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Trump takes aim at Clinton over her husband's infidelities


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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:

Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.

Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....

The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:

Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.

Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....

The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

Ah, but the Donald says he is different.

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Finally the important crucial issues America faces are being debated. It is this attention to fine detail that will make America great again. This is exactly why the outside world looks to America with respect and is admired as the beacon of Democracy. These comments will flash around the world and elevate America's National standing.

Finally a Presidential candidate the American people can get behind and vote for.

Must be hard keeping your tongue in your cheek that long.

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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:

Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.

Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....

The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

and I would be even more embarrassed if my leaders had sunk that far to be in such company, and doubly embarrassed hat so many of my fellow citizens enjoy such childish behaviour. glad I'm not you.

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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:

Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.

Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....

The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

and I would be even more embarrassed if my leaders had sunk that far to be in such company, and doubly embarrassed hat so many of my fellow citizens enjoy such childish behaviour. glad I'm not you.

And I'm sure your self righteous sanctimonious blather is one of your better qualities..... coffee1.gif

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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:

Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.

Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....

The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

and I would be even more embarrassed if my leaders had sunk that far to be in such company, and doubly embarrassed hat so many of my fellow citizens enjoy such childish behaviour. glad I'm not you.

And I'm sure your self righteous sanctimonious blather is one of your better qualities..... coffee1.gif

Just like Donald?

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I don't think Bill Clinton is running for President. The real problems facing America are being avoided by most candidates. Trump remains a buffoon.

I think you hit the nail on the head. BC is not running for president. Its just another way of flinging dirt and hoping something will stick. I understand Trump is one guy you would never want to play golf with especially for money. Once Hillary and her team start digging into Trumps past I am sure they will find lots of skeletons in his closet.
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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.
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How can all Americans not be totally embarrassed by their election campaigns? calling people such childish names as a campaigning device? My God!

we the rest of the world should be thanking america for its excellent reality TV. i quite liked that american show about some people put on an island who are in 2 teams. the last voted off the island gets the prize money. but this show is even better as the stakes are far greater. trump and clinton, pretty good as lead stars in this show. should keep me entertained for the next 5 months while i am having some time in esan.

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I would love to hear from some of Trump's exes. No doubt included gag order in divorce settlement. Remember according to politifact Trump tells the truth a whopping 9% of the time. So alpha male Bill fooled around.... so what? I'd rather have him screwing a few women than the entire country as some have. Hillary is running, not Bill, or has no one told Donald? He can't beat her on substance as he has none, so goes for Entertainment tonight non-relevant gossip material. Only thing more pathetic is his followers who think this sort of foolishness is more important than, say, dropping a nuke on Iran.

You deserve at least one like. By November the voters and the whole world will be tired of Trumps trumpeting. They will rush to the polls and give Hillary their X and finally see their lives return to normal from this carnival atmosphere. Trump is a sideshow hawker/huckster his revolving message and untruths will in time get tiring.
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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:

Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.

Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....

The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

and I would be even more embarrassed if my leaders had sunk that far to be in such company, and doubly embarrassed hat so many of my fellow citizens enjoy such childish behaviour. glad I'm not you.

And I'm sure your self righteous sanctimonious blather is one of your better qualities..... coffee1.gif

Just like Donald?

you dont enjoy it here?

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Enjoy the reading.







...and now a classic example of two pathological liars working in tandem.

Pathological liars cheesy.gif Really, try harder. You're preaching to the wingnut choir with this nonsense. It just comes out as pure craziness, consistent craziness and hate.

War has broken out in the Republican party. A political party has never unraveled like this before. Republican officials and donors just hope to get through the election with their party intact. Trump has alienated, women, young people, minorities and now, other Republicans. All he has left, is a minority of socially damaged wingnuts.

Americans can't believe that this bombastic oaf is going to be the Republican nominee. The Democrats would have won this election just on sheer numbers with the unbelievably bad performance of Republicans in the last 15 years. With Trump as the nominee, it's going to be slaughter.

So, what does Trump do in the middle of this on-going abortion of a campaign? He attacks Hillary for her husband's infidelity. ??? That's it. That's what he considers effective politics.

Then the Trumpeteers fall right into line and do the same.

With absolutely no chance of winning the Presidency, why not pull out all the stops? The lemmings love it. They hate Hillary like they hate Obama. Black/woman what's the difference, they're not us (racist old white men).

Bring it on, Trump. When you ain't got nothin, you got nothing to lose. Does'nt matter how pathetic Trump becomes...these lemmings don't care.

What a great time not to be a member of the Republican party! It's toast.

Democrats need to follow only one political slogan this time around. Trump can win...if we let him. That's all American's need to send Donald to political oblivion, where he belongs.

Best election ever, more fun everyday.

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I don't think Bill Clinton is running for President. The real problems facing America are being avoided by most candidates. Trump remains a buffoon.

I think you hit the nail on the head. BC is not running for president. Its just another way of flinging dirt and hoping something will stick. I understand Trump is one guy you would never want to play golf with especially for money. Once Hillary and her team start digging into Trumps past I am sure they will find lots of skeletons in his closet.

You're right, BC isn't running. But his wife is running and her actions in covering up his many dalliances certainly impacts her reliability, honesty and her thirst for power.

You do know BC had the pleasure of paying Paula Jones, one of his regular squeezes, the princely sum of $850,000 to drop her lsexual harassment suit against him?


And this is what makes his previous actions on topic.


Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton unfit to be president
05/28/15 08:36 AM EDT
Paula Jones, the woman who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment while he was governor of Arkansas, says Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president because of her husband’s past behavior.
“There is no way that she did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,” Jones said in an interview with Daily Mail Online. “They have both lied,” she said.
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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:

Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.

Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....

The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

So Iraq and Turkey are your reference points now?

The USA is sinking faster than I thought.

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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:

Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.

Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....

The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

So Iraq and Turkey are your reference points now?

The USA is sinking faster than I thought.

Said by a true patriot of what ever corner of the globe you've escaped from.

So, just a thought, maybe you should stop thinking......

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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Sorry there AY JAYDEE, but not the least bit embarrassing. After all, in just the last week we've seen these Headlines:
Iraqi Leaders Bicker and Brawl in Parliament.
Brawl Breaks Out in Turkey's Parliament....
The Trumpster and the Hildabeast are in good company.

I am of the opinion that politicians are scoundrels and deviates... no matter what flag they are waving.

So Iraq and Turkey are your reference points now?

The USA is sinking faster than I thought.

Said by a true patriot of what ever corner of the globe you've escaped from.
So, just a thought, maybe you should stop thinking......

You made the comparison with those countries and reached your conclusion based on that.
I just reached my conclusion based on your thinking process, which is not highly referenced. So thanks for the compliment. Edited by Scott
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Some posts with aberrant spelling of politicians' names have been removed along with replies. Please use the correct spelling of politician's names. Not doing so is inflammatory and trolling.

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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.

Not many of us I'd reckon. Lowering one's self to the lowest common denominator isn't in most folks play books.wink.png

BTW, on topic - here's the updated list of Hillary's crimes:


It will take Trump several lifetimes to approach this low standard.blink.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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US Politics, the best/most entertaining reality TV there is. thumbsup.gif

Just watched a new segment on Aljazeera about how comedians around the world are mimicking and making fun of Trump and what an idiot he is. The Canadians have a number of comedians mocking him. This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity for comedy.

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US Politics, the best/most entertaining reality TV there is. thumbsup.gif

Just watched a new segment on Aljazeera about how comedians around the world are mimicking and making fun of Trump and what an idiot he is. The Canadians have a number of comedians mocking him. This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity for comedy.

If it wasn't for the Republican Party comedians around the world would starve to death.

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Yes, if you're a comedian wanting to help your career, you would support Trump. There is some comedy about Hillary Clinton, but really no comparison. Trump is comedy gold.

Have you seen this latest clip by Bill Maher about what a whiner and pussy Trump is?


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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.

Not many of us I'd reckon. Lowering one's self to the lowest common denominator isn't in most folks play books.wink.png

BTW, on topic - here's the updated list of Hillary's crimes:


It will take Trump several lifetimes to approach this low standard.blink.png


My dear lord how desperate is that.


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