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I have a year old laptop with Windows 7 as my choice.

From my experience and what I hear the 'lifespan' of a new laptop is going to be 3 - 4 years, so a laptop with W7 will last me out !

First we were offered W10.

Then we had the program download forced upon us.

Then, when checking for updates W10 install always showed as an "Optional" update.

Now when checking updates W10 no longer shows as an option, the normal reply shows "Windows is up to date"

WHAT HAS HAPPENED ? Has Windows given up asking or trying to "catch us out" ( hitting the wrong key ) ? Even if they are going to withdraw the 'free upgrade" offer, isn't a bit early to stop showing in updates ???

Any ideas ?

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i was against windows 10, being a die hard windows 7 fan, but i have just bought a new i7 asus laptop and it was either 8.1 or 10, so i went for 10 and its good at the moment, my old laptop had 8.1 as a legit install, but trying to do a factory reset i wiped the harddrive, ( yes d*ckhead) so i put a downloaded fro microsofr basic windows 10 and its ok,


You have Windows 7 as your choice, so why ask about Win 10?

I am afraid you missed some reports during the last year ??? wink.png

I am too lazy to check about the current situation of the "free forced upgrade".

Only that they now threat with a price of more than 100 USD after expiry of the free upgrade period (29 July 2016).

I had a hard time to get rid of the thing and not intending to install a new OS on my 8 year old desktop PC running strong and stable with W7 Ultimate.

If it starts to smoke I will give in to my fate and buy I new one without much choice than W10 Home vs. W10 Pro (which I need).


^ I got it last week again and I just hide it.

I have blocked the GWX program in my Firewall, so I still have the Icon in my taskbar but it's not doing anything.

I just leave it there as I may upgrade to Win 10 in the future (on this HDD) but not sure.


Do you have the "Get Windows 10" icon in your taskbar ?


Yes have the white logo, "Thank you for your interest in the Windows 10 upgrade ...... I have not clicked anything on this screen.

When I check for Windows updates everyday - I do not have it set for automatic updates ( not on anything ! ) I do the following:

Left click "Start", "All Programs", type "updates". select "Windows Updates". on Windows screen "Check for updates. Always follow this procedure.


i was against windows 10, being a die hard windows 7 fan, but i have just bought a new i7 asus laptop and it was either 8.1 or 10, so i went for 10 and its good at the moment, my old laptop had 8.1 as a legit install, but trying to do a factory reset i wiped the harddrive, ( yes d*ckhead) so i put a downloaded fro microsofr basic windows 10 and its ok,

Perhaps I am too long in the tooth having started with green screens and black type back in the 80's.

Had XP and W7.

If I am still about when there is no alternative to W7 ( i.e. no further support ) then it will be time to change, hopefully W10 won't have gone the same way as W8.1

For some reason W7 2015 or MS Office 2013 as against Office 2007 is a problem for my new HP printer, it is a software issue of HP I gather and they cannot rectify it. The printer makes too large a margin and cannot be adjusted. It just means I have to keep some old Word files as templates.


Can you check in your Win 7 if KB3035583 is installed ?


I checked my Windows updates and YES - KB3035583 is installed.

Could you tell me why this is important and what I should do ?

If I keep it installed what affect is it having ?

If I delete it what affect will it have ?

If I should delete it will it be offered again as an update and should I therefore "not download" this update every time ?


You have Windows 7 as your choice, so why ask about Win 10?

I am afraid you missed some reports during the last year ??? wink.png

I am too lazy to check about the current situation of the "free forced upgrade".

Only that they now threat with a price of more than 100 USD after expiry of the free upgrade period (29 July 2016).

I had a hard time to get rid of the thing and not intending to install a new OS on my 8 year old desktop PC running strong and stable with W7 Ultimate.

If it starts to smoke I will give in to my fate and buy I new one without much choice than W10 Home vs. W10 Pro (which I need).

It is downloaded - by force - on my machine BUT it is NOT installed.


You have Windows 7 as your choice, so why ask about Win 10?

I am afraid you missed some reports during the last year ??? wink.png

I am too lazy to check about the current situation of the "free forced upgrade".

Only that they now threat with a price of more than 100 USD after expiry of the free upgrade period (29 July 2016).

I had a hard time to get rid of the thing and not intending to install a new OS on my 8 year old desktop PC running strong and stable with W7 Ultimate.

If it starts to smoke I will give in to my fate and buy I new one without much choice than W10 Home vs. W10 Pro (which I need).

It is downloaded - by force - on my machine BUT it is NOT installed.


You have Windows 7 as your choice, so why ask about Win 10?

Because I want to know why I am not being offered W10 anymore, I don't trust MS.

If you have the Windows insignia (like in post 2) on your tool bar then you can upgrade., for a little while longer anyway. You might like Linus Mint, It's very similar to Windows 7 and you can trust them.


You have Windows 7 as your choice, so why ask about Win 10?

Because I want to know why I am not being offered W10 anymore, I don't trust MS.

If you have the Windows insignia (like in post 2) on your tool bar then you can upgrade., for a little while longer anyway. You might like Linus Mint, It's very similar to Windows 7 and you can trust them.

Completely off topic but...

I wouldn't say you should trust Linux Mint any more than you might trust Microsoft. As far as I know Microsoft has never been hacked and had its installer modified. Mint on the other hand has...


I wouldn't say you should trust Linux Mint any more than you might trust Microsoft. As far as I know Microsoft has never been hacked and had its installer modified. Mint on the other hand has...


Yeah, I see your point but OTOH, LINUX caught it quick and were up front about the problem and how the user can fix it. I wouldn't expect that kind of transparency from MS.


I wouldn't say you should trust Linux Mint any more than you might trust Microsoft. As far as I know Microsoft has never been hacked and had its installer modified. Mint on the other hand has...


Yeah, I see your point but OTOH, LINUX caught it quick and were up front about the problem and how the user can fix it. I wouldn't expect that kind of transparency from MS.

The advantage of open source is you can read the source code, if you're really paranoid and really clever. If you're neither of those, then it doesn't matter which OS you use you can never trust 100%.



Thank you all for your comments, appreciated and very useful.

Have not used my machine for 3 days, when opened today ( 14 May ) there were 14 various security updates for Windows, the previous had been available on 6th May.

The logo detailed by MJCM is still there and I will leave it untouched. Lets see what happens in July !



Thank you all for your comments, appreciated and very useful.

Have not used my machine for 3 days, when opened today ( 14 May ) there were 14 various security updates for Windows, the previous had been available on 6th May.

The logo detailed by MJCM is still there and I will leave it untouched. Lets see what happens in July !

This might help if you want to keep your options open:

How to lock in your free Windows 10 upgrade and keep using your old Windows version




Thank you all for your comments, appreciated and very useful.

Have not used my machine for 3 days, when opened today ( 14 May ) there were 14 various security updates for Windows, the previous had been available on 6th May.

The logo detailed by MJCM is still there and I will leave it untouched. Lets see what happens in July !

This might help if you want to keep your options open:

How to lock in your free Windows 10 upgrade and keep using your old Windows version


Good find !!!!

But one thing that article doesn't mention is how to go back again to Windows 10 after you rolled back to your previous OS.


i was against windows 10, being a die hard windows 7 fan, but i have just bought a new i7 asus laptop and it was either 8.1 or 10, so i went for 10 and its good at the moment, my old laptop had 8.1 as a legit install, but trying to do a factory reset i wiped the harddrive, ( yes d*ckhead) so i put a downloaded fro microsofr basic windows 10 and its ok,

Perhaps I am too long in the tooth having started with green screens and black type back in the 80's.

Had XP and W7.

If I am still about when there is no alternative to W7 ( i.e. no further support ) then it will be time to change, hopefully W10 won't have gone the same way as W8.1

For some reason W7 2015 or MS Office 2013 as against Office 2007 is a problem for my new HP printer, it is a software issue of HP I gather and they cannot rectify it. The printer makes too large a margin and cannot be adjusted. It just means I have to keep some old Word files as templates.

I was a staunch Windows XP fan and when they stopped supporting it that didn`t bother me at all as there were ways around it. Now I`m on Windows 7 because that version of Windows still supports many of my old programmes from XP and a lot of my old software. If support ceases for that, that also doesn`t bother me either.

How they get you is not from the lack of support but because many websites slow down to a trickle with older versions of windows, including Google Street view that kept freezing up and browsers like Firefox and I.E stopped giving the newest versions on XP, so in the end I was forced into upgrading to Windows 7. I dare say the same will happen with Windows 7 and all I can do is hold out as long as possible.


i was against windows 10, being a die hard windows 7 fan, but i have just bought a new i7 asus laptop and it was either 8.1 or 10, so i went for 10 and its good at the moment, my old laptop had 8.1 as a legit install, but trying to do a factory reset i wiped the harddrive, ( yes d*ckhead) so i put a downloaded fro microsofr basic windows 10 and its ok,

Perhaps I am too long in the tooth having started with green screens and black type back in the 80's.

Had XP and W7.

If I am still about when there is no alternative to W7 ( i.e. no further support ) then it will be time to change, hopefully W10 won't have gone the same way as W8.1

For some reason W7 2015 or MS Office 2013 as against Office 2007 is a problem for my new HP printer, it is a software issue of HP I gather and they cannot rectify it. The printer makes too large a margin and cannot be adjusted. It just means I have to keep some old Word files as templates.

From Speedo1968

I am not sure if I can continue this thread here but, I have a question relating to the last paragraph of my posting regarding printer problems. I did post previously in IT as a separate question but had no replies.

The printer I have is HP Officejet Pro 6830 - the problem is an extra large margin - does anyone have this printer problem with W10 ( it does not happen with W8.1 ???


Can someone with experience tell me if W10 is better than W7. I did the upgrade previously but with W10 my printer couldn't work so I went back to W7. If the free upgrade expires in July 2016, will W7 no longer have updates? Will it matter? Sorry, showing my ignorance here, but my brief encounter with W10 was not a happy one.


Can someone with experience tell me if W10 is better than W7. I did the upgrade previously but with W10 my printer couldn't work so I went back to W7. If the free upgrade expires in July 2016, will W7 no longer have updates? Will it matter? Sorry, showing my ignorance here, but my brief encounter with W10 was not a happy one.

Extended support ends: January 14, 2020

Extended Support means that the OS only receives Critical Patches / Updates


here the MS Page



Can someone with experience tell me if W10 is better than W7. I did the upgrade previously but with W10 my printer couldn't work so I went back to W7. If the free upgrade expires in July 2016, will W7 no longer have updates? Will it matter? Sorry, showing my ignorance here, but my brief encounter with W10 was not a happy one.

I think you downgraded too fast. The CD ( driver-outdated) that came with your printer might not work with Windows 10, but you can download the right driver and all is fine.

I've upgraded in July last year and did about 60 others. now when I'm using W 7, it seems like XP to me. Slowly and so different....

Windows did plenty of updates when it turned out that too many customers were not happy and you receive these updates without even knowing it.

I spoke to an Irish guy who told me that W 10 would be so bad and that he would ever do the upgrade. When I was asking him what operating system he'd have, he answered Google.

Similar to politicians, they talk about things they have no idea about.


i was against windows 10, being a die hard windows 7 fan, but i have just bought a new i7 asus laptop and it was either 8.1 or 10, so i went for 10 and its good at the moment, my old laptop had 8.1 as a legit install, but trying to do a factory reset i wiped the harddrive, ( yes d*ckhead) so i put a downloaded fro microsofr basic windows 10 and its ok,

Perhaps I am too long in the tooth having started with green screens and black type back in the 80's.

Had XP and W7.

If I am still about when there is no alternative to W7 ( i.e. no further support ) then it will be time to change, hopefully W10 won't have gone the same way as W8.1

For some reason W7 2015 or MS Office 2013 as against Office 2007 is a problem for my new HP printer, it is a software issue of HP I gather and they cannot rectify it. The printer makes too large a margin and cannot be adjusted. It just means I have to keep some old Word files as templates.

From Speedo1968

I am not sure if I can continue this thread here but, I have a question relating to the last paragraph of my posting regarding printer problems. I did post previously in IT as a separate question but had no replies.

The printer I have is HP Officejet Pro 6830 - the problem is an extra large margin - does anyone have this printer problem with W10 ( it does not happen with W8.1 ???

From Speedo1968

This printer - the one I have as mentioned in my posting, is supposed to work with XP, Vista, W7, 8, 8.1 - it does not work properly with W7 ( i.e. extra large margin that CANNOT be adjusted ).

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