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Anna Reese: Out of Sight and Mind, Actress’ Fatal Crash Case Ends Without Jail Time


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Out of Sight and Mind, Actress’ Fatal Crash Case Ends Without Jail Time
Teeranai Charuvastra

B-movie actress Anna Reese on her knees before Chanthana Wongbundit, the wife of the policeman she killed by driving her Mercedes-Benz into his car, where he was sleeping on the side of the road.

BANGKOK — A Mercedes-Benz caused a fatal impact on the highway, and the well-connected millionaire responsible was allowed to leave the scene without a sobriety test. All hell broke loose online, where a skeptical public criticized the police and complained of a two-tier justice system which shields the wealthy.

That was 11 months ago, when actress Anna Reese killed a police officer sleeping in his car in a case bearing many of the same hallmarks as that in the news today. In both Anna’s case and that of Jenphop Viraporn, the media flocked to cover their public displays of atonement, including brief vows of monastic piety – but never contrition.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1462869344

-- Khaosod English 2016-05-10

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"... a skeptical public criticized the police and complained of a two-tier justice system which shields the wealthy."

Where's the news???

It's another example of the Golden Rule. Those with the gold make the rules...and benefit from them more than those who don't have any riches.

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A B- movie Actress? I would have much more respect for a X-movie one.

May she goes to hell with this policeman's ghost coming back to visit her every night.

Disgusting... again.

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It makes me SICK. How high profile/ hi-so people get away with MURDER.

Joe public would be jailed for life, not so this woman.

Make a fake show of remorse, and everyone is supposed to forgive her.

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Paying the family off is just corruption at its best.she should be banged up.how many celebs in the real world would of got away with this one..none.im suprised that the mad <deleted> that's doing his monk temple holiday hasn't lost the Thai franchise from Mercedes for his family.if someone say for instance Wayne Rooney spat into a crowd at a football match he would probably lose his £2,000,000 sponsorship for the boots he wears.she and he's would be looking at up to 5 years inside and a 10 year driving ban.the bitch even had the front to say his ghost turned up to forgive her.yeah righty Ho.if I was the ghost she would of got a lot more than forgiveness from me.shame on her for destroying a family so she can look the part in a flash car that she can't drive.

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The mother should have put both feet on her head and held them there for the press to photograph. I've been here so long and seen so much, not much gets me to fuming but this has.

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It makes me SICK. How high profile/ hi-so people get away with MURDER.

Joe public would be jailed for life, not so this woman.

Make a fake show of remorse, and everyone is supposed to forgive her.

Its not just the show of tears and the prostrating.

The complete bull about being forgiven by the victim's ghost is ...well, I cant think of a suitable adjective.

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A lot of negative comments, and rightly so, it would require an ethics-bypass not to be sickened with the Thai version of justice sometimes.

But guys, what did we expect really? Thailand is a 3rd-world nation, acknowldged by its own foreign diplomats (or at least, the UN representative) to be heading towards failed state status.

The military are out of control and are not accountable to anyone. The police don't even bother to pretend not to be corrupt any more and are not accountable to anyone. Ditto the justice system. The entire administrative system from the Pooyay Baan upwards is corrupt to the core etc etc ad nauseam.

Personally, even though I took the decision to live in Thailand, I detest their culture, I detest their incompetence and I detest their national superiority complex, its just narcissism. And yes, before the sheeple come out and protest that not all Thais are worthless, I agree, I know many Thais who are very good people, probably better than I found where I came from. But they are a small minority in my experience.

So I keep my head down, have my (Thai) wife conduct most of our business with Thais and try not to be enraged by the 3rd-world behaviour we all encounter almost daily. It is after all, the 3rd-world and its a problem for the Thais to resolve, not me. Of course we all know they've been propagandised for decades and that the country has been run by a feudal elite entirely for it's own benefit. But, I get my pension, I live a quiet life and the major consequences that Thais have to suffer for embracing their imposed lifestyle pass me by. USA and England have their merchant bankers, Thailand has its banking and retail conglomerates and its civil service and its law enforcement, etc etc. SSDD.

Eventually, Thailand will grow up, eventually they will realise that the rest of the world has passed them by and that they really have to get out of their self-imposed nightmare. Eventually, they will realise that it is the dismal state of their education system that causes most of the problems, and they will fix it.


In the meantime, I try to remember why I came here - it's relatively cheap (unless you buy something from the mafia franchises such as cars and pickups), the weather's good and by and large, the trouble that Thais cause themselves pretty much bypass us. I figure that fixing Thailand (or even giving sensible advice to Thais for them to ignore) just isn't my job, it's someone else's and I don't really care very much if it never gets done.


Edited by Winniedapu
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A staged photo op.

A better question would be why somebody who caused a fatal accident, killing a public servant non the less, was not immediately assesed for drug/alcohol impairment. She killed a policeman and the police let her go? In most countries they would stick up for a fallen comrade.

Edited by arunsakda
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"After weeks of much public fury – especially after Anna claimed the officer’s ghost forgave her"

I missed that particular piece of BS.

That particular piece of BS was actually a statement made by a relative of the officer at his funeral that the family passed on to the actress. It wasn't a declaration made by her, she simply repeated what she had been told by the family.

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It sounds like she may have been convicted of some charge(s), and given a suspended sentence, and required to perform some "Community Service". Some details would be nice, but suspect those have been swept under the carpet.

Assume she'll contact Orachorn "Praewa" Thephasadin na Ayudhya for details re: easy-peasy community service?

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She should have 'manned up' and done some time, it might have done her career and self-esteem some good. Instead, she has to live with these cringe-making photos of her face in the dirt, and blubbing her eyes out, for the rest of her life.

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Paying the family off is just corruption at its best.she should be banged up.how many celebs in the real world would of got away with this one..none.im suprised that the mad <deleted> that's doing his monk temple holiday hasn't lost the Thai franchise from Mercedes for his family.if someone say for instance Wayne Rooney spat into a crowd at a football match he would probably lose his £2,000,000 sponsorship for the boots he wears.she and he's would be looking at up to 5 years inside and a 10 year driving ban.the bitch even had the front to say his ghost turned up to forgive her.yeah righty Ho.if I was the ghost she would of got a lot more than forgiveness from me.shame on her for destroying a family so she can look the part in a flash car that she can't drive.

"...the bitch even had the front to say his ghost turned up to forgive her.yeah righty Ho"

Why don't you take the time to read the links and see what was actually said and by whom?

"Paying the family off is just corruption at its best."

No, it's not, it's called compensation and it happens all over the world

What has Rooney gobbing got to do with this? She didn't spit, and she doesn't have a sponsorship deal.

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It makes me SICK. How high profile/ hi-so people get away with MURDER.

Joe public would be jailed for life, not so this woman.

Make a fake show of remorse, and everyone is supposed to forgive her.

Its not just the show of tears and the prostrating.

The complete bull about being forgiven by the victim's ghost is ...well, I cant think of a suitable adjective.

While you're trying to find the right word try reading the Khaosod links to the report and then decide where the bull is?

Edited by Scouse Twoccer
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