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31 Year Old Dutchman Jumps to his Death from 40th Floor of Bangkok Condo

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Wow 40 floors ! That must leave you time to think about what you just did (and can't undo).

Or it would give you time to wonder whose hands you felt on your back just before you found yourself hurling through space, maybe it wasn't a good idea telling your girlfriends family about your life insurance policy after all.

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It's well it's well and true overdue, that all new high rise condos have floor to ceiling safety glass window that can only be opened 75mm, this will stop these suisides, and accidental falls from balconies.

They have this idea back in Australia eg: Casino's.

There are many other ways to kill yourself; you just cannot idiot-proof the world. I say take all the warning labels off and let nature take its course. If not, you might just as well mandate no one is allowed to leave their house; better yet, not allowed to even get out of bed. Nah, you'd still have to restrain them or they would find a way.


Wow 40 floors ! That must live you time to think about what you just did (and can't undo).

For sure not a good way to do it.. plus the damage you could do to others.

What damage?

Eh if someone lands on you from 40 floors above they will kill you, that's what damage.


I could never jump and smack myself on concrete.........I have a 5m rope, 10 zanax, 750ml whiskey......rope around my neck wedged in a door jam until I pass out.....harmless.

Might wanna slap on a "Depends," as a courtesy to the clean-up and forensics guys, but otherwise, not too tough on the surroundings. You're obviously a thorough guy. Personally, I would try to drag myself to a remote area outside Prachin, or someplace similar... And utilize pretty much 2/3 of your approach, likely forgoing the auto-asphyxiation, as it would be a little too quick. I am actually looking forward to the "fade-out" somewhere down the line, if I am fortunate enough to choose the hour and manner of my death. This is all, of course, predicated upon still having the wherewithal (mentally, physically, and economically) to drag myself to a suitably unreachable location, as I am partial to dying in the jungle. Anywhere short of this, I would at least try to find a suitable body bag in which to spend the final moments, as theoretically at least, that's where I'd end up anyway. Again, with an eye towards mitigating undue trauma to anyone unfortunate enough to find me. Always deeply sorry to see anyone go, but nevertheless, I do love this topic.


Many posters who seem to be clueless about depression seem to be posting on this thread. I suspect some of them are trolling. If they are in any doubt, they should just look at the suicide figures from any developed country. Suicide is such an extreme option that the high suicide figures demonstrate the awful reality of living with depression.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

I really think you have no idea about people with depression or other mental issues.

To you, it is obviously just another word in the dictionary.

Grow a pair and learn to live what life gives you.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

I really think you have no idea about people with depression or other mental issues.

To you, it is obviously just another word in the dictionary.

Grow a pair and learn to live what life gives you.

Been on the piss have you ?


my thai girl (mine cos i pay her the most) said there is some story going around the thais that there is a ghost going around foreigners in condos telling them they can fly. now that does seem like a bit of a stretch to me but it would certainly explain alot.

Classic Thai logic.


It's well it's well and true overdue, that all new high rise condos have floor to ceiling safety glass window that can only be opened 75mm, this will stop these suisides, and accidental falls from balconies.

They have this idea back in Australia eg: Casino's.

Sorry won't stop suicides, it they cant jump they will find another way. If someone has mental issues or severely depressed to the point they are ready to end things unfortunately the only thing that will help and not necessarily stop them is mental help.


A guy calling himself Harm jumps off a building…yes, you could say he lives up fully to his name.

A guy calking himself JHolmesJR. writes a weird post on a forum. Yes you could say that he's still the Junior,with an old men's heart and a baby's brain. thumbsup.gif

Alice Cooper wouldn't be happy to read such a post, I'm telling you. wai2.gif


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

Thailand can be a very depressing place to live, especially Bangkok or pattaya


im 10 foors up now and i can tell you its low railings or low window sills that are likely the problem.

my sill comes in at about waist high and im 6'1". make it a point to not hang out near the window after a night of drinking and warn others who may do the same. in fact, the sill is just the right height to try to sit on, maybe a little higher. really bad news. your dead if you fall from my unit.

could be looking a the glass half empty, but can find this type of substandard in most things here unfortunately, including dental and health care. so you really do sacrifice some to save the bit of money.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

I really think you have no idea about people with depression or other mental issues.

To you, it is obviously just another word in the dictionary.

Grow a pair and learn to live what life gives you.

Knows nothing but wants to talk. There are an awful lot of sanukjims in this world.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

That's a brilliant deduction.....NOT. Depression knows no borders, doesn't matter where in the world you are.... Girlfriends, money, etc. don't matter if you are severely clinically depressed. "Grow a pair and learn to live with it"? Clearly you know nothing about clinical depression. This man was being treated at Bumrungrad Hospital. Clearly he needed more intensive care than he got. He should have been admitted and might have needed more than medication; i.e. ECT. 31 is waaaay too young to go. RIP.


I do not understand why so many come here to dive off building ?? I have had plenty of "Self Made" set-backs in my 81 years but was never so far over the edge that I though Sky Diving without a chute was the way to go.

If you get that way please say a prayer or two, go see a Man of God and talk about it !!

With all due respect...that last sentence is terrible advice. Seeking help is good advice, but by qualified professionals...not mystics. Prayers are worthless and seeking a man of god for depression, women and/or financial problems or medical/psychiatric help is ludicrous. Men of god have zero real life solutions and are not qualified to provide such help. Good advice would be go to a shrink or medical doctor...or go talk to a close family member or good friend. NOT go see a man of god. Which god btw?

Suicides happen on a daily basis all over the world and jumpers happen almost daily in LOS...Land of Suicides. Unless it was someone you knew and cared about...WHO CARES ANYWAY?!? People of all ages die everyday from all sorts of causes. Death SUCKS, but nobody is escaping it. People young and old see fit to end their lives...UP TO THEM. At least they went out on their own terms and were in control of their own destinies.


I do not understand why so many come here to dive off building ?? I have had plenty of "Self Made" set-backs in my 81 years but was never so far over the edge that I though Sky Diving without a chute was the way to go.

If you get that way please say a prayer or two, go see a Man of God and talk about it !!

With all due respect...that last sentence is terrible advice. Seeking help is good advice, but by qualified professionals...not mystics. Prayers are worthless and seeking a man of god for depression, women and/or financial problems or medical/psychiatric help is ludicrous. Men of god have zero real life solutions and are not qualified to provide such help. Good advice would be go to a shrink or medical doctor...or go talk to a close family member or good friend. NOT go see a man of god. Which god btw?

Suicides happen on a daily basis all over the world and jumpers happen almost daily in LOS...Land of Suicides. Unless it was someone you knew and cared about...WHO CARES ANYWAY?!? People of all ages die everyday from all sorts of causes. Death SUCKS, but nobody is escaping it. People young and old see fit to end their lives...UP TO THEM. At least they went out on their own terms and were in control of their own destinies.

He should have listed to the Indian man on Sukhumvit who said he was a very lucky man. I too didn't listen at first, but after I gave the Indian man 1,000 baht for his advice, I've been very lucky since then (4 months ago), no longer drinking too much, better health, amazing new girlfriend, etc. Don't automatically dismiss mystics!


I do not understand why so many come here to dive off building ?? I have had plenty of "Self Made" set-backs in my 81 years but was never so far over the edge that I though Sky Diving without a chute was the way to go.

If you get that way please say a prayer or two, go see a Man of God and talk about it !!

With all due respect...that last sentence is terrible advice. Seeking help is good advice, but by qualified professionals...not mystics. Prayers are worthless and seeking a man of god for depression, women and/or financial problems or medical/psychiatric help is ludicrous. Men of god have zero real life solutions and are not qualified to provide such help. Good advice would be go to a shrink or medical doctor...or go talk to a close family member or good friend. NOT go see a man of god. Which god btw?

Suicides happen on a daily basis all over the world and jumpers happen almost daily in LOS...Land of Suicides. Unless it was someone you knew and cared about...WHO CARES ANYWAY?!? People of all ages die everyday from all sorts of causes. Death SUCKS, but nobody is escaping it. People young and old see fit to end their lives...UP TO THEM. At least they went out on their own terms and were in control of their own destinies.

He should have listed to the Indian man on Sukhumvit who said he was a very lucky man. I too didn't listen at first, but after I gave the Indian man 1,000 baht for his advice, I've been very lucky since then (4 months ago), no longer drinking too much, better health, amazing new girlfriend, etc. Don't automatically dismiss mystics!

For obvious reasons, P.T. Barnum's famous quote comes to mind...crazy.gif


I do not understand why so many come here to dive off building ?? I have had plenty of "Self Made" set-backs in my 81 years but was never so far over the edge that I though Sky Diving without a chute was the way to go.

If you get that way please say a prayer or two, go see a Man of God and talk about it !!

With all due respect...that last sentence is terrible advice. Seeking help is good advice, but by qualified professionals...not mystics. Prayers are worthless and seeking a man of god for depression, women and/or financial problems or medical/psychiatric help is ludicrous. Men of god have zero real life solutions and are not qualified to provide such help. Good advice would be go to a shrink or medical doctor...or go talk to a close family member or good friend. NOT go see a man of god.

He should have listed to the Indian man on Sukhumvit who said he was a very lucky man. I too didn't listen at first, but after I gave the Indian man 1,000 baht for his advice, I've been very lucky since then (4 months ago), no longer drinking too much, better health, amazing new girlfriend, etc. Don't automatically dismiss mystics!

Anything you accomplish, you accomplish on your own!

A guy on the street telling everyone the same line of crap..

Will eventually get "lucky" himself and get guys like you giving him 1000 baht..

I'm confused.. The same Indian man told the dead Dutchman he was lucky prior to committing suicide?


Wow 40 floors ! That must leave you time to think about what you just did (and can't undo).

That's exactly what I thought.The other extreme is those who go off the 3rd or 4th and miraculously survive.I think he chose the right height,but if scared of what he had started then sorry fella,but maybe spending the rest of your life in never ending pain is not a good possible alternative. You are now RIPwai.gif


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it

Easy to say but there are sometimes immovable objects that we all could come up against in the future. The girlfriend one is probably the easiest.Although if you are too old to get one,have got little money (thats the big put-off) are in not too good health(Cannot afford to go back home for treatment) and once again too old to get a job offer, I think that's enough to start you on the depression trail.You may have everything going for you now but as we say sometimes-----life's a bitch---- and there was never a truer statement.At the moment I am happily married to a Thai lady(not girl),I have a small car,3 motorbikes between us (one is an old wave she is attached to) and I must admit I get a kick out of it occasionally.We have a nice little house all paid up,and the family are all lovely to me and never want money. Wife has farm and we did work it until about 3yrs ago.Now family do all the work and we get free rice and few sacks to sell during the year,both now feeling too old(me 80 and wife 55).I have money for ret visa and some for emergencies,and we can fairly easily live on my pension. OK now sorry to labour the point but I had to smile to myself reading your post.All those SOLUTIONS you came up with can so easily be portrayed as null and void and disaster can be in front of you without a lot of warning.Especially if we bury our heads in the proverbial sand so we cannot see them or want to talk about them.Have compassion for those around you especially Farang who are in the same frame of mind as you.There is no pain like the circumstance that bites you on the bum-----Dougalwai.gif


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it

Easy to say but there are sometimes immovable objects that we all could come up against in the future. The girlfriend one is probably the easiest.Although if you are too old to get one,have got little money (thats the big put-off) are in not too good health(Cannot afford to go back home for treatment) and once again too old to get a job offer, I think that's enough to start you on the depression trail.You may have everything going for you now but as we say sometimes-----life's a bitch---- and there was never a truer statement.At the moment I am happily married to a Thai lady(not girl),I have a small car,3 motorbikes between us (one is an old wave she is attached to) and I must admit I get a kick out of it occasionally.We have a nice little house all paid up,and the family are all lovely to me and never want money. Wife has farm and we did work it until about 3yrs ago.Now family do all the work and we get free rice and few sacks to sell during the year,both now feeling too old(me 80 and wife 55).I have money for ret visa and some for emergencies,and we can fairly easily live on my pension. OK now sorry to labour the point but I had to smile to myself reading your post.All those SOLUTIONS you came up with can so easily be portrayed as null and void and disaster can be in front of you without a lot of warning.Especially if we bury our heads in the proverbial sand so we cannot see them or want to talk about them.Have compassion for those around you especially Farang who are in the same frame of mind as you.There is no pain like the circumstance that bites you on the bum-----Dougalwai.gif

Thai girlfriends are usually very movable objects, as many of them weigh less than 40 kg. My falang ex-wife on the other hand, was definitely an immovable object weighing in at about 85 kg by the time I divorced her.


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it.

Depression is a controllable and in acute cases, generally treatable medical condition characterised by a severe, apparent reduction of energy. In about 50% of cases it is a symptom of a neurological condition (usually brain or spinal trauma) or infection, and I'm confident many of the other 50% of cases there is a neurological root that just hasn't been identified yet.

You're confusing depression with sadness. Sadness can be a symptom of depression which is why people typically confuse the two.


Ahh! another one bites the dust..suicide...say 99 per cent suicide...i think NOT

theirs more to this story

Produce evidence which supports your "doubt".

If you cannot you must be a member of the mob of Conspiracy Theorists which infest topics such as this.


It is "there is" not "theirs"


How in the hell can a frange be "depressed" in Thailand ? Girl friend problems,get another one. Money problems,go to work.Health problems,go home and get the best care if they can not help you here.The big thing in overcoming depression is Grow A Pair! Life is not perfect,learn to live with it

Easy to say but there are sometimes immovable objects that we all could come up against in the future. The girlfriend one is probably the easiest.Although if you are too old to get one,have got little money (thats the big put-off) are in not too good health(Cannot afford to go back home for treatment) and once again too old to get a job offer, I think that's enough to start you on the depression trail.You may have everything going for you now but as we say sometimes-----life's a bitch---- and there was never a truer statement.At the moment I am happily married to a Thai lady(not girl),I have a small car,3 motorbikes between us (one is an old wave she is attached to) and I must admit I get a kick out of it occasionally.We have a nice little house all paid up,and the family are all lovely to me and never want money. Wife has farm and we did work it until about 3yrs ago.Now family do all the work and we get free rice and few sacks to sell during the year,both now feeling too old(me 80 and wife 55).I have money for ret visa and some for emergencies,and we can fairly easily live on my pension. OK now sorry to labour the point but I had to smile to myself reading your post.All those SOLUTIONS you came up with can so easily be portrayed as null and void and disaster can be in front of you without a lot of warning.Especially if we bury our heads in the proverbial sand so we cannot see them or want to talk about them.Have compassion for those around you especially Farang who are in the same frame of mind as you.There is no pain like the circumstance that bites you on the bum-----Dougalwai.gif

Thai girlfriends are usually very movable objects, as many of them weigh less than 40 kg. My falang ex-wife on the other hand, was definitely an immovable object weighing in at about 85 kg by the time I divorced her.

I take it then that you care not for anything concerning the OP and his disasterous consequences .I wish you a very happy and worry free life herecoffee1.gif


why do we never hear tourists commiting suicide and jumping from high-rise building in NYC, Paris or Barcelona?



"He was treated at Bumrungrad Hospital, but his condition did not improve"

After a fall from the 40th floor did you expect to see him breakdancing in Insomnia or Levels later that night?R.I.P. to the poor guy! sad.png

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