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Donald Trump softens stance on Muslim ban


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By the way..

Look at the Brits now....

who is poking their nose into our business...

Is it a London Mayor?

Shoe is on the other foot. I think the Brits should keep their sniveling, uppity opinions on who we let into the USA...to themselves.

hi slippery.lets just put one thing straight. You are so right so is trump.it has nothing to do with us brits, but you will not here this on our political correct bull shit media. Or are people blind.it is our people who need someone like donny boy.
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By the way..

Look at the Brits now....

who is poking their nose into our business...

Is it a London Mayor?

Shoe is on the other foot. I think the Brits should keep their sniveling, uppity opinions on who we let into the USA...to themselves.

hi slippery.lets just put one thing straight. You are so right so is trump.it has nothing to do with us brits, but you will not here this on our political correct bull shit media. Or are people blind.it is our people who need someone like donny boy.
oh yeah, from a brit to an American, god bless America.
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Trump's appeal is his loose cannon, shoot from the hip, outrageous entertainment value. If the Donald were to start thinking things through, have measured responses, consider global realities, he would lose that quality that sets him apart. His fan base would feel betrayed "Hey ya mook, don't go start talking sense. You acting just like other politicians. I'm outta here".

Absolutely, Donald arrived with no baggage so he could ' tell it like it is' , but he knows full well that won't work on the world stage so from now on it's backtracking all the way to November which is a loooong way away.

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By the way..

Look at the Brits now....

who is poking their nose into our business...

Is it a London Mayor?

Shoe is on the other foot. I think the Brits should keep their sniveling, uppity opinions on who we let into the USA...to themselves.

hi slippery.lets just put one thing straight. You are so right so is trump.it has nothing to do with us brits, but you will not here this on our political correct bull shit media. Or are people blind.it is our people who need someone like donny boy.
oh yeah, from a brit to an American, god bless America.
And what does one say if one is an American and an atheist ?

Further, i always had the impression that the US consistution separated state and religion ?...so suggesting god is the only dude who can bless America seems rather strange, per the US consistution couldnt allah or Buddah undertake the same blessing ?

Edited by Koosdedooes
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Yes sir!

The Bloviator is "softening" his stance on his primary attractions of the lemmings day by day.

Trump fundraisers try to win over Wall Street's wealthy

Thursday, May 12, 2016 - 01:57

"Donald Trump's top fundraisers are at the preeminent annual SALT gathering of hedge fund managers

hoping to win the world's wealthiest and most powerful investors."

See video in link: http://www.reuters.c...deoChannel=1003

Hmm... I wonder what they want to invest in? (with their BILLION DOLLARS)

You know, the BILLION that Trump said he would put up, and has since cheesed out on? laugh.png

And, remember this one?

Self-Funding. Right.

Are you getting it yet? You have been had. cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

The Great "Outsider" indeed. biggrin.png

Edited by iReason
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So, also, no wall then, right, and Mexico is going to pay for the no wall, right?cheesy.gif

Oh, and what about the mass deportations of many millions of undocumented immigrants, breaking up families, with crying babies, in the middle of the night, like some kind of fascist horror movie? That's his promise. BS too, right?

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump is self-funding...up to his nomination.

What some "misinformed" people are trying to insinuate is that he lied.

Actually, once the convention formally nominates Trump, he will be selecting a running partner.

That is what the "misinformed" people forget. The next stage of the Presidential campaign will obviously involve (at least most of) the republican party. Also, a running mate.

At that point...it is no longer a "one man/one funded" show. We are talking a hundred million or more, that the democrats will be spending/funding. It must also be matched on the Republican side.

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Sadiq Khan is the 'mayor' of London and should have no need to visit America and if he did it would only be a jolly up at public expense flying first class and staying in the swankiest hotels etc.

On 9/11 Muslims killed 3000 people on American soil and recently 13 people were murdered in another atrocity by Muslims in San Bernardino. It's not surprising Trump and others don't want them in their country. It's a solution to what is becoming a world wide problem based on old fashioned common sense. What is surprising is that American health and safety organisations have not jumped on the band wagon also.

Do any American members have any idea why they have not.

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The muslim ban is a nonsense...it is not written on your passport...so he could choose to ban all muslim dominant countries and therefore anihilate all agreements with them. Or he could set up ham and cheese sandwich stands in every border control and ask everyone to eat some...anyway

Not possible anyway...one more stupidity from the Donald

I was born and live in London and have done for decades. When I was a young man there were no Muslims that we were aware of and definitely no Mosques, we did not even know what Islam was. If you had said that in 2016 we'd have a Muslim mayor you'd have been considered a candidate for the looney bin.

The years have gone by and now we've had the London bombings, the Lee Rigby murder and many other confrontational and violent incidents that are swept under the carpet and do not make the MSM. There is mutual hostility, hatred and distrust whether our liberal politicians like to acknowledge it or not. The same as in most of Western Europe. Although a representative of the Labour Party Khan is a Muslim and enough people voted for him to get him elected. Where would you imagine these votes came from.

The more they've increased in numbers the more their radicalisation, demands and presence has increased. And Muslim families have much more offspring than British families do. It's been said that the UK, not just London will have an Muslim majority by 2050 and no one is talking about the looney bin any more.

You should consider what has become of Europe and pay what Trump some heed.

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Dumb Donald is falling in line with the Republican Party as he smells money to pay the loans he made for his primary run. He is doing what he does best, run after the money by saying and doing what ever it takes" the art of the deal" . I wonder what he is going to say at his next debate as everything he said before that people have repeated over and over has now changed. Is the wall still going up ? Hahaha.... Dumb Donald :)

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"Trump softens stance..." So... Is anyone really surprised? Has any effective strategy ever began with failure?

"I will sell you this rug for 100 dirhams."

"No, I will pay you for this rug 200 dirhams.

"Ah... wait. Ah Duhhhh!"

No! No one ever has begun with their final goal because Darwinism ensures most dolts who think like this do not win at anything and so do not reproduce.

Everyone starts from the perimeter and works toward their final tolerable. Negotiation; strategy. Tease the issue in from the cold, drag it to the center of the room, and let everyone beat the crap out of it long enough to thaw the issue and give it life.

Muslims being banned could never have been the final goal because it could only have peripherally addressed the problem- an ideology and its many faces that poison planet earth. The failure of this as a strategy would have been tactically apparent in the beginning. It was only a device to compel public discourse* on profiling and the theory that we should look for mafia in little Italy and the IRA in McDonald's Pub and... the goal is to put profiling back on the political menu.

* ...is the public jihadi discourse that Obama bludgeoned to death while America was distracted with contrived healthcare crisis, later rolled in a carpet of overwrought legal opinion, and finally buried behind the DOJ in the middle of the night in millions of pages of redacted 'islamic' 'jihad' from our former judicial lexicon .

Note: It is not muslims we want banned. We want Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Pagans Shintos, and Shamans who strap explosive vests to their body and murder others banned We want Christians who kill Hindus banned; Buddhists who kill Muslims banned; Pagans who kill goats banned, etc. The thing is... today, yesterday, for a very long time... well, its obvious to all except liars and the ignorant what the problem is: the Shintos, Christians, Shamans, Pagans, Buddhists, Hindus, Electricians, Plumbers, and Car Salesmen are not murdering everyone else. We must go to Little Italy and McDonald's Pub to find the solution.

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Trump flips flops again, .....and again, ......and again.

For nearly a year he's been making speeches every day, prefacing every assertion with, "I promise you folks, I will........"

Recently, he's begun the long turn around on everything he promised prior. Expect more of the same from now until November. Everything Trump promised, he will do a 180 about. Already Trump fans are saying Trump's 20 or 30 ft high wall was "just a suggestion" ...not a promise. Hey, look at the transcripts: Trump used the phrase "I promise you......" hundreds of times (when referring to that 40 billion $$ wall which won't work).

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Trump's promises are as reliable when he promised his first two wives, "'til death do us part."

.....or when he promises a bank loan officer he always pays his loans on time, ha ha ha, suckers.

....or when he insists he knows nothing about how he used the name 'John Miller' to sing praises about himself.

I'd like to say to Trump supporters: You deserve the lying low-class A-hole you vote for, except it's not a vote for the leader of a KKK post. It's a vote for the leader of the richest country with the world's strongest military, including 77 nukes. Maybe Americans do deserve such a screw-up. Sad. Rome had Caligula, when on the precipice of decline. Maybe the US will have the same with Trump The Divider.

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