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Isaan farang burger 'King' and his charming 'Prince' go viral!


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I wish the guy luck and really hope he has all his bases covered. Officialdom here, seem to react anytime something goes 'viral'.

"Officialdom here, seem to react anytime something goes 'viral'."

Official reaction couldn't come close to all the BS flung about in this thread by the legal/policing experts and those who know so much about Thai small scale business competition.

Post anything remotely positive on TV and it's like lifting a rock just to watch what will scurry out.

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Selling vegan food to Thais. Good luck with that

Look for this sign when ordering vegan food in Thailand.

Plenty of vegan restaurants in Thailand aimed at Thai customers.


That's the sign for vegetarian not vegan, there are almost no vegan restaurants in Thailand

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People who do things like that cause us all to be scrutinized more closely when we are dealing with immigration and the Ministry of Labor.

I do not view them as brave heros.

Quite so, what if this guy were selling drugs, would that be ok to some here cos he's supporting his family? that's illegal as well. I don't think you can pick and choose what is ok for foreigners to do and not to do. if it's illegal it is wrong and people living here should not be doing it, and certainly not appearing on the internet doing it, that's insane.

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I doubt many Thai people would get upset about this guy selling a few burgers.

Unlike many of the members of TV who wont be happy until the guy is on a plane out of Thailand or in jail.

There really are some loathsome people posting on here.

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There really are some loathsome people posting on here.

So so True, However i do like reading the sometimes inane and childish Thai news which proves my labrador is of a higher IQ than most natives

However re the "TV "contingent its worth reading these F******wits comments

News!!! Never, sorry this is my daily humour!

Ps. good luck to the bloke and his family!

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Loathsome people are more like the ones overstaying their visas for years, working illegally, selling drugs and being involved in scams as well as all the sexual perverts. Do'nt think there are many on here like that apart from the few who have a 'friend' who overstayed,

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Good to see the ol' codgers continue to get their comments in quickly.

Reading through some of the posts .. wow some of you are so out of touch.

Anyway ... some of relevance, The advertising on the front mentions "The Vegan Runners Café" with a picture of Bugs Bunny eating a carrot saying: "What's up (doc)?" in Thai.

The Thai text in the speech bubble says 'arai na'? Possibly 'what's up?' but not so sure about 'doc'.

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Loathsome people are more like the ones overstaying their visas for years, working illegally, selling drugs and being involved in scams as well as all the sexual perverts.

Ooh gosh, yes. Don't stop now....

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The Thai Media referring to his food as hamburgers is not at all surprising, things tend to be grouped with a common name.

On my last trip to the Kingdom I was told that my 10.5" tab S was a Samsung iPad.

good luck to the Vegan burger man

Edited by raphoedon
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People who do things like that cause us all to be scrutinized more closely when we are dealing with immigration and the Ministry of Labor.

I do not view them as brave heros.

Quite so, what if this guy were selling drugs, would that be ok to some here cos he's supporting his family? that's illegal as well. I don't think you can pick and choose what is ok for foreigners to do and not to do. if it's illegal it is wrong and people living here should not be doing it, and certainly not appearing on the internet doing it, that's insane.

Talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous. Two manic posts from virtuous pillars of society. The reason a lot of us here is because there are so many grey areas in Thailand. If you want black and white you should of stayed in your nanny state. Comparing him to a drug dealer? Ridiculous, poor bloke is trying to flog a few burgers for <deleted> sake. Maybe the downturn hit him hard maybe the tremendously over valued baht is killing him maybe he is just down on his luck or doing it for a lark. Who needs the BIB when we have plonkers like you 2 living in Thailand making sure we all abide by the rules. Give me a <deleted> break

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People who do things like that cause us all to be scrutinized more closely when we are dealing with immigration and the Ministry of Labor.

I do not view them as brave heros.

Quite so, what if this guy were selling drugs, would that be ok to some here cos he's supporting his family? that's illegal as well. I don't think you can pick and choose what is ok for foreigners to do and not to do. if it's illegal it is wrong and people living here should not be doing it, and certainly not appearing on the internet doing it, that's insane.

Talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous. Two manic posts from virtuous pillars of society. The reason a lot of us here is because there are so many grey areas in Thailand. If you want black and white you should of stayed in your nanny state. Comparing him to a drug dealer? Ridiculous, poor bloke is trying to flog a few burgers for <deleted> sake. Maybe the downturn hit him hard maybe the tremendously over valued baht is killing him maybe he is just down on his luck or doing it for a lark. Who needs the BIB when we have plonkers like you 2 living in Thailand making sure we all abide by the rules. Give me a <deleted> break

This is not as stupid as it might sound. Just yesterday I was stopped and was almost put in jail. I was eating a burger from Maccy D's and a policeman saw me.

He had my hands behind my back and was putting the cuffs on before he had noticed I had taken a bite out of the burger.

He did apologise to me for the treatment I was given, but he explained he thought I was going to try and sell the burger. He told me he had seen the story of the of the burger king man and thought I was at it too.

These people really don't care how their actions can affect us law abiding citizens.

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I too am outraged! God didn't put us at the top of the 'food-chain' to eat Veggie Burgers!

Thanks you blokes. I can see now, the unintended consequences of Lentil Burger dealing and how it could impact severely on the expat community as a whole. Can you imagine the shame of having to ring your mum and tell her you have been busted and banged up for dealing Veggie Burgers.

We can't let this go on. The next thing we know the Kingdom will be full of farangs running veggie burger stalls on every street corner. Selling them to kids even!

Reminds me. Last time I was in Nana I bought a couple of Kebabs off a few Turks running a stall there.

Live and Let Live. You just may enjoy your life a lot more.

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The people complaining about wp and this man working a job, have obviously not heard about the economic necessity law written into every thai constitution and international human rights laws. This man obviously has a Thai child and a Thai wife to support. As long as he is legally married and he knows about the economic necessity laws, he will be fine if some smart arse copper tries to stop him earning an honest living. Well done chap.

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In rural Thailand many things are possible when u part of a big respected thai family never mind visa or such stuff....but still it could end an time as.jealousy is very much present in the thais and in the human mind generalY...imagine a brother or uncle goes against u ..if they cant get help from the cops cause father still on ur side they might just give u the gun...

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Veagan? How on earth can they eat that bland dry disgusting tasty rubbish they call food. An old phone book is more nourishing

Not everyone wants to stuff dead animals down their throats thank you smile.png

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Selling vegan food to Thais. Good luck with that

Look for this sign when ordering vegan food in Thailand.

Plenty of vegan restaurants in Thailand aimed at Thai customers.


That's the sign for vegetarian not vegan, there are almost no vegan restaurants in Thailand

Actually all of these restaurants ("Yota Jeh") which can be found in almost any reasonable sized town are vegan for all intents and purposes. No animal products whatsoever. No fish sauce. No eggs. No dairy. No cheese. Nada. They take it a step further with no garlic and no onion and etc. which many a vegan have no problem with. But they are vegan and any vegan can choose at will and do so knowing the food will hold up to their vegan standards. So to say there are almost no vegan restaurants isn't exactly correct. There are thousands of them.

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