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Anna Reese: Out of Sight and Mind, Actress’ Fatal Crash Case Ends Without Jail Time


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Yeah.....The wench was out of sight and out of mind....... until the media goes and revives her persona and capitalizes once again on the her sad story.

Now we have to consider what she is doing to get out of being responsible.

As if we do not have enough piled up on our "disturbing news plate".... already...lol


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While we are all being distracted by 'old news', disgusted as we all are, what's happening to the 6 Samurai wannabes? It seems that Thailand is using the cover up tactics that the west uses more and more these days too.

7 now, including one of the perpetrator's girlfriends.

Actually, everyday on my Facebook feed there is something about this story. It seems that most Thais are outraged and want justice served. My take on it is that most likely there will be justice, but probably only because of the intense media scrutiny (especially on social media) and the fact that the key witness happens to be a lawyer.

However, all of these follow up stories are in Thai so if you can't read Thai you'll end up assuming that this story is dead and buried when in fact, being Thailand there will always be more coverage on any given story in the Thai media than in the English media. Completely different example but in the case of the foreign cars requiring advance permission to enter Thailand story, that has been picked up by dozens of different Thai media outlets and on social media many times since at least February, but the English language media has only reported on this a small number of times in that timeframe, despite it being a story that is largely going to affect foreigners, not Thais.

In the case of the former story, I did notice that one concerned Facebook user who wrote a story how he would try to demand that the government is accountable for the outcome of that case had his post deleted a short time later. However, clearly this happened either because he felt like he needed to take down his post or someone took it down for him, the reason being his reference to the government. I found that a bit disturbing, though not entirely surprising.

Makes sense. Our friends here at the forum should take this piece of friendly advice to heart and follow up better on old stories whereof the outcome is unknown now.

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Speaking of anna reese her last name reminds me of reese's peanut butter and chocolate treats. You know that chocolate thing wrapped in some cupcake wrapping with peanut butter in it. Delicious! I wonder if her family had anything to do with that.


Maybe her farang father is from Wales, UK. It's a Welsh name I believe.

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Speaking of anna reese her last name reminds me of reese's peanut butter and chocolate treats. You know that chocolate thing wrapped in some cupcake wrapping with peanut butter in it. Delicious! I wonder if her family had anything to do with that.


Maybe her farang father is from Wales, UK. It's a Welsh name I believe.

Sorry, just checked the facts. Reese is a "stage" name. A web site suggested she was Cyprus born. The name (real name) looked Cypriot. So perhaps her English father is a man with a Cypriot ancestry and a British passport?

I'm sure someone will correct me.

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...these scenarios are so similar...and pathetic...

...in the place of justice.....

...while I recently read that a foreigner is being buggered in jail....there on charges of homicide.....because he was in a motorcycle accident.....

"homicide"? Don't think it would have been such a charge. Nobody who kills a person in traffic actually intends on doing so, not even that son of a rich guy who was drunk and on drugs who drove his Merc at over 200km/h killing 2 students from a nearby Buddhist university near the Bang Pa-in interchange. However, that guy should be charged and spend 5-10 years in jail, not just 2 weeks like he did. Now he's a monk apparently.

This foreigner you are referring to (haven't heard of the case) probably doesn't have any money to bail himself out, nor did he have any insurance on his bike. That's what typically happens when the sh** hits the fan in Thailand when a drunk tourist is so daft as to not get travel insurance, no bike insurance and in addition, doesn't have any savings to save his life.

In another case, an Australian expat in Phuket actually killed a guy (in self-defence he claimed) but didn't have to do any jail time. He just paid off the family involved in a private settlement. Had he chosen not pay, he could have spent a long time in the slammer.

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A lot of negative comments, and rightly so, it would require an ethics-bypass not to be sickened with the Thai version of justice sometimes.

But guys, what did we expect really? Thailand is a 3rd-world nation, acknowldged by its own foreign diplomats (or at least, the UN representative) to be heading towards failed state status.

The military are out of control and are not accountable to anyone. The police don't even bother to pretend not to be corrupt any more and are not accountable to anyone. Ditto the justice system. The entire administrative system from the Pooyay Baan upwards is corrupt to the core etc etc ad nauseam.

Personally, even though I took the decision to live in Thailand, I detest their culture, I detest their incompetence and I detest their national superiority complex, its just narcissism. And yes, before the sheeple come out and protest that not all Thais are worthless, I agree, I know many Thais who are very good people, probably better than I found where I came from. But they are a small minority in my experience.

So I keep my head down, have my (Thai) wife conduct most of our business with Thais and try not to be enraged by the 3rd-world behaviour we all encounter almost daily. It is after all, the 3rd-world and its a problem for the Thais to resolve, not me. Of course we all know they've been propagandised for decades and that the country has been run by a feudal elite entirely for it's own benefit. But, I get my pension, I live a quiet life and the major consequences that Thais have to suffer for embracing their imposed lifestyle pass me by. USA and England have their merchant bankers, Thailand has its banking and retail conglomerates and its civil service and its law enforcement, etc etc. SSDD.

Eventually, Thailand will grow up, eventually they will realise that the rest of the world has passed them by and that they really have to get out of their self-imposed nightmare. Eventually, they will realise that it is the dismal state of their education system that causes most of the problems, and they will fix it.


In the meantime, I try to remember why I came here - it's relatively cheap (unless you buy something from the mafia franchises such as cars and pickups), the weather's good and by and large, the trouble that Thais cause themselves pretty much bypass us. I figure that fixing Thailand (or even giving sensible advice to Thais for them to ignore) just isn't my job, it's someone else's and I don't really care very much if it never gets done.


Spot on Winnie.

You don't make friends here by giving them constructive criticism, they just resent your farang know it all attitude.

I once thought they would respect my advice on issues that I was experienced in, but no, they pretend to listen but in reality they they take it as mocking them.

it's a loss of face thing... again.

So, I shut my mouth nowadays.

It's a feudal mentality and it won't change until they fix their education system.

I agree with you (and Winnie). Education (or rather lack thereof) plays a big part in the mentality of folks here. However, my view is that constructive criticism, especially if framed in the right context can be helpful, though the reception it receives will depend largely on the audience.

The less educated (and more traditional) the recipient, the less likely your message will be well received. For example, there's no point trying to educate poor farmers about not burning rubbish or their fields because it's dangerous to their health and to the environment, not to mention the real possibility of fire spreading to homes and businesses and engulfing them, especially during these hot and dry times. Similarly, educating local townspeople employed as mom and pop shopkeepers about the importance of wearing crash helmets when they ride their mopeds, or installing car seats for their young children in their beaten up pickup trucks is not going to go down well either. They've probably heard it all before and think nothing will happen to them or their children - until it does. And then they go looking for some kind of explanation rooted in Buddhism like fate, or karma.

On the other hand, if your audience is more educated and comes from Bangkok, belongs to the middle or upper middle class (or upper class for that matter) and you're talking about educational reform, traffic law enforcement, justice system reform then people will be more sympathetic to your message. However, it seems that even these people either lack the willingness or ability to fight for these changes or they just don't care if it involves or benefits anyone but themselves.

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What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

Yeah right, that's why people are disgusted by this woman's antics and the financial manner in which she evaded justice.

Please answer honestly.

You were driving a car and had an accident where someone was killed. You were given the choice to pay 1 million baht to the family to avoid going to jail. What would you do?

Edited by Johnniey
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What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

Yeah right, that's why people are disgusted by this woman's antics and the financial manner in which she evaded justice.

Please answer honestly.

You were driving a car and had an accident where someone was killed. You were given the choice to pay 1 million baht to the family to avoid going to jail. What would you do?

I should not be given the choice.

If I am driving in such a manner to cause death and after the accident refuse to take a breath test then it is acceptable to assume I was drunk.

Therefore I am responsible for the accident and should take the consequences.

Driving isn't a right, it's a privilege and those who abuse it deserve to feel the full force of the law.

Accidents are one thing.

Causing death because of irresponsible behaviour is another.

Edited by Bluespunk
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What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

Indeed. 80% of the 'outrage' expressed here is pure unadulterated envy and a revolting read.

A woman with Western blood has had the temerity to be far more successful than they could only dream of in their own self-financed, male-dominated and self-involved fantasy worlds.

More laughable are the people questioning her looks and talent though they can rest assured these facets far exceeds those of their own 'Tee Raks.(who I'm sure are ALL Thai/Chinese MBAs).

Those ridiculing her 'beliefs' are merely displaying their own sheer ignorance.

I'd wager that if any of them (God forbid) found themselves in a similar situation, they'd be looking for the 'easy/financial' way out of it all too.

TVF racists, sexists, small man syndrome suffering hypocrites at their finest and bitterest on display.

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What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

Yeah right, that's why people are disgusted by this woman's antics and the financial manner in which she evaded justice.

Please answer honestly.

You were driving a car and had an accident where someone was killed. You were given the choice to pay 1 million baht to the family to avoid going to jail. What would you do?

Yes it could happen to any of us and I know some that it has happened to.

Anyone who says they wouldn't pay are lying.

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What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

Yeah right, that's why people are disgusted by this woman's antics and the financial manner in which she evaded justice.

Please answer honestly.

You were driving a car and had an accident where someone was killed. You were given the choice to pay 1 million baht to the family to avoid going to jail. What would you do?

Yes it could happen to any of us and I know some that it has happened to.

Anyone who says they wouldn't pay are lying.

Maybe true if the case was processed that way.

But surely most citizens would not want the authorities (police) to proceed this way (pay 1m and it's all forgotten).

Surely most citizens would want to see that such cases are processed in accordance with the aligned laws and prosecution rules & judicial processes.

Put it all the opposite way:

- If your wife, son, daughter is killed by a reckless drunk driver, would you want the reckless driver to be punished appropriately?

- Or would you prefer to get a big cash windfall and the reckless drunk driver just walks away with no punishment?

- Is this the way to build fair and balanced civil society?

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What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

Indeed. 80% of the 'outrage' expressed here is pure unadulterated envy and a revolting read.

A woman with Western blood has had the temerity to be far more successful than they could only dream of in their own self-financed, male-dominated and self-involved fantasy worlds.

More laughable are the people questioning her looks and talent though they can rest assured these facets far exceeds those of their own 'Tee Raks.(who I'm sure are ALL Thai/Chinese MBAs).

Those ridiculing her 'beliefs' are merely displaying their own sheer ignorance.

I'd wager that if any of them (God forbid) found themselves in a similar situation, they'd be looking for the 'easy/financial' way out of it all too.

TVF racists, sexists, small man syndrome suffering hypocrites at their finest and bitterest on display.


God...that was amazing...ly dumb!

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God...that was amazing...ly dumb!


You must have been up all night, or for all of five minutes, to think that 'original' one up......coffee1.gif

Well done that man!

Been slurping them urine-warm Archas on the porch already have we?

Edited by Merylhighground
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A Mercedes-Benz caused a fatal impact on the highway

Yes sure, the car did it rolleyes.gif

God I hate media and their fing double standards.

Just wondering if the media would have made the same precise statement about her her if her car would have been a Hyundai.

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What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

Yeah right, that's why people are disgusted by this woman's antics and the financial manner in which she evaded justice.

Please answer honestly.

You were driving a car and had an accident where someone was killed. You were given the choice to pay 1 million baht to the family to avoid going to jail. What would you do?

Yes it could happen to any of us and I know some that it has happened to.

Anyone who says they wouldn't pay are lying.

I think we should distinguish two things: The criminal side of a homicide and the civil side. In a civilized (European) country, these two aspects of the accident are clearly separated. (In the USA these two sides get more and more confused)

The death of a person (accidental or else) causes a damage to his family, wife, children etc. The family depended on his income, business etc. and this income is no lacking. This damage should be compensated if there is fault by the person causing the death. That is the civil side of the case.

The criminal side, which is independent of the civil side, establishes if the person who caused the death, did something criminal, like intentional killing (murder) or accidental killing without intention or knowledge, or negligence (light or gross).

Most car accidents are done by a negligent behavior of the person at fault (sometimes even the person killed had a contributory negligent behavior). Light negligence will get a light punishment (fine, suspended prison), gross negligence and intentional killing will obviously get more serious punishment, depending on the case.

In Thailand it seems that if and when the civil side is solved to the satisfaction of both parties, there will be no criminal prosecution or sanction. That means, that if the driver having caused the accidental death of a person, pays a compensation to the family, no criminal charges will be pressed.

I will refrain from commenting this, but I am truly appalled by primitive behavior of some posters here who seek tribal revenge, an uncivilized behavior and infantile hatred, which I thought was absent in the modern humanistic world.

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What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

Did you see the report when it happened? Read that then come back and comment.

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The outcome was pretty much determine when the widow monetary demands were met. This is the Thai way for the offender to get on her knees and apologize to the victim. This is similar to the Red Bull case where you pay the family off then everyone turns a blind eye to what happened. Sadly to say this is another example of a well deserve black eye for the reputation of this country!

Edited by thailand49
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So wrong in so many ways.

An apology and payment by the rich won't bring back a special person.

One law for some and another for others.

Jail should be for all killers, whether accidental or premeditated. The time in jail is the difference.

Funny that this is the first if 3 Merc deaths in the public eye at the moment.

Drive a Merc, kill somebody, pray on your knees and go home free. You gotta love Thai live.

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