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Trump takes aim at Clinton over her husband's infidelities


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Now that the spouses are fair game, let's hope they dig into Trumps wife's past.

He's had a series of hot wives. Let's hope they uncover some juicy scandals. Hopefully some embarrassing sex movies. That would be excellent.

Who cares about the issues.

I doubt it will top Vince Foster and the testimony of the Arkansas State Troopers that were the Clinton's bodyguards and the White Houses staff. Hillary has quite a vocabulary. Try googling Hillary's vulgarity-makes-trump-look-like-Shakespeare.

Vince Foster? Hillary swearing? Arkansas Trooper testimony? Come on man, this stuff is all tired.

The vetting process for Trump hasn't even begun yet...and who cares.

He's such a terrible candidate and yet the perfect candidate for the low-info tinfoil hat crowd. coffee1.gif

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Now that the spouses are fair game, let's hope they dig into Trumps wife's past.

He's had a series of hot wives. Let's hope they uncover some juicy scandals. Hopefully some embarrassing sex movies. That would be excellent.

Who cares about the issues.

I doubt it will top Vince Foster and the testimony of the Arkansas State Troopers that were the Clinton's bodyguards and the White Houses staff. Hillary has quite a vocabulary. Try googling Hillary's vulgarity-makes-trump-look-like-Shakespeare.

Vince Foster? Hillary swearing? Arkansas Trooper testimony? Come on man, this stuff is all tired.

The vetting process for Trump hasn't even begun yet...and who cares.

He's such a terrible candidate and yet the perfect candidate for the low-info tinfoil hat crowd. coffee1.gif

I consider myself well informed but I must admit I was surprised at her language in the article below.

The HildaBeast A collection of statements reportedly made by Hillary Clinton. How accurate is it?


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Now that the spouses are fair game, let's hope they dig into Trumps wife's past.

He's had a series of hot wives. Let's hope they uncover some juicy scandals. Hopefully some embarrassing sex movies. That would be excellent.

Who cares about the issues.

I doubt it will top Vince Foster and the testimony of the Arkansas State Troopers that were the Clinton's bodyguards and the White Houses staff. Hillary has quite a vocabulary. Try googling Hillary's vulgarity-makes-trump-look-like-Shakespeare.

Thank you for proving my point.

Bodyguard rumors. Yea those are great.

Let's personally attack the other side. Harass them and their families, investigate them, file lawsuits and start a fake news show to denigrate them 24/7.

Who cares about issues.

Up to you. I was just trying to provide some relief from the usual, factual, disingenuous behavior of Mrs Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony.


Clinton said she did not use her email to send or receive classified information, but the State Department and two Inspectors General said some of these emails do contain classified information.

Hillary caught in email lie on campaign trail
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Sex is sex...everyone lies about sex, Bill was no different to 99.9% of men on the planet.

I am surprised however, that DJT would actually open that Pandora's box however given his less than stellar history on the sexual fidelity front.

We need to remember that his divorce agreement with Ivana remains sealed with all the swirling rumors of marital rape etc. The fact that part of the settlement forbids Ivana from even mentioning his name in any public statement says a lot.

Oh it's going to be a bloody few months up to November

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Sex is sex...everyone lies about sex, Bill was no different to 99.9% of men on the planet.

I am surprised however, that DJT would actually open that Pandora's box however given his less than stellar history on the sexual fidelity front.

We need to remember that his divorce agreement with Ivana remains sealed with all the swirling rumors of marital rape etc. The fact that part of the settlement forbids Ivana from even mentioning his name in any public statement says a lot.

Oh it's going to be a bloody few months up to November

In January 1998, Clinton was asked about his relationship with Lewinsky, a former White House intern, in sworn grand jury testimony in a sexual harassment lawsuit being brought by another woman, Paula Jones. The president flatly denied having sex with Lewinsky and asking her to lie about it under oath.

Don't know what country you come from but in America lying under oath is a crime. wai.gif

Mr Clinton's Arkansas law licence was suspended for five years and he was given a $25,000 fine. He had agreed to that disbarment as a form of plea bargain in January, on the day before he left office, after reaching a deal to bring an end to the Lewinsky investigation, in which he could have faced charges for contempt.

He was officially disbarred without comment from practicing before the US Supreme Court in October 2001.

Edited by Scotwight
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Sex is sex...everyone lies about sex, Bill was no different to 99.9% of men on the planet.

I am surprised however, that DJT would actually open that Pandora's box however given his less than stellar history on the sexual fidelity front.

We need to remember that his divorce agreement with Ivana remains sealed with all the swirling rumors of marital rape etc. The fact that part of the settlement forbids Ivana from even mentioning his name in any public statement says a lot.

Oh it's going to be a bloody few months up to November

In January 1998, Clinton was asked about his relationship with Lewinsky, a former White House intern, in sworn grand jury testimony in a sexual harassment lawsuit being brought by another woman, Paula Jones. The president flatly denied having sex with Lewinsky and asking her to lie about it under oath.

Don't know what country you come from but in America lying under oath is a crime. wai.gif

Mr Clinton's Arkansas law licence was suspended for five years and he was given a $25,000 fine. He had agreed to that disbarment as a form of plea bargain in January, on the day before he left office, after reaching a deal to bring an end to the Lewinsky investigation, in which he could have faced charges for contempt.

He was officially disbarred without comment from practicing before the US Supreme Court in October 2001.

...and do you know a country where men are truthful about sex???

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Sex is sex...everyone lies about sex, Bill was no different to 99.9% of men on the planet.

I am surprised however, that DJT would actually open that Pandora's box however given his less than stellar history on the sexual fidelity front.

We need to remember that his divorce agreement with Ivana remains sealed with all the swirling rumors of marital rape etc. The fact that part of the settlement forbids Ivana from even mentioning his name in any public statement says a lot.

Oh it's going to be a bloody few months up to November

Trump doesn't care about Bubba's decades of sexual infidelity. Hillary likes to present herself as being the quintessential feminist, will continually pull the faux "war on woman" card and seems to favor referencing her gender, rather than her lack of accomplishment in high level positions, as her best qualification for the job,

This is a pre-emptive strike to keep reminding the voters that she enabled decades of Bubba's behavior in order to keep her own political aspirations on track

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Sex is sex...everyone lies a

In January 1998, Clinton was asked about his relationship with Lewinsky, a former White House intern, in sworn grand jury testimony in a sexual harassment lawsuit being brought by another woman, Paula Jones. The president flatly denied having sex with Lewinsky and asking her to lie about it under oath.

Don't know what country you come from but in America lying under oath is a crime. wai.gif

Mr Clinton's Arkansas law licence was suspended for five years and he was given a $25,000 fine. He had agreed to that disbarment as a form of plea bargain in January, on the day before he left office, after reaching a deal to bring an end to the Lewinsky investigation, in which he could have faced charges for contempt.

He was officially disbarred without comment from practicing before the US Supreme Court in October 2001.

...and do you know a country where men are truthful about sex???

Lying is not a problem. Lying under oath is the problem. Lie under oath in America and you have committed a crime. Simple really. The issue is not the general behavior pattern of men. I imagine most men speed in cars but if they get caught by a policeman they will pay the price.

Bill got caught lying under oath and was Impeached and had his license to practice law yanked.

Perhaps a President should be held to a higher not lower standard than you or I when it comes to truthfulness.


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Bill got caught lying under oath and was Impeached and had his license to practice law yanked.

It's funny isn't it, trying to keep your private life private is an act of serious misconduct to Republicans, but paying off some men to avoid them revealing that you're a paedophile gets you letters of support from "honest" Republicans like Tom Delay.

You couldn't make it up.


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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.

Not many of us I'd reckon. Lowering one's self to the lowest common denominator isn't in most folks play books.wink.png

BTW, on topic - here's the updated list of Hillary's crimes:


It will take Trump several lifetimes to approach this low standard.blink.png

something more to add to that ................


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I don't have a problem with a president getting a little 5 minute hanky panky in the coat closet. What I have a problem with is a president who will drag the US down.

Clinton gave in to lust, so f'in' what?!. He's not the Pope. He was the Commander in Chief who happened to be a lustful man.

Why are we even re-hashing this from nearly 20 yrs ago?. Shall we dig up Reagan's Iran-Contra or the many crimes of Nixon for good measure?

Trump continues to show what a desperate bottom feeder he is, by bringing this up.

It's known that, with TV preachers for example, the ones who preach the loudest against moral sin, are the ones who are found out later to be the most degenerate. It's been the same throughout history. Trump is like a low-quality TV preacher. Because he's so acquainted with debauchery (he's admitted to 'doing' everyone, including married women) he's at the bully pulpit trying to drag others down to his level. What a depraved heel Trump is. .....and low class.

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To suggest that any tactic of Trump is sleazy in contrast to a former president who lied and stained an intern's dress is ridiculous. Bill and Hillary Clinton long ago defined sleazy when a secret service agent reported they hung condoms from a x-mas tree in the white house.

Edit: It makes little difference if Aldrich's claims are correct, only that these sleazy stories follow the Clintons like moths to a flame.

Edited by arjunadawn
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If Republican Attack team had word of Bill taking a leak in the WH rose garden one morning at 3 am, they would bandy that gem around like the second crucifixion. Reps in general, and Trump in particular are so bereft of dirt on HRC, they'll next be dredging her cess pool for incriminating items.

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I don't have a problem with a president getting a little 5 minute hanky panky in the coat closet. What I have a problem with is a president who will drag the US down.

Clinton gave in to lust, so f'in' what?!. He's not the Pope. He was the Commander in Chief who happened to be a lustful man.

Why are we even re-hashing this from nearly 20 yrs ago?. Shall we dig up Reagan's Iran-Contra or the many crimes of Nixon for good measure?

Trump continues to show what a desperate bottom feeder he is, by bringing this up.

It's known that, with TV preachers for example, the ones who preach the loudest against moral sin, are the ones who are found out later to be the most degenerate. It's been the same throughout history. Trump is like a low-quality TV preacher. Because he's so acquainted with debauchery (he's admitted to 'doing' everyone, including married women) he's at the bully pulpit trying to drag others down to his level. What a depraved heel Trump is. .....and low class.

This perspective is what defines the divide between right and left (from a moral perspective)- the self assignment of right and wrong relative to... whatever the left decides is right and wrong. Invariably there is an "I" and "you" component, reflected in two very different standards. There are no moral or categorical imperatives. Everything is defined in the moment, on the fly, and always in a self serving manner.

This is the cognitive dissonance experienced by numerous Americans witnessing the Progressive train. It always ensconces itself in what is right, but always debased the meaning. A typical byproduct of this would be a perception that "is" has multiple meanings, relative to whether there are penalties.

Trump has flaws, some fatal to many. But what he contrasts is decades of proven moral relativity by Clinton & Company. If that were the race, Trump already lost.

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Trump is getting really sleazy really soon against Hill. Hill has decided not to get down in the dirt with that atrocious demagogue. I think it's the smart tactic.

The Clinton's use surrogates for their dirty work in order to keep people like you thinking they are "above the dirt"

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I don't have a problem with a president getting a little 5 minute hanky panky in the coat closet. What I have a problem with is a president who will drag the US down.

Clinton gave in to lust, so f'in' what?!. He's not the Pope. He was the Commander in Chief who happened to be a lustful man.

Why are we even re-hashing this from nearly 20 yrs ago?. Shall we dig up Reagan's Iran-Contra or the many crimes of Nixon for good measure?

Trump continues to show what a desperate bottom feeder he is, by bringing this up.

It's known that, with TV preachers for example, the ones who preach the loudest against moral sin, are the ones who are found out later to be the most degenerate. It's been the same throughout history. Trump is like a low-quality TV preacher. Because he's so acquainted with debauchery (he's admitted to 'doing' everyone, including married women) he's at the bully pulpit trying to drag others down to his level. What a depraved heel Trump is. .....and low class.

Again...As crude as it all seems to you, Trump bringing this up isn't about Bubba's sex life. It's all about Hillary.

Trump likely could care less if he is ultimately elected or not. He has probably already come further than he wanted. This makes him highly explosive to the Clinton's.

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Again...As crude as it all seems to you, Trump bringing this up isn't about Bubba's sex life. It's all about Hillary.

I don't get it. What is Trump trying to convey (he's often so unclear, really). Is T saying HRC should have publicly denounced her husband and then dumped him?

The logic is so weird. At least when Trump contradicts himself ("women who seek abortions should be criminalized" Next day: "I didn't mean that.")

it's somewhat clear what a mixed up clueless man he is. Yet attacking a candidate for (what?!) not trashing her husband nearly 20 years ago?!?!

Really. It's hard for me to fathom where Trump is trying to go with it. Whatever it is, he's shooting himself in both hands and feet. Even Kim IL Jung makes more sense.

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Again...As crude as it all seems to you, Trump bringing this up isn't about Bubba's sex life. It's all about Hillary.

I don't get it. What is Trump trying to convey (he's often so unclear, really). Is T saying HRC should have publicly denounced her husband and then dumped him?

The logic is so weird. At least when Trump contradicts himself ("women who seek abortions should be criminalized" Next day: "I didn't mean that.")

it's somewhat clear what a mixed up clueless man he is. Yet attacking a candidate for (what?!) not trashing her husband nearly 20 years ago?!?!

Really. It's hard for me to fathom where Trump is trying to go with it. Whatever it is, he's shooting himself in both hands and feet. Even Kim IL Jung makes more sense.

I can understand your confusion. Let me explain it to you. Hillary comes out for women's rights in public but at home folds to philandering husbands rights and assists in the character attack of her husbands victims. "It is commonly believed by Clinton victims that Hillary was behind the siccing of private investigators on the many women who accused her husband of rape, sexual assault or infidelity in the 1990s."


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Bill Clinton was chased like a rock star. Thousands of women have been begging him to screw.

It's really none of our business.

Clinton was a good President, presided over the best period of economic growth in US history and balanced the budget. That's what is important.

Trump is a crass piece of garbage for hounding Hillary about this.

Trumps super model wives are probably trembling now that their history is fair game. Who cares about the issues...Lets ruin them. Right?

Edited by LarryLindsey
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Again...As crude as it all seems to you, Trump bringing this up isn't about Bubba's sex life. It's all about Hillary.

I don't get it. What is Trump trying to convey (he's often so unclear, really). Is T saying HRC should have publicly denounced her husband and then dumped him?

The logic is so weird. At least when Trump contradicts himself ("women who seek abortions should be criminalized" Next day: "I didn't mean that.")

it's somewhat clear what a mixed up clueless man he is. Yet attacking a candidate for (what?!) not trashing her husband nearly 20 years ago?!?!

Really. It's hard for me to fathom where Trump is trying to go with it. Whatever it is, he's shooting himself in both hands and feet. Even Kim IL Jung makes more sense.

I can understand your confusion. Let me explain it to you. Hillary comes out for women's rights in public but at home folds to philandering husbands rights and assists in the character attack of her husbands victims. "It is commonly believed by Clinton victims that Hillary was behind the siccing of private investigators on the many women who accused her husband of rape, sexual assault or infidelity in the 1990s."


Ok, assuming your spin is correct, ....then Trump is making an election issue out of Hillary allegedly/possibly hiring private detective(s) to see if her husband was messing around 20 to 30 yrs ago. If that's the worst dirt Trump can try to get to stick to HRC, then it's a pretty sad platform for Trump.

One of Trump's handlers should write him a note with the word 'ISSUES' written on it. How is Trump going to deal with the manifold problems facing America's future? Is he going to bottom feed by personally attacking people for morally questionable things they may or may not have done two decades ago? What's next, an attack on Socks the cat for shitting in the White House?

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Again...As crude as it all seems to you, Trump bringing this up isn't about Bubba's sex life. It's all about Hillary.

I don't get it. What is Trump trying to convey (he's often so unclear, really). Is T saying HRC should have publicly denounced her husband and then dumped him?

The logic is so weird. At least when Trump contradicts himself ("women who seek abortions should be criminalized" Next day: "I didn't mean that.")

it's somewhat clear what a mixed up clueless man he is. Yet attacking a candidate for (what?!) not trashing her husband nearly 20 years ago?!?!

Really. It's hard for me to fathom where Trump is trying to go with it. Whatever it is, he's shooting himself in both hands and feet. Even Kim IL Jung makes more sense.

I can understand your confusion. Let me explain it to you. Hillary comes out for women's rights in public but at home folds to philandering husbands rights and assists in the character attack of her husbands victims. "It is commonly believed by Clinton victims that Hillary was behind the siccing of private investigators on the many women who accused her husband of rape, sexual assault or infidelity in the 1990s."


Ok, assuming your spin is correct, ....then Trump is making an election issue out of Hillary allegedly/possibly hiring private detective(s) to see if her husband was messing around 20 to 30 yrs ago. If that's the worst dirt Trump can try to get to stick to HRC, then it's a pretty sad platform for Trump.

One of Trump's handlers should write him a note with the word 'ISSUES' written on it. How is Trump going to deal with the manifold problems facing America's future? Is he going to bottom feed by personally attacking people for morally questionable things they may or may not have done two decades ago? What's next, an attack on Socks the cat for shitting in the White House?

" What's next, an attack on Socks the cat for shitting in the White House?"

Not really. Bill and Hillary have already covered that particular range of sleaze.


‘Enabler’ Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ husband’s accusers




Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim
’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women
'If you read I committed suicide don't believe it': Dramatic warning from Clinton 'mistress' who claims Hillary's associates harassed her over 1980s affair with Bill
Bill Clinton's ex-lover opens floodgates on 'Crooked Hillary's' past
Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998
It ain't all spin.
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" What's next, an attack on Socks the cat for shitting in the White House?"

Not really. Bill and Hillary have already covered that particular range of sleaze.


‘Enabler’ Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ husband’s accusers


Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim


’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women


'If you read I committed suicide don't believe it': Dramatic warning from Clinton 'mistress' who claims Hillary's associates harassed her over 1980s affair with Bill


Bill Clinton's ex-lover opens floodgates on 'Crooked Hillary's' past


Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998


It ain't all spin.

Methinks you've been reading National Enquirer so steadfastly that it's become your Bible. There's a presidential race going on, in case you hadn't noticed. It's not a race for sainthood. The position is open for a tough-minded and compassionate person who can think clearly, knows the issues, knows how to get things done, is mature, is well-liked by foreign leaders, has clear ideas on policy, .......in other words, someone with all the qualities that Trump lacks. To put it another way, the position of POTUS is looking for a person with HRC's qualities.

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" What's next, an attack on Socks the cat for shitting in the White House?"

Not really. Bill and Hillary have already covered that particular range of sleaze.


‘Enabler’ Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ husband’s accusers


Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim


’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women


'If you read I committed suicide don't believe it': Dramatic warning from Clinton 'mistress' who claims Hillary's associates harassed her over 1980s affair with Bill


Bill Clinton's ex-lover opens floodgates on 'Crooked Hillary's' past


Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998


It ain't all spin.

Methinks you've been reading National Enquirer so steadfastly that it's become your Bible. There's a presidential race going on, in case you hadn't noticed. It's not a race for sainthood. The position is open for a tough-minded and compassionate person who can think clearly, knows the issues, knows how to get things done, is mature, is well-liked by foreign leaders, has clear ideas on policy, .......in other words, someone with all the qualities that Trump lacks. To put it another way, the position of POTUS is looking for a person with HRC's qualities.

No problem if your lying leads to the deaths of thousands, costs trillions of dollars, destabilizes the Middle East and leads to a refugee crisis in Europe, but lie about a blow job and ........

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Sorry Trump fans, but here's some actual real news, and it's not from the cesspool of the National Enquirer where you like to dwell. Instead it's from a reputable news source: NPR:

title: Hillary Clinton Has Edge Over Donald Trump In General Election

After Trump fans read it, they can go back to the mud pits and resume throwing mud, which they're adept at (and brings them glee).

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