good for society' rarely gets asked as it is in other countries. It is part of your national ethos, probably always be as such, in a real sense the outcomes you see are a result of this ethos.

I think that's fair criticism. However...the American middle class is enormous. It's why the world wants to be there. The inequities are there and the I got mine, screw you, is prevalent...We're working on it.

Why is "survival of the fittest" a negative?

In the context of America, the fittest who will get off their ass and put in an honest days work for an honest days pay.

There are very few Americans who would turn their back on someone truly in need, in a one on one situation.

Unfortunately, the idea of a welfare state where "the government" owes people something has become so entrenched that the American middle class has gotten tired of footing the bills.

Government adds no value...it only takes away.

If my employer pays me a dollar, and they have done their numbers correctly, that dollar worth of my labor makes them enough money where they can pay me, pay my expenses, etc...and still have some left over to pay the overhead and have a bit of profit left over.

Or take the idea of a working in the manufacturing sector...Company XYZ gives an employee $1 and puts in $1 or raw materials. If the company is successful then that $2 of input results in something more at the output side.

If the government takes a dollar from me for taxes, immediately some part of that goes to administer the distribution, some part goes to provide those services that we expect the government to provide etc...but there is no growth of my tax dollar. Such is the function of government, and is why fiscally conservative people want to limit what goes to government. Sure, I want to keep more of what i earned....tell me what is wrong with that.

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The history of how the republican party got Trumped.

Dem info as well, but not relevant here.

Trump’s nomination does fly in the face of conservative dogma on some issues. But Trump also reflects the triumph of the curdled rage of the modern Republican Party. All of the constituencies of the old Republican Party that may have stopped Trump in the primaries — racial minorities, socially moderate women, college-educated whites — have been driven out by a party that has lurched right. Tax cuts for the rich, deregulating Wall Street, and cuts to retirement programs have no natural constituency, so Republicans have been left with the only voters who would be willing to support them: culturally conservative whites. Republicans aghast at Trump’s wild abuse of the truth had no authority to which they could turn, having long ago instructed their supporters to ignore the mainstream media.


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Am not sure how this fits, but statistics regarding life expectancy show the following:

Although life expectancy is rising steadily worldwide, there is a weird trend in the US:

For American white males with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining.

Here's the clincher:

For American white FEMALES with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining significantly.

The studies looked further and found the #1 cause: the easy availability and widespread popularity of heroin-like pharmaceuticals like Oxytocin. It's even available as nose spray. During the recent Super Bowl, which has the most expensive TV ads, there was an ad for a product which counters the bowel problems brought on by such pharma drugs. I don't have all the related details, but you can google it.

Consider: Who are Trump's most ardent supporters? Right; white men and women with low education. Am not sure how the dots connect, but it's food for thought.

People with "no greater than a high school education" account for over half the population so I wouldn't use it as a pejorative

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Am not sure how this fits, but statistics regarding life expectancy show the following:

Although life expectancy is rising steadily worldwide, there is a weird trend in the US:

For American white males with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining.

Here's the clincher:

For American white FEMALES with no higher than High School education, their life expectancy is declining significantly.

The studies looked further and found the #1 cause: the easy availability and widespread popularity of heroin-like pharmaceuticals like Oxytocin. It's even available as nose spray. During the recent Super Bowl, which has the most expensive TV ads, there was an ad for a product which counters the bowel problems brought on by such pharma drugs. I don't have all the related details, but you can google it.

Consider: Who are Trump's most ardent supporters? Right; white men and women with low education. Am not sure how the dots connect, but it's food for thought.

If we take away the rah rah and the stereotypes, Trump and Sanders supporters are two sides of the same coin.


Hillary is in huge trouble. Polls show that 50% of Bernie supporters would switch to Trump if Hillary gets the nomination. Bernie kicked Hillary's butt in W. Virginia yesterday.

"Sanders won W.V. (yesterday) with around 124,000 votes compared to Clinton’s 86,000, meaning that approximately 72% of the votes Clinton received in the primary (half of Sanders) represent the Democrats who would vote Trump.
“Trump’s chances against Clinton may be better than anyone thought.”
Clinton also has another problem: enthusiasm. Obama beat her in 2008 thanks to voter enthusiasm, which Trump has captured for his own campaign.
She can’t even generate excitement in her own party." (emphasis mine.)


THE VOTERS DON'T care what the "Big name Republicans" think and in fact are SICK of them. This whole thread is an exercise in futility because it presupposes that someone cares what the establishment anywhere in the world thinks.

The GOP and DEM establishments are toast. Hillary is toast. This is the (8) years of Donald Trump decided by the mainstream voters.

We've had enough of open borders and giving our jobs to China and Mexico and illegal aliens.



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Ideologically, although he would never admit it, Bernie likely has more in common with Trump than Hillary. If his supporters track with Bernie's message, why would they turn to vote for Hillary who is the poster child for everything he has been lambasting on his campaign? I guess some are naive enough to buy the Trump = Instant Armageddon nonsense but I doubt they would be in the majority. Many would stay home, especially the 18-25 who really need energizing to make it to the polls

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This Trump supporter is really upset with GWBush not supporting Trump. So upset he is tearing up his genuine autographed copy of GWB that he had proudly displayed on his wall.

Imagine that? Having a picture of GWB on your wall and be proud of it. LOL.

LOL. That is classic!

Trump has turned loyal Fox news viewers against Fox, Republicans against Republicans and even Christians against the Pope.

I am no fan of W but you can't really blame him for not supporting Trump after all the nasty things Trump has said about him and his family. He completely humiliated Jeb.

Edited by BKKSnowBird
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This Trump supporter is really upset with GWBush not supporting Trump. So upset he is tearing up his genuine autographed copy of GWB that he had proudly displayed on his wall.

Imagine that? Having a picture of GWB on your wall and be proud of it. LOL.

LOL. That is classic!

Trump has turned loyal Fox news viewers against Fox, Republicans against Republicans and even Christians against the Pope.

I am no fan of W but you can't really blame him for not supporting Trump after all the nasty things Trump has said about him and his family. He completely humiliated Jeb.

To me that is just a video of a closet facist. On one hand he is asking GW to support the will of the people. On the other hand he shows no respect for an individual's right to make a choice contrary to his own.

One of the reasons why people are attracted to trump is his 'my way or the highway' rhetoric. Problem is, it leaves no room for discussion or debate, which is essential in a democracy.

But yet, these same people want to place all their faith in their new messiah who also happens to have a god complex about himself.

Generally these would have been the same people for the past 8 years at pains telling us that much authority doesn't rest in the presidency (well a black presidency at least) but instead power is diffuse to the congress and the states. But yet, at the first sign of a 'strongman' on their side of politics, well, all of their talk of the past 8 years goes straight out the window.

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