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Police says not enough evidence to support premeditated murder charges against youths


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Some of the suspects told the police that they merely responded to a friends call for help...HELP ? Help to kill or even abuse a helpless disable person who was minding his own business? Now the F police acting stupid if not totally unprofessional and biased towards the youth..obviously the murdered man has no powerful connection like those youth police trying to get them off lightly

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Was there ever any doubt it would end this way!

An abled bodied thug gets into a fight with a disabled man and then he has to call his friends to help him kill his assailant.

doesn't make any sense but that's the BIB looking after their own

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I will be abused by some for posting this.


Everyone on this forum, but not on Thai forums, is ignoring the fact that the disabled bloke did arm himself with a knife before he was attacked (it is on cc tv video) and he did stab one of his attackers.

I don't know who was stabbed first, but I assume it was one of the youths. I assume this simply because IMO it would be very difficult for a disabled man who had just been stabbed to attack back against six. I may be wrong. It would also explain the youths reaction ( but not justify it).

But he certainly armed himself BEFORE he was stabbed/killed. This story has been dressed up by the English media to sound like these kids were out hunting disabled people to kill for something to do.

It isn't that simple.

The same media that claimed that Thais were out hunting farangs to bash in hua hin at songkran. It was claimed that it was racially motivated and the Owens were completely innocent victims who had done nothing to start the brawl. The video of that incident clearing showed that was not the case. But their slap, punch and push was edited out and the racial motivation line was lapped up by many and printed as some sort of fact to the English media.

Please view the video of the bloke arming himself BEFORE commenting about my comment here.

I am not defending these youths, but I am defending the truth.

English media, what are you going on about. The OP was from Thai PBS, and its all over Thai papers,

plus the BP is highlighting it, and the BP is not an English newspaper. Stop trying to turn this into the

victim started it first Mark 2 thread.

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Whatever the number I suspect that those sons would have gone on to a career in the police force themselves had this not happened. I am still not prepared to discount totally that they will not go on to enjoy the rewards of working in the force.

There is a precedent,

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I will be abused by some for posting this.


Everyone on this forum, but not on Thai forums, is ignoring the fact that the disabled bloke did arm himself with a knife before he was attacked (it is on cc tv video) and he did stab one of his attackers.

I don't know who was stabbed first, but I assume it was one of the youths. I assume this simply because IMO it would be very difficult for a disabled man who had just been stabbed to attack back against six. I may be wrong. It would also explain the youths reaction ( but not justify it).

But he certainly armed himself BEFORE he was stabbed/killed. This story has been dressed up by the English media to sound like these kids were out hunting disabled people to kill for something to do.

It isn't that simple.

The same media that claimed that Thais were out hunting farangs to bash in hua hin at songkran. It was claimed that it was racially motivated and the Owens were completely innocent victims who had done nothing to start the brawl. The video of that incident clearing showed that was not the case. But their slap, punch and push was edited out and the racial motivation line was lapped up by many and printed as some sort of fact to the English media.

Please view the video of the bloke arming himself BEFORE commenting about my comment here.

I am not defending these youths, but I am defending the truth.

No, you are defending the indefensible,

Justifying the unjustifiable.

As for the low life member of this pack of murdering scum who got hurt........friendly fire, well stab anyway.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Whatever but as everyone knows: had it not been for social media exposure this case would have long since disappeared into the too hard, insufficient evidence basket without any charges at all. 25 years for murder would be a reasonable outcome.

Indeed. The police must really hate this social media driven under the magnifying world. They can't simply do as they like anymore. People want to make comments.

Notice in the news that the police are now saying they will take 'action" against people who try to pressure them in cases.

They are creaking at all the exposures of corruption, favoring the rich, favoring the connected, and generally not bothering. All that on top of the military breathing down their necks. Expect some backlash soon.

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But darling I only <deleted>##ed your sister because I was horny..she was wearing a mini skirt so honestly....who's fault is it really?

-Thai logic.

My wife told me that when a student, 20 years ago, she and her friends were always very very careful where they went and who with. Going out with a boy, especially if he came from a prosperous family, with his own car was considered too risky. She said if a girl was assaulted or raped the police attitude would be "well you went out with him, what did you expect".

I doubt much has changed with that logic. Just like the victim(s) are dead, justice won't bring them back, so don't worry. Cash compensation is seen as more suitable than justice which here is perversely seen as vengeance.

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Unlike many posters here I do not have a detailed knowledge of Thai law but I do know what "Premeditated" means. I suggest some people look the word up before using it.

Clearly there are also Americans posting who seem to not understand that this is Thailand and not the USA (Which itself has some very strange laws including treating and charging very young children as tho' they were Adults http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/14/opinions/holloway-charging-juveniles-as-adults/)

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Let's see if the plain old murder charges stick then, premeditated or not. I mean, theres no lack of evidence that he was quite plainly beaten to death. It all depends on the rank of the Fathers one presumes.

Nope, silly old me. I just read from another source the Police are pushing for manslaughter, not murder, let alone premeditated, as that lying spokesperson insinuated.

Hmmm manslaughter with community service perchance? I think the police should do the whole community a service and make an extreme example of these guys.
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I will be abused by some for posting this.


Everyone on this forum, but not on Thai forums, is ignoring the fact that the disabled bloke did arm himself with a knife before he was attacked (it is on cc tv video) and he did stab one of his attackers.

I don't know who was stabbed first, but I assume it was one of the youths. I assume this simply because IMO it would be very difficult for a disabled man who had just been stabbed to attack back against six. I may be wrong. It would also explain the youths reaction ( but not justify it).

But he certainly armed himself BEFORE he was stabbed/killed. This story has been dressed up by the English media to sound like these kids were out hunting disabled people to kill for something to do.

It isn't that simple.

The same media that claimed that Thais were out hunting farangs to bash in hua hin at songkran. It was claimed that it was racially motivated and the Owens were completely innocent victims who had done nothing to start the brawl. The video of that incident clearing showed that was not the case. But their slap, punch and push was edited out and the racial motivation line was lapped up by many and printed as some sort of fact to the English media.

Please view the video of the bloke arming himself BEFORE commenting about my comment here.

I am not defending these youths, but I am defending the truth.

I sometimes wonder about you. Not a social worker or defence lawyer are you?

Wouldn't mind you being the beak if I was ever accused of a violent crime.

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Unlike many posters here I do not have a detailed knowledge of Thai law but I do know what "Premeditated" means. I suggest some people look the word up before using it.

Clearly there are also Americans posting who seem to not understand that this is Thailand and not the USA (Which itself has some very strange laws including treating and charging very young children as tho' they were Adults http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/14/opinions/holloway-charging-juveniles-as-adults/)

One of the things I do admire about USA law is that they often "do" charge children as adults if the crime is very violent. Many disagree with that unless of course they or their families became a victim themselves.

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Unlike many posters here I do not have a detailed knowledge of Thai law but I do know what "Premeditated" means. I suggest some people look the word up before using it.

Clearly there are also Americans posting who seem to not understand that this is Thailand and not the USA (Which itself has some very strange laws including treating and charging very young children as tho' they were Adults http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/14/opinions/holloway-charging-juveniles-as-adults/)

One of the things I do admire about USA law is that they often "do" charge children as adults if the crime is very violent. Many disagree with that unless of course they or their families became a victim themselves.

I would "admire" such laws if the parents of the child offender(s) were also charged with facilitating the crime by allowing access to weapons etc.

Young children who commit serious offences need treatment and rehabilitation not "banging up" in some jail for life ...........................

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Here we go. Just the first excuse in many more to come as to why be son's of police officers won't charged with much more than jaywalking. If I didn't know this was coming, I'd be disgusted. However, I know how Thai justice works, so no surprise at all. Dear general, clean up the rats nest that us the RTP. I won't hold my breath as I know the emperor is truly naked.

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I will be abused by some for posting this.


Everyone on this forum, but not on Thai forums, is ignoring the fact that the disabled bloke did arm himself with a knife before he was attacked (it is on cc tv video) and he did stab one of his attackers.

I don't know who was stabbed first, but I assume it was one of the youths. I assume this simply because IMO it would be very difficult for a disabled man who had just been stabbed to attack back against six. I may be wrong. It would also explain the youths reaction ( but not justify it).

But he certainly armed himself BEFORE he was stabbed/killed. This story has been dressed up by the English media to sound like these kids were out hunting disabled people to kill for something to do.

It isn't that simple.

The same media that claimed that Thais were out hunting farangs to bash in hua hin at songkran. It was claimed that it was racially motivated and the Owens were completely innocent victims who had done nothing to start the brawl. The video of that incident clearing showed that was not the case. But their slap, punch and push was edited out and the racial motivation line was lapped up by many and printed as some sort of fact to the English media.

Please view the video of the bloke arming himself BEFORE commenting about my comment here.

I am not defending these youths, but I am defending the truth.

If I had six youths wanting to have a go at me I would find something to defend myself with!

He had no chance and was murdered by six scum and a female accomplice.

You are not defending the truth they were threatening him first according to all reports, even the police back that up.

This is indefensible and they need to be tried for murder, all seven of them, connections or not.

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I will be abused by some for posting this.


Everyone on this forum, but not on Thai forums, is ignoring the fact that the disabled bloke did arm himself with a knife before he was attacked (it is on cc tv video) and he did stab one of his attackers.

I don't know who was stabbed first, but I assume it was one of the youths. I assume this simply because IMO it would be very difficult for a disabled man who had just been stabbed to attack back against six. I may be wrong. It would also explain the youths reaction ( but not justify it).

But he certainly armed himself BEFORE he was stabbed/killed. This story has been dressed up by the English media to sound like these kids were out hunting disabled people to kill for something to do.

It isn't that simple.

The same media that claimed that Thais were out hunting farangs to bash in hua hin at songkran. It was claimed that it was racially motivated and the Owens were completely innocent victims who had done nothing to start the brawl. The video of that incident clearing showed that was not the case. But their slap, punch and push was edited out and the racial motivation line was lapped up by many and printed as some sort of fact to the English media.

Please view the video of the bloke arming himself BEFORE commenting about my comment here.

I am not defending these youths, but I am defending the truth.

If I had six youths wanting to have a go at me I would find something to defend myself with!

He had no chance and was murdered by six scum and a female accomplice.

You are not defending the truth they were threatening him first according to all reports, even the police back that up.

This is indefensible and they need to be tried for murder, all seven of them, connections or not.

He did have a chance. At the 1.00 minute mark of this video it shows him arming himself and then going to confront them. He could have hidden in the shop, but he didn't.

The video also shows him on his motorbike going to one of the attackers rooms.

I am not defending his killers at all, just calling BS on the way it has been presented in the English (speaking) press who have not presented the WHOLE truth.

▶ 4:17

IMO there is a very big difference between stabbing someone who is unarmed and stabbing someone who is armed and has just stabbed your mate/brother/boyfriend.

Anyway, we will just wait and see what happens.

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He explained that police could not overcharge the suspects otherwise they would be accused by the public of being biased or unprofessional. Some of the suspects told the police that they merely responded to a friend’s call for help and not call to kill the disabled man, he said."

Call for help? Was the disabled man getting the better of the friend? Give me a break!

Pathetic a***holes.

Agreed, but even more confusing was why they didn't call the cops for help. As many of their dads were officers in the local station I'm sure they'd have been on the scene in a flash if they thought their sons were in danger from a man supposedly attacking them.

Am pretty certain this question won't get asked in court, but it should for sure

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So...there is a handicapped man and he didn't back down to 6 young fellows and a girl and they armed themselves with machetes and sh1t and hacked him to death!

Because it wasn't enough to just like...smash a cripple in the face and leave it at that!

Teach him a lesson!

Nope...it had to be death by the sword!

And sure as the sun rises in the East, there are some "Defenders of the Truth", who crawl out of the woodwork and try to find "explanations (which pretty much sound like excuses) for why we should start splitting hairs about this.

The result is pretty clear: ONE guy, with a handicap, was hacked to death by SIX guys with swords!

Waiting for the first one, who comes out and claims, it was merely an accident!

Koh Tao anyone?

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Shouldn't that be up to the Attorney General office to decide and not the police.

No , it is up to the police to lay charges , it is up to the AG to decide if they are correct one's laid.

The Attorney General's office don't decide what the charges or the outcome of the court case will be.This is decided by the station commander at Chok Chai police station as 2 of the accused are children from the officers working at the police station

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Let's see if the plain old murder charges stick then, premeditated or not. I mean, theres no lack of evidence that he was quite plainly beaten to death. It all depends on the rank of the Fathers one presumes.

Suicide is Painful

Had this been a Ferang beaten and stabbed to death it would not get so much attention given that this would be a clear cut case of taking ones own life !!

Edited by ScotBkk
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All over sudden the four police officers suns became only two ???? I guess the highest police officers suns will get preferential treatment ? of sorts !!!

Ans they're going to find a way to make them not involved in this crime !!!

"Pol Lt-Gen Sanit asserted that the case could not be distorted in favour of the suspects simply because two of them were children of policemen in Chokechai and Bang Chan police stations."

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I will be abused by some for posting this.


Everyone on this forum, but not on Thai forums, is ignoring the fact that the disabled bloke did arm himself with a knife before he was attacked (it is on cc tv video) and he did stab one of his attackers.

I don't know who was stabbed first, but I assume it was one of the youths. I assume this simply because IMO it would be very difficult for a disabled man who had just been stabbed to attack back against six. I may be wrong. It would also explain the youths reaction ( but not justify it).

But he certainly armed himself BEFORE he was stabbed/killed. This story has been dressed up by the English media to sound like these kids were out hunting disabled people to kill for something to do.

It isn't that simple.

The same media that claimed that Thais were out hunting farangs to bash in hua hin at songkran. It was claimed that it was racially motivated and the Owens were completely innocent victims who had done nothing to start the brawl. The video of that incident clearing showed that was not the case. But their slap, punch and push was edited out and the racial motivation line was lapped up by many and printed as some sort of fact to the English media.

Please view the video of the bloke arming himself BEFORE commenting about my comment here.

I am not defending these youths, but I am defending the truth.

Nice 1!

Spot on and about the Owens too....problem is truth does not sell news papers in todays world....

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Alice in Wonderland logic here:

How would it be in the favour of the suspects to be charged with the more serious offence? Surely that would be in the favour of the victims relatives?

It would definitely not distort the case in the way the commissioner is implying. Maybe we are not supposed to be able to think rationally.

If you know anything about law; if you don't think a more serious charge will result in a conviction, but lesser charge will as it has enough evidence to support it, then it is better to get a conviction with the lesser charge than see the accused be acquitted.


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I will be abused by some for posting this.


Everyone on this forum, but not on Thai forums, is ignoring the fact that the disabled bloke did arm himself with a knife before he was attacked (it is on cc tv video) and he did stab one of his attackers.

I don't know who was stabbed first, but I assume it was one of the youths. I assume this simply because IMO it would be very difficult for a disabled man who had just been stabbed to attack back against six. I may be wrong. It would also explain the youths reaction ( but not justify it).

But he certainly armed himself BEFORE he was stabbed/killed. This story has been dressed up by the English media to sound like these kids were out hunting disabled people to kill for something to do.

It isn't that simple.

The same media that claimed that Thais were out hunting farangs to bash in hua hin at songkran. It was claimed that it was racially motivated and the Owens were completely innocent victims who had done nothing to start the brawl. The video of that incident clearing showed that was not the case. But their slap, punch and push was edited out and the racial motivation line was lapped up by many and printed as some sort of fact to the English media.

Please view the video of the bloke arming himself BEFORE commenting about my comment here.

I am not defending these youths, but I am defending the truth.

You are a sickening apologist at the best of times, however why not post the clip you've watched several times so that others (myself included) can see what you're saying.

The videos that i (and it would seem most others) saw don't show the disabled guy being the aggressor, in fact quite the opposite. But i'd appreciate you sharing this video

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They think pre-meditated is a charge of "murder" here. No distinction that the force of the youths actions could still be murder even if not pre-meditated as in the west. The Police are therefore, it seems pushing for manslaughter instead I think

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