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Trump takes aim at Clinton over her husband's infidelities


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And to think, the next leader of the free world will either be a lying sycophant or a narcissistic misogynist. How sad it is if Trump is elected the new London Mayor and his turban won’t be invited to a State Dinner…sad.png

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As an American War Veteran, it's about time we have someone who's not going to BS the country. The Elitre, Lifetime Politicians,

which includes the Fake Republican Establishment in Washington, they have awoken the silent majority and believe me they will

go to the polls and vote for Trump in November. So far, I like everything Trump has said, so if he accomplishes 25% of what he'll

do, he's my man. Vote for the outsider. No more garbage in Washington!

He is not only BS'ing the country a mile a minute, my war vet buddy, he's getting ready to do things to the country which you wouldn't want to mention with ladies in attendance. Something to do with "where the sun don't shine."

I would love to hear from some of Trump's exes. No doubt included gag order in divorce settlement. Remember according to politifact Trump tells the truth a whopping 9% of the time. So alpha male Bill fooled around.... so what? I'd rather have him screwing a few women than the entire country as some have. Hillary is running, not Bill, or has no one told Donald? He can't beat her on substance as he has none, so goes for Entertainment tonight non-relevant gossip material. Only thing more pathetic is his followers who think this sort of foolishness is more important than, say, dropping a nuke on Iran.

My vote for Best Post of the Day !

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Well, our usual right wingnut posters have posted nonsense links to right wing lying rags that nobody with more than one working brain cell believes. Who cares what any President does with sex in the oval office? Only nut cases trying to find some crap that will stick on the wall. Hell, JFK was banging an East German spy in the swimming pool of the White House, along with many others, who cares. He was 1,000 steps above anybody running for office today, except Bernie. America lost it's way long ago, but this year just proves how low you can go.

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Well, our usual right wingnut posters have posted nonsense links to right wing lying rags that nobody with more than one working brain cell believes. Who cares what any President does with sex in the oval office? Only nut cases trying to find some crap that will stick on the wall. Hell, JFK was banging an East German spy in the swimming pool of the White House, along with many others, who cares. He was 1,000 steps above anybody running for office today, except Bernie. America lost it's way long ago, but this year just proves how low you can go.

I noticed that Sarge. Every link was to a Right Wing rag. I think someone quoted Hannity also. Good grief lmao

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Yes, if you're a comedian wanting to help your career, you would support Trump. There is some comedy about Hillary Clinton, but really no comparison. Trump is comedy gold.

Have you seen this latest clip by Bill Maher about what a whiner and pussy Trump is?


Yep. I posted in somewhere already. whistling.gif

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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.

Not many of us I'd reckon. Lowering one's self to the lowest common denominator isn't in most folks play books.wink.png

BTW, on topic - here's the updated list of Hillary's crimes:


It will take Trump several lifetimes to approach this low standard.blink.png


My dear lord how desperate is that.


That's exactly what I thought when I saw that ridiculous source. Heck, using Hannity as a source for anything is about as hackneyed as Ted Cruz picking Carly Fiorina as his VP running mate. These are very desperate times.bah.gif

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“I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.”

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

He never was impeached...

Republicans tried to impeach him, but basically that was because he was a none Republican President, same with Obama because he was black, did not work either, and I assume if Hillary makes it too the White House they will want her out because she is a women.

The Republicans are like a broken record...

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I don't think Bill Clinton is running for President. The real problems facing America are being avoided by most candidates. Trump remains a buffoon.

I think you hit the nail on the head. BC is not running for president. Its just another way of flinging dirt and hoping something will stick. I understand Trump is one guy you would never want to play golf with especially for money. Once Hillary and her team start digging into Trumps past I am sure they will find lots of skeletons in his closet.

You're right, BC isn't running. But his wife is running and her actions in covering up his many dalliances certainly impacts her reliability, honesty and her thirst for power.

You do know BC had the pleasure of paying Paula Jones, one of his regular squeezes, the princely sum of $850,000 to drop her lsexual harassment suit against him?


And this is what makes his previous actions on topic.


Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton unfit to be president
05/28/15 08:36 AM EDT
Paula Jones, the woman who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment while he was governor of Arkansas, says Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president because of her husband’s past behavior.
“There is no way that she did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,” Jones said in an interview with Daily Mail Online. “They have both lied,” she said.

Well I know many young damsels who would be happy with 1000 let alone $850,000. I for one would ! I ain't no damsel but hey that is nice for 30 mins or 5 if you are better at your job hahahah

Who gives a flying toss who did what to whom and lied about it? EVERY couple or for that point tells porkies of some kind or another and plays around

The only difference is people are interested in these peoples personal lives because they are bored themselves and cant talk about their own infidelities.

Does it matter if he or she has seventy thousand screw arounds so long as they do a good job?

Do you QUESTION every person you meet to see if they do or don't before you speak, do business, buy sell or whatever?

Get a life. This is about running a country and the sills required, and setting leadership examples to the world.

If they get a bit here or there WHO REALLY cares?

What am I missing here? some tel tales out of school that is supposed to shock me?

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"And some of these women were destroyed, not by him, but by the way that Hillary Clinton treated them after everything went down,"

As far as I remember, only one thing "went down," and that was a young intern. wink.png biggrin.png

There have been NUMEROUS women that Slick Willy abused, and then the Clinton Terminator Team went to destroy their lives if they said anything about it.


These are NOT NICE PEOPLE! We DON'T want their kind in the white house any more!

Edited by quandow
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"And some of these women were destroyed, not by him, but by the way that Hillary Clinton treated them after everything went down,"

As far as I remember, only one thing "went down," and that was a young intern. wink.png biggrin.png

There have been NUMEROUS women that Slick Willy abused, and then the Clinton Terminator Team went to destroy their lives if they said anything about it.


These are NOT NICE PEOPLE! We DON'T want their kind in the white house any more!

Those of us from Denver remember John as in Denver singing this song about Gary (hard Hart) as in the subject of the song. I think it's just part of the politics game.

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There have been NUMEROUS women that Slick Willy abused, and then the Clinton Terminator Team went to destroy their lives if they said anything about it.


These are NOT NICE PEOPLE! We DON'T want their kind in the white house any more!

It's really not necessary to go back into the 90's to make the realization the two thugs, one of which is going place their grimy hand on the bible, are both of very low character. One is presently under FBI investigation and the other has a court date for fraud, (actually 3 lawsuits all in one) .....

The left will say it's all a right wing conspiracy though James Comey is supposedly a stand up guy. This is where Loretta Lynch steps in to save the day.

And Trump will deflect, tweet, and proclaim innocence until he has to buy his way out.

Yessir, scraping the bottom in the land of the free and home of the brave......

It's all so surreal... and comical.

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“I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.”

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

He never was impeached...

Republicans tried to impeach him, but basically that was because he was a none Republican President, same with Obama because he was black, did not work either, and I assume if Hillary makes it too the White House they will want her out because she is a women.

The Republicans are like a broken record...

Keep in mind that, out of the "family values" Republican speakers behind it, two admitted to cheating on their wives and the third was a dirty paedophile.

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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Try reading history...it's full of political shenanigans.

This circus is just another episode.

Nothing to be ashamed of... It just shows that Presidential Candidates are human.

just like everyone else.

I really look back and find it hard to view very many presidents as "exceptional" and most were "laughable"(Bush jr), "crooks"(Nixon), "buffoons" (ford), "Mongerers " (Clinton).... and all the other terms laid onto to trump.

Go further back and find the really unlikely candidates that went on to Presidency. My memory of some of the practical politics classes I have taken are not fresh...but I remember many ridiculous scenarios.

Trump is just a sign of the times. People are tired of getting nowhere....with the same old bag of political nonsense.

This is refreshing.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.

Thanks for that!

I just had a run through of some pleasant interludes! I recall now why they did away with velour car seats ?

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One thing for certain, rather it be ugly, disgusting, trivial, demeaning and/or insulting, it's gonna be fun watching these two drag each other through the muk. The GOP debates had record numbers of Americans tuned into the entertainment and will obviously be outdone if Hillary has the 'nads to appear on stage with the Trumpster....... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

i wouldnt find it fun to see my country's leaders acting disgusting, trivial and demeaning. rather, i'd be embarrassed

Try reading history...it's full of political shenanigans.

This circus is just another episode.

Nothing to be ashamed of... It just shows that Presidential Candidates are human.

just like everyone else.

I really look back and find it hard to view very many presidents as "exceptional" and most were "laughable", "crooks", "buffoons (ford), and all the other terms laid onto to trump.

Brits have "Profumo affair." The French "not enough bandwith." Australia? Well there was the two in 2009 and one in 2008 and 2 in 2002 - well you get the idea. My favorite was 1987: Former federal opposition leader Billy Sneddon having a fatal heart attack while having sex with his son's ex-girlfriend.

I wonder what country Ayjaydee is from?

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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.

Not many of us I'd reckon. Lowering one's self to the lowest common denominator isn't in most folks play books.wink.png

BTW, on topic - here's the updated list of Hillary's crimes:


It will take Trump several lifetimes to approach this low standard.blink.png


I lower myself to the lowest common differentiator loads of times

Thoroughly recommended! Cleans the pipes out you know!

I'll bet your oafish hero would agree!

The words pompous and ass spring to mind

For our cousins, my use of the word ass is assinine!

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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Dog catcher come to mind.

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And to think, the next leader of the free world will either be a lying sycophant or a narcissistic misogynist. How sad it is if Trump is elected the new London Mayor and his turban wont be invited to a State Dinnersad.png

There's a great shirt in Phuket with a picture of GW

"Do yah Miss Me Yet"

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I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

Bill is only human I am sure we have all had a Lewinski moment in our lives at one time or another we just were not famous.

Thanks for that!

I just had a run through of some pleasant interludes! I recall now why they did away with velour car seats ?

Monica got the t shirt. been there done that.

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And to think, the next leader of the free world will either be a lying sycophant or a narcissistic misogynist. How sad it is if Trump is elected the new London Mayor and his turban wont be invited to a State Dinnersad.png

He's a Muslim not a sikh

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And to think, the next leader of the free world will either be a lying sycophant or a narcissistic misogynist. How sad it is if Trump is elected the new London Mayor and his turban wont be invited to a State Dinnersad.png

Why is HRD a sycophant?

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“I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.”

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

He never was impeached...

Republicans tried to impeach him, but basically that was because he was a none Republican President, same with Obama because he was black, did not work either, and I assume if Hillary makes it too the White House they will want her out because she is a women.

The Republicans are like a broken record...

Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998.

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents to have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives

Google is your friend.wai.gif

Edited by Scotwight
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Most foreign observers and most Americans themselves see Americans as puritanical ding dongs, particularly when they hear stories about infidelities in high offices. The US had the Puritans at Plymouth Rock, the Salem Witch Hunts, the Mennonites, Quakers, and more recently; televangelists and other anti-science Bible-thumpers. A significant proportion of Americans are against condoms, for crying out loud (maybe they have a secret love for STD's, I don't know). This tempest in a teapot by Trump, digging up a nearly 20 yr old scandal by a husband of a candidate, is a new low for Trump, (if it's possible for him to go lower than ridiculing a handicapped person). It will further cripple his faltering campaign, and that's good. Keep it up dumbo.

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As an American War Veteran, it's about time we have someone who's not going to BS the country. The Elitre, Lifetime Politicians,

which includes the Fake Republican Establishment in Washington, they have awoken the silent majority and believe me they will

go to the polls and vote for Trump in November. So far, I like everything Trump has said, so if he accomplishes 25% of what he'll

do, he's my man. Vote for the outsider. No more garbage in Washington!

he is the biggest BS'r ever to run for the office
Give the man a break as he is one of the many White vets who support Trump, Trump a man who went to a military-oriented prep school but who then elected to not serve during a "time of war", and who then belittled John McCain for being a POW. But maybe Trump avoided serving during the Vietnam war because he understood that war, as so succinctly stated by that military pussy Smedley Butler, "is just a racket", "a rich man's trick". I have found that many American vets who trump their military service are those who believe they served for Democracy or that they served to protect we the people. As they fall for the really big BS, it is no surprise to me they also fall for the little-handed BS.

Trump talking about marital infidelity, when he was caught banging Marla Marples behind Ivana's back.

I could not find that video on PornHub, but I would not have tossed either Marla nor Ivana out of my bed for eating crackers back in my making hay days.
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“I never had sex with that woman, Ms Lewinski.”

That's why he was impeached. Birds of a feather - Hillary is not qualified to be anything in Public Service. smile.png

He never was impeached...

Republicans tried to impeach him, but basically that was because he was a none Republican President, same with Obama because he was black, did not work either, and I assume if Hillary makes it too the White House they will want her out because she is a women.

The Republicans are like a broken record...

Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives.

He was not convicted by the Senate.

The charges were lying under oath to a federal official (perjury) and Obstruction of Justice.

There was never an attempt to file articles of impeachment against Obama.

I don't know where you are getting your information but it is wrong.

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I don't think Bill Clinton is running for President. The real problems facing America are being avoided by most candidates. Trump remains a buffoon.

I think you hit the nail on the head. BC is not running for president. Its just another way of flinging dirt and hoping something will stick. I understand Trump is one guy you would never want to play golf with especially for money. Once Hillary and her team start digging into Trumps past I am sure they will find lots of skeletons in his closet.

You're right, BC isn't running. But his wife is running and her actions in covering up his many dalliances certainly impacts her reliability, honesty and her thirst for power.

You do know BC had the pleasure of paying Paula Jones, one of his regular squeezes, the princely sum of $850,000 to drop her lsexual harassment suit against him?


And this is what makes his previous actions on topic.


Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton unfit to be president
05/28/15 08:36 AM EDT
Paula Jones, the woman who sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment while he was governor of Arkansas, says Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president because of her husband’s past behavior.
“There is no way that she did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,” Jones said in an interview with Daily Mail Online. “They have both lied,” she said.

Well I know many young damsels who would be happy with 1000 let alone $850,000. I for one would ! I ain't no damsel but hey that is nice for 30 mins or 5 if you are better at your job hahahah

Who gives a flying toss who did what to whom and lied about it? EVERY couple or for that point tells porkies of some kind or another and plays around

The only difference is people are interested in these peoples personal lives because they are bored themselves and cant talk about their own infidelities.

Does it matter if he or she has seventy thousand screw arounds so long as they do a good job?

Do you QUESTION every person you meet to see if they do or don't before you speak, do business, buy sell or whatever?

Get a life. This is about running a country and the sills required, and setting leadership examples to the world.

If they get a bit here or there WHO REALLY cares?

What am I missing here? some tel tales out of school that is supposed to shock me?

"What am I missing here?"

What you are missing is the US President is held to a higher standard than most normal people. He has sworn to enforce the laws during his inauguration.

Blatantly lying to a federal official while he is under oath is a no-no. He was only caught out when the infamous blue dress appeared and DNA tied him to the stains.

In his case, the cover up was worse than the crime.

It should be part of this campaign now due to the manner in which Hillary covered up his many girl friends and how she tried to destroy them and their credibility. She's a snake.

Personally, if I had been married to Hillary I expect my eye would have been wandering around as well. I really don't give a shit how many ladies he poked, including his current one the Secret Service is calling the Everready Bunny.

Personally I think Bill made the wrong choice several years ago.

Monica Lewinsky today


Hillary Clinton today


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