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Had the doorman at my hotel flag down a taxi to head to Don Meuang this morning. Airport, tollway, meter...check.

Kind of......

50 meters down the road I see the meter is not on so I say "why no meter!" And he comes back with "600baht to airport", told him to pull over I want out. He pulls over and I get out and leave the opposite rear door open so numb nuts has to get out and close it and he is just losing his nut yelling at me as I am walking away.

He was seriously pissed but I was already well away from him and surrounded by other people.

Small victory but I will take what I can get!

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Pity in all that confusion the taxi number wasnt noticed and reported. One day they may use Singapore's strategy; they have (undercover police) dressed as tourists catching cabs to check the driver follows procedures; big serious fines for those who dont; they dont have Thainess.


You can download the Grab a Taxi app on your phone they are always metered + 20 baht booking fee, you can watch them arrive on google maps and it also have a picture of the driver when you book so you can recognize him when he turns up.


Taxi in Singapore refused an offered tip- not allowed apparently

No you do not tip taxi's in Singapore. It is considered an insult.


Taxi in Singapore refused an offered tip- not allowed apparently

WARNING: off topic!

Never, never, never had a Singapore taxi driver refuse a tip (I used to spend several months a year working in Singapore and catch taxis on a daily basis). Actually, never had a taxi driver in any country refuse a tip.

Okay, back to the topic at hand.

There are some who claim that they've never been scammed by Thai taxi drivers but reports (such as the OP) cannot all be made up. I rarely visit Bangkok but have been hit with the "meter not working" and offered an exorbitantly high flat rate. However, on the other hand, I have also had dealings with fantastic drivers.

Unfortunately, the poor experiences are passed on to more people than the good experiences. 'Incidents' such as, "Flagged down a taxi today. Didn't have to discuss destination through the window prior to jumping into the cab. Driver used the meter, used the most direct route and drove relatively safely. Received correct change from a 100 baht note, for a 38 baht fare." This occurs many, many times every day, in Thailand, but rarely make it onto a stand alone thread.


He pulls over and I get out and leave the opposite rear door open so numb nuts has to get out and close it and he is just losing his nut yelling at me as I am walking away.
He was seriously pissed but I was already well away from him and surrounded by other people.
Small victory but I will take what I can get!


It would have not been a victory if the taxi driver got out and ran after you with a baton, knife or a gun.

When in a foreign country, never do things like this to piss off citizens.

Taxi passengers in Thailand have been killed over a dollar or two when arguing with taxi drivers.

Remember, when people lose everything, they lose it. If they are hungry, they have nothing to lose. sad.png


When they are hungry, they do have something to lose= kilos

Would have, could have, maybe- no baton, knife or the ever threatening gun. Good on the OP for sharing.


He pulls over and I get out and leave the opposite rear door open so numb nuts has to get out and close it and he is just losing his nut yelling at me as I am walking away.

He was seriously pissed but I was already well away from him and surrounded by other people.

Small victory but I will take what I can get!


It would have not been a victory if the taxi driver got out and ran after you with a baton, knife or a gun.

When in a foreign country, never do things like this to piss off citizens.

Taxi passengers in Thailand have been killed over a dollar or two when arguing with taxi drivers.

Remember, when people lose everything, they lose it. If they are hungry, they have nothing to lose. sad.png

The poster was well away from the taxi and into a crowd of people, did you not read the post?

Well done to the poster for what he did, I did the same a few times when I first came to Thailand.

Even today, I will not take a taxi or tuk tuk unless my Thai wife is with me.

There are too many low lifes and scammers among these people.


He pulls over and I get out and leave the opposite rear door open so numb nuts has to get out and close it and he is just losing his nut yelling at me as I am walking away.

He was seriously pissed but I was already well away from him and surrounded by other people.

Small victory but I will take what I can get!


It would have not been a victory if the taxi driver got out and ran after you with a baton, knife or a gun.

When in a foreign country, never do things like this to piss off citizens.

Taxi passengers in Thailand have been killed over a dollar or two when arguing with taxi drivers.

Remember, when people lose everything, they lose it. If they are hungry, they have nothing to lose. sad.png

I read in Manila while visiting there a few years ago a passenger in a Jeepney died over a one PHP dispute.

But I still support the OP's course of action. Can't run around scared all the time.


But just to add, throughout SEA I've had "nearly" all outstanding experiences using taxies. I know for certain of only two cases where I was scammed, and it was not a big deal.

I've experienced what I thought might be a city tour only to be surprised to suddenly show up at my requested destination.

Use of a phone GPS app. can help to limit the chance of being taken on a long distance journey.

Make that 3 times.. One fellow in Kaula Lumpur decided to take the long route to try to sell us tours when we had a set time with tickets to tour the Petronas Twin Towers. I admit I was furious at him since our schedule would not allow us to see them on a later date. The issue was time and not money in that case. No tip for that fellow. But miraculously we did make the tour.


Did you find out what does it normally costs from your hotel to DM airport?

Have done the trip more times than I care to count, it is about 220thb plus 120thb for the tollway. I knew he was trying a fast one.

If that is bound to happen more often than you can tolerate then it is advised you ask Thai people: "How exactly do you ask the taxi cab drivers to use their meters"......because...if you do not speak any Thai language at all then a notable percent of the taxi cab drivers will assume and or think you are a dumb Farang ( remember the recent post about stereotyping people??? if so, just remember... YOU ..yes YOU ...are considered a rich and or naïve and or dumb Farang )

The end result is many of them feel they are entitled to over charge you because you are a rich and dumb Farang staying in an expensive hotel that was purpose built for all the rich and dumb Farangs while you will be subjected to that kind of mentality ...so..... they feel you should share your money with a poor and said to be humble Thai taxi driver....who believes there is nothing at all wrong with over charging as it is: Just Business ..as they say... and get away with it as often as they can and at the end of the day they will discuss with their taxi cab buddies and how they made extra money that day ...and good business..... with a big slap on the back from their Thai buddies that will encourage them to do it as often as they can....because... it is Just business ...right.

That being the case, many of them do not hesitate to TRY and over charge you while many of them have successfully done so over the years with dumb foreigners that just give them say, 1000 baht to go to the airport, even before they get into the cab while many just agree with the expensive price quoted after they are already on their way while none of them can speak a word of Thai.....and that my friend..... has a whole lot to do with why they try to rip you off.

So...that being the case and the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth..so help you Buddha.... then learn to say: Burt Meter Noi Di My..... or .....Kaw Chi Meter Di My ....and never ask how much...rather just say: Burt Meter Di My...My Ow Raka.....Cap

Cheers and good luck with your Thai language ....as it makes a big difference everywhere you go in Thailand.


Yes it's irritating - and I normally need to try 3 or 4 taxis for the airport trip before I find one who will use his meter. I think if you are heading to the airport they assume you don't live here. Also - I never get in the taxis waiting by the road side - they are just looking for tourists so they can over-charge.

But taxis are a problem in every country I visit. In Singapore they only pick you up if you've waited in the official queue for at least 20 minutes, in India you need to have a row over the price all the way to your destination ... and ac costs extra. In Manila you've no idea where you are going or if you will arrive alive, and in London every cab is an outrageous rip off - and that's just the normal fare.


Leaving the door open was churlish, better to mention the meter as you get in.

Not really.

I heard my hotel doorman say "Don Meung....tollway....meter".

Drivers will often get back into traffic then engage the meter so he had the benefit of the doubt until I asked him and get his exorbitant response.

I do not enjoy being taken advantage of, it just encourages bad behaivior.


Whether using a doorman or hailing a taxi, I always agree/negotiate a price or the use of the meter before getting in the taxi. It's not rocket science. Politely say "no thanks" and move on without all the drama, if necessary. Life is not nearly as complicated as some people make it out to be.

Like a tango, it takes (at least) two to fleece someone. Presenting oneself as a lamb usually is begging for the shears.


Whether using a doorman or hailing a taxi, I always agree/negotiate a price or the use of the meter before getting in the taxi. It's not rocket science. Politely say "no thanks" and move on without all the drama, if necessary. Life is not nearly as complicated as some people make it out to be.

Like a tango, it takes (at least) two to fleece someone. Presenting oneself as a lamb usually is begging for the shears.

Well yes .... but what the OP said was that the drivers had agreed to use the meter, but then demanded a fixed fee after setting off. So he did what many of us would do and got out and found another cab.

Leaving the door open is understandable, but I'd be inclined to just find another taxi, as there's not exactly a shortage in Bangkok.


I've had that happen more than once, though not necessarily en route to the airport. I've ignored it, expressed surprise on arrival that the meter wasn't 'working' ... and paid the amount I knew it should be.


Whether using a doorman or hailing a taxi, I always agree/negotiate a price or the use of the meter before getting in the taxi. It's not rocket science. Politely say "no thanks" and move on without all the drama, if necessary. Life is not nearly as complicated as some people make it out to be.

Like a tango, it takes (at least) two to fleece someone. Presenting oneself as a lamb usually is begging for the shears.

'... I always agree/negotiate a price or the use of the meter ...' You're one of the problems, then, not a solution.


He pulls over and I get out and leave the opposite rear door open so numb nuts has to get out and close it and he is just losing his nut yelling at me as I am walking away.

He was seriously pissed but I was already well away from him and surrounded by other people.

Small victory but I will take what I can get!


It would have not been a victory if the taxi driver got out and ran after you with a baton, knife or a gun.

When in a foreign country, never do things like this to piss off citizens.

Taxi passengers in Thailand have been killed over a dollar or two when arguing with taxi drivers.

Remember, when people lose everything, they lose it. If they are hungry, they have nothing to lose. sad.png

Well, mebbe so. But I have done the same thing several times. Meter broken? So sorry, cannot ride in a broken taxi. No meter? No fare.


He pulls over and I get out and leave the opposite rear door open so numb nuts has to get out and close it and he is just losing his nut yelling at me as I am walking away.

He was seriously pissed but I was already well away from him and surrounded by other people.

Small victory but I will take what I can get!


It would have not been a victory if the taxi driver got out and ran after you with a baton, knife or a gun.

When in a foreign country, never do things like this to piss off citizens.

Taxi passengers in Thailand have been killed over a dollar or two when arguing with taxi drivers.

Remember, when people lose everything, they lose it. If they are hungry, they have nothing to lose. sad.png

Probably got in trouble trying to pay with a dollar or two instead of the local currency which is baht


I thought: 'Don't get a taxi parked up near you hotel but flag one down...'' was "Thailand 101?''

I learned that the hangers arond were scammers from a knackered old LP guide book dating from 1990ish....


I thought: 'Don't get a taxi parked up near you hotel but flag one down...'' was "Thailand 101?''

I learned that the hangers arond were scammers from a knackered old LP guide book dating from 1990ish....

Ummmmm, where is it mentioned that a taxi was obtained from in front of the hotel?

Doorman got it as it drove by on the street.

Didn't just fall off the turnip truck.


Thailand has got to be one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. That's why in Thailand I deal with Thais as little as conceivably possible. They always try to cheat you or rip you off in some way or another. I eat at foreigner-owned restaurants and buy goods at foreigner-owned stores. At Thai places, you always end up having an argument of how they have tried to cheat you, and they can very easily become physically violent against you. Scary place.


Thailand has got to be one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. That's why in Thailand I deal with Thais as little as conceivably possible. They always try to cheat you or rip you off in some way or another. I eat at foreigner-owned restaurants and buy goods at foreigner-owned stores. At Thai places, you always end up having an argument of how they have tried to cheat you, and they can very easily become physically violent against you. Scary place.

i travel quite often, and this is the only place in the world i get into problem with thai taxi driver, thai songteaw, thai taximotorbike,

and you right, i buy product here only if there is a tag price.

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